Category Archives: SEX & LIFE

Ultimate Success Routine

Ultimate Success Routine


1. How to design a routine that sets you up for success and ensures you create impact wherever you direct your energy.

2. The key to staying refreshed, revitalized and renewed even when you’re incredibly busy.

3. The secret to finding fulfillment, satisfaction, and inner peace while you go about conquering your dreams.

4. The secret to finding fulfillment, satisfaction, and inner peace while you go about conquering your dreams. A method for building a rock-solid foundation that will give you the strength to triumph over yourself and life.

What is an Ultimate Success Routine?


If you want it to be the latter, you’ll need an ultimate success routine. Nobody gets on top of life without one. The idea is to make deliberate, daily space for the activities that ensure you flourish. It is best completed when you first rise in the morning and should leave you feeling ready to spring into action for the day. A good personal success routine will renew, refresh and revitalize you.


Why do you need One?

Personal success routines may be a simple concept, but they’re startlingly effective when implemented consistently. Ultimately, what they do is connect you with both your spirit and the world around you, allowing you to walk through life as the best possible version of yourself. That enables you to find fulfillment, satisfaction, and inner peace while you go about conquering your dreams.

A personal success routine will not only create deep, lasting happiness – it will give you a rock-solid foundation from which you can build any dream, conquer any goal and triumph over yourself and life. To put it simply… You need a personal success routine because it will give you the power to thrive, no matter what circumstances life throws at you. Here’s what Executive Life Fulfillment Coach, Gagan Gupta has to say about the results he experienced from implementing his personal success routine:

“I wrote a program I was dreaming about for quite some time, am on my way to restoring my health to its peak, making more time for fun and friends, expanding my business with collaboration, and

creating deep, lasting relationships like never before. I feel like I am finally getting connected with my spirit.”

The Key Elements in an Ultimate Success Routine:

While individual personal success routines can differ quite a bit, there are some key elements they all need to include in order to deliver at the extraordinary level they do. A personal success routine can be broken into two sections – the first is for seeking space and the second for seeking connection. Here are the key ingredients that you’ll need to include…


• Get up early

• Exercise

• Space

• Introspection

• Inspiration

Of those five things, the most important are to rise early, seek some space and be introspective.

Exercise is an excellent ingredient to add if you can, but if you’re short on time the others are the place to start. Depending on your personality, you may be able to exercise and be introspective at the same time.


• Connection

• Helicopter View

• Brainstorming

• Creation

Here, the critical parts are connecting with loved ones and getting a helicopter or ‘big picture’ view of the day/week. The brainstorming and creative elements may be different for you depending on the nature of your work. However, if your day includes anything creative, it’s helpful to put those activities right at the beginning.

Example of an Ultimate Success Routine:

The following example comes direct from the Author (Gagan Gupta), so it is specific in terms of what works for him, but contains all of the key elements mentioned above. This example would work particularly well as a model for entrepreneurs and business owners, but could be adapted to suit anyone’s needs. Here are a few notes from Gagan on the nature of his routine…

RISE 5AM & EXERCISE (60 minutes)

I rise early because I’ve yet to meet anyone highly successful who gets up late. I’m immediately off

to do Yoga. I listen to my body and do Kriyas (techniques) that I feel like doing on the day.

Movement is key. While doing Yoga, I am also enjoying the space to be introspective. I don’t listen to music or podcasts while doing Yoga.

MEDITATE (30 minutes)

I meditate immediately following my Yoga because it’s the most logical next step for me and I also don’t want to take a shower right after some movement. Meditation allows that gap for me and allows my body to continue to cool down while I connect with my spirit and reap the multitude of other benefits meditation delivers.


