Category Archives: ORGANIC HEALTH & HOME

Self-Care Tips During Addiction Recovery

Self-Care Tips During Addiction Recovery

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People who receive addiction therapy in rehab centers are encouraged to adopt self-care tips to aid the recovery process. Approximately 22 million people receive various forms of treatment for harmful habits, indicating that drug and substance addictions are enormous problems that need constant monitoring and addressing. What are the best self-care activities during the addiction recovery process, and how do they influence therapies received in rehabilitation centers? Below are a few tips worth considering.

1. Establish positive daily habits

The human brain adjusts to a specific pattern when you perform set activities. A routine doesn’t necessarily mean a strict system that compounds an existing problem or puts a strain on your mental health. Instead, it should include healthy activities you remember to keep up without feeling stressed or indifferent. Doing this will help put you on the right track as you recover from addiction. You can get started by adopting a daily routine for the next twenty-one days to form a healthy habit that steers you on to full recovery.

The routine you develop can be customized to your own needs. For instance, waking up in the morning provides you with ample opportunity to start off your day right. This might involve getting outside and taking in some deep breaths, welcoming in the fresh air. From there you might take a shower and use Instafloss to clean your teeth. Then you might meditate a little, and go for a walk in the park. Coming back to fix yourself some tea or coffee, you can then begin to work on the bulk responsibilities of your day feeling refreshed and enthused.

Additionally, it’s best to avoid anything you used to do that exposed you to any unhealthy habits that may cause setbacks in your recovery journey. 

2. Adopt a physical exercise routine

Long periods of physical exercise have lasting effects on mental and emotional health. Besides keeping your muscles toned and looking good, the benefits far outweigh good muscles or losing unwanted fat. Your brain releases hormones during active exercises that positively impact your mood and well-being. Some of these hormones are serotonin and dopamine.

Keep in mind that long periods of addiction affect your body’s ability to produce these necessary hormones, as drug and substance abuse affect vital neurons. This impedes the transmission of these hormones. However, as you recover, exercising pushes your body to return to a healthier state than before the addiction. In other words, targeted physical activity quickens your recovery process. It enables you to sleep better while offering your body an opportunity to relax.

3. Spend time with others in recovery

Spending quality time with others on the same recovery path offers you shared support. This support system encourages you to share your strengths, fears, and concerns to aid the healing process. It ranges from the help you receive from friends and family to sharing your weaknesses with others who face the same struggles and are making in-rows to overcome their addictions. The bond you get to create can last a lifetime. Additionally, it’s an excellent opportunity to boost your self-confidence – a vital character trait you need when recovering from addiction.

The path to addiction recovery varies from person to person. Therefore, you need to stick to a pace that works for your case only and not necessarily what works for others. Research has revealed that 40 to 60% of persons on the recovery path tend to relapse due to inadequate coping mechanisms. As such, do your best to remain consistent and patient with yourself. Hopefully, these self-care tips will prove helpful on your journey.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Avoiding Hand And Wrist Injuries From Every Day Computer Use

Avoiding Hand And Wrist Injuries From Every Day Computer Use

The modern office setting can cause a lot of problems with your health. Sitting on a chair all day long can lead to weight gain through inactivity, and it also causes problems with back pain too. Using a computer all day long can also lead to a lot of wrist and hand injuries, and this is something that we don’t always pay attention to. 

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Using a keyboard and mouse doesn’t seem like a very strenuous activity, but over time, it can do just as much damage as a direct injury. Once the damage is done, it can be irreversible, so it’s important that you take preventative measures. Here’s how to avoid hand and wrist injuries from everyday computer use.  

Don’t Ignore Problems

This is the most important thing to remember because hand and wrist injuries develop slowly over time. At first, you might notice a small pain or some stiffness and think nothing of it. If you intervene now and take preventative measures, you can avoid any serious problems in future. So, if you notice any issues with your hands and wrists, book an appointment at an orthopedic center right away and get yourself checked over. You may have a condition that needs to be diagnosed and you can get some good advice on how to manage your symptoms. If you ignore symptoms, they will only get worse. 

