All posts by TipsfromTia

Prevention, Tips and Remedy is what you find when you read Tips from Tia. Tia is Radio personality, with tons of answers and tips on Organic Beauty, Health, Life, Home and Sex.; a place where you can trust the tip you're given, and not rely on a dozen different answers. Some Tips are decades old, and all I can say is it may be your grandmother's tip,but with more appeal! a source you can trust. Remember, looking good; feeling good.

The Tell-Tale Signs Of A Bad Relationship

The Tell-Tale Signs Of A Bad Relationship

Nobody wants to go through a breakup but it’s just a part of life. It will happen to most of us at some point. Because it’s such a bad experience, people try to avoid it as much as possible. By trying to fix your relationship you can avoid ending things and make them as good as they were at the start of the relationship. If you can make it work, it’s the best thing for you to do. But the harsh truth is, some relationships are just beyond saving. The signs aren’t always obvious, but they are always there. This is how to tell whether your relationship is already over.

No Communication


Fixing the cracks in your relationship starts with one thing: a conversation. Speaking to each other about what your problems are is the only way that you can sort them out and move forward. Not being able to communicate with one another is going to make it impossible to save your relationship. Communication doesn’t just mean talking to one another and this is a trap that couples often fall into. They think that just because they chat all of the time, that they communicate well and everything is fine. But if you aren’t talking about your feelings and the worries you have about the relationship, you won’t be getting anywhere. Don’t worry about causing a fight. Sometimes you need to argue so you can come to a compromise about an issue that one or both of you is having with the relationship.

Fighting Too Much

While no couple can avoid fighting completely, if you’re doing it too often then you could be in trouble. If you find that instead of the occasional fight, you’re getting the occasional moment of peace, then you’re in trouble. Couples that keep fighting all of the time are obviously not solving their problems when they fight, or they are just finding new things to fight about. That’s a sign you should end things. If it does break apart, and you’re a couple that fights a lot, it’s likely to get nasty. You should hire a company like Romano Law, P.C. to ensure that everything is dealt with properly and your feelings don’t get in the way. If you find yourselves fighting that often, then it’s probably because one or both of you are letting their anger get the better of them and storming out before anything is resolved. Next time you have a fight, try to stay calm and resolve something instead of just flying off the handle.

No Trust


Trust is at the core of every good relationship. You give everything of yourself to that other person and if you don’t trust one another, it won’t work. Serious trust issues often surface in the form of behavior, like checking your partner’s phone, or constantly questioning where they have been. If you’re in this situation, it is likely that you will never get that trust back and you should end things. Speak to your partner and tell them that they need to trust you, but if they can’t, then it’s too late.

When these things start sounding all too familiar, it might be time to end things.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

Benefits Of Hyaluronic Acid

By Guest Blogger, Hannah D.

Cleansing dry skin is a tricky business. Any wrong product or ingredient can easily zap out the remaining moisture on your skin.

This, in the end, can spell more trouble.

Dry skin isn’t only unattractive, but it can also make you too conscious of yourself. You can end up with rough skin, flaking and even bleeding.

In choosing the right cleanser for dry skin, you need to pay close attention to its formula and ingredients. Make sure that there are no harsh components that can make your skin drier than it already is.

Pick products that have great hydrating properties. One of your best options is hyaluronic acid.

This ingredient is able to hold 1,000 times its weight in water. It can attract and retain moisture on your skin without being occlusive.

 For these properties, hyaluronic acid isn’t just great for dry skin. It also makes a great choice even for those who have oily and acne-prone skin.

 Hyaluronic acid can work wonders on aging skin, too. By keeping the skin plump and hydrated, it can essentially make wrinkles and fine lines a lot less prominent.

 To know more about this ingredient and how it can help you deal with your skin concerns, check out the infographic below.