This is reading that is inspirational, thought-provoking, and character-moulding. During this stage of the morning, I just immerse myself in the deepest material I can find (generally about living a spiritual life) because I know it’s setting up the channel my mind will run along for the rest of the day. The purpose is to awaken my inner self, so to speak. By the time I head for the shower at the end of my spiritual reading, I’ve spent several hours reflecting in solitude and silence. I cannot adequately describe the positive impact of spending that time on myself. Suffice it to say that I’m in the best place I’ve ever been.

BREAKFAST (20-30 minutes)

I get my breakfast ready. The rules for breakfast are pretty simple. No screens, no business, no distractions and no rushing the event. It marks a turning point in the day, take this time to be present to each other and the environment.


After coffee, I have a business strategy meeting with myself. I spend time getting a helicopter view of the business and the things that I want to achieve today. It’s focused on today because I’ve made my plans for the year (and even the month) a long time ago. I am really just getting up to date, seeing which activity is happening when and how I can do better. 

Practically speaking, I look at what needs to be produced, created, filmed, or written gets mapped out. This keeps me focused on business building and development as the single most important of all entrepreneurial-related activities I could possibly undertake. It also reinforces the helicopter view and allows me to modify my plans as I move forward. I limit this time to half an hour (sometimes less) because I have discovered it’s important to keep it fun. It takes discipline and commitment to keep things moving quickly so that I don’t get bogged down in details.

WORK ON BUSINESS (2-3 hours)

This is the time I implement my plans as if our lives depend on it. For that reason, we delay actions with clients, answering emails, finances, tax, compliance, education, or anything we could consider product delivery until after lunch. That’s several hours of doing things that will have a fundamental impact on the business in an enormously positive way.

That’s it in a nutshell!

I know not everyone can manage three hours every morning and that’s fine, you don’t have to. Even if you can only spare thirty minutes a day, it’s still critically important you design and implement your own version of this routine.


Some Homework (Creating Your Own Personal Success Routine):

In the spaces below, outline ideas for each of the key elements of your personal success routine.

1. I can help myself with rising early by:

2. My favourite types of exercise are:

3. Ideas for creating space and introspection:

4. Ideas for Inspiration:

5. Options that would allow me to combine the ideas above into a streamlined routine:

6. I can seek out Connection by:

To get into a 2-hour deep dive session with Gagan Gupta, use the link below:

All Tips from Tia Customers get 1 Hour Free upon booking the above 2-hour deep dive session, so 3 hours in total for the price of 2.

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

Creative Activities To Enhance Your Well-being (That Don’t Involve The Gym)

Creative Activities To Enhance Your Well-being (That Don’t Involve The Gym)

Unsplash – CC0 License

If going to the gym to enhance your well-being is not your thing, you’re not alone. Many people force themselves to spend hours on the treadmill or do sets of squats in the squat rack, but is it all really necessary? 

Well, probably not. Humans managed for thousands of years before the invention of the gym. And in that time, they found all sorts of ways to keep themselves healthy and happy. 

Today, there are even more things you can do to improve your well-being. Humans have developed all sorts of methods for making themselves feel better, from self-care to DIY projects. Here’s what to do:-


Listen To Music

Music has an uncanny ability to exert its influence directly on the core parts of the brain, bypassing some of our outer defenses and speaking to us on a more personal level. The sound of music has been shown to switch off our fight or flight mechanisms and enable us to relax or feel better than mere silence allows. (Perhaps that’s why the human mind invented music in the first place). Whack on some binaural beats or simply listen to meditative chimes and gongs. It can all make a tremendous difference in how you feel. 

Mindful Coloring

Another cool approach to well-being that doesn’t involve any grunting under heavy weights is mindful coloring. Many adults find concentrating on paint-by-numbers puzzles to be a helpful way to remain in the present moment.

Mindful coloring is also something that produces pretty good results every time. Once you have the outline in place, it is easier to create a beautiful and structured work of art. 

Self-Care Rituals

Unsplash – CC0 License

Another way to get out of the gym mentality and enhance your well-being is through various self-care rituals. Having something in your life that makes you immediately feel better is an excellent way to enhance your well-being and get on the track to health. 

