All posts by Tia

How Yoga Brings Women Together Instead of Competing Against Each Other

How Yoga Brings Women Together Instead of Competing Against Each Other

As women, we can often tend to compete with each other. We measure ourselves to other women based on looks, relationship status, success, and how well our kids behave. This need to compete comes from a place within that can be managed. If you’ve ever been in a room full of women in an intense yoga class, you’ll find that at the end of the class, there’s a sense of togetherness.

The quiet whispers are words of encouragement and gratitude towards each other. Yoga has the ability to heal many of our wounds that cause judgment. As we touch upon the deepest energy within, we become more open, loving, and compassionate toward others. The unnecessary need to compare or compete simply falls away. This can lead those most dedicated to the art of yoga to consider yoga teacher training italy, or training in their area, to enhance their skills and learn to teach yoga to others so that they too can find themselves. 

Walls Fall Down When You Open Your Heart

There are many poses in yoga that aid you in opening your heart. The reason we compete is through feelings of “not good enoughâ€. When you can open your heart to the world, those feelings fall away. You don’t have to defend yourself anymore because you know you’re good enough. Opening your heart also allows you to see other women as they really are. They have the same fears, anxieties, and complexities as you. When you break those walls down by offering yourself love, you can also give it to others.

The Relaxation of Yoga Helps You See Other Women Differently

Many of our bad behaviors, which include competing, are due to the ego mind. When you’re stressed out, instead of handling the situation in your mind, you may tend to lash outward. This can manifest as competing. Anxiety often derives from a feeling of separation. When you attend yoga classes, you will feel part of something. This takes away from the isolated feelings you may have been feeling.

Certain yoga poses, especially those that deeply open the hips, can release a lot of stress you’re feeling. Peeling away at the layers of emotions can help you become centered. That centered seat doesn’t allow the mind to play games like competing with other women. It is also known as the seat of consciousness. Nothing can touch you when you become the watcher of your mind, consciousness, or ego. There is no judging or comparing when you reach this level of consciousness. Many of the yoga poses, along with the breathing, were designed thousands of years ago to promote that mental peace.


You Gain More True Confidence

For those who practice yoga often, confidence begins to grow within. You might think that yoga is nothing more than an act of stretching, making shapes with the body, and breathing. While that is what can be seen on the outside, something is growing within you. It’s something deeper than the body you’re inhabiting.

When you’re dedicated enough, you can find your truth. Part of your truth will be the knowledge that you are good enough. You will come to realize that your problems as a woman are common and shared upon all the other women in the world. Confidence isn’t about proving that you’re better than someone. Confidence is about being okay with who you are. Going deeper into yourself will bring you the truth about life so the outer competitive nature dissipates. You won’t feel the need to prove anything to yourself or to others.

Yoga Allows You to Feel More Compassion

When you have opened yourself up enough through various poses in yoga, you will find that you take your compassion outwards. So, when you see a woman struggling with something, you will help instead of judge. As you clear your mind of all competitive thoughts, you’ll find what’s left is compassion for others.

Within your yoga community, you will meet women that have gained the emotional benefits of yoga. If you’re new to the practice, you will likely notice women acting differently and offering you, a stranger, compassion. This can be deeply touching the first time it happens and also help you realize you can be the change you want to see in the world.


A Yoga Class Makes You Realize You’re All in this Together

Regardless of what level you are when it comes to yoga, you will sense a feeling of oneness in a class. The more challenging the yoga is, the more you come together as women. As the energy improves through poses, breathing, and potentially chanting together, everyone goes through a similar emotional journey. Whether you enter beginners or advanced poses, every woman will tap into the same parts of their energy.

Throughout the class, you will often be centered and have moments that are your own. You will feel the energy of the room, though. This is partly what makes yoga classes so magical. You are on your own physical journey, but spiritually, you surround others as they surround you. Think of how much easier it is to make eye contact and smile at other women after your class is over.

Yoga will deepen your understanding of the world which will stop you from bad behaviors that could hurt others. When you open yourself up to women, you will find that we are all in this together. Once you do that, it can never be unknown to you again. Competition is essentially closing yourself off to the world. Wouldn’t it be better to stay open?

