Category Archives: Responses from Tips

Let’s Review, O Wow: Discovering Your Ultimate Orgasm.

By Tia Cristy

Let’s Review, O Wow: Discovering Your Ultimate Orgasm.

The latest book from author and Sex Expert, Jenny Block.

“O Wow: Discovering Your Ultimate Orgasm†By, Jenny Block
“O Wow: Discovering Your Ultimate Orgasm†By, Jenny Block

They say every time and place has a purpose. I always look for the learning experience in something new or learning about other people and how they live. Not only does it help me in my life, but it also can help me understand what’s truly important to my readers. Yet while on holiday, I never expected I was about to start learning something that can benefit all sexually mature women, no matter if you are straight, gay, attached, or solo.

As I sat at the bar of a restaurant on a Sunday afternoon waiting, frustrated on a man, I befriend two women who turn out to be nationally known chefs, Jeana Johnson and Colleen O’Hare who own the Dallas hotspot, Mot Ha Bai. As Jeana and I discussed the decadent cheeses of Vermont and the pairing of wines, soccer played on the big screen. Jeana informed me because I am writer that I must become friends with one of her dearest friends, Jenny Block. Within one message to Jenny, we became social media friends, instantly.

Upon my returning from holiday, Jenny Block and I had time to discover more about each others writing background. I was impressed to hear about her credentials in print and on T.V. But not only that, Jenny Block is known as a Sex Expert. When Jenny told me she was getting ready to release her new book and sent me a copy, I knew this would be something for my female readers.

Some women out there would claim it’s as mystical as a unicorn, but according to daring author, Jenny Block and her latest book, “O Wow: Discovering Your Ultimate Orgasm†it’s not only possible, but practically a guarantee to happen if you follow these proven instructions.

Jenny Block, Photo by Steph Grant
Jenny Block, Photo by Steph Grant

With “O Wow…†Jenny valiantly shares her own experiences with both men and women. The once married to a man, woman, now considers herself a lesbian. But, this book isn’t about sexual orientation, it’s about the pleasure a woman needs and deserves, and how to achieve it. Jenny’s personal, sexual journey has led her to be able to share her knowledge with all women (and those men whom are looking for the tips on giving the best pleasure to their woman). Jenny says the secret is in, how I like to remember them, the four P’s. Here’s a hint, Patience is the first one.

Having SAFE sex is strongly important with any sexual activity, and Jenny tells us how condoms won’t impede on either women’s or men’s pleasure when approaching sex with the proper methods. Boldly, Jenny tackles talking about every place on the body with nerve endings that could possibly be the ticket to someone’s personal ultimate. She acknowledges that some techniques may not be for everybody, but the point is for her readers to achieve their own personal ultimate orgasm without embarrassment. My favorite thing that Jenny has shared in this book is the fact that now she is in a loving, monogamous relationship, and this, she believes was one of the key points to her finally discovering the ultimate orgasm.

Check out for more from Jenny and the latest on book tours.
Pick up your copy of “O Wow: The Ultimate Orgasm†on Amazon Today!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!

4 Natural Make-Up Removers You Already Have In Your Kitchen. Guest Blogger, Heather R.

By Guest Blogger, Heather R.

4 Natural Make-Up Removers You Already Have In Your Kitchen.

Photo Provided by Guest Blogger, Heather R.
Photo Provided by Guest Blogger, Heather R.

Although make –up removers and wet wipes are convenient when you simply want to go to bed, they may irritate your skin and eyes. It’s impossible to completely eliminate the active cleaning agents in most products, even after rinsing. The residue builds- up in your skin and eventually leads to high concentration of surfactants, emulsifiers and solubilisers. These substances may dry out or irritate the skin, especially the sensitive one. Not to mention that some make-up removers contain alcohol. Luckily, you can clean your skin in a natural and inexpensive way without any harsh chemicals. Plus, all the ingredients are already in your kitchen!

1. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Conventional cleansers will inevitable remove the skin’s natural oils. As a result the skin will either become very dry or very oily, as it will start over-producing oils. Although many cleaning products claim to be oil-free, this can actually be harmful and lead to premature aging. Oils keep the skin looking young, vibrant and healthy. Natural oils can serve as an effective make-up cleaning solution without over –drying it. Extra virgin oil in particular is similar to the oils produced by the skin. It is also great at removing any type of make-up, from pigmented eye-shadows and lipsticks to dark mascara.

