How to get out an ingrown hair after shaving, tweezing or waxing.





By Tia Cristy

Recap: How to get out an ingrown hair after shaving, tweezing or waxing.


never had a problem with ingrown hairs up until now! I don’t know if my skin has changed or it’s just the season changing. Every time I shave or
pluck I get one. Do I need to wax instead? How do you make them go away? Anna, 30


Tip from Tia:

hairs…a problem that a large population has encountered if they ever
picked up a razor, tweezers or had even waxed some follicles. Those that
haven’t, consider yourself lucky. Ingrown hairs can be painful, itchy, swollen,
discolored and even run the risk of scaring. So how can you deal with the pesky
ingrown first before calling a professional?  This one is detailed so bare with me.

First, let’s understand some reasons why this happens. Skin and weather changes can be one cause like you asked. Skin
becomes drier with age, and with winter. When the skin is dry, the pores
try to hold any moisture it can and if a follicle gets trapped as a
result, an ingrown can happen. Just another reason to remember to moisturize your skin. In a lot of ingrown cases the razor is to blame, reason being, blade is too dull. The blade clips the hair crooked and irritates the skin to
plump up causing the remainder of the hair to go back under the skin and loop.
With tweezing and waxing, a somewhat similar thing can happen, but the loop is
from the root not being fully extracted and the new growth can loop. Of course
this is not the correct way hair should grow, so the skin becomes irritated and
all those side effects can happen.

First thing is first, if the area is infected that will need
to be taken care of first. If the area is painful, red and swollen, clean with an
antiseptic, then, apply an antibacterial cream. Once the infection is gone or
the area is healthy to begin with, we need to get the follicle to help push itself
out. Salt is a great extractor for the body. It withdraws many foreign objects
from the body when used properly. The best way to apply this salt soak is with
a cloth or piece of gauze saturated with warm water. Wet the patch and wring out excess water. Apply salt directly to the
cloth or gauze then apply the salt soak patch to the ingrown area. Leave on for
10 to 20 minutes. Pending on skin type sensitivity. Use a band-aid or tape to hold in place if you need too. Remove patch and lightly
scrub in circular motions. This process will gently break the skin, in the safest way possible. This will help grab the loop to become free. If the
hair does not come free, this process may take several attempts over a period
of days even weeks depending on how deep it is. Don’t pick, that can cause scaring and infection. After scrubbing gently, remove excess with
warm water and apply an antibacterial cream to the area, use a band-aid if

If salt is too harsh for you; granulated sugar has been recommended to
have the same benefits as salt, without being as crude. Remember this isn’t always an instant fix for a nasty
ingrown, it may take time. But, if the area gets infected or if the hair is not
coming to the surface, you may need to seek professional help.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me


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Whatever you call it, how exciting this is, to share 1 year with my readers! Thank you for the time you spend, the comments you share and the questions you ask.

Here’s to many more years to come. Thank you!!!

from Tia Cristy and

By Tia Cristy

Skin Care Change Up with the Season Change. Tips in Action:

By Tia Cristy

Skin Care Change Up with the Season Change. Tips in Action:

It’s that special time of year, when the skin on your body and face start to change up again. Whether it’s getting dry or oily, it just maybe time to change up the skin care regimen.

Sensitive skin, may feel like it’s past the point of any help at all with over drying, then becoming super oily and breakout may try to follow.

A great way to prevent the roller coaster of skin conditions, is before the indoor heat and the outside chill take it’s toll, try a deep natural moisturizer to help the balance.

Using a simple Almond oil, Jojoba oil or Olive oil as a 20 minute treatment can absorb down into layers, and restore balance. Doing this early in the season can reduce the battle time. Yet, sometimes it has to be done several times, before everything is back in harmony.

If your skin usually cracks and causes sores, from being dry or it excessively becomes oily, you may want to contact your doctor to see what kind of treatment can help you.
Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me

By Tia Cristy

Before You Kick the Heat On.

By Tia Cristy

Before You Kick the Heat On.

So depending what area you are from, you may have gone from air conditioning, straight to heat with these cold snaps. But, usually before you turn on the heat, there’s a couple thing you should do to help in keeping healthy.

If you have force air, take the vents off and run the vacuum hose into the vent to get any close debris out. Start from the top floor and work your way down.

Next, check the main system, take out the filter and vacuum inside as best as you can. Be gentle, especially if you’re not familiar with the system.

Then, replace the filter with a new one, about every 30 days during the heating months. This will keep the house from getting stuffy.

If you have radiators, wipe down as best as possible. Vacuum underneath and if it’s hardwood underneath, be sure to wipe with a vinegar and water mix. Let dry fully before closing the area back up with a cover.

Be sure to bleed the radiators, to get rid of air bubbles in the system and allow it to function more efficient and quieter.    

Making sure the area is clean, dust free, etc. is a good start to a healthier Winter season that will be here soon.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me

By Tia Cristy

Lack of Sex Making You Sick?

By Tia Cristy

Lack of Sex Making You Sick?

The truth about sex is, sex can make you sick. Having multiple partners or being non-monogamous, can put you at a far great risk of catching something. “Casual” sex can cause simple things like, the common cold to far worse life-threatening illnesses, even when thinking, safety measures have been implemented. (And, we’ve already discussed the very scary numbers of 1 in 4 over the age of 14 are carriers of something STD related)

But, studies have shown that people in long-term, monogamous relationships, have actually gained many health benefits from having a good and steady sex life. Spouses that partake in sex 3 times a week ( the average sex life, of a married couple) have an increase in their immune systems by 30%.

So, using the excuse that you don’t feel well, to get out of sex with your partner, according to the study, shouldn’t work anymore. Just think, the lack of sex with your spouse could be making you sick. Having a romantic tussle with your spouse, can help make all aliments feel better, even that headache!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me

By Tia Cristy

Everyday Tips from Tia