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram

Author: Meera Watts is a yoga teacher, entrepreneur and mom. Her writing on yoga and holistic health has appeared in Elephant Journal, Yoganonymous, OMtimes and others. She’s also the founder and owner of Siddhi Yoga International, a yoga teacher training school based in Singapore. Siddhi Yoga runs intensive, residential trainings in India (Rishikesh, Goa and Dharamshala), Indonesia (Bali)

Website: Youtube:

How to Lose Your Weight in Fun and Exciting Ways

By Guest Blogger Diana S.

How to Lose Your Weight in Fun and Exciting Ways

 Weight has become a sensitive issue. On one hand, the first world countries have a growing number of obesity problems, and on the other hand, it has become a political issue. In spite of all this, people are always looking for a way to live a healthier lifestyle and these days, there are a lot of fun and exciting ways to lose your weight.

Become a smoothie master

One of the first things you hear when it comes losing weight is to cut down on starch, milk and milk derivatives. This means most of your meals will consist of fruits and vegetables, and this is where the fun way to lose weight emerges.

Since 70% of our body is water, we need a higher liquid intake to speed up our metabolism and lose those extra pounds. Therefore, you could combine the best of both worlds and turn your fruits and vegetable meals into juices. There are a lot of recipes online that even combine fruits and vegetables into a single smoothie.

However, you can go one step further and start developing your own recipes and combinations. This can be an exciting culinary adventure that can lead you in many unexpected directions. You just need a blender and a juicer and you are good to go.


Start trekking and discover the undiscovered

At first glance, the activity like trekking might sound too boring and hard for a casual person. However, with the right group of friends, this can be turned into a fun and exciting activity. For starters, find a group of people with which you click when it comes to adventuring.

Then go out whenever you can and start conquering those hills and valleys outside of town. You can even agree to go to a different location every time and enjoy hours of talking and trekking as you explore new territories and discover beautiful vistas you’d never think you’d find so close to home.

Play soccer and bond with friends

Soccer is not as violent a sport as American football, and it can be played leisurely. It contains the element of socialization that will build up your bond with the members of your team and the respect of your opponents as you try to think of new strategies. If you don’t know how to play soccer yet, no worries. You can check out a club that offers online training and tips such as to get the basics down, sometimes as quickly as 30 days!

The 90 minutes (the length of one soccer game) will pass in a blink of an eye and you will start losing that extra weight before you know it. This is a fantastically fun sport that can work for a variety of people of all shapes, sizes and ages. No wonder, therefore, it’s called the favorite pastime of the world.

If there are no quality soccer terrains nearby, you can pop into a well-equipped soccer shop and buy a pair of goals as well as some additional accessories and make your own terrain for you and your friends. Since these accessories enable you to play wherever you want and modify the size of the terrain, you can even do it in your own backyard if other options are not available.


Do some doga

Yes, you’ve read it right. It’s called doga and it’s a combination of two words – dog and yoga. If you want to go completely wacky and fun with in order to lose your weight, why not add your pet to the mix? Believe it or not, doga is actually becoming a trend, as it’s a fantastically hilarious way to stretch and push your body and simultaneously bond with your pet. As it’s evident by numerous YouTube videos, it’s a potential source of countless funny situations which will help you forget you are even practicing. It’s far from the traditional way to lose weight, but try it out, and you’ll discover it’s as effective as it is fun.

We all want to push our bodies into shape. No matter the size of our bodies, we all feel much better once a physical activity that requires discipline is thrown into the lifestyle mix. In order to get the best of all worlds – in other words, have fun and lose weight – just try any of the aforementioned methods, and you’ll see yourself laughing through those extra pounds before you know it.

​Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.


Could Your Home Be Making You Ill?

Could Your Home Be Making You Ill?

We continue to look at the hidden dangers of the home that can be causing serious illnesses.

Most of us look at our homes as places of sanctuary, where we can return to at the end of the day and feel safe and sound. If you have a young family, this is even more important, as your home becomes your ‘nest’ once you have kids. So naturally, it could come as a bit of a shock to find out that, actually, your house could be the reason behind family illnesses and health issues.

