How To Be A Super Mom: Tips And Tricks

How To Be A Super Mom: Tips And Tricks

Being a mom is no easy task. It’s hard enough to take care of the kids, but then you also have all the household tasks and errands that need to be taken care of as well. With so much going on, it can be tough to find time for yourself. This blog post will give you tips and tricks for being a super mom.

Photo by Lisa from Pexels

Take The Time For Yourself

You’ve got to find time for yourself, or else you’ll get burned out. The “me time” can be anything from a monthly nail appointment to moms-only lunch dates. Just as long as it’s something for you and only you. Ensure that you are eating healthy and frequently exercising, even if it means making an early morning appointment at the gym every day before work.

Chores And Responsibilities 

Keeping your children involved in chores from a young age will help them feel like they can do things on their own once they get older. In addition, if you make it clear that everyone has jobs to do. Then the family dynamic should run more smoothly and efficiently without parents having to nag or fuss at kids for not taking responsibility for specific tasks around the house. This also includes getting the kids used to cleaning up after themselves at an early stage. Whether this means putting toys back where they belong or making their beds.


Use coupons every chance you get. There are so many great deals going on all the time. Not only can you save money, but it’s also great for your wallet because when you use coupons, they give you more of a return on your purchase. 

Let Being Organized Become Your Superpower

Keep an organized calendar and schedule. It is super easy to be disorganized in this day and age, especially since we have so many different ways to communicate now (email, text message, phone calls). Try not to become overwhelmed by all these various forms of communication, though. Instead, take advantage of technology being at our fingertips today. Keeping yourself organized using apps or even just writing down appointments on paper works great too.

Know The Emergency Basics 

Accidents can happen anywhere and at any time. This can range from a scraped knee to choking on a grape. For the sake of your motherly nerves, know the basics of CPR and other injury dressings like how to tape posterior shin splints

Perfect Parent Is A Myth 

Photo by Brett Sayles from Pexels

Remember, though, no matter what anyone tells you. There’s no such thing as being the perfect parent. It takes time and patience but most importantly, it takes love, so remember not every day will go perfectly. And even when they do, sometimes things happen anyway, so take everything with a grain of salt. Try to be patient with yourself and don’t beat yourself up if you can’t do everything you want or think that you should accomplish by the end of each day or week or month, etc. A lot goes into being a parent, so it’s important not to compare yourself negatively to others who appear more “perfect” than you.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How Women Can Identify Their Migraine Triggers

How Women Can Identify Their Migraine Triggers

Photo by Bermix Studio on Unsplash

Migraine is a common condition that affects both men and women but is more common in women. 

Every person living with migraines has a particular set of triggers that can set off a migraine. Finding yours can take some time, but can reduce the number of attacks you have. 

What is a migraine? 

Migraine is a complex neurological condition that usually involved an intense, throbbing headache on one side. There are many other symptoms including sensitivity to light and sound, nausea and vomiting. 

A migraine may occur over a period of hours or days and it’s usually necessary to lie down in a dark room for the duration of the attack.

Identifying your triggers

There are many potential triggers that could cause a migraine. Sometimes it can be a combination of triggers that add up. For example, strong scents may not cause migraine by themselves, but coupled with a skipped meal could trigger an attack. Many women experience menstrual migraine, which is connected to their cycle. Many women find that their migraines get better after menopause, especially if they are using HRT to level their hormones. 

Know the difference between a symptom and a trigger

It’s to confuse the symptoms of an impending migraine with a cause. For example, many people crave chocolate in the early stages of a migraine, before they begin to feel unwell. It is thought to be due to a lack of magnesium. Then, when the pain of a migraine headache starts, it’s easy to think it is the extra chocolate that caused it. 

You may be able to keep eating your chocolate after all. 

Tracking your lifestyle for triggers 

Keeping a migraine diary can be a laborious task, but is well worth it in the long run. It can help you identify patterns in your migraines and any particular triggers that might be apparent. 

Try and make a record of the following thing. 

  • When you sleep and wake and the quality of that sleep. 
  • Your activities
  • Stress levels
  • Weather
  • What you eat or drink
  • Your bowel movements
  • Your cycle
  • The symptoms you get when you have a migraine

There are a number of great apps available that you can use to record all of this information easily, and can even give your reports to share with your healthcare provider. 

Avoiding your triggers

It’s not as simple as it sounds. Identifying triggers isn’t an exact science. If it was, people would be able to avoid them easily. But you can reduce the number of attacks you get. Plus, it can be extremely difficult to make significant changes to your routine or life. 

Getting into a good routine, eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly is a solid basis for reducing migraine frequency and is good for your overall health and wellbeing too. 