Hyaluronic Acid For Skin: The Little-Known Secret To Healthier Skin

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

Hannah Do is the founder of Thank Your Skin, a beauty blog dedicated to providing honest skin care advice and information. She aspires to help her readers achieve their most beautiful skin by sharing personal tips learned through both years of experience and thorough research. Check out her latest article about pure organic castor oil. You can find her on TwitterPinterest and Facebook


A Safe and Natural Detox for Your Body

By Blogger Jenny H.

A Safe and Natural Detox for Your Body

Without a doubt, our bodies are naturally equipped with all the necessary resources to detox without any kind of external aid. Having said that, our bodies haven’t always had to deal with the same external threats and conditions as they come up against today – including metal and plastic chemicals found on kitchen equipment or in food packaging, cigarette smoke and volatile organic elements found in air fresheners.

According to the Fourth National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals, published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a total of 212 unwanted chemicals were found in the blood and urine samples of those who took part in the study. Therefore, it seems that knowing how to detox using safe and natural methods is useful to us in the world we live in today.

Safe methods for naturally detoxing your body

One of the safest and most effective ways of achieving a detox through diet is to give your liver and kidneys what they need to remain strong.

Liver and kidneys

The liver and kidneys are the two organs your body uses to naturally deal with toxins. The liver is a particularly clever organ that goes through two stages to achieve full detox. It firsts breaks down the toxic elements and then goes on to bind them to other molecules. To keep both your liver and kidneys functioning at their best, you need to consume foods rich in vitamins A, B, C and E. You also need to increase the levels of glutathione in your body. To do this you should increase the amount of dairy products, fish, meat and cheese that you consume on a daily basis.

Things to avoid

Cut alcohol and tuna out of your diet, choose filtered water over tap water and get away from the dangers of the city for a while – leaving car fumes, paint products and unwanted gases far behind you.

Don’t forget your skin

As it’s the largest organ in the human body, it really does deserve our time and attention. As a way of complementing the changes that you make to your diet, you can also spend more time in the sauna so that the harmful toxins lingering in your body can be steamed out of your system.

Detoxing methods that carry risks

Not all detoxing methods are backed by solid science. It’s important to thoroughly investigate the possible side effects of “detox-quick” solutions, as you could end up doing more harm to your body than good.

Emptying your colon

One such method to be wary of is the option to empty your colon. It’s true that the method has been around for a very long time, even dating back to ancient Greek and ancient Egyptian times, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s actually a good idea. According to physiologist, Steven Swoap, the process can alter the types of bacteria in your intestines and make it easier for new, perhaps unfriendly bacterial strains to settle in.

Similarly, The Journal of Family Practice identifies a number of known problems that have been caused by colon cleansing. These include cramping, abdominal pain, vomiting, blood poisoning and gas in the veins, which can sometimes be fatal.

Considering that not all detox methods are as safe and as natural as others, it’s a good idea to invest in methods that are linked to changes in diet and changes to your regular routine. That way, we’ll have the opportunity of seeing and feeling improvements without placing ourselves at risk.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

A Complete Guide to Explaining Sex to Your Children

By Guest Blogger, Sandra C.

A Complete Guide to Explaining Sex to Your Children

Family eating their breakfast sitting at the table

To many parents, this is one of the most dreading conversations you can have with your children. Talking about sex is such a vital part of life, but it’s necessary that you explain it in such a way that they understand what it’s for, what happens and what the risks are.

There are so many subtopics of sex that it can be overwhelming to explain all at once. Things like: ‘where do babies come from?’, the reproductive system, waiting until a person is married, making love, safe sex, HPV vaccinations and std testing are all part of the conversations you might need to have with your child at some point.

However, each child is unique and will need to be told in their own way. Do you have the conversation at a young age when they’re 7-8 or do you wait until they’re 16? To give you a helping hand, here is a complete guide to help you make the best decision.

0 – 2 Years Old

It may surprise you that children are sexually conscious from birth. You may have been changing a diaper or washing your child in the bath, only to realize that they play with their own genitals. It’s safe to say that this isn’t a one-off occurrence.

It’s true, if you have a son, you may realize they also frequently have erections, even from a young age. Although your child may be too young to understand how sex works and what it’s for, it’s good to bear in mind that this mindset is already there.

