All posts by Tia

How To Properly Maintain Your Home For Maximum Safety

How To Properly Maintain Your Home For Maximum Safety

Maintaining your home, inside and out, is essential if you want to keep its value over the years. Should you need more home maintenance knowledge and experience, you have come to the right place. 

Here is how to properly maintain your home for maximum safety and profit. 

Photo by Ksenia Chernaya:

If your home gets damaged, seek legal help

When your home experiences damage from weather or other issues, you should ensure to get it resolved immediately. Leaving it could result in much worse issues.

Seeking legal advice and law firm help will ensure you get the proper compensation and support when your home experiences damages. You should never leave the damages unattended, as it could worsen the condition of your home and cause you to spend more time and money fixing the problem. Plus, getting legal help sooner should help you reduce the costs you must pay out of your own money. You might even find a solution where you do not have to spend anything on fixing the issue, especially if it isn’t your fault. 

Getting the experts to fix and resolve the legalities of home damages will ensure you can best maintain and protect your home.


Maintain your fire alarms

Speaking of unexpected home damage, any property is vulnerable to fires. To reduce the fire risk of causing extreme damage, you should ensure your fire alarms work efficiently to maintain your home.

You can get your fire alarms routinely tested so that you know they are working and will help you avoid irreversible damage to your home. 

Likewise, you might want to consider fire doors on your property so that if a fire does break out, it will have less chance of spreading quickly. 

Don’t forget about your garden

Your garden is a space that is often neglected when the weather turns cold. Or, some people who lack gardening skills will neglect their garden and not make the most out of it. However, your garden (if well maintained) can effectively enhance the value and safety of your home. 

A well-kept garden will increase your home’s curb appeal and attract buyers. Maintaining it isn’t difficult. Cutting the lawn, trimming the bushes, and weeding can be enough to make your home more appealing. 

Moreover, enhancing the security of your home by using your garden can help to:

  • Install low bushes. Bushes look attractive, and the lower they are, the fewer hiding places intruders can use. Maintaining the height of the bushes will ensure your garden doesn’t look messy and maintain safety. 
  • Adding gravel. Adding gravel to your front garden will ensure you can hear anyone approaching your home. It won’t make it easy for intruders to get to your front door without making a noise. Swapping your grass for gravel can also be a lot easier to maintain. 


It can be simple to maintain your home to maximize safety and profit. Simply attending to damages and keeping the garden well-kept can be enough to attain both benefits. 

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter, TikTok, or Instagram. 

7 Things You Should Stop Telling Yourself Today!

7 Things You Should Stop Telling Yourself Today!

As we get closer to the year’s end, it’s important to stop repeating old cycles instead of simply thinking that tacking on more resolutions will change our ways. Do you ever speak lovingly to yourself? Feeling shame, guilt, and fear due to redundancy? Here are 7 things you should stop telling yourself today to get a better mindset and take on the new year with a new attitude. 

  1. Why did this happen to me? 

You wonder – how is God or a higher power or Universe looking after you? Why has this happened to you? The reality is, it’s time for a lesson! In my own case in 2004 in the 3rd semester of the MBA program I was enrolled in, I failed two subjects. At the time it looked like the worst time of my life. However, due to these two failed subjects, I was able to continue through to 4th semester and complete my 2 year MBA instead of 1.5 yr MBA and therefore obtain permanent residency. What I didn’t know when I failed those two subjects is that the immigration law changed and me failing those 2 subjects went in my favor. 

My lesson- Start believing that life didn’t happen ‘to me’ but happened ‘for me’. Has something similar happened in your life where at the time you felt horrible or miserable only to find out later (days/weeks/months) that it was for the best and probably served you well? Ask yourself….what could be my big lesson (or lessons) here?

  1. In my opinion…

Know that your opinions are just that – ‘opinions’. Sadly we tell these opinions to ourselves so many times that we start to believe in them. Reality is that if they were a ‘fact’, we could relate them back to a time/date in the past. But that’s not the case is it? If we are thinking ‘I am not enough’, ‘I am unloved’, ‘I am undeserving’ or ‘I am not intelligent’ –  then actually who told us that that’s the truth? Was it someone external or it’s a voice that came from within, therefore internal? 