Key points

Migraine can be debilitating when an attack occurs. Getting a handle on your triggers and finding a combination of medical and complementary treatments that work for you is the key to getting a handle on them and reducing the impact on your life. 

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

5 Ways To Make Your Life As A New Parent Less Stressful

5 Ways To Make Your Life As A New Parent Less Stressful

Pixabay CC0 License

Having a child is the most magical thing that you’ll ever do. However, daily life can be very stressful, not least because the fallout of the pandemic can still be felt. Thankfully, when you make a conscious effort to regain control of the situation, it will be possible to achieve a far calmer state of mind.

A calmer parent is a better parent, so it’s great news for all the family. So, what are the key steps that can be implemented? Here’s all you need to know.

1- Improve your sleep patterns

A good night’s sleep improves your health in many ways. Nonetheless, the fact that it controls your cortisol levels is undoubtedly one of the most important. In addition to managing your stress levels from a hormonal standpoint, the benefits to your overall health will be very useful. If you are very new parents, your baby will need to feed every couple of hours throughout the night. Where possible, try to split the workload by having expressed milk ready to go. You could either take it in turns to alternate feeds or nights. Either way, it’ll make you happier as a couple too.

2- Know that your baby is supported with the right stuff

As parents, doing the best for your child will always be the main goal. If you can provide your child with everything they need for the right development, nothing else can really bring you down. Love and care are obviously at the top of the agenda. Still, there are plenty of products that can be purchased to make your life easier while also keeping your child safe and comfortable. Websites like Foryourlittleone will allow you to find everything needed to gain the desired results. Affordable yet quality goods are the best solution for your pocket and frame of mind.

3- Surround yourself with a good support network

No parent should feel as though they are on the journey alone. If you are living as a couple, you have each other for support. Working together and maintaining clear communication is essential. Further support can be gained through a support network of friends and family. Likewise, meeting other new parents online or at local events can be very useful. For any other issues you may face, professional support is available. The knowledge that you are not alone on this journey can provide a huge sense of mental relief. Whether seeking support or simply wanting to let off a little steam doesn’t matter. 

4- Secure your home

It’s hard to ever truly relax if you feel that you are in a vulnerable position. Therefore, ensuring that your home is suitably secured is a task that all parents must prioritise. Experts like ADT can install security cameras and surveillance. When supported by secured doors and windows, you will be suitably protected against outside threats. Aside from preventing potential break-ins, it gives you the peace of mind needed to enjoy life to the max. On a side note, keeping your finances under control will significantly reduce your stress levels. You don’t need to be rich, you just need to know where your finances stand. 

5- Stop comparing yourself to others

Finally, you must stop comparing yourself to others. People present themselves as being in a far better position than the truth. It can cause an inferiority complex. Whether it’s on social media or at local groups, learning to focus solely on your situation is vital. Your frame of mind will drastically improve.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Get Behind The Wheel With These Tips For Staying Zen In The Lead-up To Your Driving Test

Get Behind The Wheel With These Tips For Staying Zen In The Lead-up To Your Driving Test

There are a few things that we tend to universally fear in life, including illness, job interviews and, of course, our driving tests. Sometimes inciting a fear so extreme that we never get behind the wheel in the first place, even just the idea of sitting one-on-one in the car with someone who’s marking our every move can make our palms sweat. 

Luckily, you have a pretty strong incentive for facing this fear and doing it anyway considering the freedom you’ll enjoy when you can finally drive solo. That said, even this won’t always be enough to keep you calm in the lead-up, which could be a problem considering that the more worked up you get, the less likely you are to perform well on the day. However, there are steps you can take to offset those feelings and give yourself the best chance possible. Keep on reading to find out what they are.

Image Source: CC0 License

# 1 – Practice makes perfect

The more confident you feel in your abilities, the less likely you are to feel flustered under scrutiny. Doing plenty of driving in the days before your test, and importantly brushing up on all of those maneuvers you usually avoid, can especially help you to know that you’ll be able to perform anything your instructor asks you to. At the very least, this will give a sense of confidence that makes it far less likely you’ll crumble the moment you sit next to them in the car. 

# 2 – Don’t wait for too long

It might seem like a good idea to book a test that’s a while away so you don’t have to worry, but the reality is that having something like this hanging over you can make things way worse. Hence why it’s always worth booking the closest test slot possible or, if even that’s too long away, looking to companies who can help you to find earlier driving tests that cut those waiting times in half. That way, before you’ll get the thing done before you’ve even had a chance to think too much about it!


