All posts by Tia

Why Your Bedroom Is an Important Room In Your Home

Why Your Bedroom Is an Important Room In Your Home

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When you want to renovate and freshen up your home you might be thinking of tackling a Master Bedroom Remodeling scheme, as the first room in your home to decorate. It is certainly a good idea to make your bedroom a priority when redecorating as it is an important room in your home. Here are some examples of why it is a crucial room in your home and the importance it plays. 

Enables You To Sleep

Your bedroom enables you to snuggle up in your comfortable bed and get some much needed rest for the next day. Being able to sleep comfortably is important for both your physical and mental wellbeing, so ensuring you have a furnished bedroom is essential so that you can get some much needed sleep each night. 

Somewhere For You To Unwind

If you have had a busy or stressful day at work, you will want somewhere quiet and comfortable in which you can relax. Your bedroom provides you with the ideal place to sit back and unwind after a busy day. You might want to lay down and relax on your bed as you get into a peaceful mindset. 

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A Place To Be Intimate In 

Your bedroom provides an ideal setting for you and your partner to be intimate in. It is somewhere where you can be yourself and connect with your other half in an intimate setting, which is very important to maintain a healthy relationship. 

Inspires Creativity 

Having a nicely refurbished bedroom will create a comfortable and relaxing setting for you to enjoy. When you are feeling at your most content, you are more likely to think of new and creative ideas whether it is for business or for your home. As it is a room in which you spend a lot of time in, you are more likely to have exciting ideas pop into your head. 

Somewhere For You To Have Time To Yourself 

It is good to be able to have time to yourself, especially when you live with others. Shutting yourself in your bedroom is a good way to achieve this as it allows you to have some much needed ‘me time’. So whether you want to read quietly, do some yoga exercises, have a nap or listen to music, you can easily achieve this when you have a tidy and comfortable bedroom to escape to. 

Overall if you are thinking about which room in your home to decorate first, then it should most certainly be your bedroom where you can truly relax and escape from your everyday stresses.

Tia, and is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow-on Twitter or Instagram.

4 Tips For Creating A Better Life For Yourself

4 Tips For Creating A Better Life For Yourself


Your situation today isn’t your destiny and you have the power to make changes that will bring you to a rewarding and fulfilling place. If you’re not happy with your life currently then take comfort in knowing you can alter your path.

Learn four tips for creating a better life for yourself that will be the push you need to begin building a new existence for yourself so you can experience the outcomes you desire. Be patient because there may be setbacks or obstacles along the way but if you stick with it then you’ll likely be pleasantly surprised by all the benefits you reap in the long run.

1. Have Goals in Mind

One tip for creating a better life for yourself is to have a clear vision and some goals in mind for what type of life you want to live. Have a good idea of what you want to accomplish now and in the future. Setting concrete and realistic goals will help keep you on track each day so that you work hard and remain focused. Being able to get what you want starts by you accepting responsibility for making changes that will bring about positive results. Goals will help you feel motivated to want to get out of bed and tackle the day ahead.

2. Address Problems Head-On

The reality is that you’re only human and may have problems you’re dealing with. Your daily habits may be self-destructive and keep you from getting ahead. For instance, it might be that you’re struggling to get your drinking under control. There are many different causes of drug abuse and you’re not alone if it’s a matter you’re facing currently. The good news is that if you want to get help then there are treatment programs available that will give you the opportunity to turn your life around for the better.

3. Find A Job That You Enjoy Doing

Your job or career plays a significant role in your life and takes up a lot of your time and energy. It’s worth being picky and finding a job that you enjoy doing so you can build a long-lasting and prosperous career. Creating a better life for yourself means taking on meaningful work that challenges you and makes you feel alive. The rest will fall into place when you’re doing what you love and working hard to improve your finances and situation.

4. Don’t Make Excuses

Become a better person and create a better life by not making excuses. It’s easy to put stuff off for another day but it’s only going to delay forward progress. Instead, challenge your mindset, assumptions, and excuses and realize that you do have the ability and power to make improvements when you put forth the effort. Excuses can certainly hold you back from you being your best self and achieving your goals. Creating a better life for yourself means not making excuses for yourself or others. It’s about trying your hardest and being comfortable with failing or having to start again.

