Category Archives: SEX & LIFE

Tips For An Independent Woman

Tips For An Independent Woman

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You’ve got natural beauty, the brains but it can be tough sometimes to see yourself as a strong independent woman. 

There is definitely more to be an independent woman than just having your career on track and owning possessions. Independence is not to do with having certain tangible items, it is to do with how to cope in situations and sense of the person you are individually. 

If you were to ask your friends what independence means to them you would receive all sorts of answers from practical skills such as knowing how to change a tire or organising towing. Whilst others would suggest independence is about not being accountable to someone else and being able to choose what you are doing and when, such as going out. 

So how can all this be learnt, along with considering mental and emotional independence as well. Here are some tips on how independence can be leant.

Learn Who You Are

Before you can go off and be an independent super start, you need to dig deep and know more about who you actually are. You can’t gain independence unless you know your imperfections and shortcomings and are able to address them. So be honest and dig deep. By leaning more about yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, you will become more confident within yourself and be able to assert yourself in situations. 

Embrace Alone Time

It can be daunting being alone if you are a social butterfly or find yourself being more comfortable and confident as part of a group. You possibly find that being alone is a little scary being alone with your thoughts and having that time to learn about yourself. However, you need to be able to embrace being with no one but yourself in order to be independent. It is essential that you know in your core that you are enough and you don’t need to rely on others for your individual happiness. 

Have A Handle On Your Finances

Knowing your money is vital. You are no longer reliant upon others to support you and therefore it is key that you know where money is coming from and how much you are spending. Whether you are a spender or a saver, money makes the world go round. Now is the time to dig out your pay slip and review your bills and understand what is coming in and going. It is smart. In the future you may marry and have shared income and outgoings, so learn this skill now and when circumstances change you will have a good understanding around what is happening. 

Change How You View Yourself

There is a lot to be said about mindfulness, positive thinking and manifesting your goals to the world and universe. You will never be able to make change unless you believe it is doable. This links back to your confidence. So don’t think about yourself in a negative way. No more ‘I can’t’. Think about yourself with a positive mindset. What will you learn, how will you grow. 

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Pandemic & Relationships: Yay or Nay

Pandemic & Relationships: Yay or Nay

The pandemic has completely transformed relationships. Understandable, it’s been a new and unknown pressure for many individuals. The heightened emotional states have affected the couple’s life dramatically. But it’s not always been for the worse. 

Some people have grown stronger during the pandemic. While, for others, the pandemic has revealed the drains and cracks that were already there. Therefore, there is no generic response. Everyone has reacted differently and according to their own situation. Demographic data are the first to show disparities. Some hospitals have observed a peak in births (approximately 9 months after the start of the pandemic), while other healthcare centers are worried about a drop in childbirth. The reason for such extreme disparities is that individual situations are different across the board. Therefore, if you are wondering whether the pandemic is pulling couples apart or driving them together, the answer is both. 

It’s the last straw for struggling couples

We have to be realistic. Partners who were unhappy together before the pandemic are unlikely to come out of it whole. The reason why the situation is straining many relationships and marriages to the breaking point has to do with how people handle emotional and economic stress. Couples who can work together and share the burden are more likely to establish healthy communication and find a solution to the crisis. However, those who were used to seek out support outside of the relationship may find themselves developing bad coping behaviors, such as substance abuse, that can put pressure on the relationship. The impact of staying at home 24/7 has increased the risks for conflicts, highlighting the need for aggressive attorneys to step in and protect their client’s rights against the disgruntled partner. 

But it’s a renewal for others

Yet, for many others, the pandemic is a wake-up call that can help rediscover the spark in the relationship. When partners spend more time at home, they can also make time for each other, seizing the opportunity to plan a cozy home date night together. When everything in life goes fast, the pandemic helps us slow down and focus on what matters: each other. And why not think of it as a new chance to make memories together, whether it’s at home or outside. You can start a new hobby and reconnect creatively with each other. A lot of couples grow apart as a result of external pressure. Therefore, the pandemic is a break from the damaging routine, and a chance to enjoy each other’s company again. 