The great thing about self-care rituals is that you decide what they are. Soothing baths, skincare routines; it doesn’t matter, as long as you believe it is helping you. 

Creative Dancing

You could also try a spot of creative dancing, one of the most interesting ways to enhance well-being without hitting the gym. The practice involves dancing freestyle and expressing yourself without judgment. You don’t have to do it in front of anyone and, these days, you can get instructions streamed to your living room over the internet. 

How you creatively dance is up to you. That’s the whole point. 

Ice Baths

Ice baths are another trendy way to support your well-being with Wim Hof Method workshops popping up all over the place. The idea is to reset your nervous system with the power of cold water, fundamentally changing how you feel and relate to the world. 

Of course, this sort of thing isn’t for the faint-hearted. You want to be in good physical shape to attempt it. But once you get the hang of it, it can be a liberating and fascinating experience. Just remember, if it’s your first time, get an instructor to help you.


Nature Walks

You might also want to try going on nature walks to improve your well-being. Being in forests or by lakes can change your mindset and perspective, and help you feel like an entirely different person. 

Nature has a certain calmness about it. Being in the mountains or alone in a wilderness is a serene experience and something we rarely encounter in the modern world. Many of us remain in our houses or apartments all week, except to travel to the office. As such, we don’t come into contact with nature or experience the psychological benefits it offers us. 


Interestingly, photography is another tool you can use to improve your well-being. Taking pictures and exploring your creativity is an outlet you can use to escape the challenges you face in your personal life. 

Photography is also the sort of activity that’s easy to get lost in. The more you explore it, the deeper it seems to go. There’s always something new and exciting waiting for you around the corner or over the next horizon. And with today’s lens, you can take photographs up close and really capture the detail present in everything you see. 

Yoga At Home

Finally, you might want to try yoga at home, one of the best ways to build your flexibility and enhance your connection to your body. Yoga frees up the hips and taxes all your muscles, giving you a full-body workout.

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

Top Reasons to Buy a Luxury Car

Top Reasons to Buy a Luxury Car

The cost of living crisis is – right now – affecting people of all incomes and from all backgrounds. In fact, it’s having a less than lovely effect on the moods of most people just trying to live their lives and exist. The thing is, even with a cost of living crisis and even with people finding it hard to get by, there is always room to treat yourself every now and then. 

A car is not always a luxury. It’s a necessary part of an everyday household and many of us rely on our cars to get by. We rely on them to get us to work, to school, and to wherever we need to be in the most convenient way.

Of course, cars are an expense and sometimes that expense can feel rather huge. From the car service you complete regularly to the cleaning and detailing, insurance, and more, you want it to be worth it for the car you buy. If you do often worry about services and repairs, seek support from Cars Protection Plus as you can reduce the cost of repairs and maintain your expensive car. So, with that in mind, let’s take a look at the top reasons to make sure that the next car you buy is a luxury one. 


Image source: Pexels

  • Safety. You want to be on the road, and you want to get where you need to be in one piece, right? Well, a luxury car can help you with that. In fact, a luxury car could be the exact thing your household needs. You can spend cash on a luxury car on finance if you can’t afford to buy it outright, but you can bet that the latest and greatest technology affords you the best safety features around. 
  • The prestige. You know as well as anyone else that driving around town in a luxury car is going to afford you some appreciative looks. If you can afford it, why not?
  • You can sell it. The best part about driving a luxury car is knowing that when it comes to selling up, it’ll retain most of its value. Most cars start to depreciate as people drive off the lot, but luxury cars hold their weight a little longer. You get to sell it for almost the same as what you paid, and this will help you to buy a different or upgraded luxury car. 
  • Comfort. Luxury cars are made with the latest and greatest in technology and upholstery. Comfort comes with heated seats, surround sound, and gadgets that you can only have dreamed about when driving your first-ever car. Luxury cars have been manufactured to the best possible standards, and things like remote start and parking assist can really make a big difference to your driving experience. 


