All posts by TipsfromTia

Prevention, Tips and Remedy is what you find when you read Tips from Tia. Tia is Radio personality, with tons of answers and tips on Organic Beauty, Health, Life, Home and Sex.; a place where you can trust the tip you're given, and not rely on a dozen different answers. Some Tips are decades old, and all I can say is it may be your grandmother's tip,but with more appeal! a source you can trust. Remember, looking good; feeling good.

Red Flag Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Red Flag Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Often, when you feel under the weather, or you’re a bit out of sorts, there’s no need to rush to a clinic and see a doctor. Most of the symptoms we experience and illnesses we develop are minor, and often, there’s no need for treatment. Sometimes, however, the situation is different, and you may come across red flag signs that you really shouldn’t ignore. It’s highly likely that there will be nothing to worry about, but seeing your doctor will give you peace of mind.

Frequent dizzy spells

It’s normal to feel dizzy or lightheaded if you’ve had a hectic day and it’s 4pm and you haven’t had lunch yet, but it’s not normal to experience dizzy spells on a regular basis. If you feel faint, it’s a good idea to seek medical advice. It’s particularly important to visit an urgent care center if you’ve developed dizziness after an accident. If you banged your head, for example, dizziness could be a delayed symptom of concussion. Feeling lightheaded may also be linked to low sugar levels, low blood pressure, and anemia.

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Lumps and bumps

It’s very common to find lumps and bumps on or underneath your skin. In the vast majority of cases, these masses are nothing sinister, but occasionally, they can be a sign of potentially life-threatening illnesses. If you do find a lump, no matter how big or small, it’s best to get it checked out.

Unexplained weight loss

Many people try to lose weight for weeks or even months of the year. If you’re dropping dress sizes and you’ve been making an effort to eat a healthier diet and do more exercise, the tumbling numbers on the scale shouldn’t cause concern. However, if you’re losing weight and you haven’t been trying to, this could be a sign of underlying illness. If your clothes feel much baggier or your body weight has dropped significantly, and you haven’t changed your eating habits, book an appointment with your doctor.

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Traces of blood in urine or feces

If you spot traces of blood in your urine or feces, arrange to see your doctor as soon as possible. There are lots of possible causes, many of which are minor, but there is a risk that these symptoms are linked to more serious illnesses. Common causes may include urinary tract infections or hemorrhoids, but bleeding can also be symptomatic of some forms of cancer.

Chest pain

You may experience chest pain if you’ve been involved in an accident, but if there doesn’t appear to be an obvious cause of pain, seek advice from your doctor. Chest pain can be a sign of cardiac problems, but there are lots of other causes. If you’ve been getting recurrent bouts of pain or you feel pain come on very suddenly, see a doctor urgently.

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Usually, when you don’t feel 100 percent, you recover and bounce back very quickly. In the vast majority of cases, we’re struck down by minor illnesses, but sometimes, spotting red flag symptoms can lead to a diagnosis of more severe health problems. If you do notice any of these signs, don’t hesitate to contact your doctor. It’s best to get symptoms checked sooner rather than later.

 Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

5 Easy Ways To Achieve Radiant Looking Skin

5 Easy Ways To Achieve Radiant Looking Skin

For those of us who aren’t blessed with the complexion of Cate Blanchett, it can be hard to achieve anything close to the radiant skin look. You may have blotches and blemishes that you don’t merely want to cover up but that you want to get rid of. You’ve heard hundreds of random old wives tales, like carrying an acorn around in your pocket will leave you wrinkle-free, and you just don’t buy it. Take a look at these more sensible ways to achieve healthy, glowing skin.

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It’s vital that if exfoliating your grubby pores isn’t a key part of your skincare routine, it needs to be added immediately. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells that can appear dry, flaky and blotchy from your face. This should leave a smoother surface on which to carry out the next stage of your skincare regimen. Ensure that you add the all important face toner to your skincare routine to remove oil build-up, unclogging your pores and allowing your skin to feel refreshed.


You could, of course, apply a bit of generic soap on a flannel and scrub away, but this won’t get you any closer to your goal of a glowing complexion. You need to rub your skin in gentle circles with whatever cleanser you choose. Look for products for sensitive skin containing natural ingredients. This way, your skin has less of a chance to react adversely to anything that may be synthetic.

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Drink Well

To keep your skin healthy, just like any other organ of the body it needs to be hydrated at all times. Drink plenty of water, and if you want to go one step further when using H2O, try sucking on an ice cube. By doing this, you are cooling down your facial skin cells, resulting in a rosier cheeked complexion.

