Category Archives: SEX & LIFE

How To Prepare Your Car For Any Weather Conditions

How To Prepare Your Car For Any Weather Conditions

Sometimes, it’s hard for us to put off driving if we need to be somewhere and when the weather conditions are pretty bad, it’s daunting to have your car on the road. So here is how to prepare your car for any driving conditions so that you’re safe no matter what.

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Inspect And Replace Any Windshield Wipers

The windshield wipers are important because it’s going to work at keeping your vision of the road clear at all times. Windshield wipers that are old and don’t go fast enough could certainly make your car more dangerous to drive. So be sure to check your wipers before going onto the road and if they’re not performing like they used to, get them replaced sooner rather than later.

Get The Right Type Of Tires

Tires keep your vehicle rolling along on the ground and depending on the time of year, it’s always a good idea to purchase tires that are right for that season in particular. There’s a difference between summer tires and winter tires in terms of the tread depth and the rubber itself. You want to make sure that the tires that you have on your car are going to maintain your safety and no jeopardize it. It’s also wise to have a spare tire in the trunk of your car for emergencies.

Keep To A Safe Speed

Your speed is an important factor in keeping you and your passengers safe. It can be easy to ignore or forget speed limits in certain areas. You don’t want to be caught out with a speeding ticket so keep an eye on your speed at all times. Be wary of other drivers on the road and don’t be tempted to try and keep with up those who are trying to outrun you. Always keep track of your speed in a new area and be conscious of extreme weather conditions and adapting your speed to cater for this.

Have Your Car Serviced

Just like anything, a car depreciates, and that means it’s more likely to encounter issues as it gets older. Therefore, it’s important that you get your car serviced on an annual basis and to be aware of any dramatic changes in your car’s performance. You’ll come to learn how your car drives and sounds when it’s healthy. If it’s not, then it’s good to get it checked, especially during harsher weather conditions.

Carry A Car Breakdown Kit

And finally, always carry a car breakdown kit. With certain weather conditions, you cannot predict if and when your car will break down and having something to help yourself in a situation where it happens is useful. Some things to include in your car breakdown kit is a spare tire, the relevant contact details of a breakdown company. A charger port for your phone for emergency power. An ice scraper and some sort of defroster. A flashlight and jumper cables will be handy too. 

Follow these tips to prepare your car for any weather conditions and to keep you and your family safe.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Making Sure Your Prime Is Your Prime

Making Sure Your Prime Is Your Prime

When you were a kid, you almost pictured how you’d look, behave, work, and feel when you were well into your life as a fully-functioning adult. When your mind wasn’t occupied with the latest fad, you thought about how everything would go. You got a more vivid idea of things during your adolescence because you began growing into it all. But now you’re well into your life as a competent and accomplished grown-up, and you’re now at the stage where you need to live the life that you pictured years ago. 

Obviously, a human being is only ever as old as he or she feels, but the prime of life really spans between twenty and forty years of age. Yes, you can pick specific ages if you’d like to be pedantic, but we’re going with some nice round numbers here. This space of time is when you’re at the peak of your physical, mental, and social powers, traditionally, so you’ve got to make the most of them, right? It would be a shame to see a wonderful human like yourself waste these years. If you want to really ensure that your prime really is your prime, then let’s look at things you should do. 

Eat Good

Inhaling all of the takeaway food and junk food is nice, but it should be something you do all of the time. If you want to be at the peak of your physical powers, you have got to feed your body with the good stuff. You learn about a balanced diet and all of the good foods when you’re little – now it’s time to put what you learned into practice! We’re not saying you should be an Olympic level athlete, but do yourself a favor and keep yourself in top shape.  


Again, you don’t need to be an Olympian. Just doing a few bits of exercise that will get your heart rate up a few times a week should be good enough. Keeping active won’t only maintain your physical prowess, but it’ll also benefit you mentally. When you work out, your brain releases all kinds of happy chemicals that make you feel so much more confident and positive. Trust me, you’ll want that confidence and spirit at this age.  