My lesson- Take a moment………..chances are you are repeating these statements to yourself again and again and again. If it’s you talking to yourself, what do you think is the message you are feeding into your subconscious mind? Correct, not the ones that are going to help you turn your situation around! One of the suggested questions here would be: How do I get back on track where I exude positive energy and have absolute clarity of my pathway forward?

  1. I’ve could have done this better…

Are you all of a sudden judging yourself too much? Or have you developed a fear of failure because the loss of confidence is now showing up in current interviews? Are you feeling far too nervous when meeting a new potential employer? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions (it certainly was a ‘yes’ to me earlier this year) then let me tell you something, there is nothing wrong with you! 

My lesson- The reason probably why this is happening is because you are either going in a direction or career you are not meant to go to or you have told yourself a story, and you have started to believe in that story. The key question to ask here is: How do I find out my truth and what I was born to do or at least get close to finding it? Because when you follow your truth or your passion, there is generally no fear and usually only nervous excitement.


  1. ‘I am a failure’! 

If you find a voice inside your mind telling you this (sometimes ‘on repeat’) then read on. Did you know the most powerful way to reach somewhere in life is to fail your way forward? If you understood this then half the battle is over. Let me ask you…….how did you learn to walk? You probably said ‘by falling over’! Wait, did someone say….again and again and again? So, it took you months and not hours or days or weeks to walk. How many of you have hurt yourself because of something you’ve done or said in the last twelve months, and keep thinking about it because you think you’ve let yourself down? 

My lesson- If you answered yes, then I am guessing that most of you have seen a one-year-old try to walk and hurt himself or herself more times in a day than a grown-up human being probably would in a very long time (physically). What do you think the child says to himself when he falls down? He doesn’t even think about it for more than a few seconds or at most a few minutes and moves on to try again. The one-year-old does that regardless of how many times he or she falls. The key question here is: How do I get that child-like ‘resilience’ again?

  1. I regret…

Do you regret what’s happened and secretly or openly hoped that it never happened? The probability is when we focus on something like this, our reality can become more painful. It’s just emotional pain and not physical pain. This potentially creates paralysis in our minds. And every moment of anger or angst is not going to hurt the person or company who’s responsible for your redundancy, but it will more than likely bring you more pain. 

My lesson- Regret is a poison we drink and expect no harm to ourselves. When we realize this and accept what’s happened – the key question then becomes: What are the stories I am telling myself? Have I turned the situation into a storm, it’s not? What is my purpose really? Is it to keep blaming someone in my own head or find out my vision or mission? How do I go about accepting it and move forward with a purpose?

  1. I don’t feel like doing anything! 

Do you relate to this? And if you are suffering from depression, let’s see what Jim Carrey said – he said “Depression is a call to ‘deep rest’â€. You can look it up. 

My lesson- It’s important to understand that it’s ok to rest for longer if your situation allows. But when your rest is over or when you are ready to take action then ask yourself: Are my actions today taking me closer to my goals or away from my goals? So if your goal is to find a job, then are my actions today taking me closer to finding a new job or away from it? And if away, how do I get closer to my goals and gain traction?

  1. I have anxiety…

If you are feeling sad or anxious – don’t wait until it’s too late because if we allow these feelings to stay too long with us, they become your reality. And then we start to live a lie. What happens when you listen to a joke or after watching a comedy scene that you find very funny, you may laugh or smile for a few seconds or few minutes at most. Since we don’t keep laughing remembering that comedy scene or joke for longer than a few minutes, why do we then keep worrying about a thought that hasn’t even happened yet for days/weeks/months and sometimes even years? Or feeling sad about something that’s happened knowing we can’t change it? 

My lesson- It’s important to be aware of your feelings but the key question here then probably becomes: How do I become the joy, peace and love I was once and start to love life again? How do I go about finding my true passion? Where’s the best knowledge available as a cure to my problem that I can convert to wisdom and take action?


Words from the Wise

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.†These were the words used by Rumi, a 13th-century Persian poet, and scholar.  

Everybody goes through pain at some stage in their life. The fine art is knowing how to navigate through that pain in a way that becomes your strength. And the reality is no one else can make a change in your life except you. There is help available but when you have had enough, and are ready to ask these questions to yourself in a way to obtain meaningful answers, then let’s have a chat! Visit and schedule a call with Gagan.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram

Gagan Gupta is a Clarity Coach who suffered from sadness, depression, suicidal thoughts, and anxiety. Gagan ultimately changed his life around and now his mission is to ‘Save one Gagan at a time’. His full story is on his website. Schedule a call with Gagan now.

