Category Archives: SEX & LIFE

Benefits Of Taking Music Lessons Online

Benefits Of Taking Music Lessons Online

Do you want to learn how to play an instrument? If so, you can do so online today, and there are lots of benefits associated with this.

One of the main reasons why people prefer music lessons that are carried out online is because they can go at a pace that suits them. Music lessons tend to be catered to a group of people. They are not based on you. It can be easy to get left behind, and this is often when the enjoyment stops and the worry sets in. Even if you have one-on-one tutoring, you will only have a set amount of time with your tutor. This is usually around an hour. However, with online learning, there are no other people to worry about and there are no time constraints. 

You will also save a lot of money by choosing to learn how to play a lot of money online. A lot of people cannot afford the luxury of private lessons. The costs soon mount up when you go down this route. However, online lessons are much cheaper, with some even available for free.

Plus, there are so many lessons online and all of the information you could possibly need. You will get all of the information you need; from how to play a certain song to reasons your guitar won’t stay tuned. You will also be able to adapt to your own learning style and find lessons that suit this. 

Reasons To Take Up Ukulele Lessons 

If you do not play any instruments and this is going to be your first, for a great introduction to the world of music, consider a ukulele. A lot of people find that this is one of the easier instruments to play. Of course, this can differ from person-to-person, as some people find things easier to learn than others. However, with just four strings to master, it is one of the less complex options.

A ukulele will not cost you a lot of money either. You will need to spend a lot if you want to have to take up the piano. However, that’s not the case with this charming and fun instrument.

Of course, the main reason why you should consider this instrument is because it is going to provide you with heaps and heaps of fun. It is a fun and unique instrument to play. It has a very playful and soulful appeal, which is something a lot of people like. 

You can also take a ukulele with you wherever you go, as it is portable. This is especially beneficial if you really like the ukulele and want to perform to others. It is also a very sociable instrument too!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How To Become The New You

How To Become The New You

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2020 is on its way, and is actually almost here. This can make anyone excited and also apprehensive as to what the next ten years might hold.  It’s anyone’s guess. When we see how technology, culture and many other interesting elements of life have developed in ten years, anyone who can accurately predict what will happen in another ten will only be giving their best guess, despite what they say.

However, as always, worrying about the future is often left second to caring about the present. This means that becoming the new you before or as the new decade starts can help you segment yourself into productive new habits with this decade change as a milestone. It may seem overly optimistic, but there’s no reason as to why you should consider it so.

All you may need is an encouraging element of support and also someone gently whispering that yes, you can achieve this. With that said, please consider our advice to this end, as we hope to fulfil this role for you:

Stop Asking For Permission To Be You

We can often think that simply being ourselves is the greatest sin we can commit. Perhaps you like watching anime, or playing online games, or reading young adult fiction despite being 30 years old. Perhaps you enjoy baking in an apron as a 45-year-old buff security guard. Perhaps you enjoy learning full-contact MMA despite being a pleasant, middle-aged schoolteacher. Have we listed anything out of the ordinary here? Perhaps. Is that something to be ashamed of? Never. Stop asking for permission to be you. To use a cliched but always relevant phrase – the people who matter don’t mind, and the people who mind don’t matter.

Resolve Your Weights

Weights can hold all of us down. For some, it might be guilt for something experienced years ago. For others, it might be that they have been struggling with food addiction, or are falling back into terrible habits. It’s never as easy as clicking your fingers and being rid of the problem weighing you down, but the resolution process means taking a careful approach and doing your best to overcome the harmful issues you are facing. This means taking that first step, be it utilizing excellent substance abuse treatment, or even admitting that you need to speak to someone, allows you to find great inner strength and peace knowing you are making progress.

Don’t Force ‘You’

When we think of who we want to be, it’s easy to force ourselves into a singular version of who we think we are. But the truth is, you’re not that. You cannot force who you are. Moulding yourself into who you become is achieved through following what you are passionate about, through trying to live up to your highest ideals such as kindness or good faith. If you can approximate these measures, you feel much more alive than you have done prior. Because instead of living as an artificial version of you – you’re actually you.

With these tips, we hope you can find yourself, because you have and will always be enough.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

4 Top Tips For Looking After Your Health As A Woman

4 Top Tips For Looking After Your Health As A Woman

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay 

If you’re worried about your health and you’re looking for advice when it comes to focussing on your wellbeing then don’t worry, you have definitely come to the right place. From improving your diet to spending time with people that make you happy, there are lots of different things you can do as a woman to ensure you’re being as healthy as you can be. With that in mind, here are 4 ways to look after your health as a woman: 

– Know When It Is Time To Visit A Doctor

One of the most important aspects of looking after your health is knowing when it is the right time to visit a doctor. Whether you’re struggling with a physical problem or you’ve been experiencing problems with your mental health, you need to know when it’s time to book an appointment. If you’re unsure, you might want to consider asking a professionals advice too. In most cases, you will find that you can call your doctor’s surgery and ask if you need to see someone or if you can visit a pharmacy instead. 

For guidance when it comes to booking an appointment to see your doctor, you can visit this site here. 

– Eat A Healthy Diet And Drink Plenty Of Water

Another great way to look after your health is to ensure you are sticking to a healthy diet. Although this doesn’t mean you need to count your calories, it does mean you need to think about what you are eating and when. If possible, try to limit the number of treats you’re eating. 