Visit Doctor Regularly

This is something you should do, whether you’re at a prime age or not. A lot of people fear going to the doctor for a multitude of reasons. Maybe they’re just too shy. Perhaps they feel as though they’re burdening the doc. Maybe they just couldn’t be bothered. Don’t be like those people. If something’s up, you should get it checked. It could be something severe, or maybe you’ll just be prescribed some medication and told to buy some Listen Lively hearing aids. Whatever the outcome, you’ll be glad you went and got whatever problem you had sorted.  

Be As Sociable As You Can

Being around others, especially those you love, will also boost you – mentally and physically. People need to have that comradery for their own sanity, so make sure you spend a lot of time with your friends and family. Solitary confinement during your twenties and thirties would be a super sad existence.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

What Not to Do After a Car Accident

What Not to Do After a Car Accident

Car accidents are horrible. Whether you were driving or the passenger, whether it was your fault or someone else’s, it’s awful. It’s scary, even if it’s a relatively minor incident where there’s not much damage, and no one is injured, having to get out of the car, speak to the other party and assess the situation is frightening. It’s not something that any of us are ever prepared for, and it’s never taught in driving school. It can be terrifying, and most of us just want to get home and find some comfort. 

Of course, if you are injured, your next steps might be dictated. But, in most cases, the incident is minor, and we can just carry on. But, because of the scariness of the situation, many people don’t do the right things. They panic, and they make mistakes. Here are some of the things that you SHOULDN’T do after a road accident. 

Drive Off

You should never just drive away from an accident. Even if no one has seen and everything seems fine, you need to stop the car. If another party is involved, you need to swap license and insurance details and if necessary call the police and an ambulance. It can be a good idea to call the police even if you don’t think it’s that bad, just in case. Failing to stop the car after an accident is a crime, and the punishment can be severe, depending on the nature and results of the crash. It’s always best to stop!

Get Angry

The worst thing that you can do is get out of the car and start screaming and shouting. It could affect your passenger in car accident settlement later on, or mean that you get yourself in trouble. At the very least it will make a tense situation a lot worse. Even if the other party was clearly at fault, and you are raging, take a few seconds to breathe deeply before getting out of your car to speak with them. Be as calm as you possibly can, and if you feel your temper rising, walk away for a few moments, or wait for the police to arrive before carrying on the conversation. 

Forget to Take Details

Sometimes, accidents are very minor. Someone might crash into you in a car park, or while moving very slowly in traffic. These tend to occur during a brief lapse in concentration and don’t tend to cause much damage. You might see only a few small scratches and think it’s not worth swapping details. But, the damage might be more than you can see. You should still swap license and insurance details, even if you think it will go no further. 

Drive as Normal

Even after one of these minor bumps, you should take your car into the garage to be checked. You never know what damage you might not be able to see, which could be making your vehicle unsafe, or becoming a much more costly problem while you are driving. Get it checked out even if it seems fine. 

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Are You Living A Sexually Healthy Lifestyle?

Are You Living A Sexually Healthy Lifestyle?

There are many ways you can stay fit and healthy for your body, but what about sexuality? Sex is a part of everyone, you can’t help being who you are and we all have urges. However rather than thinking about sexy only when we want it, we need to start living a more sexually healthy lifestyle as well. For example, you may not even know that there are certain things you can do to improve your sexdrive and the health of your reproductive organs. We can’t demand our respective tools to jump into life whenever we want them to and not be in some kind of discomfort. We need to have a good heart first of all as our blood pressure and heart rate massively spike when we are in the act. We also need to stay active in between each meeting and that requires some different kinds of exercises.

