The Most Romantic Ways to Propose Your Girlfriend. By Guest Blogger, Daniel R.

By Guest Blogger, Daniel R.

The Most Romantic Ways to Propose Your Girlfriend.

Photo Provided by Guest blogger, Daniel R.
Photo Provided by Guest blogger, Daniel R.

When you think about it, there are only so many moments in everyone’s lives that deserve to be called truly memorable. And if you think a little bit more, all the places you were looking for them were wrong. Your favorite team winning the Championship or your favorite movie finally getting a sequel is certainly falling into this group. Your girlfriend saying the “Big Yes”, on the other side, will mark one giant milestone and change both of your lives for the better. So, with things as they are why you would not be a bit romantic and make this day pop up in your memories even more?

Propose Your Girlfriend at Her Favorite Place

It may be the house where she grew up, some museum or monument, the place where you first met, or the place you shared the first kiss. It really does not matter, as long as she holds it close to her heart. Once you are there, ask someone to take a picture of you two. Of course, instead of posing you will kneel and propose her. This way you should give the place she already considers important entirely new significance in her heart and make her very happy.

Propose Your Girlfriend in the New Year’s Eve

New Year marks the new beginning in everyone’s lives. Is there any more appropriate date than to propose your girlfriend than New Year’s Eve? To do this, virtually any place on the world will serve you just fine, but for the best effect, take her to some restaurant with a balcony or a view to an open sky. Wait until the midnight approaches, take her out and ask her to marry you. Give her some excuse to answer until midnight, and when she finally says “Yes”, share the romantic kiss under the glorious New Year fireworks.

Propose Your Girlfriend with a Building Sign

There are several ways to do that. For, example you can take your girlfriend to a picnic in the city park, and once you open up a champagne bottle, signal your friends in the nearby building to uncover giant “Marry me” building sign. Alternatively, you can arrange with a taxi driver to take a deliberate deflection from the route you are usually traveling together, and then stop somewhere building sign will be clearly visible, or rent the sign opposite to your favorite restaurant.

Propose Your Girlfriend in a Balloon

Take your future fiancé to a ride above your city, or some romantic landscape if that is what you prefer. Once you are high enough, and the whole world seems far beneath you, go down on your knees, take out the ring, and ask your girlfriend’s hand. Turning on some appropriate tune, can certainly do you no harm. Alternatively, you can fly above the gigantic “Marry me” sign which will be visible from your balloon only.

Propose Your Girlfriend in the Street

Although city streets do not look like too romantic backdrop for proposal, they give you enough freedom and a lot to play with. Ask a group of people to pose as bystanders and let them raise the letters forming “Will You Marry Me” when you signal them. Or you can stage a little performance spiced with street musicians playing your favorite song, and your friends popping up from their hidings with applause after she says “Yes”. Larger the scale, the better.

Although the wedding usually steals the spotlight as the most important moment in one pair’s together life, proposal still remains the most romantic one. Don’t allow it to become wasted. Instead, do your best to make it as memorable and nice as possible, so you and your future wife will always have something to remember in the quiet, romantic moments.

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