Tia, and is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow-on Twitter or Instagram.

5 Types of Pain You Should Never Ignore

5 Types of Pain You Should Never Ignore

Pain happens to everybody. From the physical and mental to the emotional pain that life brings, there are certain pains out there that you really shouldn’t ignore. We deal with minor aches and pains in our joints as we get older, we deal with migraines and headaches when we listen to too much music. It doesn’t really matter the reason behind the pain the point is, you are feeling it!

You know that painkillers will help a headache, and the dentist could help with toothache relief, but when it comes to the rest of the pain you might be feeling – you need some help. Some pains are dealt with by a doctor and other pains are dealt with by a therapist but below we put together five types of pain that you should never ignore and palm off with a paracetamol. Let’s take a look.

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  • Chest pain. This is the most common pain that people see on lists with bright red writing that say do not ignore. Chest pain can be caused by many things, but the first indication of a heart attack is often chest pain. It’s not all the time, but chest pain is associated with issues pertaining to the heart, the lungs, the oesophagus, the ribs, the muscles or even the nerves. 25% of people who have chest pain are not having a heart attack or issues related to the heart, however it’s always worth being checked out if you are having chest pains that you don’t recognise.

  • Toothache. We talked about taking relief for your teeth as something that your dentist can handle, and toothache is something that should never be ignored. Sure, you can ignore it, medicate over-the-counter, and continue with your day. But toothache could happen because of anything, from some sensitive teeth, to fillings that need to be sealed as soon as possible. You may even need a root canal – and that’s no one‘s friend! If you’re having tooth or jaw pain that is taking you out of your sleep at night time, you need the help of a dentist.

  • Back pain. As we get older, pain in the back is pretty common. But if your back pain comes with fever and is stopping you from moving around as much, then you need to get some help. Back pain with a fever, chills and confusion can signal quite a serious kidney infection. You’ll need help with the doctor at this point.

  • Abdominal pain in the lower right. You may have seen it on TV, you may have heard about it from movies, but lower abdominal pain can sometimes signal a flare up with your appendix. The appendix is a very tiny organ that has no relevance to the human body of today, and yet sometimes it has the audacity to become red and inflamed and sore. It’s not just a minor inconvenience, however, because an inflamed appendix could burst – and that could kill you.

  • Sudden head pain. Headaches happen, but splitting head pain and that happens without warning and goes from 0 to 100 in one go? That’s the kind of pain any checked out. A thunderclap headache can pinpoint some other serious health conditions that need some investigation.

Tia, and is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow-on Twitter or Instagram.

Do You Know When To Visit A Dentist?

Do You Know When To Visit A Dentist?

As a rule of thumb, most people should visit their dentist every 6 months for a check-up, however, a surprising number of people fail to adhere to this guidance and only visit a dentist out of necessity. There are a whole host of reasons that you should schedule an appointment with your dentist. To help keep your teeth and mouth in top condition here are some examples of when you should be visiting your dentist. 

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One of the most obvious reasons to visit your dentist is for toothache relief. Toothache can be a common occurrence with many a regular culprits causing the pain. Typical causes of toothache include cavities/decay, failing or broken fillings, cracks, breaking or broken teeth, and inflamed gums. 

If you are experiencing a dull ache, pain, or sensitivity to hot and cold foods it is advised that you see your dentist. Even if the pain is not constant it is still recommended you have your teeth looked at. It could be that there is a problem forming and early intervention could save you considerable discomfort and money. 

Broken tooth 

Although teeth are designed to be strong, they can still break, crack or fracture for a variety of reasons. Commonly, breakages can occur as a result of an accident, eating, or cavities. Whatever the cause of the damage to your tooth it is important that you see a dentist immediately. Even if the break or crack does not hurt. Your dentist may be able to save or restore your tooth and prevent further complications or breakages. 