Boost Your Vitamins

Both Vitamins B and D can aid the regeneration of the skin’s cells and prevent you from looking red and having breakouts. Being deficient in either one of these vitamins could see your skin having a tendency to encounter spottiness and sweatier pores. Vitamin C has long been added to moisturisers as it is a powerful antioxidant that promotes healthy collagen. Sun damaged skin is also known to improve if a Vitamin C serum is used regularly.

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If you don’t want the dreaded grey, puffy bags under your eyes, it’s vital that you are getting a good night’s sleep. It isn’t necessarily about the quantity of your sleep, but the quality. Try and go to bed at a similar time each night to allow your body to fall into a healthy sleep routine. By getting some quality rest, you’ll wake up feeling refreshed, and this will be echoed in your complexion.

Achieving a radiant look isn’t easy, but if you look beyond your facial skin routine and also consider what you put into your body and how much rest you get, you’ll be able to strive for the healthy, glowing look.

 Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Succeeding in the Balancing Act of Living a Balanced Life

Succeeding in the Balancing Act of Living a Balanced Life

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There is no doubt that it can be difficult to live a balanced life. You often have so many different priorities that you are juggling, working out how you can find them all in can be tricky. Many people are feeling like their work-life balance is completely out of whack, but things don’t have to stay that way. Of course, there are times when you need to give priority to certain areas ahead of others, but here are the key areas of life with which you are juggling.

Physical Wellbeing

If you are constantly busy working, looking after family etc, it is often your physical health that starts to suffer. After all, it is so much simpler to not do that half hour of exercise and order take out rather than cooking. However, you need to remember that you only get one body, and if you don’t take good care of it, you can find yourself in trouble. Check out some of the advice available on source: to give you a helping hand. One way that you can find more time is to exercise early in the morning so you have already ticked it off before the day has begun.


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If you find that you have been working far too much and your relationship with your family has started to suffer, this is when you will want to start to reassess your priorities. After all, these should be the closest relationships that you have in life no matter what else is going on. You will only get out of these relationships what you put into them. After all, work should be a tool that allows you to enjoy the other more important parts of your life.


Next up on the list of relationships to find time for are your social ties. Ask yourself how often you see your close friends and how active you are being in arranging time that you can all get together. Having a close group of people around you that you love spending time with is one of the keys to living a long and healthy life. If you find that these relationships are being sacrificed, it is probably the case that you are not in balance in your life.


Take a closer look at your financial situation and ask yourself how things are going. Are you making the right investments or looking to increase your income wherever you can? You want your money to provide you with a range of different options. It is a good idea to assess your financial situation from time to time and work out what direction you are heading in. For example, that big promotion at work may provide you with more capital in the short term, but if you have less time to enjoy it, will it be worthwhile?


If you run your own business, of course this ends up taking up a lot of your time, but you should also ask whether you are advancing things in the right direction. Ultimately, it should be providing you with pleasure to run your business, and if you are not getting this, it may be time that you want to reassess your priorities. When you invest a lot of time in something, you want to feel like it is all worthwhile.


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After all these other commitments, are you also taking the time to invest in your local community? Though it may not seem as important as many of the other things we have already talked about, you still want to ensure that you can improve the place you are living as best you can. This is often the final piece of the puzzle with regards to living a more balanced life. It also helps to give you an enormous sense of wellbeing that you are doing something positive in the place you call home.

These six areas of life are the main ones that you need to balance in order to live a satisfying and fulfilling life. Of course, it is sometimes not easy to keep everything in check, so one of the best ways that you can do this better is by making a regular weekly schedule that your stick to. Even if there are some weeks that you need to devote more time to one particular area, you can balance this out in the future. Ultimately, a balanced life is the kind that will provide you with the most fulfillment.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

How Exercise Influences Skin Health

By Guest Blogger, Matjaž

How Exercise Influences Skin Health

Everybody by now knows how exercise is extremely important for your heart health, improving bone mineral density, lung health, improving body composition and even lowering stress.


However, the topic of skin health in relationship to exercise is not often mentioned.

And that’s a shame as it should be. Exercise does have a very important influence on skin health.

Rezultat iskanja slik za exercise and skin health


In a systematic review and meta-analysis on exercise training intervention in relationship to cutaneous microvascular reactivity Lanting et al (2017) with seven different trials included found out a clear benefit of exercise training on improving skin health.

This makes sense as exercise improves blood flow to the body and skin is no exception to that.

Increased blood flow means more nutrients and oxygen will be delivered to your skin. But not only that. At the same time, more waste products are transported out of your skin cells.