# 3 – Limit who you tell

Sharing your fear with a close confidant can help to calm you down, but it rarely pays to tell too many people about your test before it’s happened. The more people that know, the more pressure you’re going to feel on your shoulders, and the more stressed you’re ultimately going to end up. Instead, limit the sharing of this information to one or two close friends/family members. That way you’ll have far fewer people asking you about it or telling you how well they think you’ll do. Even better, it’ll be a nice surprise for everyone when you send around those must-have pictures of you with your pass certificate! 

Driving tests can easily drive us into a panic. Keep your hands firmly on the wheel by using these pointers to keep you Zen, and perhaps even increase your chances of passing when the time finally comes. 

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Skin Ideas: Looking Young While Getting Old

Skin Ideas: Looking Young While Getting Old

Let’s not sugar coat it. Are you one of those people who want to keep their youthful looks despite old age? If that’s the case, you have just landed on the right article. A young-looking skin awaits you after you learn the techniques inside this post. There is nothing wrong with wanting to keep a younger look while aging.

In general, everyone has to take care of themselves in all aspects; that includes looking after their physical attributes. Besides, it’s for their benefit as well; looking good can help increase a person’s self-esteem. Given this point, it is better to start caring for your skin right away.

The Desire to Retain Youthfulness

It is never a mistake to care for your skin to remain young-looking. It is also a must if your source of income has to do with it. Besides, it is also one of the ways you can apply self-love. So, here’s what you can do to help you achieve a younger look beyond your age:

Avoid too much sun exposure.

Even if the sun is a source of vitamin D, it is best not to expose yourself to it too much. You also have to apply sunscreen with a good SPF rating. In this case, it can protect you from the sun’s UV light that causes skin aging. Aside from that, you have to apply it every day, whether it’s sunny or not.

Take care of your face

Your face is the first thing that other people see. It is best to maintain its healthy condition, such as putting on sunscreen as well. Moreover, you have to remove the dirt from your face. You can use a facial foam cleanser to get rid of those unwanted particles on your face. Be sure to use gentle products to avoid adverse effects.

Drink plenty of water

You have to stay hydrated, and water is the best option to do so. You need to drink at least eight glasses of water every day to achieve radiant skin. Aside from that, it will also benefit your overall health. Dehydration is one of the reasons your skin can look dry and dull, so make it a habit to drink plenty of water.

Manage your stress levels

As much as possible, it is best to avoid the sources of stress. It can fasten a person’s aging process. However, it’s hard to get rid of these sources entirely. In this case, you need to learn how to manage your stress. You can meditate or pray that will free and relax your mind.

Stay active

Older adults still need to exercise. Staying active helps you relieve the stress associated with aging. In effect, you can be happy, resulting in younger-looking skin. Moreover, exercise keeps you away from the risk of developing various health issues. You can achieve the best quality of life because of this.

Get enough sleep

The body needs sufficient rest to recharge. For this reason, don’t take sleep for granted. Your skin uses sleep to create new collagen to prevent sagging. The chances are high that your skin will age faster and be prone to acne if you lack sleep hours. Given this point, make sure to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep every night.

Smile often

A smile can help reduce stress and increase positive vibes, which can make you look more youthful. Those who smile often look younger than those who don’t; people who frown look older than their age. A smile is free, so show it and enjoy the benefits it can bring.

Eat a healthy diet

As you age, it will be tough to get the nutrients you need to maintain your youth, but some foods can help you look younger. That includes fatty fish, vegetables, avocados, dark chocolate, and many more. The foods you take will reflect on your health and appearance. For this reason, you have to consume foods that will benefit both of them.

Enjoy some me-time

Some alone time can help you refresh yourself and benefit you a lot, especially your mental health. Aside from that, it is the best time to do the things that you love. Alone times allow you to reflect, leading to a change of outlook in life.


After some alone time, spend time with the people you love. You can join groups, allowing you to meet other people and create a new circle of friends. Spending time with the people that makes you happy helps produce happy hormones. In effect, it can make you look younger.

A Note On Our Obsession With Youth

As a collective, it’s important one’s desire to look youthful is rooted in ageism and the messages of the beauty industry. There’s nothing wrong with getting an ARTAS hair restoration for your self-care day routine. On the contrary, take pride in your appearance but know that beauty is not measured in years. 

Skin ages, and it will not be “elastic†forever. The wrinkles you accumulate over the years are nothing to be ashamed about. Your wrinkles are a testament to years filled with joy, tears, memorable experiences, and movie-worthy stories. 

So, of course, take care of your skin to the best of your abilities. But always remember aging is part of life’s cycle. 

As you can see, achieving a youthful look is not that hard. The techniques above don’t need too much effort. You only need discipline and make them a habit. In effect, you will have the youthfulness you want to maintain despite old age.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Everyday Tips from Tia