Bear in mind that it’s never too early to start teaching your kids about the proper names for their genitals. If your child frequently touches themselves and ask questions, it’s fine to tell them what it is. You may encounter situations where your child touches themselves in public. If this is the case, simply tell them this isn’t acceptable, but don’t shame them or make a scene.

2 – 6 Years Old

As you can expect, toddlers are not only curious about their own bodies and their own toy belongings, but also about other toddlers around them. You’d be surprised at how much attention toddlers give to others and their bodies. With this in mind, be prepared to answer many questions that will come your way.

Although, at this age, you won’t want to give them a step-by-step guide on how to have sex, you can tell them a simple version of, for example, where babies come from, should the question arise.

You can say something like ‘When Mommy and Daddy love each other, Daddy’s seed and Mommy’s egg come together to make a baby.’

However, you know your child better than anyone, so it’s important that you gauge how understanding and how much information you give to them.

If you catch your child touching other children, always remember that this is simply curiosity and no harm is intended. Don’t scold your child for it, simply tell them they can touch themselves in private, but someone else is out of bounds.

7 – 10 Years Old

As we move up the age ranges, your child will become increasingly curious. You can expect to hear flat-out questions such as ‘Where do babies come from?’ and ‘What is sex?’ At this age, children are mentally much more understanding yet they’re not at an age where the conversation could be conceived as embarrassing.

At this age, you can begin to teach your children about puberty, as this is the stage they’re starting to enter. For example, you may like to show your children, both boys, and girls, what a tampon is and how it works. You can simply do this using a dish full of water.

However, be prepared for questions that may shock you, such as ‘What’s a blowjob?’ If you haven’t got an answer prepared, tell them you’ll tell them later but do make sure this is what you do and don’t leave the conversation hanging.

You can’t simply tell them ‘It’s another word for oral sex when two adults touch genitals with their mouths.’ You may consider using illustrated books to explain any questions they may have, without getting too deep into it.

10 – 13 Years Old

This is when sex becomes a lot more personal as your children have entered puberty. The concept of sex itself has now transformed into something that will gross them out, and they may be embarrassed to talk about. Make it clear that you’re happy to engage in conversation if they want to.

Hair will now start to grow, and their bodies will change so just ensure that you’re honest with your child when they have a question. It’s all natural, and there’s nothing to be ashamed for.

You’ll also want to start educating about the risks of sex and the fact that they can get pregnant as well as the risks of STDs. You will have to be explicit while explaining these concepts.

14+ Years Old

This is easily the most important part of their growing up life when it comes to sex. Hormones will be out of control, and the concept of sex becomes very real. Depending on your child’s social groups, they may be very distant from the idea of sex or they may be feeling pressured to do so.

However, most teenagers will not want to talk about it with their parents, but it’s important that you give them the option to un-judgmentally. Nowadays, it’s important to educate your children that in the sex-indulged world, in music videos and television series, isn’t real and everyone can make their own decisions when they’re ready.

As your child enters this stage, it’s imperative you talk about contraception and where to get it. For boys, you’ll want to introduce the idea of condoms as you will with girls. The contraceptive pill is okay, but there are a lot of long-term health issues, including cancer, depression, and anxiety, involved with them.

Final Thought

As a parent, it’s ultimately up to you when you decide to talk to your child about what as you know them better than anyone. As some broad advice, always be respectful of everything your child says, don’t place any kind of judgment on them and always give them the opportunity to talk when they’re ready.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

About the Author: Sandra Cobain is a child psychologist by profession. She’s currently the editor-in-chief of, a parents’ blog that covers parenting tips, various kids’ stuff. In her free time, she likes to play outdoors with her two small kids.

Careers In The Health Industry, What They Are And How To Get Them

Careers In The Health Industry, What They Are And How To Get Them

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Getting a career in the health industry, whether it’s to do with nutrition, exercise, or physical health, can be difficult if you’re not sure where you’re starting! They often seem quite closed off job markets from an outsider’s perspective because there isn’t actually a lot of information given about how to get involved in this area of work, however if you read on you’ll find out about the best 4 areas in health to work in, and how to get those jobs!