Driving a luxury car may feel frivolous in a cost-of-living crisis, but luxury comes in many forms. One amazing car that lasts you years is going to be as valuable to you as an amazing pair of shoes. Don’t let anyone convince you not to buy the car you have fallen in love with. It is absolutely worth the investment.

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

Suffered A Road Collision? Take These 8 Crucial Steps

Suffered A Road Collision? Take These 8 Crucial Steps

Pexels – CC0 License

Road collisions occupy a spectrum of difficulties – from light bumps to full-scale vehicular pile-ups.

If you find yourself suffering a road collision, it’s easy to react from instinct and forget the best path forward.

To begin with, it’s essential to inspect your well-being and the wellbeing of your passengers if you have any. Calling emergency services is essential if you suspect problems or problems for the other person in the opposing vehicle.

This post will be solely focused on what to do in this situation if only no one has been injured or needs immediate assistance as a result of the collision. If you do – always prioritize interventionist help before anything else in this post.

If all seems well outside of car damage, knowing the following eight steps can help you proceed with confidence and make sure your response is productive. Moreover, in an emotionally charged situation like this, the following steps will prevent anything worse from happening.

  1. Contact Local Authorities

If it’s not just a minor fender-bender that can be driven away from and has caused little damage outside of a scratch and bump, then it’s important to at least notify the authorities that a crash has taken place, even if you’re not requesting their direct presence right then and there. Depending on where you live, this may be a direct legal requirement.

This is because a collision on the road can cause pieces of your vehicle to lie across the road, and that may cause damage to someone else’s car. Of course, if you feel that there’s been criminal negligence, such as the other person acting in a clearly inebriated fashion, then it’s worth mentioning that immediately too.

  1. If You Can, Remove & Park Your Car

It may feel tempting to get out and start resolving the situation, but of course, you’re still on the road, and for that reason safety is paramount. If your vehicle can clearly still drive safely, then pulling to the side of the road can be important to do. 

If not, then turn your hazard lights on, safely exit the car and move to the pavement at the safest possible opportunity. This will help notify other traffic users that a problem has taken place and to be cautious.

  1. Stay Calm & Take A Deep Breath

It’s hard not to feel frustrated when you’ve been in a road collision, even if both parties are uninjured. You may feel annoyed that the other person subverted the rules of the road putting you at risk, or, in some cases, they may not be the most cordial in their response.

First of all, it’s important to be grateful for the fact no one has been hurt, to take a deep breath, and to prioritize not making the issue worse. Stay calm and take a deep breath if you can – even if the other person is less polite.


  1. Exchange Information, Note Down Details

It’s important to exchange information such as insurance and contact details. Make sure to note down their license plate and any identifying details about their vehicle. You can also note the road you were on, the time it was, what you were doing when the collision hit, and who you believe to be in the wrong.

In some cases, you may have a small card of insurance information they can take a picture of, or you can give that info for them to write down too.

  1. Document The Scene With Your Smartphone Camera

Smartphone cameras are vitally important tools for documenting road traffic collisions, so take as many as you can. Take pictures of the road, the location, the other person’s car, where you were hit and the damage your car took, their license plates, their damage, and more.

Don’t shield anything or try to paint the situation as worse for you than them hoping this will win your case, it won’t, just be impartial and objectively photograph the scene if you’re able to do so. You can also take a video to showcase the wider scene more easily. Note – do not get out of the car to take pictures unless you’re safe and you know other traffic won’t interfere.

  1. Speak To Witnesses

If you can, speak to witnesses who may have seen the collision. You can take their contact information in case you need them to speak for you at a later date. Often, an impartial witness backing up your side of events can be more helpful than anything else, aside from specific evidence like smartphone footage or CCTV coverage of the event.

