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Prevention, Tips and Remedy is what you find when you read Tips from Tia. Tia is Radio personality, with tons of answers and tips on Organic Beauty, Health, Life, Home and Sex.; a place where you can trust the tip you're given, and not rely on a dozen different answers. Some Tips are decades old, and all I can say is it may be your grandmother's tip,but with more appeal! a source you can trust. Remember, looking good; feeling good.

How to clean a mattress

By Guest Blogger, David H.

How to clean a mattress

Many people ignore the importance of cleaning their mattresses although it can lead to serious health problems. Some people spend years trying to cure acne or asthma not knowing that their mattresses are the main reason why they are not getting any better. Even though you sleep on the bed sheets, your mattress is still subject to dust, dead skin cells and other allergens that can cause serious respiratory and skin problems. In this article we will highlight the best ways to clean a mattress:

  1. Vacuum your mattress:

Even with changing your sheets every other day, dust and skin cells would still reach your mattress. We shed skin cells as we sleep, and while we don’t directly sleep on the mattress, some of these cells do end up on the mattress’s surface. You need to vacuum your mattress every week to remove accumulated dust, pet hair and food crumbs. Not removing the dust can make your mattress the best home for dust mites and bed bugs which are very dangerous.

  1. Spot clean new stains:

The best way to clean a mattress is to treat spots as soon as they happen. This is will prevent the spill from sinking into the mattress. As soon as you have a spill, you should make sure that you have absorbed most of the moisture before trying to clean the stain. You can use tissue paper to absorb the moisture before trying to clean the stain. Always clean the stain from the outside towards the center. Avoid rubbing as it will make the stain sink in deeper into the mattress. You can use baking soda with water to remove tough stains. Let it dry then vacuum away the white powder.


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  1. Deal with old stains:

Maybe you don’t feel that you need to replace your mattress just yet, but it doesn’t mean that you have to ignore old stains. Once stains have dried they become very tough to deal with. When bodily fluids like sweat and blood dry out they combine with the mattress fabric and they become very hard to remove. Use an enzyme cleaner to clean old stains. They break down stains and odors. You can also use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, dish soap and baking soda to remove tough stains.

  1. Deodorize your mattress:

Cleaning a mattress means to keep it smelling fresh and clean. Even after removing stains you will not feel that your mattress smells clean all the time. Prepare a mixture of lemon juice and water to remove the bad odors and to keep your mattress smelling nice for some time.

  1. Disinfect your mattress:

Lemon juice and vinegar can also disinfect your mattress by killing all the bacteria and the germs. Using a chemical disinfectant can activate allergies.

  1. Air your mattress:

The best thing you can do is to leave your mattress in the air and in the sun. It might not be easy but you need to properly ventilate your mattress at least once a month. This will kill the bacteria and the germs.

These are the best tips to clean a mattress that will likely make your mattress live for a long time. Sleeping on a clean mattress will improve the quality of your sleep and will fix a lot of health problems.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

How To Be Your Own Best Friend

How To Be Your Own Best Friend

Take Yourself On A Trip

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A lot of people think that they can’t go on vacation alone – but the opposite is actually true. Going travelling by yourself is one of the most liberating things you can ever do. You can be truly selfish while you’re there, and do exactly what you want every day. If you love art then you can spend all day in a single gallery instead of having a partner or friend huffing with boredom beside you. You can dip into all the little cafes you like to find where has the best coffee and you can sit in the sun and read all day. If you want, you can always find someone to make friends with in your hotel or locality – but remember that being alone doesn’t mean that you’re lonely.

Get To Know Yourself

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If you’ve been in relationships for a long time then it’s a good idea to figure out who you are when you’re by yourself. Try out different things to find something that fits. Maybe you’re more of a bookworm than you ever thought, or you’ll discover during a French class that you’d like to move to Paris one day for a few months. There are so many things out there in the world that you’ve never experienced. You could even try out getting a psychic reading – look online to find a psychic phone number. Even if you don’t totally believe in it, it’ll make you question yourself and what you believe and what you want.

