Getting A More Restful Sleep

Getting A More Restful Sleep

Sleeping is supposed to be one of the greatest blessings of God. It relaxes our mind and body. It brings back our lost energy and activeness. It helps us to improve our metabolic system and overall body functioning. Yes, it is also necessary for all organs of human beings. In simple words, life without sleeping is like a stomach without food. If one is facing a lack of sleep or any other sleeping problem, then it must be taken very seriously.

Sleeping is of paramount importance for all people living in this world. It is assumed that a minimum eight hours of sleep is highly necessary for keeping your health intact. You will never be able to carry out your day to day work if you are unable to sleep well. All organs require some rest on a daily basis. Needless to mention that natural herbal sleep aids are the best supplement for getting some rest. Yes, you can use these pills which have been produced from the finest quality of natural herbs and they are absolutely free from all kinds of side effects. This is a great way to get to sleep if you are struggling to. However, if there is an underlying problem, do not bury your head in the sand. If you’re experiencing itchy skin, for example, masking the problem with herbal sleeping tablets is not going to help. You need priority STD testing and a trip to your doctor in this case. 

The reason for the natural alternative to sleeping pills is that they do not contain any dangerous chemicals. These supplements would not make you habitual of taking sleeping pills. These pills are made  to provide you enough peace of mind and the urge to go to sleep. It goes without saying that sleeping is very necessary for your health. It has been researched that if a person is not sleeping 8 hours in a day , he or she would never be able to use his mind proactively. Not only this, lack of sleeping ability also affects your sexual desires. They are burnt with every passing day. It is perceived that common issues that arise from insomnia are a stressful mind, lack of fulfillment, obscure dreaming, as well as issues with sex, love, financial and many other social problems. During the course of a problematic situation, most people do not sleep well. They keep thinking things over in their mind, which is why a sleeping aid can be so beneficial. 

It goes without saying that lack of sleep could cause you lack of energy, concentration , alertness of mind, and activeness. It has an impact on so many areas in your life. Therefore, if you do need some sort of sleeping aid, it is critical that you choose something that is natural and that is going to work with your body, instead of causing potential negative side effects.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Get Better At Saving And Save Yourself Hassle!

Get Better At Saving And Save Yourself Hassle!

After Christmas, we can find that our bank accounts have diminished and now we are into the new year, we are probably slowing picking up again but you may never know when you might need some extra cash. It may be something as simple as needing a new part for your fridge that has stopped working or perhaps you need some Towbars to assist with your car. So here are some tips to ensure that you stay on top of your finances this year and learn to get saving: 

1. Budget For Next Christmas

Start saving for even now for this coming Chrismtas. It sounds very dramatic and not necessary so early on in the year, but this will certainly be of huge benefit. This will help save money in the long run and you can do this by collect money in a little pot/fund, and let it accumulate over the months, which gives you a little bit to play around with. Look at what your bank offer in relation to offers and savings accounts which round off each penny to the nearest pound collecting it in a separate account. Over time, you could find yourself with a small amount to splash out on gifts for the people you love.

Photo: Pixabay

2. Go Sale Hunting

Don’t buy anything full price and go to look at all the sales, thrift stores and more because this will ensure that you don’t overspend. Be wise with the sales, and look for things you only really truly need, and this will ensure that you don’t keep tapping into funds just after the busy period. Most things can be bought on a budget and this is the best way to help save those extra pennies for when you may need them the most. Many thrift stores will also have sales too, as they will want to get rid of old stock and bring in new ones. 

3. Leave It To The Professionals

Don’t let the worries of needing money get you down. It can be difficult to just forget that you have spent far too much and that you need to top your funds back up. Perhaps you have overspent on your credit card and you need to start paying back asap. Consider borrowing money and don’t fear your finances anymore. Borrowing money could seem scary but it’s important that you shop around and get the right deal for you with no interest rate. Some payday loans are certainly not good at all so look into what could work well for you.

Saving money is tricky, not many people have disposable income at the end of the month but it doesn’t mean you can’t learn to save a little and keep some extra for the little extras that we can take pleasure in. the more you save, the better you will become at it and soon enough you may have enough to take that break away in the summer sun! So start saving today! 

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Love Yourself Challenge

Love Yourself Challenge

We take time out of our daily lives to appreciate and show love to others that impact our lives. But do we take time out to show ourselves love?

Tiv Perfume, the fragrance of the Caribbean, has given us 7 challenges for us to love ourselves daily. Are you ready to begin the Tiv perfume Love Yourself Challenge?

Learn the 7 things you need to do to unlock self-love on a daily basis. And while you’re at it, unlock 10% off Tiv Perfume the scent of the Caribbean.

1. Do Something You’ve Always Wanted to Do

Think about it, we all have something that has been put on the back-burner. Maybe it’s time to make it a priority.

2. STOP Criticizing Yourself – And Start Saying Affirmations Instead

Daily mantas: Recite something to remind yourself that you are amazing. You probably have a plethora of talents. But if you can’t figure any of them out to start off with, try these simple mantras: I am good enough! I am worthy! I am awesome! I’m a good… (fill-in the blank) mom, …partner, …spouse, …friend!

3. Schedule Rest and Relaxation

Yep! You deserve it!

4. Invest in Building Quality Relationships

You’ve heard the phrase, you become what you surround yourself with… aim for quality, not quantity.