Creative dating required

Singletons have also made an important discovery. The pandemic makes it easy to recognize individuals who share the same values. Dating has got creative for many, who shared many drinks and meals online before meeting their dates IRL. The process may be time-demanding, but it’s helped new couples to build solid bonds. For the first time, the dating game has shown resilience to negative and harmful behaviors. Meetings are taken seriously, so daters have demonstrated their commitment to the future relationship. The health crisis makes us better daters. 

 However, if you feel like you need an extra helping hand with regards to the unforgiving and brutal ecosystem that is the dating world, feel free to have a look at Being single isn’t a bad thing – on the contrary, it’s in this delicate yet beautiful stage where you find out who you are and what you want out of life. But, when you’re ready to put yourself out there, be sure to keep an open mind and a sense of self-respect that won’t allow you to settle for anything less than what you deserve!

It’s the first time in human memory that a pandemic is changing the way we think about each other. It is both a strain and a bonus for relationships, helping individuals to measure the value of their partnership. 

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Creative Careers That Are Suitable For Remote Workers

Creative Careers That Are Suitable For Remote Workers

Being creative requires peace and tranquility. That’s why a lot of creative individuals prefer career paths that enable them to work outside of the traditional workplace. 

Can creative individuals work alone? The answer is yes. First of all, because it lets you schedule your day around your brainwaves. Additionally, a creative workshop is a unique place where you can experiment with new ideas, strategies, and prototypes. Therefore, a lot of professionals find it easier to set up their workshop remotely, working either from home or from a unique location where they can remain undisturbed. Not all creative career paths are suitable for a remote environment. But here are some of the best choices for remote workers: 

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Digital marketing

The pandemic has transformed the way businesses operate. As a result, the surge in digital activities has encouraged a renewed interest in digital marketing careers. Digital marketing consultants can provide their services remotely to their clients. It’s the ideal setup to support a variety of businesses without leaving your home office. As a professional marketer, you can provide content creation, paid advertising, social media management, and strategic direction services for companies. Using some of the most popular tools available on the market, from Google Analytics to SEO Moz, marketers can create service packages for their clients. 

Game creators

The pandemic has encouraged people to take a new interest in the gaming industry, both digital and offline games. There’s a huge potential for game creatives to dive into the booming market. Enthusiastic board game designers can develop a new narrative for epic role-playing platforms that combine polyhedral dice – you can find superb sets at Skull Splitter Dice –, engaging themes, and strategic progression. If a board game isn’t your thing, escape room puzzles and gaming apps are equally popular. 

Freelance writer

The need for freelance writing is constantly growing. Even though it is a huge industry with a lot of professional writers, there are plenty of opportunities for newcomers to the freelancing market. First of all, becoming a freelance writer can be a varied and rewarding career path. You can consider blogging content, dedicated pieces, ghostwriting, content strategy management, or even SEO expert services, depending on your forte. Some freelancing jobs require editing and proofreading for existing pieces while others need to start a new creative process. In other words, there’s enough to do for everyone, depending on your experience. 

Digital artist

We often forget creativity for the sake of artistic value can be a popular career. The digital platform has just started to experiment with digital artists who share creations that none of us could see in a museum. David McLeod, a digital specialist in CGI, has made a name for himself as a talented animator. He shares his works on Instagram. But behind the digital arts, there’s also a huge potential for filmmakers and digital businesses to reach out and hire his services. Ultimately, as a digital artist, you need to create a portfolio of creations that will attract art-lovers and businesses that can benefit from your knowledge. 

Creativity exists in a remote environment. We’re all familiar with the lonely life of some of the most significant creators of our age, from famous writers to renowned painters. When it comes to digital technology, creatives can still establish a profitable and reliable career path from the comfort of their own home. Remote creatives who build their presence digitally can develop a unique path that suits their personality and work preferences. 

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

The Companies You Can Run Completely Remotely

The Companies You Can Run Completely Remotely

With the pandemic giving no real signs of letting up any time soon, keen entrepreneurs are going to need to consider what they can do to survive. If you are someone who loves a new project and you are wondering what you could do to get your new business off the ground, it’s going to be important to try and find an idea for a company which can easily survive through remote control. Here are some examples of the kinds of companies you are probably going to be able to run entirely remotely.

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Not only is it possible to run an e-commerce store completely from home with the help of other remote workers, it is also the kind of business that has actually been doing really well the past twelve months. The e-commerce industry is booming, and there has rarely been a better time to get into this side of things than now. To make this a successful operation, you need to sell items that you and your team can easily make and package from home. You might even want to use it as an opportunity to sell on your arts and crafts that you might have made.


