Avoiding Hand And Wrist Injuries From Every Day Computer Use

Avoiding Hand And Wrist Injuries From Every Day Computer Use

The modern office setting can cause a lot of problems with your health. Sitting on a chair all day long can lead to weight gain through inactivity, and it also causes problems with back pain too. Using a computer all day long can also lead to a lot of wrist and hand injuries, and this is something that we don’t always pay attention to. 

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Using a keyboard and mouse doesn’t seem like a very strenuous activity, but over time, it can do just as much damage as a direct injury. Once the damage is done, it can be irreversible, so it’s important that you take preventative measures. Here’s how to avoid hand and wrist injuries from everyday computer use.  

Don’t Ignore Problems

This is the most important thing to remember because hand and wrist injuries develop slowly over time. At first, you might notice a small pain or some stiffness and think nothing of it. If you intervene now and take preventative measures, you can avoid any serious problems in future. So, if you notice any issues with your hands and wrists, book an appointment at an orthopedic center right away and get yourself checked over. You may have a condition that needs to be diagnosed and you can get some good advice on how to manage your symptoms. If you ignore symptoms, they will only get worse. 

Use The Right Sitting Position

Most people know that their sitting position can increase back pain problems but they don’t realize that it has an impact on their hands and wrists too. If you put too much pressure on the wrists when typing, it leads to health issues in the future. It’s important to sit with your back straight and both feet flat on the floor. Make sure that your spine is aligned so the weight is distributed evenly throughout your body. The screen should be level with your eyes and around 20 inches away from you. Change the height on your chair until you are in a position with relaxed shoulders and your hands are slightly lower than your elbows. Don’t rest your wrists on the table or armrest on your chair, and make sure that your wrists are not bent. 

Take Regular Breaks 

Even if you are sitting in the right position, you still put a lot of stress on your hands and wrists. Typing on your keyboard for hours on end without a break will cause a lot of inflammation and eventually lead to more serious problems. Regular breaks give you the chance to rest your hands and wrists and stop them from getting stiff and painful. When you take breaks, you can do some simple stretches to loosen up the muscles and joints. However, if you notice any pain when you are doing stretches, you should stop immediately before you do any more damage. Book an appointment with a specialist because this is a sign that something is wrong. 

If you don’t look after your wrists and hands now, you may develop problems like arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome, so make sure that you follow these tips when using a computer every day.   

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
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