2. Milk

It’s not surprising that milk is good for the skin. It was popular ingredient in the beauty routine of royals thousands of years ago. The proteins and fat in milk not only hydrate the skin, but also allow it to retain moisture. Although drinking too much milk may cause skin conditions such as acne and eczema, when used topically it has miraculous effects. The ingredient will eliminate the make-up quickly and will soothe your skin. Create your cleaning product by mixing 1tbsp of almond oil and a bowl of whole milk. Then use a wash cloth or a cotton ball to rub it all over your face. It will leave your skin make-up free!

Photo Provided by Guest Blogger, Heather R.
Photo Provided by Guest Blogger, Heather R.

3. Yogurt

Don’t worry if you ran out of milk. Yogurt can also do the job and remove your make-up. There is an added bonus. Yogurt can moisturize the skin, relieve sunburns and fight acne. You can either rub plain yogurt on your face or include it in a DIY recipe. Combine it with 1tbsp of any natural oil (coconut, jojoba or olive oil). Rinse well with warm water to get rid of the residue. Plain curd is also double – duties as a make-up remover and an exfoliator.

4. Cucumber

Cucumber is an amazing natural make –up remover because of its soothing properties. First, you need to peel the cucumber and then grind or blend it into a paste. Dip a cotton ball into the mixture and gently rub your face. Wash off the cucumber left –overs with water. The downside is that you cannot store this cleaning paste for long because it will dry out. Keep the cucumber solution in the fridge for no more than two or three days. For more domestic cleaning tips visit:

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!


The Most Romantic Ways to Propose Your Girlfriend. By Guest Blogger, Daniel R.

By Guest Blogger, Daniel R.

The Most Romantic Ways to Propose Your Girlfriend.

Photo Provided by Guest blogger, Daniel R.
Photo Provided by Guest blogger, Daniel R.

When you think about it, there are only so many moments in everyone’s lives that deserve to be called truly memorable. And if you think a little bit more, all the places you were looking for them were wrong. Your favorite team winning the Championship or your favorite movie finally getting a sequel is certainly falling into this group. Your girlfriend saying the “Big Yesâ€, on the other side, will mark one giant milestone and change both of your lives for the better. So, with things as they are why you would not be a bit romantic and make this day pop up in your memories even more?

Propose Your Girlfriend at Her Favorite Place

It may be the house where she grew up, some museum or monument, the place where you first met, or the place you shared the first kiss. It really does not matter, as long as she holds it close to her heart. Once you are there, ask someone to take a picture of you two. Of course, instead of posing you will kneel and propose her. This way you should give the place she already considers important entirely new significance in her heart and make her very happy.

Propose Your Girlfriend in the New Year’s Eve

New Year marks the new beginning in everyone’s lives. Is there any more appropriate date than to propose your girlfriend than New Year’s Eve? To do this, virtually any place on the world will serve you just fine, but for the best effect, take her to some restaurant with a balcony or a view to an open sky. Wait until the midnight approaches, take her out and ask her to marry you. Give her some excuse to answer until midnight, and when she finally says “Yesâ€, share the romantic kiss under the glorious New Year fireworks.

Propose Your Girlfriend with a Building Sign

There are several ways to do that. For, example you can take your girlfriend to a picnic in the city park, and once you open up a champagne bottle, signal your friends in the nearby building to uncover giant “Marry me†building sign. Alternatively, you can arrange with a taxi driver to take a deliberate deflection from the route you are usually traveling together, and then stop somewhere building sign will be clearly visible, or rent the sign opposite to your favorite restaurant.

Propose Your Girlfriend in a Balloon

Take your future fiancé to a ride above your city, or some romantic landscape if that is what you prefer. Once you are high enough, and the whole world seems far beneath you, go down on your knees, take out the ring, and ask your girlfriend’s hand. Turning on some appropriate tune, can certainly do you no harm. Alternatively, you can fly above the gigantic “Marry me†sign which will be visible from your balloon only.

Propose Your Girlfriend in the Street

Although city streets do not look like too romantic backdrop for proposal, they give you enough freedom and a lot to play with. Ask a group of people to pose as bystanders and let them raise the letters forming “Will You Marry Me†when you signal them. Or you can stage a little performance spiced with street musicians playing your favorite song, and your friends popping up from their hidings with applause after she says “Yesâ€. Larger the scale, the better.

Although the wedding usually steals the spotlight as the most important moment in one pair’s together life, proposal still remains the most romantic one. Don’t allow it to become wasted. Instead, do your best to make it as memorable and nice as possible, so you and your future wife will always have something to remember in the quiet, romantic moments.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!