Get Yourself Fit And Healthy

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There’s nothing better than feeling as though you’re strong and that your body is in great condition. Sign up for the gym and pay for a few sessions of personal training so you figure out how to use the equipment without injuring yourself and so you find out what sort of workout routine is best for you. If the gym doesn’t appeal, then try going for some long hikes and discovering more about your local area – you could even take a friend along with you! You could also try out a yoga or Pilates class if you want to work on your core strength. Let’s face it – yoga’s just as good for your spiritual health as your physical.

Be Kind To Yourself

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The strange thing about most human beings is that we just don’t treat ourselves as well as we do other people. Make yourself and what you want a priority in your own life, and take note when you do something that you’re proud of and happy with. Remember that your best is good enough and that no one will ever be perfect (and that the people who appear to be are pretty much just faking it). If you feel emotionally exhausted then it’s okay to say no to people – being assertive is one of the healthiest skills you can acquire and one of the best ways to make yourself happier. Make sure that you say ‘I love you’ to yourself every once in a while to – at the end of the day, you’re all that you have.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

Turning A New House From Husk To Home

Turning A New House From Husk To Home

A new home can be very stressful and exciting. But it can also be a bit disappointing when you first get in there. Things just aren’t right, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be. You just need to make sure you don’t miss any of the vital steps that get you feeling a lot more comfortable in your own home, not to mention using it right.

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Give it a good tidy

This should go without saying, but the truth is that a home that has been on the market for a while is going to have plenty of dust, not to mention anything the previous owners might have missed. It’s a good idea to get things tidied as best you can before you start moving stuff in, so you’re not tidying around a jungle of boxes.


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Ensure the essentials are in place

Making the home safely habitable comes first. You need to identify if it needs any of the crucial fixes, from taking care of pest control to ensuring that all the insulation is taken care of. Getting the utilities on and getting the most important appliances in comes next. Now’s the time to start listing any of the parts of the home that might need a bit of fixer-upping, as well. The list is important, giving you a good idea of where you are on the journey to getting the house home-ready, instead of working on task after task without knowing the end in sight.

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Don’t forget the outdoors

One of the mistakes a lot of homeowners will make is focusing solely on the indoors. But there are plenty of elements on the outside that could make you just as uncomfortable. If you’ve got an old battered garage, then you might want to consider sprucing it up with help from places like PJ Garage Doors. An untidy garden can be just as miserable if not more so. You need to check the roof, too, to ensure there are no cracks or missing tiles that make your insulation efforts a moot point.

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Have a floor plan

One of the worst mistakes to make is finding you have too much stuff for all your space. Before you start bringing all your furniture out, put a floor plan together. See how much space you have and how much you can devote to furniture. You don’t want to end up cluttering your space to the point you get claustrophobic.

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Make it your own

Once you know the limits you’re working in, it’s all about getting your own style to fit those limitations. If you don’t already have a lot of furniture to bring along, that’s a good place to start. Find style idea guides to give you a bit of inspiration and pick out the focal points and most appealing pieces of furniture. It’s those crucial elements you use to decide the palette or a room, so don’t paint the walls first. Inject a bit of your own personality by getting your hobbies on display, whether it’s a wall of records or putting up some library shelves. Personally appealing posters and photos of families and friends can really add that heartfelt sense of self to a home, too.

Once you have your house really turned into a home, all you have to do is get used to it. Invite some friends over to throw a house-warming party. Positive experiences are one of the easiest ways to find yourself loving a new place.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

Struggling To Feel Like Yourself As a New Mom? Try These Ideas

Struggling To Feel Like Yourself As a New Mom? Try These Ideas

When you become a mom, it is such a whirlwind and mixture of feelings. For a while, your body can feel completely different, and if you are nursing, can feel like it isn’t even just your own. It can be hard to feel sexy again as you can look and feel different from how you did before.