Do a quick stock check on how you and your family have been feeling recently. Have you been dealing with any unexpected or unexplainable illnesses or just generally feeling a little under the weather? If you’ve racked your brains and have exhausted every plausible option you can think of, you may want to turn your attention to your house.

Plenty of threats lurk within the average home that most homeowners would simply miss. But if your family is becoming unwell on a regular basis, it may be time for you to do something about it. Here are a few unexpected ways your home could unknowingly be making you ill.


Indoor pollution

The whole concept of indoor pollution is a relatively new one – but that doesn’t mean to say that it hasn’t taken a firm grip on many households across the country. Because of how secure they are, homes are often ideal breeding grounds for things such as dust mites and bacterial growth – which can, in turn, spread dangerous bacteria into the air you breathe. One of the most common culprits is your heating system or your air conditioning unit. As time goes on, dust and mold can easily build up in the vents of appliances like this. Be honest: when was the last time you cleaned out your A/C? To stop it from blowing dangerous air into and around your home, clean your filters every few months – or if your unit is beyond repair, consider replacing it with a new model.

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It might be a little unnerving to think about, but any one of us at any time could be unknowingly sharing our home with all manner of creatures and critters. The most common ones are small insects, like dust mites, woodworms, and woodlice. But frequently, larger pests such as mice and even raccoons (yes, in some areas!) can find their way into your home relatively unannounced. If you so much as suspect that you are sharing your home with some unwelcome guests, make sure you call an exterminator as soon as possible. Many of these pests can carry diseases, so the sooner you get them out, the safer your family will be.


Soft materials

We all know that keeping on top of the family laundry can be a task in itself. But the importance of regularly washing materials such as bed linen and bath mats is integral to your household’s health. Dirty bedsheets can carry bedbugs, which, when they bite you, can make you more susceptible to common diseases such as colds and viral infections. The average family bath mat contains a shocking amount of bacteria, so wash yours as frequently as you can – and have spares on hand for replacement while your normal one is in the laundry.

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter, TikTok, or Instagram. 

Spring Cleaning–For the Dogs

By Guest Blogger, Courtney Heitter

Spring Cleaning–For the Dogs


It’s time to take on a year’s worth of dirt which your dog has almost definitely made worse. Your four-legged family member may produce a lot of dirt and hair, but he also produces a lot of happiness and love for your family. Be kind to your pet and utilize spring cleaning methods recommended by that won’t harm him or the rest of your family.

Because residue from cleaning products can be picked up by your pet, it’s important to use products that won’t harm them. You likely have most of these products in your home already!

White vinegar and baking soda

These multi-purpose solutions are incredibly versatile and safe for your family, four-legged members included. If you desire a foaming cleanser, simply mix baking soda with lemon juice, and use it as a bathroom cleaner to make your tub shine. For a deodorizing cleaner, sprinkle baking soda on your carpet, leave it for five minutes and vacuum it up. Accidents happen–for more in-depth information about safely cleaning your carpets, check this out.

If you need a wood floor cleaner, try white vinegar. Dilute a half cup of vinegar with one gallon of water to create an all-purpose cleaner for your countertops, windowsills, etc. To dull the harsh smell of vinegar, add lemon juice.



Bleach is harmful to humans and pets, so stick with a safe alternative. Try borax for cleaning stains in carpet and clothing. Mix a half cup of borax with two tablespoons each of salt and borax for a heavy-duty carpet-stain remover. For laundry, use borax instead of bleach for your whites.

Hydrogen peroxide


Hydrogen peroxide is a safe alternative to heavy chemicals; it breaks down quickly to water and oxygen when utilized for cleaning. This solution is great for germ killing–try the ratio of 25% hydrogen peroxide to 70% white vinegar and a bit of water to utilize this powerful cleaner.

Pet-marketed cleaners

There are numerous options found on the internet or at your local pet store. If you’re strapped for time and need a cleaner stat, these are a good option. Just be sure to double-check that the item is pet-friendly so that the whole family is safe during cleaning.