Use The Right Sitting Position

Most people know that their sitting position can increase back pain problems but they don’t realize that it has an impact on their hands and wrists too. If you put too much pressure on the wrists when typing, it leads to health issues in the future. It’s important to sit with your back straight and both feet flat on the floor. Make sure that your spine is aligned so the weight is distributed evenly throughout your body. The screen should be level with your eyes and around 20 inches away from you. Change the height on your chair until you are in a position with relaxed shoulders and your hands are slightly lower than your elbows. Don’t rest your wrists on the table or armrest on your chair, and make sure that your wrists are not bent. 

Take Regular Breaks 

Even if you are sitting in the right position, you still put a lot of stress on your hands and wrists. Typing on your keyboard for hours on end without a break will cause a lot of inflammation and eventually lead to more serious problems. Regular breaks give you the chance to rest your hands and wrists and stop them from getting stiff and painful. When you take breaks, you can do some simple stretches to loosen up the muscles and joints. However, if you notice any pain when you are doing stretches, you should stop immediately before you do any more damage. Book an appointment with a specialist because this is a sign that something is wrong. 

If you don’t look after your wrists and hands now, you may develop problems like arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome, so make sure that you follow these tips when using a computer every day.   

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Eight Of The Best Tips For A Healthy Mouth

Eight Of The Best Tips For A Healthy Mouth

A healthy mouth is very important. Caring for your mouth not only helps to keep your teeth and gums healthy but can also help to protect your overall health. Many illnesses have early signs that show in the mouth, so you can start treatment sooner if you’re taking proper care of your dental hygiene. Here’s how you can take better care of your mouth and keep trips to the dentist to a minimum. 

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1. Brush your teeth twice a day.

Brush your teeth in the morning and evening, with fluoride toothpaste. Make sure you brush correctly and take enough time to clean your teeth properly. Make sure not to brush too hard, or you could damage your tooth enamel. Brush thoroughly, but gently, with a soft-bristled brush or an electric toothbrush. 

2. Floss between your teeth.

A toothbrush can’t get in the gaps between the teeth, so plaque and bacteria can build up. Deal with these hard-to-reach gaps by using floss or an interdental brush. These both remove food, debris, and plaque that have got lodged between the teeth. 

3. Have regular dental check-ups.

A check-up with your dentist is the best way to catch any problems before they turn into bigger concerns. See a good dentist like Hill Avenue Dental twice a year. Don’t be tempted to miss your appointments, as they can detect problems while they’re still simple to treat. If problems are left, they can lead to more damage that’s much harder, if not impossible, to fix. 

4. Lead a healthy lifestyle.

A healthier life is healthier for your teeth as well as being good for your body. Don’t smoke, cut back on your alcohol intake, and reduce the amount of sugar in your diet. This is better for your whole body, not just your teeth, gums, and mouth. 

5. Brush baby teeth as soon as they come through.

As soon as a baby’s teeth start to show, they need to be taken care of. Use a special baby toothbrush and be very gentle. If you’re not sure how to care for your baby’s new teeth, ask your dentist for advice.

6. Teach children good tooth care habits.

If your child learns how to properly look after their teeth while they’re young, they’ll be better able to keep their teeth healthy in later life. Teach them to brush properly, teach them to floss, and make sure they brush twice a day and get used to having dental check-ups. 

7. Straighten crooked teeth with braces.

If crooked teeth left as they are, they can begin to cause issues with your bite, cause headaches, and cause you other issues. Teenagers and adults can put right their tooth alignment with braces or invisible aligners. Ask your dentist for a referral to an orthodontist if you think you need some help. 

8. Don’t put off dental treatments.

There are lots of different treatments available from your dentist. If you’re in need of any kind of dental treatment, don’t put it off as the problem will only get worse. 

