Category Archives: SEX & LIFE

Soothing Self Care Ideas To Try After a Rough Day

Soothing Self Care Ideas To Try After a Rough Day

Image from Pexels – CC0 Licence

When you have had a terrible day all you want to do is sit on the sofa, eat chips, and watch your favourite movie. Drowning your sorrows in the most unhealthy way possible seems to be your only solution at the moment, but are there better ways of dealing with things? Whether you’re trying to cope after an accident or you’re struggling with your relationship, self care will always be the winning answer. It doesn’t take much time or money to invest in a solid self care routine, and this will always cheer you up after a rough day.

Expressing Gratitude

After a terrible day, the last thing you want to do is write down a list of things you’re grateful for. However, this can really ground you and make you assess what’s really important to you. If you’ve been involved in a car accident, you may find looking at the crash report reassuring. Although the details might be difficult to read, it will help you to see the positives of the situation. It may also help you to gain the closure you need in order to move on and be positive again. Expressing gratitude is so simple yet so effective so make sure you give it a try for yourself.


Time With Friends

Spending some much-needed time with those you love can really impact your mood for the better. They will be able to lift you up when you’re at your lowest, and they will always see the best in you. There is no better tonic than meeting up with your best friend for a cocktail and a chat!

Time on Your Own

You should never be afraid of spending time on your own, especially when you’re going through a difficult time. There are so many positives to being alone because you can focus on what you really want to do. Make sure you don’t spiral into overthinking mode as this could become unhealthy in the long run. 


Movement and Eating Well

No matter how old or young you are, eating well will always make you feel better. The first thing you want to do when you’ve had a bad day is reach for a family-size chocolate bar and lounge around on the sofa. Although this might seem appealing, it is so important to treat your body well. Moving gently and eating well with benefit your physical and mental health, so give this a go next time you’re feeling low.

With all of these things in mind, you will always be able to pick yourself up after a rough day. There are going to be times when you just want to give up completely and stay in your pajamas all day. Although this is sometimes a good choice, you don’t want this to become a habit. Opt for healthier ways of treating yourself, and you will soon be able to make a quick recovery from your bad day.

​Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter, TikTok, or Instagram.

3 Tips to Help You Stay Focused on the Road

3 Tips to Help You Stay Focused on the Road

Everyone knows the importance of safe driving, and it never hurts to brush up on your skills to ensure you’re secure behind the wheel. 

Unfortunately, even if you’re a seasoned driver, distracted driving has become a big problem for everyone, especially since there are currently 3.5 billion smartphone users in the world. 

Some distracted driving statistics are downright scary, including the fact that distracted driving contributes to 400,000 injury-involved car accidents in the U.S. alone each year!

While these statistics are frightening and we all know we should stay focused while on the road, it’s not always that easy. So, what can you do to re-center your focus and be less distracted when you’re behind the wheel? Let’s look at a few tips you can start using immediately. 


1. Only Use Your Phone for Emergencies

When you’re behind the wheel, you should only ever use your cell phone for emergency purposes. Even then, instead of talking while you’re driving, try to pull over to the side of the road to use it. 

You might think it’s better to use hands-free devices that allow you to talk with your hands on the wheel. While those are better than holding onto your phone with one hand, it’s still impossible to be fully focused on the road while you’re having a conversation. Wait until you’re done driving so you can give your full attention to the conversation itself, too!

2. Never Drive Drowsy

Driving at night or for long periods of time can cause “driver fatigue.†It’s far too easy to get lulled to sleep by the steady motion and sounds of a car. If you feel drowsy behind the wheel, let someone else drive or pull over and rest. Even a short break can give you some energy. 

When you drive drowsy, you’re not only putting yourself in danger. You’re putting your passengers and other people on the road in danger. Even if you don’t fall asleep, it’s hard to stay focused when you’re exhausted. Losing that focus for even a second can contribute to an accident. 

3. Limit the Number of People in the Car

Some places have laws that don’t allow teenage or novice drivers to have more than one or two people in the car with them. Those laws are lifted as you get older, but it’s still a good rule of thumb to keep in mind. When you’re with your friends, you might find yourself getting distracted by conversations, music, laughter, etc. 

If you find that you’re easily distracted, especially when you spend time in larger groups, make a commitment to only have one or two people in your car with you at any given time. The less activity in the car itself, the easier it will be to focus on the road. Remember, when you’re driving with passengers, you have other people’s lives in your hands, too!

While these tips might be nothing but reminders of things you already know, they’re good to keep in mind if you feel you’ve lost a little bit of focus behind the wheel. The good news? You can re-gain it immediately by using these suggestions and practicing safe habits on the road. 

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Unique Hobbies to Exercise Your Body and Mind

Unique Hobbies to Exercise Your Body and Mind

Image from Pexels – CC0 Licence

There is nothing more exciting than pursuing a brand-new hobby that stimulates both your body and mind. If you have been stuck in a rut recently and you’re struggling to find a way to occupy yourself during your downtime, some of the following ideas are perfect to try out.

