Category Archives: BEAUTY

Preventing Hand Issues

Preventing Hand Issues

Hands are constantly being taken for granted. We use our hands for just about everything we do. So make sure to remember to give your hands a little TLC every day to prevent any long term issues.

Beautiful Hands

They say, a person’s face can hide their age, but the hands will never lie. That’s because hands are in and out of water. They are scarred and callous from heavy work. They are the one thing most people forget to put sunscreen on yet, they bask in the sun while driving. Using the wrong kind of moisturizer can actually dry hands out more than helping. Undernourished hands appear aged. Try using natural oils to hydrate by penetrating deep down into the layers of skin. Apply olive or coconut oil and wrap hands in plastic wrap for ten minutes to get nice, soft, glowy results. Using peanut butter on hands is also one of my favorites, but again, cover your hands with plastic or rubber gloves. You don’t want to make a mess.

Strong Hands

So you work with your hands, that should make then strong, right? In a sense, yes. But, forgetting to stretch and massage the hands can cause weakness. As a writer, I stretch my fingers everyday using a technique where I place my palms together and I spread and push my fingers together. Then, I workout my wrists in a circular motion. These exercises can prevent carpal tunnel. I also carry a lot of stress in my palms. I use a water bottle to dig into the tiny knots that form in the palm. The cool bottle helps with inflammation.

Cold Hands, Warm Heart

Although, that’s not accurate science. That’s what I tell people when I shake their hand. My hand temperature runs cool. However, it’s important to regulate your temp. I started to use cashmere writing gloves. They’re pretty sweet, actually. Writer’s fingers can get cold while the palms get sweaty. With fingerless writing gloves, the hand adapts, maintaining a balanced warm temperature. It’s best to keep hands on the warmer side when working with them. It’s better circulation, better sense of touch, and believe it or not, it’s usually less damaging if warm hands happen to get injured.

When it comes to hand care, prevention is best. Wear the correct gloves for the job at hand, no pun intended. Wash hands at all the appropriate times. Don’t overuse hand sanitizer. If you must use a lot of sanitizer, moisturize often. Take time out every day to massage your hands. If hands are feeling weak, squeeze a stress ball or a balled-up sock. If you’re not feeling relief, or you feel pain, let your doctor know. There’s plenty of help for joint health, nowadays. Our hands are connected to a lot in the body. It’s best to make sure nothing else like, arthritis is going on. And don’t forget, take some time out to pamper your hands every now and again. Get a mani or do a simple hand scrub and soak at home before cutting your nails.

Take care of your hands, so they can keep taking care of you for many years to come.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Thinking Of Your Future Self: What Can You Do?

Thinking Of Your Future Self: What Can You Do?

Sometimes we need to be aware that the things we do today, will have an impact on our tomorrow. Sometimes we can get stuck in the here and now and focus too much on how we feel today, and making sure that we feel good about it, but often, sometimes those things on a long term basis will not help us in the future. It is always good to feel amazing in the present day, but if you can, making wise choices as well for your future self. Here are some of the things that you can do.

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Take care of your teeth

Your teeth are often one thing that you overlook, but in truth, we only get one shot at looking after our adult teeth. You may not be able to avoid accidents that cause your teeth to be damaged or fall out, but you can ensure that they are looked after, free from plaque and are in good condition. This is when things like a decent dental care schedule could work in your favour. Enabling you to go to appointments, have your teeth regularly checked and ensure that any treatment needed is done. It may sound like a simple thing, but we will all be thankful for decent healthcare in the future as we get older.

Work on your mindset

Your mind is a powerful tool, and so you should ensure that you work on this aspect of your life. The issue is that we can all develop habits of thinking. You may naturally go towards a negative outlook, think about the worst case scenario of generally feel not good enough. But this is your mindset, and it can be changed. Like anything habits need to be broken and made again, and you can certainly turn negative thoughts into something more positive. You could also work on other things like gratitude, which could also work towards helping you change your outlook on life for the better. Small steps can have the biggest impact.

Change your lifestyle

Your lifestyle is a big factor, and the things that you eat and the amount of activity you do day to day can also have a positive effect on your future self. You need to ensure that you nourish your body with the things that it needs to function more effectively. Activity doesn’t mean heading to the gym each day, but making a choice to be active everyday. This could be walking your dog, or even just taking the stairs instead of a lift. Changing your lifestyle is an ongoing thing, and takes work and effort to realise what will work for you and what won’t.

Becoming more aware of makes you feel good

Finally, you only get one life, and so it is vital that you become more aware of the things that make you feel good, and avoid those things that don’t. Of course, not all of us will have a job we love but yet we still need to do it in order to pay our bills. But the long term benefit of that is being able to live the life we want, so it’s an essential cog in the system. This is more about surrounding yourself with people you love and build you up, and also being able to do the things that you enjoy doing. Fill your days with as many good things as possible.

Let’s hope this helps you to think of your future self.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

What’s Stopping You From Wearing Shorts This Summer?

What’s Stopping You From Wearing Shorts This Summer?

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Winter has been long and unforgiving this year and, if you’re anything like most, you’re pleased to see that March is at least bringing some sunny days along with it right now. After what seems like forever, you can finally put those chunky jumpers away and start looking towards the season of salads and shorts. And, it couldn’t come soon enough.

