Natural Relief from a Painful Pimple

After hitting puberty, it can happen to anyone at any age thereafter; a pimple. Acne can ruin anybody’s day. They are red, intrusive and irritating. The worst part, despite their annoying appearance, is when they hurt, like blood-curdling pain. Putting ice on the area can help, and it might be a good idea to use ice, anyhow, but be sure not to leave it on the skin for too long since ice can cause irreversible damage.
Nevertheless, there are more proactive ways to get natural relief from a painful pimple, and here are a few tricks to reduce appearance and pain.
OTC Hydrocortisone
Hydrocortisone is a great anti-inflammatory, which is safe to use all over the body. Using OTC cream directly on your face is not safe to use long-term, but if there is a raging pimple that is painful or itchy, using a small dap can relieve the discomfort quickly.
Hydrocortisone won’t work on every type of pimple. It’s best for a cystic pimple. Plus, Hydrocortisone thins the skin. Using too much or too often can cause serious injury.
Salt is an amazing natural element. It has the ability to sanitize, draw out, and dry out a pimple all in one treatment. Don’t mistake, it might take several applications to get desired results, but it will work on clearing up the pus, bacteria and dirt that is causing the pain and discomfort.
In a mixture of water and salt, create a paste. Only dab the area with a light circular motion. Scrubbing can break the skin and cause burning and irritation. Leave the mixture on the skin; it will absorb what is needed and flake off the unused salt. Salt can cause major dryness. Remember to moisturize the skin to maintain a good balance.
Honey is a great antibacterial, antifungal treatment for the skin. Using honey on painful pimples can remove the bacteria while keeping the skin moisturized. Spot treat the pimple with a dab of honey and let sit for 10 minutes to an hour. Rinse off with warm water.
Do not use honey if you are allergic to bees or honey.
Toothpaste was the first remedy I heard of when I was a teen. It does work, but it can burn. The important thing to remember if trying toothpaste is to use a white paste, not gel toothpaste. The white paste has good ingredients to promote drying. Unfortunately, the gel doesn’t work the same way and can irritate the painful pimple further.
Place a small dot of toothpaste on the area and let sit for 10-30 minutes. When done, rinse off with warm water and pat dry. The skin will burn when applying toothpaste, but should subside quickly. If you feel an unbearable burn, wash off the toothpaste immediately.
Final Thoughts
There are great medications that can help with acne and treat painful pimples, but if you are in a pinch these natural remedies should have the swelling and pain subsiding in no time.
Tia, and is trying to keep you looking good and
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