Hobbies are out there whether you’re looking for ways to meet someone new, you want to stay fit or you want to exercise your brain. The following unique hobbies might be the answer.


This hobby may not have sprung straight to mind when you were racking your brains for things to do, however, fishing is definitely something you should try. Side Bet Sport Fishing is popular, or you could grab a friend and head out to your local river or lake. There are plenty of places to hire your equipment so you can try it out before you invest in expensive items. Fishing is said to be very calming for the mind, so this is well worth a try if you’re struggling with mental health or you’re feeling stressed out. 


If you are looking for Hobbies for women or men, one area you could look at is performing. Performing at an amateur level is very popular at the moment. Whether you adore singing or you enjoy a dance now and again, this could definitely be your unique hobby of choice. Check out local theatre companies in your area and see if any of their upcoming shows tickle your fancy. If you don’t want to be in the limelight there may also be jobs for you to do backstage such as costume design, lighting and stage management.

Arts and Crafts

Get creative and step out of your comfort zone with some arts and crafts. Whether you’re making cards, designing gifts or painting a blank canvas, this type of hobby will definitely soothe your soul and feel therapeutic.


Hit the slopes and try skiing for a brand new hobby and experience like never before. You don’t need to be a pro to enjoy a skiing vacation; you can hire an instructor for lessons. Grab a group of friends and make the most of your skiing holiday together!


Yoga can benefit both your body and your mind in so many different ways. Not only can it make you more flexible, but it can also have a positive impact on your mental health. If you’re ever feeling stressed, overwhelmed or angry, yoga is the perfect solution. Join a local class and you are bound to love it from the very start.

Even if some of these ideas sound a bit scary or strange to you, it can’t hurt to give them a try. Joining a local club is very easy and you’re bound to make a lot of friends during the process. There are so many unique hobbies out there; these are just a few of the best and most popular ideas for you to try out yourself. What have you go to lose? From performing to skiing, you are bound to find a unique hobby that stimulates your body and mind.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How To Cope After A Car Accident

How To Cope After A Car Accident

If you are one of the millions of people that have had a car accident that has left you with some issues, you may be wondering how you are going to cope. In today’s world, it seems there is increasing pressure that hits you from every angle, and sometimes, long term sickness can cause lots of worries.

The first thing you should know is that it matters not if you work for somebody or yourself after a car accident, not all is lost, and the last thing you should be worrying about is money. We know it’s easy for us to say that you shouldn’t be worrying about finances, but the truth is, the more you worry, the worse you will find yourself feeling.

What you need to realize over everything is that if you have had a car accident and it has been shown not to be your fault, then you have a ton of support on the other end of the phone.

While in the past, a car accident could have destroyed your life, nowadays, there are legal bodies that specialize in situations like this, and they put everything into making sure that you get what you need and deserve.

If you are not overly familiar with why car accident lawyers or what they can advise on, the infographic show below should be able to give you a better insight into what they can do and how they may be able to help you through what may seem like one of the toughest times of your life.

Infographic Design By Zavodnick, Zavodnick & Lasky, LLC

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Dealing With Anxiety During Sick Leave

Dealing With Anxiety During Sick Leave

Photo: Pixabay

When we take time off work, we may feel a little feeling of guilt, for leaving colleagues in the lurch, for not doing your work but taking time off is sometimes essential for both your mental and physical health. If you are off work for illness, you are most likely going to be spending it in bed feeling sorry for yourself and if it’s for an injury like a broken leg, it may make you feel as if you are trapped. Maybe your injury was caused by someone else, this way, you may feel a sense of anger that your life has been turned around at the hands of someone else. A personal injury lawyer could assist you in this and make you feel a little less upset about the situation but it may still pose a threat to your health in other ways from being away from your normal routine. Here are the health issues you might experience when you’re off for a long term of absence. 


During a long sick leave, many people do get depressed because you are away from your normal routine and you are suddenly thrown off balance. You may start with a feeling of boredom and that there was nothing to do and nothing you can be doing in the interim. Many days you are confined to the house because your body is stopping you reaching goals and meeting new challenges. This can be incredibly difficult, and you should watch out for signs of depression when you’re off work including sleeping too much, being less active and not having much interest in other things.  If you’re in a job where it’s possible to work from home, that is OK and you should definitely try and do what you can.

Stress and strain that can lead to anxiety 

Long periods of sickness can be incredibly stressful because you start to worry about things like money and paying your bills on time. Yes you may have sick pay but this may not cover you for as long as you need off work and if you struggle to pay the bills you will start to feel a certain amount of stress and strain. To avoid stress, you can try to save money in different areas and always have an emergency pot which can help. There are lots of jobs you can take on online during this period of sickness to keep your finances healthy, which won’t affect your day to day job. 

Difficulty Adjusting to a new pattern

When you are off for a long period of time; you will struggle to get back to work when you do go back and the routine changes will affect sleep and anxiety levels. This in turn leads to daily issues and you never feel as if you’re truly back to your old self. Try and wake up at the same time every day and try to stay as active as possible even just a small walk.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.