All posts by Tia

The Steps to Take After a Break-In at Your Home

The Steps to Take After a Break-In at Your Home

Whether you rent a home or own a home, it doesn’t change your risk of being susceptible to a break-in from a burglary. When you have to face losing irreplaceable items from the home, as well as damage to the property, then there is a big emotional toll to consider. No one wants to walk into their home and see that things have been ransacked. However, if you do find yourself in this situation, then there are some steps to take that will help you to deal with it all, as well as help you to find the culprit. Here are some things to think about. 


Leave the home and call the police

The burglary could have happened when you were out of the home, or you may walk in on a burglary in action. Either way, it is wise to step back out of the house and call to get help from the police. If a burglar is still there, then you can be risking your safety as you don’t know what state they are in or what kind of weapon that they have. If you walk in and the home has been ransacked, then don’t touch anything and go back outside of the house. You don’t need to know what has been stolen yet to contact the police, but there could be things that can help them identify the thief if they get there to an untouched crime scene. 

Make notes

When the police arrive, they are likely to guide you through the home to see what has been taken. You should make a note of what has been taken, including a rough amount that was paid for it, as well as the color or if there were any identifying marks, such as stickers on a laptop. If property has been damaged, then make sure that you take pictures and make a note of what needs to be repaired, which could be anything from broken doors and windows to stained carpet or a cracked lamp. Getting help with replacement windows, for example, is something that will need to be done quickly, in order to make the home secure again. In order to be able to claim on insurance, then you need to file a report with the police, so make a list in as much detail as possible.

If you saw the burglar leave your home, then make sure that you also write down their description so that you don’t forget. What were they wearing? What race or sex were they? Did they have any identifiable marks or features, such as a beard or a big arm tattoo? These things can all help the police.

Take steps to secure the home again

Once the police have all that they need, it is time to clean up and to get the home ready and secure again. You can never make sure that it is 100% secure, but there are some options that can help. Getting security cameras up on the home can help, as well as an alarm system. A Ring doorbell is a popular choice to help, as it has a camera for anyone walking past it, and you can check on it with an app, even when you’re not at home.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

4 Likely Causes Of Aching In Your Gums

4 Likely Causes Of Aching In Your Gums

Aching gums are a common symptom that many people struggle with, but they don’t know what’s causing it or how to manage it. The good news is, there is usually a fairly simple cause and it’s not too difficult to solve the problem. The bad news is, if you ignore it, you will end up with more serious problems further down the line. So, what causes aching gums and how can you prevent it?

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Poor Dental Hygiene

A major cause of ache is poor dental hygiene resulting in gum disease. There are a variety of different types, but the two main ones are gingivitis and periodontitis.

To reduce your chances of gum disease, make sure you brush your teeth twice daily for at least two minutes each time. Floss every day to remove any food particles between your teeth. Also, don’t forget to visit the dentist regularly – ideally once every six months for a check-up and clean. If you are concerned about gum disease, consult dental services right away instead of neglecting the problem. If you catch it early, you can deal with it easily but if you let it advance, it’s much harder to treat. 

Grinding Your Teeth

Another cause of aching gums is grinding your teeth. When you grind them against each other, it puts pressure on the gums and this increases the risk of problems like bleeding, irritation, and inflammation.

To reduce this risk, you can wear a special night guard to protect your teeth from unnecessary damage while you sleep. Teeth grinding is often stress-related too, so find ways to manage your stress if it’s a big problem for you. Teeth grinding doesn’t just cause aching gums, it can also lead to significant problems with the jaw, so it shouldn’t be ignored. 

Brushing Too Hard

Many people think they need to brush their teeth forcefully in order to get rid of bad bacteria on the surface, but this is actually wrong. You can damage your gums by brushing too hard, which makes it easier for problems like bleeding and inflammation to occur. It’s better to use a gentle circular motion with soft bristles when you’re cleaning your teeth.

Your gums are delicate structures that separate the base of your teeth from your mouth. If they become swollen or irritated enough, then they can form pockets that allow bacteria into the gum tissue – this causes infection and inflammation that leads to pain and other symptoms. This is more frequent if you brush too hard, so be careful. 

Food Allergies

Sometimes, an itch or ache in your mouth isn’t related to the gums at all. One other cause could be food allergies. If you are eating something that doesn’t agree with you, it can cause problems like itching and inflammation anywhere in your mouth, including your gums.

To determine if this is the case for you, eliminate different foods from your diet one by one until you track down the culprit. Take note of what you eat before any symptoms appear too so that you know when to avoid that particular food item in the future. 

If you notice an aching sensation in your gums, take action right away before it develops into a more serious dental health condition!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Keeping Your Car Safe No Matter Where You Are

Keeping Your Car Safe No Matter Where You Are

person driving Toyota car

(Image Source)

Cars are often one of the most important possessions in a person’s life. Not only do you need your vehicle to be able to handle the commitments you have, but you are also likely to have spent a lot of money on the motor you drive. This means that most people are willing to work hard to keep their cars safe. To help you out with this, this article will be exploring a range of different environments, giving you useful tips that will help you to ensure that your car is always as safe as possible. This doesn’t have to be a big challenge when you take the right steps to make it easier for yourself.

At Home

Most people store their vehicle at home when they aren’t using it. There are a number of ways to achieve this goal, but keeping your car off the road will be the most important. Driveways can be installed relatively cheaply, but looking for custom garages near me can also be a good way to protect your car. CCTV is a powerful tool for those who want to be able to monitor their vehicles without having to think about them all the time. Alongside this work, though, you also need to make sure that your car is locked when it is left on your property.

Parking In Public

Parking in public can be a dangerous experience for a car. There are a lot of different types of car parks out there, and it can be extremely difficult to make sure that you pick a safe one. Car parks that have posted signs are more reputable - read more about it here to see which signs to look out for when choosing a lot location.

Many large parking lots have reviews available online, giving you some idea of their safety. Alongside this, you can also take the time to research the security measures that different parking lots have in place. It’s always smart to remove valuables from your vehicle when you park it in public places, while also always locking the doors.

On The Road

While the road can feel very dangerous, driving is the only time when you will be with your car. This means that you have a unique chance to protect it, using your driving skills to ensure that you don’t get into any trouble when you’re spending time on the road. It always makes sense to avoid issues like road rage, taking the time to cool off when you find yourself in stressful situations when you are driving. There are a lot of advanced driving courses available that can make it easy to improve your driving and keep yourself cool.

As you can see, there are loads of steps that can be taken to protect your car. It’s always worth keeping in mind that your insurance can help you with damage to your vehicle. It will always be worth making a claim rather than getting into a fight, even if you catch someone doing something to your car.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

The Health and Safety of Your Home

The Health and Safety of Your Home

We all want the best for our homes, but sometimes we don’t think about what that means in terms of health and safety. There are many things to consider when thinking about your home’s health and safety, including the type of flooring you have, insulation levels in your walls, how well-ventilated it is, whether or not you have a fireplace or woodstove, pets in the house (and if they’re allowed inside), types of cleaning products being used – these are just some examples. 

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Many health hazards can be found in your home. One of the most common is mold, which often happens when water is damaged in a building. Mold is not visible until it starts growing and is difficult to remove once discovered. It’s essential for homeowners who see signs of water damage or mold growth to contact professional cleaners to remove the mold so that it doesn’t cause more problems.

There are more than a few professionals you can contact for this, such as Rytech Restoration. While these will naturally come at a cost, it’s worth it to prevent the mold from having an impact on your health or home. It’ll keep you safe, so there’s no reason not to consider it.


Make Your Home Allergy Free

Allergens are another health risk for your home, especially if you have pets or children. Symptoms of allergies include sneezing, coughing, and red eyes. If you or someone in your family is experiencing these symptoms regularly, there may be an allergen-causing them.

You may not be able to eliminate the allergen, but you can work on reducing it, which will make your home less of a risk for allergy sufferers. Ensure no visible signs of an infestation such as nests or droppings, and remove carpets if possible because these are often where allergens will accumulate.

Your home should always be clean and free of clutter. This keeps the air fresh and healthy for everyone inside, especially if they have respiratory problems like asthma or allergies. Having a house that is too cluttered will cause stress and irritability, which can harm your family.

Blocked Drains and Pipes

If your home has a blocked drain or pipe, this can cause serious health problems and damage to the environment. Blocked drains and pipes result in water not being able to flow away from your house, leaving stagnant pools of water that can create an ideal breeding ground for disease-carrying insects and rodents. For example, mosquitos spread many nasty diseases such as malaria, West Nile virus, yellow fever, and Zika.

Make sure your drains are regularly maintained to avoid the build-up of grease, which can lead to a blocked drainpipe. Oil should be wiped away with hot soapy water instead of rinsed away with water from the kitchen sink.

Heating And Cooling Systems Are In Working Condition

A house should be a comfortable environment for you and your family. A critical aspect of this is the heating and cooling systems inside it. If these are not in working condition, then your house won’t feel like home. Repairing or replacing such equipment if damaged will help ensure that everyone in your house stays healthy all year round.

There are house smells that can be dangerous. If your house smells like burning plastic, it might signal a fire hazard or an equipment malfunction. If you sense something burning, it might mean that there’s already fire in your house! It is essential to get these checked out by a professional immediately.


Hazardous Materials

In addition to being clean, you should also be sure to keep the house free from any hazardous materials. This includes cleaning supplies like oven cleaner or bleach and anything flammable such as gasoline, paint thinner, or furnace oil.

Having a clean and healthy home is very important for your family’s health. It can be hard to find the time, money, or motivation to keep things up-to-date, but by following these tips, you will have a much healthier home in no time!

​Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter, TikTok, or Instagram.