When it comes to drinking water, you need to have at least 2 litres a day. If you struggle to drink enough water and you need a little bit of guidance, you can visit this site here. 

– Look After Your Sexual Health

When it comes to looking after your health as a woman, you need to make sure you are doing everything you can to look after your sexual health. Whether that means practising safe sex or seeing a doctor to treat vaginosis, you need to put your health first. If you need more information when it comes to bacterial vaginosis treatment and how it can affect you, you can visit this handy site here. 

– Surround Yourself With People That Make You Smile

Finally, you need to surround yourself with people that make you smile. Looking after your mental health is incredibly important and one of the best ways to look after your wellbeing is to be with people that you love and care about. Whether that means spending time with your family at home or visiting your friends in the city, the more time you spend with them the better. 

Do you worry about your health as a woman? What can you do to ensure you’re being as healthy as you possibly can? Did we miss anything off of the list? Let me know your thoughts and ideas in the comments section below. 

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

You Don’t See These Relationship Problems Coming!

You Don’t See These Relationship Problems Coming!

Being in a relationship is always going to cause some issues. It’s impossible to be in a relationship that’s functioning well for such a long period of time, it just doesn’t exist. Once you get through that honeymoon phase period, everything just seems to settle down, and the magical period that you created for yourself melts away, and the argument start to come in. The arguments come in because you’re both so much more comfortable around each other, and it’s so easy to pick up on all of the things that you might have been turning a blind eye to before. All of the sudden the quirks that you used to think were cute, you hate the thought of. And when you start to spend so much time around someone, you start to notice all of the things that might irritate you about them. So, we’re going to try and prepare you for some of the things you might not see coming in a relationship, and how to deal with them. Because you really do want to make sure that you’re either fighting for, or running from your relationship, rather than letting one drag on when it shouldn’t do!

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Problems In The Bedroom

It’s often a very secretive place, the bedroom, but there are problems that are being spoken about during office gossip that seem to be becoming more prominent. In an ideal world, everything in the bedroom would be perfectly ok, all of the time. But some women are experiencing problems with their partner, such as pornography addiction. Some men have such a big problem with this, and you won’t notice it until it starts to affect your own love life, which might be once you do get a little bit more comfortable with each other, and the intense passion starts to die down. If you think you’re dealing with this problem, simply sensitively talk to your partner about it, and be open and honest. Communication can save so many relationships, even if you might be a little embarrassed to talk about it to begin with!

Secret Money Problems

It’s not like there’s an interview process when you find yourself in a relationship, and it won’t be that you find out absolutely everything about them, they will try and hide certain things. One of those things would definitely be money problems, and it won’t be until you find yourself paying for more, or listening to them talk about their struggle to afford things, that it might click in your head that something is wrong. So again, try and get them to talk to a financial advisor, and try and help them work through it. The more you’re there for support, the stronger your relationship is going to grow!

Family Dramas

When you get into a relationship, you really do get into a relationship with their family as well, and it might not always be the best affair. So always make sure you’re trying to make an effort to bond with their family, because it might be that they think you’re taking your partner away from them, and simple effort with them could solve all of that!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How to Ensure Your Family Is Thriving

How to Ensure Your Family Is Thriving

Life isn’t easy, that much is true. And it becomes even more difficult once we have a family to look after. Then, we need to make sure that everyone in our little clan is doing well and hitting all the milestones right on time. But of course, we don’t just need to settle for surviving as a family. We should thrive! And if you put a few crucial pieces in place, that’s just what your family will be doing. Below, we take a look at a few tried and tested ways you can ensure your family life hits new heights.

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Live with Purpose

It’s normal that all begin to live on autopilot a little after a while. We’re in the routine of going to work, looking after the children, cleaning the house, and so on. When we’re so busy, it makes sense that we can’t always be as present as we’d like. It is worthwhile finding ways to live with more purpose, however. You’ll find that if you’re proactive with your family, then it’s easier to overcome the humdrum of the routine. Meditation can be an excellent method for staying focused and avoiding autopilot life.

Entertainment and Excitement

We all have responsibilities in life, but they shouldn’t be what life’s all about. We’re here to have fun and enjoy things! As such, one way you can ensure that your family is thriving is to make sure there’s plenty of excitement and entertainment in your life. Rather than just sitting around on a rainy Saturday, you could get crafty, or perform a play, or anything else that’ll get the creative juices flowing. Life is hard, sure, but there should always be time for having fun as a family: it’s those things that’ll form the basis of a happy childhood for your kids.

The Basics of Life

If the individual members of your family are all good on a personal life, then the whole family will be thriving. While it’s important to focus on the children’s long-term ambitions and dreams, it’s the fundamentals that should be given top billing on the priorities list. It’s things like their health, education, and overall fitness that’ll play the biggest role in determining their prospects. As such, you’ll want to learn how to prepare healthy meals for the family, find a trustworthy family doctor, and play an active role when it comes to their schooling. If the essentials in life are managed well, but it’ll be much easier for everyone to be at their best. And of course, this includes you: you’ll be in a much better position to provide for your loved ones if you’re feeling at your best on a personal level.

Get Organized

Finally, it’s worthwhile setting up a system that leads to robust organization. There are too many facets of family life just to keep them in your head. By developing a routine and managing all the duties with the help of communal calendars and so on, you can make sure that everyone’s where they need to be at the right time. 

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.