Category Archives: BEAUTY

Looking After Yourself Head To Toe

Looking After Yourself Head To Toe

Are you in need of a little TLC? Have you overlooked parts of your self-care regime? You are not alone, with the demands of busy lives, work schedules, and family commitments it can be hard to prioritize yourself and your wellbeing. To help give you the boost you need and recharge the way you look and feel, here are some ways you can look after yourself from your head to your toes. 

Photo credit; Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels


Starting at the very top, what condition is your hair in and when was the last time you went to the salon to have it cut? If you can try to make some time to make an appointment for a freshen up, a cut and color, or a new style. Those dry and split ends will thank you for it. Alternatively, you can simply dedicate some time to spending a little longer in the shower and using a hydrating or caring mask for your hair to give it a new lease of life and leave you feeling brighter. 


Your teeth make up such a formative part of your face, appearance, and smile. A straight, white set of teeth can make all the difference to how you look and feel so spending a little time and perhaps money to improve your smile could be game-changing. If you are conscious about your teeth then schedule an appointment with an orthodontics clinic to see how they may be able to help you. Or perhaps you might simply benefit from a DIY home tooth whitening kit to brighten up your smile. 


Moving further down to your hands now, or more specifically your nails. Together with your face, your hands are part of yourself that is on display all of the time and used for so many things. Therefore looking after your hands should take priority. Ensure you moisturize your hands day and night with decent hand cream and why not treat yourself to a manicure to freshen up your nails and give your hands and nails the TLC they deserve? Finally, a top tip if you are out and about all day – don’t forget to apply sunscreen to your hands. Hands are commonly overlooked when it comes to sunscreen but are often the most exposed. This will help to protect your hands and help reduce the signs of aging 

Gut health 

The health of your gut is thought to impact your overall health and wellbeing considerably more than researchers ever realized. Ensuring you fill your body with healthy and nutritious foods can have a profound effect on the workings of your gut and in turn the rest of your body, health, and wellbeing. Some simple ways you can do this are to eat more fiber, drink plenty of water and ensure you take sufficient amounts of prebiotics. 


Finally, finish up with your feet. Your feet take you everywhere and should be treated with love and respect. Be sure to pamper your feet, make an appointment to remove hard skin, keep toenails cut, and treat yourself to a pedicure every now and then to keep your feet in the best possible shape. 

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

What Is Reverse Hair Washing?

What Is Reverse Hair Washing?

New trends come down the pike and leave people saying, ‘What is that all about?’.

The fact is that beauty trends come and go, but a lot of today’s beauty tips stem from improving history. That is kind of the case with reverse hair washing.

So what is reverse hair washing?

Reverse Hair Washing

The process of reverse hair washing is doing just that; You wash your hair in reverse.

  1. Of course, it starts with wetting your hair.
  2. Next, apply your conditioner. If the conditioner’s directions say to let sit for a minute or two, follow the directions as per usual.
  3. Rinse out the conditioner completely and then apply shampoo.
  4. Scrub the scalp and rinse, thoroughly.

Best Way To Shampoo

When shampooing your hair it is best to focus on the scalp and pull the suds to the ends. That’s because the oils are at the scalp. The ends can dry out if you focus the shampoo on the ends. Shampooing the ends and scrubbing can cause quicker color-fading, too.

When it comes to conditioning, do the opposite. Focus conditioning the ends and then run fingers through roots. This places the main focus on the ends, keeping them nourished and healthy. Too much conditioner on the scalp can cause hair to go limp.

What’s the Purpose of Reverse Hair Washing?

Reverse hair washing is to prevent shampoo from removing too much of your natural oils from the scalp and hair.

By conditioning first, you are adding another layer of moisturizer onto the natural oil. By the time you shampoo the hair, it is only able to lightly strip the oils, leaving behind a clean feeling on your locks.

History of Reverse Hair Washing

Only dating back to the 2000s, reverse hair washing was probably inspired by the Egyptians since in B.C. times, women would lather their hair in oils, then wash their hair with water and citrus juices. The citrus strips the hair from oils, so to keep the hair soft, it needed extra oils to strip out while purifying the hair. Fyi, citrus is very purifying.

Benefits of Reverse Hair Washing

The benefits of conditioning first and shampooing after is simple. It doesn’t allow the hair to lose natural oils. The results are nice, too. The hair will be fuller-looking and shiny.

Not For Everybody

Reverse hair washing has benefits. However, it’s not for everybody. Those with thick, curly or super dry hair will probably not benefit from this technique. It can be an issue with detangling hair after the hair gets wet.

Whether you love to reverse hair wash every time or once in a while, remember to be proactive and use a heat protector when drying or styling your hair with heat products. It’s better to prevent damage than to repair damage.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Do You Have These Self Care Tools in Your Grooming Bag

Do You Have These Self Care Tools in Your Grooming Bag

Whether you travel often or simply like to keep your grooming kit organised, you may be wondering if you’re missing a step in your self-care routine. You always want to look your best, which is understandable. But looking good doesn’t mean you have to spend hours getting ready every morning. To make sure you never have to worry about this again, we’ve put together a list of the things every man needs to look his best.

Skin care products

People often think that skin care products are only for women, but men can also have skin problems. If you want healthy-looking skin, exfoliate it once a week with lukewarm water and then follow up with a quality moisturiser. If you’re worried about wrinkles appearing around your eyes and forehead, you may want to try an anti-aging cream.

Cordless clippers

You might go to the barbershop once every few weeks, but if you’re going to be away from home for a while or you just don’t feel like dealing with the hassle, you can use cordless clippers to trim your hair and keep it looking neat and tidy in-between visits. You should also keep your beard grooming trimmers close at hand in order to maintain a beard look that is on par with the precision of your hairstyle.