For your benefit

The fat distribution for men and women is very different. Men store most of their fat on their upper body. Usually it’s all around their stomach and on the waist. For women however it’s mostly in the lower body such as in the hips, buttocks and legs. So to help your body be more ready for sex, you should workout these areas the more often. You don’t need to do weight training as this will burn off a lot of fat which you need. Instead you should do aerobics that focus on your buttocks and legs. This can be things like standing bodyweight squats, calf toning exercises and lunges to improve your rear. Overall this helps your joints as well, making you more flexible and improving your overall stamina too. 

On the go

You’d be surprised at how many couples have spontaneous sex. It’s not all about pre-planned meals with candlelights and romantic music. Many people would prefer to just have sex when they want it no matter where it is than have it planned. It’s just more exciting that way, but don’t forget you don’t want any unplanned mishaps. The benefit of pre-planned sex is that you can plan it out; obviously. So if you’re on the go, don’t make the unfortunate mistake of not carrying contraception options. You have many different contraceptive measures for men but also for women. It’s not just the pill, but things like the femidom and the ring. These things will help you and your partner have safer sex and prevent diseases from spreading or any unwanted pregnancies from occuring.

Engage in fantasy

Believe it not, sex can get boring. If it’s just too predictable it becomes a chore rather than a pleasure. So engage in fantasy. Talk about your sexual desires, secrets and fantasies with your partner. But don’t just talk about them, act them out. You can fulfill each other’s fantasies and mix it up a bit. Keep sex fun, adventurous and indulge in your guilty pleasures.

Many of us aren’t worried about sex until we need it. You should work to have a better, healthier sex life by keeping your body is tip top shape. Engage in fantasies and spontaneous sex, but always be careful and be safe as well.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Beat Summertime Blues

Beat Summertime Blues

The summer is usually a time to shed the winter funk. The sun shines brighter. The weather is warmer. Birds are always singing a song. But for some, those feelings of depression are hard to shake, no matter how beautiful the day is.

Here’s some ideas on how to quash those summertime blues.

It’s okay to take a break

Summer is the most widely acceptable time to take a vacation. Vacations can be expensive, stressful and above all give you the need to have a vacation after your vacation. Plan accordingly. Give yourself a day of rest after you get back.

If you don’t have the funds to go away, plan a few days of a staycation. Sure, use a few days to get things done on your to-do list, but remember to have time to rest as well as have fun.

Keep a journal

Keeping a journal is a great way to release the everyday stress and low thoughts going on. Write down what’s bothering you. But here’s a twist, finish your thoughts with positive goals. List options of how to fix the situation or write out positive quotes to balance your mindset.

Plan for the future

We all have dreams and goals. Planning for the future allows you to look past the hopelessness of a bad moment. Write out a five-year plan. After that, write down a one-year plan. This will help give you realistic steps on how to accomplish your dream-worthy goals. This might take a couple hours, days or weeks, but write down things that you look forward to achieving.

You’re not alone

Summer can bring on emotions of feeling alone. Friends are on vacation. Perhaps, you and your partner have parted ways for the summer. Use this time to focus on yourself. Get healthy. Mental health is just as important as physical health.

Take an exercise class. Start walking. Being active releases positive brain chemicals to fight off depression.

Next, find someone to talk to. There’s plenty of great ways to approach this. Ask your doctor to refer a therapist. Or, talk to a therapist or counselor online. Sometimes, we as humans get lonely. But know this, you are not alone.  There are many outlets to remind us of that if we just take a second to look beyond ourselves.

Find your joy

You can make this task easy or difficult. Think back to when you were a child. Simple things made you happy. Yes, some we’re material things. However, there were plenty of things that put a smile on your face without costing a thing. I’m not saying live in the past. Move forward with child-like eyes. Enjoy the simple things in life. Enjoy that sunset. Enjoy taking off your shoes and walking in the grass. Enjoy sitting by the city fountain on a hot day and feeling the cool spray of the water.

Your best days are ahead of you. Just remember to rest, get healthy, find your peace and learn what makes you happy.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.