This is a similar kind of business model to e-commerce, but it varies in that you are not generally making the products yourself. Of course, that makes it ideal for a time such as this during the pandemic, as you neither need to make products yourself at home nor use factories and warehouses to do so. Essentially, you don’t actually keep any goods in stock – instead, you act as the go-between for the providers and the buyers, and in this way you can actually make quite a considerable amount of money. Find out how dropshipping works here.

Image Source – CCO Licence

Tutoring & Coaching

Do you have something you can teach others? Perhaps you have some skill that you know people would love to learn. Whatever it might be, if you get a few other people together with you who also have that skill, or something similar, you could set up your very own tutoring and coaching service online. There are few skills which you can’t teach online these days, with video conferencing software being as good as it is, and you could find yourself making a considerable amount of money in no time at all. This is definitely one to think about.

Digital Marketing

One effect of the pandemic has been that businesses have started to truly appreciate just how important the digital aspect of marketing might be. This has led to a surge in sales in this industry, and it’s something that is worth taking advantage of if you know how. By setting up your own digital marketing campaign, you should be able to help other businesses get ahead, and you can provide all of the services you need to provide completely remotely.

These are all worth looking into if you want to run a business completely remotely, so make sure you are considering them.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Rediscovering The Spark In Your Relationship In Spite Of Covid-19

Rediscovering The Spark In Your Relationship In Spite Of Covid-19

Image Pixabay (CC0 License)

The coronavirus pandemic has impacted all of our lives in a big way. This is particularly noticeable for couples, and reduced levels of romance are a very common issue. Unfortunately, ignoring the problem won’t suddenly make it disappear. You need to tackle the issue head-on by putting the spark and excitement back into the relationship.

There’s no escaping the fact that the continued limitations caused by the pandemic will pose obstacles. Nonetheless, the following steps will give you the best shot at getting love back on track.

Make Time For Home Dates

If you’re both working from home, your schedules are probably up in the air. This can lead to a situation where you are cohabiting, but not coliving. It will take a conscious effort to rectify this issue. Try to find time where you can sit down for a home date night. Whether it’s watching a film, eating a romantic meal, or doing something creative together doesn’t matter. The time spent together can bring romance back into your lives while also making the home surroundings more enjoyable. This is the perfect starting point.

Get A Break From The Norm

The chances of jetting off for a vacation are a lot less likely than usual. And, quite frankly, you could probably use the break more than ever. Simply giving yourself a chance to forget about the stresses of daily life and concentrate on each other will work wonders. Even if it’s just a day trip or weekend away to the next town. Hire a luxury vehicle from experts at Burswood Car Rentals and take a road trip. A little spontaneity goes a long way, even if your options for attractions are limited. In many ways, making your own entertainment maybe even better.

Turn Off Social Media

Social media can undoubtedly play a positive role in our lives. Right now, though, life is hard. So, seeing influencers post their seemingly perfect lives can create an inferiority complex. In turn, it can make you question whether your relationship is enough. In truth, it probably is but has become a victim of the warped view you’ve gained.

Taking a social media detox will give you time to focus on each other. You can still stay in contact with loved ones via other tech means, like video chat. Your mindsets will undergo a significant transformation. You might even find you’re ready to buy a rose gold hidden halo engagement ring so you can propose!

Enjoy Hobbies Together

Getting to know your lover is very exciting at the start of a relationship. Sadly, there is a very strong chance that you’ve stopped sharing those moments together. Take it in turns to introduce each other to your passions. Whether it’s listening to a band, enjoying a certain type of art, cooking, or playing Fortnite doesn’t matter. The love of those activities is still a very attractive feature, and partners can learn to love the activities too. When you find a good balance between his and her pastimes, love and laughs will be restored.

Seek Expert Help

There is nothing wrong with accepting that your relationship needs help at any time. However, these unprecedented times mean that there is even less shame or guilt involved. While most people naturally jump straight to the idea of therapy, it’s not the only option. Speaking to couples that have experienced the same difficulties, such as being unable to get away from each other, can feel comforting. The fact you want to fight for your love shows that there is still something there. Do not forget it.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.