Exercise in a way provides a natural and cost-effective way of cleaning and nourishing your skin cells at the same time.

Rezultat iskanja slik za exercise and skin health


Another mechanism by which exercise improves skin health is by its effects on reducing stress and anxiety.

The exact link between how reduced stress improves skin health is still under investigation, however, so far it’s safe to say that exercise has an important role in improving skin health through reduced stress.



As far as which type of exercise is best to achieve the best results of improving skin health it’s most probably aerobic types of exercises such as walking, jogging, hiking, cycling etc.

And as for the intensity of the exercise, light to moderate intensity has been shown to be best for lowering anxiety and stress levels in our body so it’s probably best to stick with this type of intensity if improving skin health is in your best interest.

 Povezana slika


The last thing we have to take into consideration in regards to working out and skin health is, of course, the environment where we exercise.

When you train outside, especially during peak sun hours and especially during the summer you have to protect your skin from sun burns at all cost.

Sunburn damages your skin in a major way so be sure keep your training hours outside peak sun hours and be sure to apply sun screen whenever necessary.


As you can clearly see exercise has a very important role in keeping your skin healthy mainly through improved blood flow and reducing stress and anxiety levels in our body.

Exercise is thus a very effective and more cost-effective way of improving skin health in comparison to other body creams, supplements or any other skin health products.

When exercising the best types of exercises for lowering stress are lower to moderate intensity aerobic types of exercises.

Also, be sure to protect your skin from excessive sun exposure when exercising.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram 


Matjaž has a BSc in Food Technology and Nutrition and has been working as a personal trainer with many different clients helping them achieve their personal and fitness goals. You can learn more exercise, nutrition and supplementation tips on his website



Lanting, Sean M. et al. 2015. The effect of exercise training on cutaneous microvascular reactivity: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, Volume 20, Issue 2, 170 – 177

Petruzzello J. Steven, Landers M. Daniel, Hatfield Brad D., Kubitz A. Karla, Salazar Walter. 1991. A Meta-Analysis on the Anxiety-Reducing Effects of Acute and Chronic Exercise. Sports medicine, 11, 3: 143–182





Care At Home – Or In A Home: The Big Question With Aging Parents

Care At Home – Or In A Home: The Big Question With Aging Parents

Nobody can predict the future. And while I could hazard a guess that most of you reading this post would love to allow their parents to age gracefully in their own home – or even yours – you just can’t tell what might happen. Illnesses, repetitive injuries, and complicated psychological issues could all play their part. And even if you do make the decision that you will definitely be your parent’s caregiver, who’s to say you will be in a position to do it when the time comes?

There are a lot of considerations to think about – and to be honest, it is almost impossible to make a decision now, without knowing what the future holds. But the sooner we all start thinking about things, the more prepared we will be to make that important decision. With this in mind, here are a few things you should be thinking about right now, so you are ready to deal with them in the years to come.

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Emotional cost

Yes, sending your parents to a residential home is going to be expensive. But you might be surprised to learn that there are enormous costs involved when they need care in their home, too. Millions of people all over the country care for ageing and ill parents and relatives and an increasing number are providing hands-on care. It’s a lot of work. Unless you can afford to pay medical staff and support workers, you can expect it to be a full-time job, and it will be incredibly draining, stressful, and can take you away from bringing up your own family.

Financial cost

Money has to be taken into account. As much as we would all love to say it makes no difference, the cost of caring for a parent at home is significant. You may need to give up your job, pay for medical services, and maybe even shell out for adaptations to your parent’s home – or yours. In short, whether you choose a care home or look after your folks yourself, there is a chance it will have a profound effect on your finances.

Approaching the end

There will come a time when your folks will be close to the end. And if they are suffering from something like end-stage cancer palliative care is of vital importance. Your loved one will be undergoing a lot of pain, and be experiencing the impact of a massive array of symptoms. They will need doctors to treat them, nurses to care for them, and also people who can provide them with the psychological support they require. While many people prefer to see out their days at home, there are some scenarios where getting help from a professional setting will be better for everyone.

The guilt

Unless money is no object, at some point you are going to have to make a choice – and live with it. Either way, you are going to feel guilty. On the one hand, if you decide on residential care, you might have to go against the wishes of your parents. But on the other, keeping them at home may prevent them from receiving the care they need to live out their days comfortably, or the support they need in the event of an emergency. Whichever direction you end up choosing, you have to remember that you will still be a big part of the care team, but you will also have to accept reality.

It’s a tough call, for sure. But hopefully, these factors will help you feel a little better about making a decision when the time comes. Hopefully, that won’t be for many years…

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram