5 Tips For Stress Management

5 Tips For Stress Management

As humans, we aren’t designed to be stressed out for more than a few minutes. Our fight or flight reaction floods our bodies with stress hormones and adrenaline – over time, the adrenaline wears off, but the stress hormone stays.

Stress isn’t meant to be a long-term thing; it is a short-term physiological problem to what should be a short-term thing. So people who find themselves struggling with high-stress levels will need to employ a range of things to help. 

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash


For those who have tried almost everything to help themselves through stressful situations and still find that they are having big reactions to things, then dbt tipp skills can make a huge difference. 

TIPP is short for temperature, intense activity, paced breathing, and progressive muscle relaxation. 

This helpful technique doesn’t need to take more than about 20 minutes and can have a hugely positive impact. 

Social Media 

Unless you only follow content creators that make you feel good, you are likely to be bombarded with unhelpful images. Not only that, but social media can be a hiding place for people and reduce the time spent relaxing in better ways like reading, walking, and being with friends and family. 

Consider making your social media notifications silent and only checking at set times of the day. 


We live in such a busy world that it can be difficult to switch off, and when we start to make that effort – it might be the first time we realize we haven’t been as creative as we want. Creativity comes in many forms; it might not just be drawing – you might like to work with clay, painting, or making other things. But when was the last time that you got creative? 

Try to free up a few hours each week for you to get creative and relax. Since you won’t be tuned in to what is happening at work, or anywhere else for that matter, your mind can truly relax for a few hours. Creativity is one of the most powerful tools we have against stress. 


Have you ever noticed that when you are very stressed out or anxious, your breath can feel juddery and difficult? Learning breathing techniques can ensure that you have the tools to adjust when that happens. Deep breathing is often favored to help reduce stress and anxiety pretty quickly. Taking a slow deep breath for 5 seconds, holding for 2-4, and then breathing out for 5 will help your parasympathetic nervous system kick into action. 


Movement is super important to reduce stress levels. It doesn’t matter if you dance, cycle, or walk – what matters is that you have some activity every day. Moving our body reduces the tension we feel in our muscles. 

Working out or even just going for a walk will release endorphins and other happy hormones that will help combat stress levels. 

Try to head out for a walk at least once a day, and make time for other activities too. 

And finally, it is important to work on your general relaxation: Relaxation as a State of Consciousness ⋆ TipsfromTia.com.

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter, TikTok, or Instagram.Â