The Health Benefits of A High Protein Diet.

The Health Benefits of A High Protein Diet.
A high protein diet can be exactly what you need to improve your overall health and well being. A high protein diet means 1-1.5g of protein per pound of body weight. It’s important not to mix this up with a bodybuilders idea of a high protein diet, which can be over 500g of protein a day! Many people argue high protein diets are bad for your health but base it on the bodybuilders standards. That angle is very extreme so we have made sure to base the infographic below on the “normal” meaning of a high protein diet. Bodybuilding supplements can be used to increase your daily protein intake easily but having a diet containing wholesome foods has greater benefits. Check out the infographic below and let us know what your favorite benefit is!


health benefits of a high protein diet

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!

Benefits of Lavender Oil for Your Skin. By Guest Blogger, Amy G.

By Guest Blogger, Amy G.


Benefits of Lavender Oil for Your Skin

Photo Provided by Guest Blogger Amy G.
Photo Provided by Guest Blogger Amy G.

Organic cosmetics are becoming more and more popular. Lavender and lavender oil can help you in many ways, not only freshening up your home, but help your skin as well. Oily skin, problematic, dry, red, or irritated skin can all feel better after applying this pure oil, or a mixture of oil and another ingredient.

Helps Treat Acne

If you have problematic skin that gets oily and is prone to acne, you can ask yourself what’s the point of adding more oil to it? Actually, lavender oil stimulates blood circulation and had anti-inflammatory properties. You will notice the redness of your face reduced, and improved circulation will bring more oxygen to your skin leaving it radiant and glowing. In addition, lavender oil has antibacterial traits too, so not only will your face breathe easily, but your skin will be bacteria-free as well.

Beneficially Aids in the Treatment of Eczema

You have probably thought about those skin lesions that might be troubling you (having itching, red, and scaly skin can really drive you crazy), luckily, this can be treated. We mentioned antibacterial and anti-inflammatory traits, but lavender oil has anti-fungal properties as well. It speeds up the healing process and reduces scarring of the skin, while it can also relieve pain and itching which inflammation can cause. You can make homemade spray by simply mixing a cup of distilled tap water and ten drops of essential oil.

Can Help Heal Insect Bites

Sometimes no matter how hard you try, you cannot keeps bugs at bay and be fully protected from their bites. However, you can do something about the bites after they happen, and find remedies to help heal them quite quickly. Mosquitoes, spiders, ants, flies, and bedbugs are all common insects who bug people, and whose bites are very painful and annoying. A few drops of pure lavender essential oil applied to the bitten area will reduce swelling and pain. If you do get bitten and the pain does not recede after a while, make sure you visit your doctor and check it out.

Is a Redness Reducer

Asides from helping treat eczema, lavender oil can also help with symptoms of psoriasis, burns, and skin redness. Lavender oil gives you a possibility to use natural products for completely organic skin care which will reduce inflammation. Not just that, but also stress-induced redness can aggravate the skin, but (luckily) it can be calmed by lavender. Speaking of stress, lavender oil’s wonderful scent will help you relax and fall asleep easily. It can also help with itchy scalp: mix seven drops of oil with a tablespoon of virgin coconut oil, and gently massage it into the scalp. Also, try the amazing organic skin care products from 100 percent pure that contain lavender and lavender oil.

Photo Provided by Guest Blogger Amy G.
Photo Provided by Guest Blogger Amy G.

Has anti-ageing powers

Lavender oil will also keep your skin looking young and fresh, slowing down the aging process along the way. Skin care nutrition at its best, shea butter is moisturizing and makes skin softer while also helping to reduce visible wrinkles around the eyes and mouth. You can even make your own wrinkle-reducing face cream in no time. Mix a quarter of a cup of Shea butter with a quarter of a cup of organic coconut oil, add eight drops of Frankincense essential oil, and seven drops of lavender essential oil, and you’ll have all-natural anti-ageing cream.
People passionately love lavender because of its beautiful smell, and all the other additional traits that can make your life easier and your health better. It can cleanse cuts, and ease up bruise pain, so if you choose to carry a small bottle of lavender oil with you when you go somewhere, it’s like having your own perfume and first aid kit at the same time.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!

About the Author:
Amy Mia Goldsmith is an Aussie literature graduate with a passion for organic cosmetics. She loves to spend her free time hiking and of course – make up shopping!