The only trouble is that shorts are looking a little daunting now you’ve been able to cover your legs all winter long. The idea of bearing it all is pretty petrifying right now. By the end of last summer, you were wearing shorts loud and proud. Now, though, you’ve lost your nerve. And the chances are there are reasons why.

Shorts are just one of those items which can be tough to pull off. At the very least, you have to be confident in your body to make these work. While they can look fantastic when worn right, they can also become a fashion disaster. That’s especially the case if you make one of many short faux pas when wearing them.

But, what exactly are these faux pas, and are they behind your short-based fear this year?

Thunder thighs

After all those winter carbs, it’s possible that your thighs aren’t exactly streamlined right now. Who can blame you? Anything to get through the colder months. The trouble is that thunder thighs and shorts don’t go hand in hand. Before you know, you’ll be sweating it out in jeans through the warmest weather. Don’t let it happen. Instead, turn your attention to thigh fat now to ensure you slim down before summer hits. Something simple like bike riding or squats can make a difference here. Pair these with a more summer-based diet, and you could be bossing shorts before you know.

Trashy tattoos

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Some short-based worries are a little trickier to address. Take, for instance, people who have unflattering tattoos on their legs or ankles. It may be that you got a terrible tattoo when you were young, or that you thought it’d be romantic to get a partner’s name. For whatever reason, you can’t stand showing that mark to the world. Perhaps you broke up with your partner during winter or grew up a bit. Either way, embarrassed doesn’t even begin to cover your feelings about it now. Admittedly, the cure for this isn’t as easy as exercising, but there are ways to work around this for short success. First, ask questions like ‘how does laser removal work?’ and ‘how much will it cost me?’. Once you know these basics, you can book up for a removal procedure well before the hottest weather hits. As simple as that, you’ll be able to reach for shorts without thought.

Shaving rashes

Shaving rashes are another common reason for worry when wearing shorts. No one wants to leave their chicken legs on display, after all. The trouble is that, if you aren’t careful, it’s all too easy to fall foul to this issue. This is especially the case if you’ve gotten lax with shaving during the winter. Suddenly shaving off that long hair could lead to all manner of problems. At least, it can if you don’t take care. As a general rule, though, there are things you can do to avoid this issue. Using high-end sharp razors can be a huge help in itself here. You should also aim to exfoliate and moisturize after every shaving session. And, if you haven’t done so in a while, it’s worth starting shaving now. That way, you can address any issues which arise in the initial aftermath of your first shave of the year.

What about height?

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Sometimes, short aversions come about due to little more than height issues. People who are either tall or short may feel self-conscious with this choice as it can highlight your legs, and thus your height. Of course, there isn’t much you can do to address your height on the whole. What you can do, though, is consider different types of shorts. For taller people, extended options like Bermuda shorts could be the thing to even your legs out a little. For shorter ladies, low-rise shorts are sure to serve better. They can really lengthen the appearance of your legs.

If you’ve been shuddering at the idea of wearing shorts this year, it’s past time you addressed these issues. With a bit of luck, you’ll be wearing a pair loud and proud by the time the sun starts shining.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Replace Dark Circles Under Eyes for Men with Confidence Today

Replace Dark Circles Under Eyes for Men with Confidence Today

If you’re looking for tips and tricks on combating dark circles under eyes men, look no further.

Gentlemen, if you carry dark circles around your eyes, this post is for you.

Just about nothing lowers a man’s self-esteem and confidence like those pesky dark circles around your eyes.


Getting rid of them doesn’t have to be complicated.

In fact, here’s a natural solution you can use to remove and fade your dark circles under eyes for men fast.

One of the biggest culprits to age spots on your skin (such as dark circles around your eyes) is the sun.

I know it may be hard to imagine but the sun plays a predominant role in accelerating the aging and tear-down of your skin’s natural youth and health.

One of the quickest (and easiest) solutions for warding off UV damage from the sun against your eyes is to simply wear sunglasses outdoors!

Wearing sunglasses doesn’t only make you look better, it also helps to keep the incredibly delicate skin surrounding your eyes from losing its vitality and youth.

As an added bonus:

Wearing sunglasses will even help to prevent you from squinting which can lead to crow’s feet.

In the meantime, your skin will finally have the chance and opportunity it needs to slowly repair itself over time.

The truth is:

Reaching for your favorite pair of sunglasses only takes a few seconds for a lifetime of healthier, more vibrant skin.

Here are even more tips and tricks for fading off your dark circles under eyes for men fast.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Can the Look of Your Eyebrows Change your Age? Tips in Action:

By Tia Cristy

Tips in Action:Can the Look of Your Eyebrows Change your Age?

Plucking your eyebrows when younger can actually make a face look more mature. But, once you start aging, hair pigment can change and grow in lighter. An easy tip for anti-aging, is to stop plucking eyebrows within the arch.

Keeping the brows cleaned up by tweezing, waxing or threading is acceptable, but allowing the brows to grow in more naturally, will diminish years, giving a younger appearance. Be sure to fill in the brows with a natural pencil or eyeshadow to make the eyebrows appear, actually fuller. Using a good eyebrow gel in clear like the one from Arbonne can tame flyway’s and keep your masterpiece on point.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.