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

5 Simple Ways To Improve Your Appearance

5 Simple Ways To Improve Your Appearance

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Unless you are up on the latest hair trends or own a skincare line, you might need a little insight into this department. Your appearance creates a lasting impression in people’s minds. Besides, a well-groomed look can boost your confidence levels and mental health while mitigating anxiety and depression.

Various psychological studies have shown that physical appearance is key to attracting people and forming relationships. If you wish to improve your looks, here are some tips to consider. 

Improve your posture 

Research conducted by the University of Louisville revealed that women who stood straight were considered younger and more attractive than others who were slumped. To improve your posture, you may embrace exercises like bridges and planks. You may also keep your shoulders back and relaxed, pull in your abdomen and keep your fit at hip-distance apart. It will be best to balance your weight on both feet and not tilt your head forward, sideways, or backward. You may also invest in shapers to further enhance your posture and define your body. 

Take care of your skin

Another great way to really look after your skin and refresh not just your overall appearance but your confidence levels too is to treat yourself to some Skincare MicroNeedling.

MicroNeeding is a process of controlled micro-injury to the skin, this then triggers the release of new collagen & elastin. Collagen and elastin are the golden tickets for producing younger, fresher-looking skin. It is also considered to be a much gentler treatment than other ablative options such as derma rolling or lasers as it causes much less damage to the skin. This also means that it allows for a quicker healing and higher success rate. 

The great thing about MicroNeeding is that it can be treated for a plethora of skin concerns, not just for the aesthetic improvement of the skin’s appearance. It is also used to target brown spots, fine lines, and wrinkles. What is more, most of the body can be treated including but not limited to the face, arms, neck, abdomen, and back. If you are considering MicroNeedling then it is often advised that you undergo 3 – 6 treatments. This will of course depend on the area of concertation or the corrections you are hoping to make. Together with your skin care professional, you can decide upon the appropriate amount of treatments for your skin goals and budget, just be wary that the deeper the wrinkles or more advanced the damage the more treatments you are likely to require. 

A good skincare routine, that possibly includes private label skin care products, can prevent wrinkles while maintaining your skin’s healthy glow. Besides, it keeps your skin younger and prevents other skin-related conditions from developing. What’s more, it boosts your confidence and your looks. Fortunately, you don’t have to spend a fortune to maintain a beautiful glow. You may eat a diet loaded with fruits and vegetables and stay hydrated daily. You may also avoid strong soaps and limit bath time to maintain your skin’s natural oils. It is prudent to use sunscreen to prevent the harmful Ultraviolet-B rays from hurting your skin. 

Smile often

A smile is an inexpensive but highly effective way of enhancing your beauty and overall looks. Smiling indicates positivity and calmness and gives people a good impression of you. Recent studies have shown that even forced smiles lower stress levels, relieve pain, and increase happiness. Therefore, you should wear a smile regularly, even when you don’t feel like it. Perhaps you are not confident about your smile due to dental reasons. In that case, you may visit credible dental clinics like DaSilva Family Dentistry to address your oral concerns and gain back your right to smile. 

Don’t skip sleep

Sleepless nights can cause weakness and decrease your productivity. What’s more, it can speed the aging process and cause dark circles around your eyes. You can prevent these by getting 7-8 hours of sleep daily. Try to also avoid eating or taking caffeine later in the day and sleep in a dark room. You may also turn off your phone to prevent any interruptions with your sleep. 

Don’t ignore your hair

Your hair is instrumental to your overall appearance and can give you a confidence boost. Besides, it is a part of your identity and gives you a youthful look. A study by Yale University also revealed that hairstyles reflect a person’s perceived intelligence and wealth. For these reasons, you may want to keep your hair healthy to improve your looks. You may wash your hair regularly with chemical-free shampoo and dry it naturally. It is best to use a wide-tooth comb to prevent hair damage and trim your hair regularly. If you decide to rock a new hairstyle, you should seek your stylist’s advice on the best ones for your face.  

Improving your looks doesn’t have to be costly or exhausting. You may adapt these tips for a more alluring appearance. 

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.