How To Become The New You

How To Become The New You

Pexels – CC0 License

2020 is on its way, and is actually almost here. This can make anyone excited and also apprehensive as to what the next ten years might hold.  It’s anyone’s guess. When we see how technology, culture and many other interesting elements of life have developed in ten years, anyone who can accurately predict what will happen in another ten will only be giving their best guess, despite what they say.

However, as always, worrying about the future is often left second to caring about the present. This means that becoming the new you before or as the new decade starts can help you segment yourself into productive new habits with this decade change as a milestone. It may seem overly optimistic, but there’s no reason as to why you should consider it so.

All you may need is an encouraging element of support and also someone gently whispering that yes, you can achieve this. With that said, please consider our advice to this end, as we hope to fulfil this role for you:

Stop Asking For Permission To Be You

We can often think that simply being ourselves is the greatest sin we can commit. Perhaps you like watching anime, or playing online games, or reading young adult fiction despite being 30 years old. Perhaps you enjoy baking in an apron as a 45-year-old buff security guard. Perhaps you enjoy learning full-contact MMA despite being a pleasant, middle-aged schoolteacher. Have we listed anything out of the ordinary here? Perhaps. Is that something to be ashamed of? Never. Stop asking for permission to be you. To use a cliched but always relevant phrase – the people who matter don’t mind, and the people who mind don’t matter.

Resolve Your Weights

Weights can hold all of us down. For some, it might be guilt for something experienced years ago. For others, it might be that they have been struggling with food addiction, or are falling back into terrible habits. It’s never as easy as clicking your fingers and being rid of the problem weighing you down, but the resolution process means taking a careful approach and doing your best to overcome the harmful issues you are facing. This means taking that first step, be it utilizing excellent substance abuse treatment, or even admitting that you need to speak to someone, allows you to find great inner strength and peace knowing you are making progress.

Don’t Force ‘You’

When we think of who we want to be, it’s easy to force ourselves into a singular version of who we think we are. But the truth is, you’re not that. You cannot force who you are. Moulding yourself into who you become is achieved through following what you are passionate about, through trying to live up to your highest ideals such as kindness or good faith. If you can approximate these measures, you feel much more alive than you have done prior. Because instead of living as an artificial version of you – you’re actually you.

With these tips, we hope you can find yourself, because you have and will always be enough.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.