A lot of people don’t even know that this profession exists, and it’s a very good one to get into if you’re looking to get into the health career world. Nutritionist work with all kinds of people, they can work with people who are trying to lose or put on weight, people who need more vitamins or minerals in their diet, they even work alongside doctors to give in-house, specialist advice. As a nutritionist, you’re going to be responsible for analyzing people’s diets. Once you’ve done this, you’re going to be able to see what they’re missing, or what they’re having too much of, and put together a list of things that they should or shouldn’t be eating, and in some cases creating an entire diet plan for them. Getting into the nutritionist field can vary wildly; most prominently, it’s done by holding a degree in nutritional studies which will open up virtually every avenue for you. However there are some much smaller and cheaper courses that you can do that qualify you as a nutritionist, but not to the level that a degree would, so it reduces the amount of jobs you’re able to get but still gets you into the field

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This career isn’t just for girls, so boys you need to listen up too! Nursing is a vocation that is needed all around the country, you’re never going to be struggling to find a job with a nursing background, but what do you do? Well, there are multiple different kinds of nurses from dental to surgical, but all nurses carry out the same basic purpose; helping people recover from injuries. Whether you’re in a hospital or a dental practice or even in a care institution, your main priority is going to be making sure that all of your patients are recovering as they should be, and addressing any problems that might come your way. But how do you start getting qualified for it? There are a multitude of options; you could go for the ADN option and spend two years becoming a registered nurse through continuous study, or you could take the full 4 year course to achieve an RN-BSN degree. These degrees you can actually do online, so check out these FAQs on Getting an RN-BSN Online Degree to hopefully answer any questions that you might have about this type of course so you know what you’re going into before you do it.

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Combat Medical Specialist

This is a bit of a branch from the other professions that have been talked about here, but it is still part of the health industry believe it or not because you’re preserving the health of others. A lot of people are scared away from the military because they believe that it’s going to be too hard and it’s a one way ticket to getting hurt, but these are just superstitions and this is actually an excellent way to get into the health industry. As a medical specialist, you will accompany units on a patrol and be there to provide medical assistance should anyone get injured. This job is more of a door opener than anything else, for a number of reasons. Firstly, it requires absolutely no qualifications to get in; all you need to be able to do is meet the fitness requirement of the army and you’re going to be accepted! Secondly, upon completion of training you’ll receive a plethora of different qualifications related to your training. This is excellent because you get paid to get qualifications that are applicable in the outside world. It will give you the qualifications to get other, better paid jobs when you leave the military such as an assistant nurse which will give you the chance to climb up the ladder!

Physical Instructors

Mainly found working in gyms, becoming a physical instructor is a brilliant career path to follow do to the sheer range of jobs that are going to be available to you once you enter the field. As a physical instructor, you’re going to be responsible for keeping people fit and healthy; as mentioned, most PIs work in gyms, so you’re going to be doing fitness programs with people, making sure that their form is correct and suggesting new exercises and helpful tips for people who are already experienced. Similarly to the medical specialist we just talked about, this job requires very little qualifications or experience. Some entry level jobs will actually require neither of the two, but if you’re looking to get into the bigger pay brackets you’re going to need some form of fitness certification, but these are easier to get a hold of compared to degrees and only take a couple of months, even weeks to complete, so it’s something anyone can get into, all you’ve got to do now is look the part and you’ll be ready to go.

All of these careers are fantastically rewarding and well paid, though some more than others! If you’ve got the time to get a nursing degree then you should definitely go and seize the opportunity to do so, or maybe you want something that’s more immediately doable like becoming a physical instructor or being trained as a medical specialist, there are options for every level of qualification and experience so go ahead and apply for some roles!  You’ll never know if you don’t try them, and if you realize that it’s not for you then you’ve got something extra to put down on your CV for next time!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram