Category Archives: BEAUTY

Cell Phone Acne.

By Tia Cristy


Cell Phone Acne.



Problem: Hi Tia, I heard cell phone acne is a real thing. I have broken out on the side of my face, now and again, is that what it’s from?

Tip from Tia: Yes, you could certainly say, it’s a real thing! Your cell may absolutely be the culprit of your breakouts. The heat of the phone, mixed with your oils and makeup, not to mention the bacteria on the phone, can add up to a great irritation to the skin. The heat opens the pores. Bacteria can make its way into the pore, allowing the excess oils to then, clog, and wreak havoc on the skin.

The best prevention is to keep your phone wiped down, as well as being observant to placing it on clean surfaces. This will help reduce the bacteria. Cut the phone time, holding it on your ear only, by using speaker or bluetooth instead.

Keeping your skin clean and fresh, will also help in keeping the skin clear. If you see a lot of residue left behind on your phone after using it, wipe skin with a hypoallergic cleansing wipe or wash your face down, to reduce the chances of a breakout.

If you are having major problems with breakouts, contact your doctor for advice and specialized treatments.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Crack Open a Cold One for Your Hair. Tips in Action:

By Tia Cristy

Tips in Action: Crack Open a Cold One for Your Hair.



When hair become dull and needs a plumping, crack open a beer while in the shower? Yes, not to drink, but to pour on the hair.

Pour the suds on your hair after shampooing and before conditioning. start at the roots, down to the ends. Let sit for a few minutes and then rinse. Use your regular conditioner or a deep moisturizing conditioner like my favorite, It’s a 10, which should successfully remove the brewery smell.

Beer will help give an extra boost to bring youth, luster, and shine back into your locks.

Do not use this tip daily. Once a month is plenty when dealing with a drying agent like alcohol. And remember, you must be 21 to drink. Please drink responsibly.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Treating Milia Spots Naturally

Treating Milia Spots Naturally

What is Milia?

Photo by Moose Photos from Pexels

Milia spots are little white spots on your skin usually found around the eyes or lips. These annoying, tiny cysts are produced by an over production of keratin. Some folks call them milk spots.

The Medical Option.

There’s a safe effective way doctors remove milia from your skin by using a scalpel and shaving down the area to expose the cysts. Treatment is fairly painless, but can have a good price tag attached to it.

Natural Remedies for Milia that Work.

Two options we have seen work might not have permanent results, but neither does going under the knife, sometimes. Cysts of any kind are tricky… if the sack isn’t removed completely, a cyst can refill. These natural options don’t remove the sack, but can dry up and reduce the fluid inside.

Tea Tree.

Tea tree oil has plenty of benefits. Using tea tree oil on a cotton ball and placing for several minutes on the infected area can shrink milia. This process is almost immediate in appearance. The results only last a few days, but the process is safe and effective to be repeated every so many days. Be sure to stay away from the eyes. The fumes from tea tree are strong and can burn your eyes. Do not ingest tea tree oil. And if you are sensitive to tea tree, add a few drops of a carrier oil like olive or coconut oil to reduce the potency.

Castor Oil.

Castor oil is a great moisturizer for your skin. The oil is extremely thick and sticky. It’s a great oil to ingest if your constipated. However, the benefits for using it on the outside of your body are pretty amazing as well. Castor oil can give your skin a deep glow when used once. But not only that, recurring use where needed has been known to reduce milia. Not entirely sure why castor oil dries out milia when moisturizing the rest of your skin, but the results are hard to argue with. And, opposed to tea tree, the result seem to last longer than just a few days.

So if you are having issues with milk spots or milia consult with your doctor on your best options. You may find that going with one of these natural remedies just might be your best option!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Little Ways To Treat Yourself Before Christmas

Little Ways To Treat Yourself Before Christmas


December is here, and now the countdown to Christmas is truly underway. With this also means that you’ll likely be in a mad dash to buy tons of gifts for family as well as sort out food and drink for the mob. But did you ever think about giving something back to yourself this Christmas season? There are lots of things you can do during the festive season to help you feel more relaxed and ready to celebrate, and here are just a few of those ways to treat yourself before Christmas comes around.


Have a break


We are all rushing around at this time of year. Whether it be getting those last sales in at work, making sure we have everything in order or anything else, the last few months of the year are always hectic. To give yourself a chance to reset and refresh it is a good idea to have a little break. You can either have a staycation and do nothing for a few days, or you can go and book a spa weekend with your other half or friends. This can be an awesome way to treat yourself and get rid of all that niggling tension before the festive season.


Get some ‘me’ time


Sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is to truly be alone. There aren’t a lot of times in life where you’ll be able to be on your own completely and just enjoy the silence, but we all need this now and again. To make your life a little bit less stressful think about kicking everyone out of the house for an hour or two and just breathe. Enjoy being in your own company and it can really be a treat in itself.


Try a new hobby


We all need a hobby outside of our work and Home life, and it is a question of what hobby we choose whether we have that release from the rest of our life for a little while. Think for example of trying something totally new. Maybe you’ve always wanted to try yoga… go and book a class! Taking yourself to do something fun and new can be a great gift to yourself and it can help you to find out new things about yourself.


Have a shopping spree


Retail therapy is something you’ll likely need after buying gifts for everyone in your family, and there’s nothing wrong with buying yourself a gift or two also mug the way during your shopping trips! But let’s take a day out of your diary and spend it shopping in your local city centre. Buy some festive food from the market, walk around and enjoy the sun and just bit whatever you want. We don’t treat ourselves often enough.


Treat your body

If you have any insecurities which are making you feel a little bit down, a good idea could actually be to treat them or change them and make yourself feel more confident. For example you could use medical aesthetics to give yourself a little lift or a tuck, you could cut your hair and colour it, or you can simply change your fashion style. Have fun and do something truly for you.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How to Get Rid of Dandruff Naturally and Easily

How to Get Rid of Dandruff Naturally and Easily

Don’t you just hate dandruff shampoos? If you are battling with a dandruff problem, your initial reaction might be to reach for a dandruff shampoo. And there is nothing wrong with that. But the problem is, some dandruff shampoos make matters worse. They can dry your hair, make your scalp skin itchy and irritated, and generally worsen your condition. Natural ways for how to get rid of dandruff, on the other hand, are a much better option. For one, you know you are getting an antifungal and antimicrobial solution.

Why we get dandruff?

Dandruff can be a result of many things. The most common causes of dandruff include dry scalp or a condition that is medically known as “seborrheic dermatitisâ€. Another common cause of dandruff is sensitivity to hair products. Just think of all the hair products you use on a regular basis. Do you know how harmful they can be to your hair? All those gels, creams, sprays, and so on.

Last, but not least, and this is where natural remedies for hair will help, is the growth of a specific type of fungus. There are many over the counter products that can treat dandruff, but we firmly believe in natural products. If you want to get rid of the itchy scalp and flakiness, here are a couple of solutions that work wonderfully in eliminating dandruff.


The first association of aspirin is a “headache remedyâ€. Well, aspirin can do much more than help you with your migraine and headache problems. Aspirin contains salicylic acid, an ingredient found in many dandruff shampoos.

For this remedy, all you have to do is crush two aspirins to a fine powder. Add the aspirin to the normal amount of shampoo you use to wash your hair. Leave the mixture on your hair the next time you wash for one to two minutes, and then rinse well.  Wash again with plain shampoo.

Tea tree oil

One of the best antimicrobial, antifungal, and antibacterial natural remedies is tea tree oil. This has been proven over and over again. Just a pinch of the oil is more than enough to combat any bacterial infection.

To use tea tree oil, just add a few drops of the oil to your favorite shampoo. Wash your hair normally, and you will notice results within two weeks. In addition to treating dandruff, tea tree oil can help with many other skin and hair conditions, like greasiness, unpleasant smell, itchiness, and more.

Apple cider vinegar

Many people around the world swear by apple cider vinegar as their go-to dandruff remedy. It is all thanks to the acidity of the vinegar, which changes the pH value of your scalp. That makes harder for yeast and fungus to grow.

For this remedy, you need to mix ¼ of a cup of apple cider vinegar, and ¼ cup of water. Mix them in a spray bottle, and spritz on your scalp. Wrap your head in a towel, and then allow the solution to work for 15 minutes. Wash and rinse your hair as usual after that. Repeat the treatment two times per week.

Baking soda

Baking soda and apple cider vinegar are widely known as the cheapest remedies in your household. And both help with dandruff. We explained how you can use apple cider vinegar.

For baking soda, you need to wet your hair and then rub a handful of the remedy vigorously into your scalp. Do not apply any shampoo. Just rinse your hair and baking soda will help eliminate all of the dandruff-causing fungi in your hair. Fair notice: in the beginning, you might notice your scalp and hair is a little dried out. But that will sort out in a few weeks, as your scalp will start producing natural oils. After that, your hair will be softer and free of flakes. Of course, you can apply conditioner if you want to speed up the process.


Now, the thought of applying garlic to your hair might be a bit repulsive. We understand that. But you have to remember, garlic has more potent and powerful antimicrobial properties than antibiotics. This is what makes garlic a superfood, and a great dandruff remedy.

Just crush some garlic and rub it into your scalp. You can add some honey to avoid the potent smell of the garlic. Massage the remedy for a few minutes, and then rinse and wash as usual.


Why do we use mouthwash? Well, to get rid of bacteria in our mouth. So, with that logic, you can use it to get rid of bacteria in your scalp.

Wash your hair with a regular shampoo, and then rinse with an alcohol-based mouthwash. Apply conditioner afterward.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is one of the more tested and well-proven remedies for dandruff. Bonus points: it smells nice when you apply to your hair.

To use coconut oil, massage 3 tablespoons of the remedy into your scalp before showering. Let it sit for one hour, and then apply shampoo and wash your hair as you normally do. You can even wash your hair with a coconut oil based shampoo, which gives you more powerful results.

Olive oil

Another oil you can use for getting rid of dandruff is olive oil. It is a well-known folk remedy. How to use it? Just massage 10 drops of olive oil into your scalp, and then cover your head with a shower cap. Leave it to stay overnight. In the morning, wash your hair as you normally do with shampoo.

Of course, you can also buy a shampoo that contains olive oil for maximum results.


If you have lemons on hand, you might have the best dandruff remedy in your kitchen. Squeeze some lemons, and then massage 2 tablespoons of the lemon juice into your scalp. Rinse with water. Follow with stirring 1 teaspoon of lemon juice into 1 cup of water, and rinse your hair with that as well. Repeat the treatment on a daily basis until you get rid of dandruff completely.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter, TikTok, or Instagram.Â