All posts by Tia

Simplify Your Life By Decluttering: The Best Way to Declutter Your Life

Simplify Your Life By Decluttering: The Best Way to Declutter Your Life

A cluttered life is just another sign that you’re keeping too many things around—and not enough of them. If you find yourself with excess belongings, it might be time to get organized so you have a space for everything. You can declutter your life by getting rid of everything that isn’t important to you or that doesn’t contribute to the betterment of your soul. After all, what’s the point in keeping unessential things around just because they come cheap? Whether you want to simplify your life or create more space in it, decluttering is one of the best ways to do so. Decluttering will also make it easier for you to keep track of your possessions and other things that are important to you. With this article, you will learn how decluttering your life can help simplify it and make it better than ever before.

Credit: Monstera/ Pexels

Make a List of What You Need to Declutter

Before you can get started, you should write down a list of everything that you’re going to get rid of. Doing so will allow you to focus on the items that you need to get rid of most. Plus, it’ll help you avoid making mistakes or wasting time on unimportant items. However, there are certain things that you should not include on this list. First, you should not include things that you need for school or work. You can get rid of them later, once those requirements are over. Second, you should not include items that are of sentimental value. This means that items like photographs and mementos do not need to be on the list. Although you might think that they are important, they are not necessary. Things that are not on this list can be thrown away, donated to charity, or given away.

Take Your Time When Decluttering

When you get started with decluttering your life, you should take your time and make sure that you do it right. There are no shortcuts to this process—you will have to remove things one by one and there’s no way around that. You can’t go through the motions and expect to get results. You have to put in the time and effort—plus, you have to have realistic expectations. If you’re hoping to get rid of everything in one day, you’re setting yourself up for failure. You have to remove one thing at a time, slowly and methodically.

Credit: Pixabay/ Pexels

Don’t Overlook the Small Things

In addition to removing unessential things, you should also remove the small things from your life. These items might include old makeup bags, books, and old shoes. There are a few reasons why you should remove these things from your life. First, you don’t need much to live a happy and fulfilled life. Second, it will make it easier for you to get rid of the other items on your list. By removing the small things, you will free up more space for the things you do need in your life. It will also make it easier for you to get rid of the items on your decluttering list. However, getting rid of the big things can often be the easiest place to start. So, if you have a car that you have not used in years then that should be the first thing to go. You can even Junk a Car Without a Title and this will save you space on your driveway or garage and take a big weight off your shoulders.

Find a Partner to Help You Declutter

While decluttering your life may be difficult, you should also consider inviting a partner to help you. Whether that partner is a family member, a friend, or a professional organizer, you should talk to them. There are many ways that you can partner up when it comes to decluttering your life. You can do so by working with a friend who is also trying to simplify their life or by joining a local organization that helps people simplify their lives.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram

5 Ways You Can Improve Your Home’s Lighting

5 Ways You Can Improve Your Home’s Lighting

Source: Pexels

If you’ve ever dabbled in home decor before, you’ve probably invested in new furniture, art and a fresh coat of paint. But have you looked further than that? While it might not seem like it at first, lighting is one of the most important parts of a home’s atmosphere and aesthetic. Even the most stunning color palette, expensive furniture, and attractive decorations can look flat or dirty in the wrong lighting. In interior design, lighting choice is crucial to ensuring that the final product matches your original vision.

Home lighting plays a significant role in making guests feel welcome. Harsh lights can feel overly intrusive and clinical, while dim lights can feel claustrophobic. However, actually controlling your lighting seems daunting at first. With so many different types of light fixtures available and new trends popping up constantly, you might need help figuring out what you need in your home. But there are many ways to customize your space’s lighting. Here are a few tips to get the most out of your interior lighting with as little effort as possible.

Get to Know Your Options

When making your interior lighting choices, it’s vital to understand both the practical and aesthetic benefits of each option. If you go to a friend’s house or find yourself in a space with lighting that you find appealing, try to ask or figure out what the owner did to get it like that. What sort of bulbs did they use? Did they set up overhead lights? Or did they go for separate lamp fixtures? Constantly educate yourself on what works and what doesn’t, specifically regarding the lighting in each area you come across.

Training your awareness is crucial to figuring out your space’s lighting. Research as much as possible, and ask your local hardware stores as many questions as possible about the different lighting options available. While it seems like a pain, and you want to get on to actual installations as soon as possible, this step is worth investing time in. Not only will you have a better breadth of knowledge to draw from when lighting your space, but you’ll also learn how to design your home to complement your lighting much better.

Match Your Decor With Your Lighting 

When shopping for fixtures, it’s important to consider your home’s decor when selecting the right lighting options. You’ll need to choose a light fixture that compliments your décor, and a darker-colored space will warrant brighter but not washed-out lights. Or, you’ll have to complement cool and warm lighting with the color palette you’ve chosen for any given area. You’ll also need to consider your fixtures’ shape, size, and color to ensure they fit in with your interior design. You don’t want to buy fixtures that are mismatched with your decor, too big or too small for their location. 

You can also use your lighting to add texture to your interior. For example, you could install a few pendants with diffusers or several recessed lights that cast different colored shadows.