5. Move Your Body

If we stay still moss might grow. Get up, get moving. Start out small with a walk around your house or climb those stairs. But up endurance to achieve a good daily routine.

6. Get Crystal Clear On Your Goals

We all have dreams: Some big; Some small. Some dreams are etched in our hearts, while some are just pipe dreams. Get serious on what goals you want and need to accomplish and get started, Remember, grass is green where you water and feed it. Focus.

7. Find a Creative Practice

Check out the last challenge and all the other challenges in detail here

Be sure to find great ways to show appreciation to yourself on a daily basis. Even, if it something you already do like, washing your face or getting that extra shot of expresso… Tell yourself, you do this because you love and care about yourself. Self love and appreciation leads to a greater love and appreciation for others.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Smart Ways to Make Money with Your Car

Smart Ways to Make Money with Your Car

If you’re looking for ways to make money, having some kind of asset that you can use can be very useful. You can have various options for making use of that asset, whether it’s investing your money or finding ways to make money from your home. Anyone who has a vehicle can also bring in an extra income in a few different ways. You can consider a range of options that allow you to make money with your car by driving people or things around, using your car as advertising, and more. Take a look at the following options to see how you can make money with your vehicle.

Be a Moving Advertisement

If you don’t mind what your vehicle looks like, being a moving advertisement could be a great way to make money. Brands want to use your car to wrap it in their branding so that as you drive around, people will see their brand. You can choose which brands you’re comfortable advertising and choose how long you want the branding. When you want to take it off or remove it, usually when the campaign is over after a few months, just find out how to remove vehicle wrap. You can often do it yourself if you’re willing to spend the time doing it. It’s also possible to get professional help if you need it.

PC: Mike Birdy

Drive People Around

Do you like people? If you’re up for having a chat as you drive people around, or leaving them alone if they prefer, your car could be great for this. One of the options is to sign up for one of the providers, such as Uber. Another possibility is using a rideshare service, which makes it possible to share your commute or a trip you have planned. Before you do any of these things, it’s a good idea to check any requirements for insurance, taxes, or anything else it could affect.

Become a Courier

If driving people around isn’t for you, driving stuff around might be preferable. Being a courier can help you make a bit of cash, or it could be a full-time job if you want it to be. However, many people prefer it as a way to make a little extra money, as it can be a struggle to make enough when doing it full-time. There are various courier services that you might choose to work with, which can provide you with packages to deliver.

Rent Out Your Car

Some people don’t use their cars very often. If that includes you, you could consider hiring out your car to make some money. Before doing this, it might be a good idea to check with your insurance company to be sure that it’s not going to invalidate your insurance. If you’re good to go, you could make some extra money on the side. That is if you trust other people with your car.

Your car could be a moneymaker if you’re willing to use it in a few different ways. Find a way that works for you.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

The Small Health Problems That You Should Not Ignore

The Small Health Problems That You Should Not Ignore

Image Credit License CC0

Your body is a piece of precision engineering. Everything has evolved to have a purpose, and it is a marvelous feat of nature. But so often things start to go wrong with our bodies, and we ignore the first signs of these problems. Sometimes it is because our daily lives somehow seem more important than an ache or pain here or there. You might just think that something is probably actually nothing at all, and do your best to put it to the back of your mind, even if it does keep you awake at night with worry.  But being too busy, too embarrassed, or too dismissive to pay attention to these little signs that our bodies give us could cause us real problems later on down the line. 

Little aches and pains can lead to a regular use of over-the-counter pain killers. The overuse of these help aids can lead to other symptoms when used long-term. Stomach issues and lower pain tolerances can arise when using these chemical combinations too frequently. Looking into natural pain relief aids like Kratom could be more beneficial to your system. To find out more information go to to learn how different strains could help treat your pain level naturally. But if you find yourself in regular pain daily, it might be time to call the doctor.

Getting problems checked out as early as possible will help to rule out any significant issues. If there is something happening to your body that is symptomatic of a major problem, having a trained professional exam will mean that you can get treated sooner rather than later if it does turn out to be something significant. 

Here are some areas of your health that you should pay attention to. 

Aches and Pains

An ache or pain anywhere on your body could mean so many different things. It might be the result of a bruise or a twist, and it will very likely heal on its own. However, some problems cannot be so easily explained. They could be symptomatic of a long-term problem. Visiting a specialist such as opa ortho will mean that you will be able to get your aches and pains treated. 

Back Problems

The back is an important part of our bodies. With the spine running up the center of the back, important messages from our nerves to our brain get relayed. There are also several large muscles that need taking care of on your back. Problems in some areas of your back may cause you problems walking and they may give you severe headaches. Having muscles massaged by a professional sports therapist or your spine adjusted by a chiropractor will help prevent long-term damage that could cause immense pain and problems with your mobility. 

Dental Concerns

Nobody enjoys going to the dentist. But when you have a mild toothache or a growing sensitivity to sweet or cold foods, then this is a sign that you have a problem with your teeth that needs addressing. If you leave this kind of issue, then you will end up in immense pain. You might get infections and you will almost certainly end up with the kind of tooth decay that will result in you need to get an extraction or a root canal carried out. 

For the sake of a routine check-up, or getting a small filling, you will be putting the health of your teeth and the look of your smile at risk. Making the appointment is easily the lesser of two evils.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Everyday Tips from Tia