Sensitive teeth

Teeth have a protective layer of enamel encasing them, which is designed to protect teeth from sensitivity to hot and cold. This enamel can wear away over time and the level of protection you have will deplete meaning you will become more sensitive to the exposure of hot and cold temperatures on your teeth. You can avoid this erosion by not using too much pressure when you brush your teeth and by using sensitive toothpaste. That said, there could be an underlying cause of the sensitivity. If you have noticed a change in the sensitivity of your teeth or can identify a particularly sensitive tooth or area, then you should visit your dentist. It could be that the nerves in your tooth are exposed or unprotected, which if left untreated could become very painful, potentially infected, and require extensive treatment. 

Teeth grinding and jaw clenching

Teeth grinding and jaw clenching can be a subconscious reaction to stress that takes place during the day or night. Alternatively, teeth clenching can also happen for reasons unknown during your sleep without you even knowing it. Those who unwittingly grind their teeth or clench their jaw are likely to experience a sore or stiff jaw, erosion of the teeth, and potentially headaches as a result. The type of treatment available will vary on the nature of your grinding or clenching and the causes. There are however a variety of treatments your dentist can offer to help alleviate the discomfort and negative side effects. 

Tia, and is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow-on Twitter or Instagram.

5 Home Maintenance Tasks You’ve Been Neglecting for Too Long

5 Home Maintenance Tasks You’ve Been Neglecting for Too Long

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With busy schedules, just staying on top of the regular spring cleaning can be time-consuming enough. However, if you neglect the following five key home maintenance tasks for too long, it’ll cost more to repair and may even reduce the resale value of your home. 

It’s time to start focusing on the cleaning and maintenance that will keep your home in peak condition.

Plumbing maintenance

Most don’t consider the importance of maintaining their pipes and water system until a plumbing emergency occurs. In addition to plumbing emergencies, pipes that have collected food, debris, and other waste can develop a smell that permeates your whole home. What’s even worse is you may not notice it – but you can bet your house guests will. 

A reputable and professional drain cleaning company will unclog the buildup in your pipes, repair leaks, and make sure your water heater is up to snuff. 

Laundry room maintenance

Something most people know but rarely remember to do is maintain their laundry machines and dryers. Both of these appliances are extremely costly to replace, and many new models cannot be fixed. 

Every four to six months, run your washer on the hot cycle and add detergent. Doing so will prevent build-up from developing and damaging the machine. You’ll also want to replace the hoses every year and inspect hoses for cracks or damage once each year. 

To keep your dryer in good working condition and avoid an accidental fire, make sure you clean the entire vent system at least once a year. While the lint trap collects a fair amount of lint, it doesn’t collect it all. 

Wood and stone sealing and polishing

If you have a butcher block countertop, you probably know that it should be polished and resealed now and then. But if you have a granite countertop, you may not know that it needs to be sealed occasionally as well. Seals wear off due to use, causing them to lose their luster. In the kitchen and bathroom, seals are also important for preventing bacteria growth. 

While you’re at it, go through your home and polish up your wooden furniture. You’ll be surprised by the difference it has on appearance and your beautiful furniture will last for years to come. 

Roofing and fences

As one of the more costly maintenance activities, most people avoid fixing their roof and fence until they have to. A house with missing shingles and a dry, peeling fence will impact the resale value of your home. 

Instead of waiting to sell before tackling these projects, make the repairs as soon as they are needed. You deserve to live in a home that doesn’t look abandoned. 

Carpet cleaning

If you’ve been on a mission to refresh your home but aren’t looking beyond the surface, you’re making a mistake. Trendy, new decor won’t make any difference if your carpet and fabric sofas are full of loose hair and stains. 

You could try home kits for small areas, but hiring a professional to come in and remove pet odors from carpets and upholstery could save you much more money in the long run. Plus, carpet cleaning companies can be hired for a very reasonable price and will have your home looking – and smelling – like new again.

Many companies also offer eco-friendly cleaning techniques so you can feel good about protecting the environment too.

Tia, and is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow-on Twitter or Instagram.