To start with, sleep can be more important. So when the baby takes a nap, you should too. But as they get a little older, it can be a good idea to use that time to do something for yourself. Getting out of a rut of just putting your sweats on each day can make a massive difference to how you feel. But if this is you that is being described, then there are some other things that you could try, to help you feel more like yourself again. Here are a few ideas for you.


Get Ready Every Day

It can sound a bit silly, as you will be waking up each day and getting on with things. But when you just stay in pajamas or sweats, they can make you feel worse about yourself. They are unflattering, and if you’re feeling larger after having a baby, it can make that seem worse. So get yourself showered and dressed every day. Even if you plan to be at home all day, you’ll feel much better when you’re showered and ready.

Make Changes

It can take time for stomachs to shrink back down to their normal size. So if you are feeling a little depressed about the weight you have to lose, then it is a good idea to make some physical changes to yourself. The weight will come off, but it won’t happen in one afternoon. But a haircut or color can. The same goes for a new piercing for example. You could even consider something like a tummy tuck if your baby is a bit older now and you are still not back to feeling like yourself. You could visit for more information on tummy tucks, for example. It could help you to get back into your pre-pregnancy clothes and make the world of difference to how you feel. Just make sure that you are doing it for the right reasons, though.

Try Makeup

If you weren’t much of a makeup girl before having a baby, then this probably won’t help. But if you were, then part of the getting ready is getting back into your normal routine of putting makeup on. There are some great ‘mom hacks’ that you can find online, like, for instance. There are lots of quick ways to get yourself ready, as well as learning to do pretty much everything with one hand now!

The bottom line is that you won’t feel like you do forever. There are things that you can do to help yourself feel like you did before. Just take it at your own pace, though, as you have a precious little bundle to care for first.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

You Have To Think About The Kids

You Have To Think About The Kids

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Divorce is such a horrible thing, but it happens. You never planned for it, but it happens. For whatever reason, it has happened. It comes with stresses, worries, hurt, love, anxieties and pain. But the hardest thing about divorcing the person you once loved is protecting your children. They are your every thought, that piece of you that you will do anything to protect. Of course, it is worth noting that a lot of children cope with divorce fantastically, and come out unharmed and unaffected.

But not all of them, which is why you will need to do everything you can to ensure they are as protected from the effects of your divorce as best as you possibly can. That is where we come in. We have gathered as much market research as possible, including advice from experts and divorcees, to ensure that your children remain the priority through this incredibly tough time.

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Set The Priority Straight

Your marriage may have broken down, but you still share your children, and that you always will. You are both going to be responsible for raising them to be incredible adults. As such, you need to reaffirm with the other parent that your children’s emotional health is at the very top of the priority list. Whatever happens, you will protect them from harm and hurt. That is your duty as responsible parents, and that chat needs to happen from the outset.

No Fighting

Emotions will be high, and often uncontrollable. They will flare at times and you will get under each other’s skin. But try and control your emotions as much as possible, because the more control you have the easier it will be to remain calm and not fight. This is going to be in your child’s best interests. To help you, we suggest you hire an attorney who is experienced in this area of law, such as Barton Wood. It is also wise to seek mediation, and perhaps go to counseling together. The sooner you can tolerate each other, the better it will be for your child.

Be Role Models

You are both role models for your child. You are the biggest influences on their lives. You will want to show them how to be mature, how to act when the going gets tough, how to approach undesirable situations and how to show strength. Remember, showing strength doesn’t have to be pushing. It can be in accepting the other person’s opinion too.

Be Involved

A parent needs both parents. They deserve it too. So no matter how much you may despise each other, you cannot let your child suffer because of your pride. By both having an involvement you drastically reduce the chances that your child will grow up with emotional health problems. There is no point telling yourself that you would make a great single parent because it is irrelevant. What you should be telling yourself is that your child needs both parents in their life. It takes bravery to do that, but being a good parent is all about being brave.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram