Allergies Making Sunburn Worse.

By Tia Cristy

Allergies Making Sunburn Worse. Man ready for fun at sunny tropical beach

Problem: I put on sunburn relief gel and it made my burn worse. My mom said I could be allergic to something in it.

Tip from Tia:

Absolutely! Anytime you put a chemical on your body and it starts to burn, sting or itch intensively, get it off right away. That is a sure sign your body doesn’t like it. Sometimes water doesn’t help in stopping the reaction, so have milk and vinegar close by, to neutralize it if necessary. And, be sure to try the milk first, if water makes it feel worse initially. Then, use the vinegar if the milk still hasn’t helped.

With sunburn relief gels, camphor could be the source of the allergy, but you may need to do a trial and error to find the exact source. Good news though, there are products out there without that in it, that work just as well.

I still stick with rubbing alcohol on sunburn. For bad burns, apply cornstarch once the alcohol dries, for burning relief. Take some over the counter pain relievers, if necessary. And, be sure to call your doctor immediately if you have and swelling, blisters or intense pain. Sun poisoning is a serious condition and can stop summer fun, to a screeching halt.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me

By Tia Cristy

Removing hair dye stains from skin: controversial

By Tia Cristy

Quickies: Removing hair dye stains from skin: controversial.

This tip is controversial for some people. This is not to condone or disapprove smoking. This is a tip that I have tried and it worked. And, all I state is… stop smoking

There is a benefit of knowing a smoker, ashes. If you don’t have accessibility to a full ash tray, you can try incense ashes. I would imagine they could work just as well.

Ashes can remove hair dye stains from your hairline. Add a little water to ashes to make a paste and rub it in a circular motion where your skin has been stained. Wash off and the dye stain will start to disappear on its own.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me


Tips on Triggers: Traps, those muscles at the base of the neck.

By Tia Cristy

Tips on Triggers: Traps, those muscles at the base of the neck. Man Rubbing His Shoulder Muscle


The base of you neck tends to carry a large amount of your daily stress. When these muscles get tight or knotted, it can cause major headaches and backaches.

If you’ve had a headache or a back pain that you just can shake, try applying a slight pressure between the base of the neck and shoulder. If you feel the shock run straight to your consistent pain, then that’s center of your discomfort.

Gradually massage and add ice for 20 minutes on 20 minutes off. The next day you can apply heat with same 20 minute rule. Apply a menthol gel if you need deep relief.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away. Stupid Tip of the Day:

By Tia Cristy

Stupid Tip of the Day:An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away. Apples

Apples are great for most, but what many people don’t know is, there is a group of people out there allergic to apples.

If your mouth itches after eating an apple there is a chance you could have a slight to full blown apple allergy.

Contact your doctor if you become itchy or swell. Hands and feet tend to itch first during an allergic reaction.

And remember if you have allergies, let your partner know so they can stay clear of the things that set your allergies off. And, know theirs as well.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me


Facial Hair Looks Patchy, Fill it in.

By Tia Cristy

Quickie: Facial Hair Looks Patchy, Fill it in. grouch

Facial hair looking patchy? You can’t cover it up without going unnoticed.

So, I recommend filling it in. Whether it’s female’s eyebrows or a man’s beard, sideburns or stache, facial hair can appear thin during certain times of the year due to shedding.

If facial hair has a spotty look, there’s a quick fix by using an eyebrow pencil. But, another way to fill in the spots, is using eyeshadow, which may be easier to match a hair color and can appear softer and more natural.

Either one you choose, be sure to wipe gently with a tissue to remove any excess and blend into the contours, in between hairs.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me


Everyday Tips from Tia