And in their absence, you can seek assistance from any expert trucking witness who is credible and highly experienced in commercial motor vehicle crashes. Their expert statements will help you if you need to go to court. 

  1. Get Yourself Checked

It might seem as though your collision was a small bump, or you may not have felt any pain or injuries, but it’s still good to visit your doctor for a checkup just in case. You may not have realized how intensive the hit was, or how your neck whipped back and forth, to the point where soreness comes a little later without you expecting it.

Collisions on the road are unpredictable. Even if you feel fine, it’s always good to have that checked. Moreover, it’s helpful to write down your experience and how you felt about it. Road collisions are scary, and this can be an emotion we bottle up until it comes out in unhealthy ways. When you go through the event step by step, recalling it properly, you can better process what happened.


  1. Notify Your Insurance Company

Notify your insurance company to tell them what happened. They may also require an inspection of the vehicle, submitted evidence, and a full statement regarding what happened and when. This will help them determine the scope of their coverage and help you pay for the repairs, sometimes covering them outright. It’s good to attend to this as quickly as you can, but make sure maintaining your health always serves as the main priority.

As your vehicle is repaired, you may need to replace certain fixtures or even whole parts. If your vehicle is still roadworthy, you have a great deal of wriggle room here. This also applies to motorcycles – installing renewed handles and a motorcycle windshield can be all it takes to get back up to speed, provided you’ve only experienced a light bump.

With this advice, you’re sure to take the wisest steps, even if you’ve suffered a road traffic collision.

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

How To Help Kids Deal With Loss

How To Help Kids Deal With Loss

Pixabay – CC0 Licence

It’s not a subject anyone ever really wants to dwell on, but all of us in life will, at some stage, lose a loved one. Whether a parent or a grandparent, a friend or spouse, or someone we lose tragically young, there is never a good time to see someone who means so much to us slip away. Even as we get older and the experience becomes more familiar, it never loses the capacity to hurt us because we know we won’t hear that voice, see that face, and have that conversation with them again. 

It’s particularly hard for children to process loss because it’s generally a new experience for them, and the facts about death are still somewhat of a gray area for them. The grieving process is something they aren’t used to, and it is important for the adults around them to be ready to make sure they are OK. Coping with loss is never easy, but as adults, we at least have the ability to make sense of it – and so we need to make sure that we’re there as a buffer against that grief.


Answer questions in a way that makes sense

How you think about death can vary depending on a number of factors, including faith and ideology. So it’s not really for anyone else to tell you how to answer questions about what happens after death. That being said, you do need to make sure that your answers help your child understand the situation. They won’t see their loved one again in this life, and it will hurt for a time, and sometimes we need to feel the pain to honor how much we loved them. They can still talk to their loved one whenever they want, though it won’t be like before – but most importantly, as their friend or relative moved on, they did so knowing they were loved.

Commemorate the deceased in a meaningful way

It is sometimes said that someone is never truly dead while their name is still spoken, and that’s a very positive way to see things. While someone’s influence is felt in this world, they’re still doing some good even after they have passed away. Commemorating them is a way to keep their memory, and therefore a part of them, alive. Picking fabrics from a quilt shop and making a commemorative quilt, compiling a photo album, or even curating a playlist of their favorite songs can keep their flame burning. So, too, can doing charitable works for a cause that is close to their heart.


Remember that grief isn’t here today, gone tomorrow

Whatever age we are, we grieve those we have lost. After a while, the clouds begin to part, and we start to feel OK again. At that point, we may think we are over it, and for a child, this is a significant moment – because in the grip of grief, it is easy to feel like we’ll never be happy again. It’s important for you as an adult to remember that we can get pangs of delayed grief; you’ll be doing something completely unconnected, and it hits you again like a bolt from the blue. When this happens to a kid, they can be taken aback by the grief returning. Let them know this is normal. Love isn’t something that just stops, and nor is grief – but in time, the pain will subside, and you’ll be left with the happy memories.

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.