Your home is your sanctuary. Using non-toxic cleaners ensures that your home remains a safe haven for all of its inhabitants. Keeping your home comfortable and habitable doesn’t need to be an expensive or difficult endeavor. These methods also leave room for creativity, as you can experiment with different scents and uses (just make sure any scents used are pet safe, too). A safely clean home makes for a clean mind.

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter, TikTok, or Instagram.

Are Hidden Dangers In Your Home Making You Ill?

Are Hidden Dangers In Your Home Making You Ill?

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A home is supposed to be a safe haven from all the dangers of the outdoors. But have you ever stopped to think that there could be hidden dangers lurking inside your home too? Many of our houses contain bad chemicals and bacteria that can make us ill. Here are some of the common perpetrators that are worth taking a stand against if you want to keep your home safe.


Fiberglass is most commonly found in loft insulation, consisting of thinly spun glass wool. There have been claims that it could be carcinogenic, although no evidence has found this to be true. Particles can, however, come off in the air and cause irritation to the skin, eyes, nose, and throat. Keeping your loft sealed up or covering over loft insulation if you live in a converted loft could reduce the chance of this happening.

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Lead paint

The manufacture of lead paint was banned in many countries in the 70s and 80s. However, it’s believed that many homes still have lead paint in them without owners knowing. Lead is renowned for its toxicity and it is possible that flecks of paint could come off and be ingested, causing lead poisoning. This should particularly be a concern if you have young children, who are likely to put anything in their mouths.


There are many companies, such as LM Blast Cleaners that can professionally remove lead paint from your property. Victorian lead piping is also worth checking for – whilst most properties have had this removed, some old houses may still have it.


Asbestos is a material known for its incredible heat resistance and was once used in as an insulator in many homes. However, this material has since been banned in fifty countries after studies showed it was highly carcinogenic. This is caused by fibres, which can come off and float in the air when the asbestos is disturbed (which could include anything from drilling a hole in a wall to accidentally knocking it and causing it to flake). Like lead, asbestos is best removed by a professional.

Gas leaks

Carbon monoxide is a big killer and is hard to detect, given that it’s colorless and odorless.  If you’ve been feeling unusually nauseous or sleepy, this gas could be to blame. It’s usually the result of a gas leak, either from a faulty gas light or an oven ring. Carbon monoxide detectors can alert you if there is a leak in your home. Your first point of call should always be to turn off the gas if on and then get out of your home into the fresh air as soon as possible.

Unclean air con

Air conditioning units need to be regularly cleaned. When not used often, they can build up dust and mold and become a breeding ground for bacteria. This then gets pumped around the air the next time the air con is switched on, which can cause breathing problems and sickness (in extreme cases, Legionnaire’s Disease). Using a company such as All Hours Air conditioning and heater repair service could help to prevent this. Regularly using air-con can also reduce the chance of bacteria build-up.


Mold is a fungus that can appear in homes as a result of dampness. Some people can be more susceptible to it than others – in some cases, it can cause sickness, rash, wheezing, itchy eyes, and other allergy symptoms. It can also quite often bring on symptoms of asthma. Fixing leaks promptly and buying an air dehumidifier can help to prevent mold from appearing. You can usually clean it off yourself with soapy hot water and a sponge, although bleach may be needed for more stubborn outbreaks (in this instance, wear gloves and protect your mouth).


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Your kitchen worktop

You might not consider your kitchen worktop to a common offender, but quite often, it can be a leading cause of sickness and bugs in the home. Without thoroughly cleaning it on a regular basis, germs such as salmonella can easily breed. However, quite often, it’s not forgetting to clean the worktops that do it, but the tools we use for cleaning. An overused sponge or dishcloth could simply be coating everything it touches in more bacteria. Replace sponges regularly and put dishcloths through the wash (given that they’re so cheap to buy, you can even replace them). Another way of limiting bacteria spreading is to use different chopping boards for meat and vegetables and to keep these thoroughly cleaned.

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter, TikTok, or Instagram.Â