5 Ways to Overcome Your Fear of the Dentist

5 Ways to Overcome Your Fear of the Dentist

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Do you have a fear of the dentist? Many people do. According to the American Dental Association, approximately one in four Americans fear the dentist. That is a lot of people! But there is no need to worry. With the help of your trusted dentist and hygienist, you can get past this fear. After all, dentists are there for our benefit, not the other way around. They want us to stay healthy and have a positive attitude towards oral hygiene and regular checkups, so we don’t end up with nasty surprises down the road. If you are one of those people who suffer from an irrational fear of dentists, then read on for some helpful tips on how to overcome it:

Find a dentist you trust

If you’re dealing with a dental phobia, finding a dentist you trust and feel comfortable with is the first step towards overcoming it. Many dentists are aware of the potential for dental phobia. They are trained in techniques to help make the experience as stress-free and non-threatening as possible such as sedation dentistry for more complex and stressful procedures. Additionally, finding a dentist who is the right fit for you can make the process much easier overall. You may have a friend or family member you trust, but if they are not a dentist, they may not be able to provide you with the help you need.

Take small steps

If you have a major dental phobia, take things slow and take small steps to get used to going to the dentist. You don’t want to go from never going to being suddenly put under general anesthesia for a root canal. That’s an awful way to start your dental journey. Your dentist should suggest you start with a simple cleaning appointment as your first dental visit. Not only does this make the experience less threatening, but it also gives your dentist a chance to get to know you and assess your oral health.

Partner up with a friend

Find a friend who doesn’t have a dental phobia and partner up with them to go to the dentist together. This way, you’ll have someone there to support you. This may sound silly, but it works. Studies have shown that people who go to the dentist with a friend or loved one experience less anxiety and are less likely to experience dental phobia. 

Just breathe

Breathing is one of the most fundamental skills we have. It is also one of the first things we forget to do when stressed out. When stressed before going to the dentist, take a moment to breathe. Deep breathing can help you calm down. Studies show that with regular practice, deep breathing can reduce anxiety. It can also help you feel less stressed and more relaxed overall. Dental professionals recommend that patients use hypnosis or relaxation techniques like deep breathing when they feel anxious before going to the dentist. 

Be in the moment

Try to be in the moment when you are at the dentists. Being in the moment has many therapeutic benefits, including helping you reduce anxiety and stress. While it is normal to feel nervous at the dentist, if those feelings turn into full-blown anxiety, it can be harmful to your health. While you can’t completely control what happens during your dental appointment, you can manage your reaction to it and how you respond to your feelings of anxiety. Focus on the sounds around you and the sensations you feel. Focus on your breathing, try to quiet your mind, and stay in the moment. 


Dentists are there for our benefit. They want us to stay healthy and have a positive attitude towards oral hygiene and regular checkups, so we don’t end up with nasty surprises down the road. You don’t have to suffer in silence if you fear the dentist. With the help of your dentist and hygienist, you can get past this fear and regain your oral health.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter, TikTok, or Instagram. 

The Stunning Connection Between Dental Health and Mental Health

The Stunning Connection Between Dental Health and Mental Health

Photo by Madison Inouye

Recent scientific studies have revealed a strong link between dental and mental health. Oral care is an essential component of overall well-being, yet it often gets overlooked in conversations about mental health. For example, poor oral hygiene can lead to physical illnesses such as cavities, gingivitis, and tooth loss, which can negatively affect an individual’s mental health. On the other hand, good oral hygiene practices are known to improve both physical and psychological well-being. This article will explore the fascinating connection between dental health and mental health in greater depth.

How Poor Dental Hygiene Can Impact Mental Health

Neglecting good oral hygiene habits can cause several serious health problems. For example, failing to brush and floss regularly leads to the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth, which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. In addition, poor oral hygiene can cause bad breath, stained teeth, and a lack of confidence. All these issues can profoundly impact an individual’s mental health – leading to feelings of depression, anxiety, stress, and low self-esteem.

How Good Dental Hygiene Can Benefit Mental Health

On the other hand, good dental hygiene practices have been linked with improved psychological well-being. People who maintain proper oral care are less likely to suffer from physical illness or discomfort due to poor oral health. This means that individuals are more likely to feel better about themselves and their appearance, which can lead to increased self-esteem and confidence. Additionally, research has shown that people who take good care of their teeth report higher levels of happiness than those who don’t.

The Role of Stress in Oral Care and Mental Health

It is important to note that stress is a significant factor in good oral and mental health. People who experience high levels of stress are more likely to suffer from poor dental hygiene practices due to the lack of time or motivation needed for proper maintenance. Stress also increases the amount of cortisol (the fight-or-flight hormone) in the body, which leads individuals to consume sugary foods and drinks to cope with their feelings – leading to an even further negative impact on dental health and mental health.

Practical Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Mouth and Mind

Fortunately, some simple steps can be taken to improve oral health and mental well-being. It is important to brush at least twice daily with fluoride toothpaste, floss regularly, and use mouthwash to reduce bacteria in the mouth. Additionally, it is beneficial to limit sugary foods and drinks as much as possible, as these can lead to cavities. Regular visits to the dentist can also help ensure good oral hygiene by preventing any issues before they become serious problems. If you feel insecure about how your teeth look or their placement in your mouth, it may be time to visit orthodontics. Finally, finding time for self-care activities such as yoga, meditation or journaling can help individuals cope with stress levels healthily, ultimately improving oral health and mental well-being.

The Critical Link between Dental Health and Mental Health

There is a strong link between dental health and mental health. For example, poor oral hygiene practices can lead to physical illnesses such as cavities, gingivitis, and tooth loss – all of which can have a negative impact on an individual’s psychological well-being. On the other hand, good dental hygiene habits are associated with improved physical and mental well-being. It is, therefore, essential to maintain proper oral care to ensure both physical and psychological well-being. By following the practical tips outlined above, individuals can take steps towards improving their overall health – both mentally and physically.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter, TikTok, or Instagram. 

4 Ways You Can Practice Self Love Today

4 Ways You Can Practice Self Love Today

Nowadays, there are so many ways that you can practice self-love. It can be from buying clear aligners for dental-related insecurities, but it can even be something as small as sleeping in a house. Practicing self-love is an important step towards being happier and healthier. 

You need to be kind to yourself and give yourself space to grow. It is one of the most important things you can do for your overall health and well-being. So, in what ways can you practice self-love that can stick around for the rest of your life? Keep reading to find out!

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Take care of your mental health

Taking care of your mental health is an important part of being able to practice self-love. When we are stressed out, we should prioritize our mental health first. Taking breaks from screens and avoiding doing things that wear us down is important. You should also surround yourself with a supportive team of people willing to hold you accountable.

Professional help can be very powerful too. Therapy can help you develop tools to love yourself and overcome emotional trauma. They’re one of the best ways to help boost confidence within yourself. They have special training to help you overcome self-criticism and perfectionism.

Nourish your mind

Whether an entrepreneur or a stay-at-home mom, taking care of yourself is essential to happiness and health. Occupation doesn’t matter, as everyone deserves to have self-love. It’s the foundation for success and the key to a fulfilling life. Taking care of yourself can be as simple as a self-massage or as complex as a trip to the spa. 

However, you shouldn’t skip the mind either. This can include reading, learning, exercising, or even allowing yourself the chance to get some extra sleep. Don’t try to crowd your mind with negative thoughts; you deserve to feel calm, peaceful, and relaxed.

Set boundaries

This may seem like an unusual form of self-love, but it’s one that so many people tend to neglect without realizing it. Having healthy boundaries is an important part of self-love. Not only do they protect your mental and emotional health, but they also protect your physical well-being. By creating boundaries, you will have more freedom of action and assertiveness. By protecting yourself, you will enjoy healthier relationships and have more fulfilling experiences.

Be kind to yourself when things don’t go as planned

Having a good attitude is important when dealing with life’s difficulties. In addition, you need to be kind to yourself, especially if you can’t control what’s happening. When things don’t go as planned, you may feel disappointed. You may feel compelled to change your plans to ensure things work out. However, this can be stressful. You should remember that life is a journey and that there will be ups and downs. Unexpected events can be pleasant surprises.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter, TikTok, or Instagram.Â