Hair styling products

Once you’ve got your hair and beard to your liking, it’s time to style. Keep a range of products like beard oil, gel, hairspray, and clay on hand. If you love a hair product that smells amazing and keeps your hair in place all day, why not try out Jack Henry Clay Pomade? Another great thing to keep in your grooming bag alongside your hair styling products is a comb and a mini pair of straighteners if you like to smooth out your hair a little.


There is no higher praise than being told that you smell great; and therefore, having your cologne close at hand in your grooming kit will make sure that you always have a pleasant aroma about you. Cologne can be easily decanted into smaller bottles that are more convenient for travel and less likely to break, if you don’t want to carry a full bottle.


If you’ve put a lot of effort into your appearance, flyaways and a monobrow are going to ruin it all. Keep a pair of tweezers in your grooming kit so you can get rid of unwanted hairs as soon as they appear.

Lip balm

There’s nothing worse than chapped lips, especially if you’re getting ready to go out on a date. Keep a small chapstick in your grooming bag so that you never have to worry about cracked lips again! You can buy unflavoured and unscented lip balm if you want to keep it discreet!

As you can see, you do not necessarily require a large number of items in your grooming bag; however, keeping these items close at hand when you are travelling or at home for your morning routine will keep you looking your best.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Natural Relief from a Painful Pimple

Natural Relief from a Painful Pimple

After hitting puberty, it can happen to anyone at any age thereafter; a pimple. Acne can ruin anybody’s day. They are red, intrusive and irritating. The worst part, despite their annoying appearance, is when they hurt, like blood-curdling pain. Putting ice on the area can help, and it might be a good idea to use ice, anyhow, but be sure not to leave it on the skin for too long since ice can cause irreversible damage.

Nevertheless, there are more proactive ways to get natural relief from a painful pimple, and here are a few tricks to reduce appearance and pain.

OTC Hydrocortisone

Hydrocortisone is a great anti-inflammatory, which is safe to use all over the body. Using OTC cream directly on your face is not safe to use long-term, but if there is a raging pimple that is painful or itchy, using a small dap can relieve the discomfort quickly.

Hydrocortisone won’t work on every type of pimple. It’s best for a cystic pimple. Plus, Hydrocortisone thins the skin. Using too much or too often can cause serious injury.


Salt is an amazing natural element. It has the ability to sanitize, draw out, and dry out a pimple all in one treatment. Don’t mistake, it might take several applications to get desired results, but it will work on clearing up the pus, bacteria and dirt that is causing the pain and discomfort.

In a mixture of water and salt, create a paste. Only dab the area with a light circular motion. Scrubbing can break the skin and cause burning and irritation. Leave the mixture on the skin; it will absorb what is needed and flake off the unused salt. Salt can cause major dryness. Remember to moisturize the skin to maintain a good balance.


Honey is a great antibacterial, antifungal treatment for the skin. Using honey on painful pimples can remove the bacteria while keeping the skin moisturized. Spot treat the pimple with a dab of honey and let sit for 10 minutes to an hour. Rinse off with warm water.

Do not use honey if you are allergic to bees or honey.


Toothpaste was the first remedy I heard of when I was a teen. It does work, but it can burn. The important thing to remember if trying toothpaste is to use a white paste, not gel toothpaste. The white paste has good ingredients to promote drying. Unfortunately, the gel doesn’t work the same way and can irritate the painful pimple further.

Place a small dot of toothpaste on the area and let sit for 10-30 minutes. When done, rinse off with warm water and pat dry. The skin will burn when applying toothpaste, but should subside quickly. If you feel an unbearable burn, wash off the toothpaste immediately.

Final Thoughts

There are great medications that can help with acne and treat painful pimples, but if you are in a pinch these natural remedies should have the swelling and pain subsiding in no time.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Natural Face Wash with Honey

Natural Face Wash with Honey

Healthy skin starts with clean skin. Washing your face twice a day is important for hygiene purposes, but be careful what you use on the face because too much of one thing can dry out skin or cause it to become oily.

Did you know honey has many health properties for the body like honey curbing allergies? Honey can cleanse without drying out the skin.

In the Morning

Washing your face when you first wake up can be a great idea to wake you up. However, it might be better to wait until you get into the shower. A clean face and steam can open up the pores and cleanse deep down, removing dirt and oils.

Use a facial cleanser that is gentle and works with your skin type. However, a great natural cleanser is honey.

Add a Teaspoon of Honey

Honey is thick and sticky, but it’s also antibacterial and antifungal. Using honey as a cleanser can be messy, so using it before you get into the shower can make it a lot easier to work with.

Apply a dollop of honey all over your face. Using clean fingers to massage into your skin can be super soothing. You can rinse it off immediately with warm water.

Your face will feel clean and soft and ready for your daily routine.

Night Time Face

After a day of makeup, sweat and stress use a cleanser that can remove all the makeup and dirt of the day. Using an exfoliant cleanser is great to remove dead skin cells.

You can choose to use a regular cleanser or use honey again. Adding a little shake of salt along with the honey can make a natural exfoliant. Rinse with warm water to remove all the honey. Pat dry with a clean cloth.

Your skin will feel like silk and have a beautiful glow.

You can continue with your regular nighttime skincare moisturizers.

Make a Mask

If daily washing with honey doesn’t sound appealing, making a facial mask using honey is simple and easy. Apply a layer of honey over your face and neck. Let the honey sit for 10-15 minutes and will soak deep down to prevent acne and fine lines. Rinse with warm water and pat dry. Continue with your regular skincare moisturizers.

Honey is a healthy source to be used on the skin. It can also benefit the skin by ingesting a small dose daily. If you are allergic to honey or bees do not use honey. Talk with your doctor before trying honey if you think you could have an issue with honey.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.