Maximize Your Windows

Unless you live in a basement, you’re likely to have natural light all over a space, regardless of your light fixtures. During the day (and at night, if you live in brightly lit areas), your windows let in lots of light that will also impact the look of a space. You want to ensure that whatever lighting you go for doesn’t shy away from your natural light but instead embraces it. How does your space take in outside light? Are there spaces that need more or less? 

There are ways to manage how natural light streams in from the outside world. Firstly, drapes and window shades are a no-brainer if you’re okay sacrificing some of the spaciousness granted by excessive windows. If not, consider tinting your windows. You can alter the warmth and brightness of outside light by finding different types of glass to put in your windows. You’ll have to figure out the best window tint, but the final results will be stunning once you land on it.

Choose the Right Bulbs for Your Fixtures

Once you’ve decided on lighting fixtures, you’ll have to add the light! It seems straightforward enough: just put a bulb in there, and it’ll be fine! Well, not exactly. There are a lot of factors to consider when choosing your bulbs. For example, you’ll need to consider the type of bulb you’re using, the wattage of the bulb, and how often you plan on turning the lights on and off. You’ll also want to consider the desired color temperature of your bulbs. In addition, it’s important to see how your lighting set-up will impact your energy costs and expenditures. Some lighting options might be a more significant drain on your utility bill than others. 

The most common types of lighting options that homeowners tend to make use of are CFL bulbs, incandescent bulbs, and LEDs. While these bulbs all provide excellent lighting, there are several differences to remember when picking the right one for your home.

Don’t Skimp on Installation

When dealing with wiring, you’ll want to ensure you take the time to get it right. The odds are that you’re not a professional electrician and might need to learn the best way to install your lighting fixtures safely. When installing any lighting in your home, it’s vital to ensure the wiring is installed safely. This means that there are no exposed wires, that the wires aren’t touching each other or anything else, and that the cables are not being worn or damaged. It’s worth investing in an electrician who knows what they are doing, especially if you’re installing entirely new lighting fixtures into your home that require considerable alterations to wiring. 

Final Words

When it comes to home lighting, you can always find creative solutions to achieve stunning results with minimal effort. Take the time to get to know your options. See how your space would benefit from different types of lighting and encourage yourself to invest and experiment. You can achieve the lighting style you want for any space at a lower cost than you think.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram

Get Magic Marker Off Surface

Get Magic Marker Off Surface

Photo by Elena Rubtsova

Whether it is from the kids drawing or you’ve made the mark yourself; hearts sink, when magic marker residue is left behind on something it was never meant to be on.

In a panic, some people will try anything to remove the belligerent marks, but as long as you have a little patience, the best results happen with a baking soda paste.

Get in the Mix

Mix baking soda with a little bit of water until you get a creamy paste-like result. Apply to the stains, while rubbing the solution in, and let set for a couple of minutes.

Put Some Muscle into It

After several minutes of letting it soak in, continue to rub, working the marker stain out. You may have to use a little elbow power, to get it all the way out if it’s embedded in wood grain or something like that, but you should see the stain start to lift and disappear.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram

Moving Doesn’t Have To Be A Day Of Nightmares

Moving Doesn’t Have To Be A Day Of Nightmares

Are you worried about moving home? It’s true to say that some people find moving home an absolute nightmare and that’s understandable. There’s a reason why it’s commonly named as the most stressful experience that you can encounter in your adult life. However, we’re not sure it has to be this way. If you take the right steps moving home can be a breeze. That’s true, regardless of whether you’re moving down the road or half a world away. 

Stay Organized

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The first thing that you’re going to have to do to keep moving day from becoming a nightmare is to stay organized. Organization is the key when it comes to doing most things and moving homes is no exception. There are multiple ways that you can do this, but one of the best we think is to write out a checklist and then go through this one by one. You can write next to each task who is going to be responsible for completing that, as well as when it’s going to be done so that you can keep everyone on track. As soon as something has been completed, it should be checked off the list so that you can move on to the next thing.

We know that it can be tough to keep up with everything that is going on, so you might even want to utilize technology here. You can share the list with the people involved in the move, and they can tick off their parts as they are completing them. This way, everyone knows what they should be doing and what everyone else is doing.


Hire Help

You’re not going to be able to get through moving day alone. Even if you have friends and family members helping you, which we’re going to be talking about in a minute, you’re still probably going to need professional help. If you look into something like residential relocation services, this will make the whole day so much simpler. You will have professionals on your side who know what they are doing, who know what their tasks are and who are there to get the job done as swiftly and efficiently as they can.

But, movers are not the only people you’re going to need. You might also need to look into hiring cleaners to go in after everything has been moved out. Before you leave the house needs to be cleaned from top to bottom, so either you’re going to need to do it or you’re going to need to hire someone to do it for you. Hiring a service makes your life easier, it takes some of the stress off of your plate, and let’s be honest it will be far cleaner than if you were to do it yourself.

Get Everyone Involved

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If your friends and family are available on moving day, then ask them to help you and then buy a pizza or something at the end of the day. If you have kids then they can get involved and help too so that the day goes easier. The more people that you can get to help with moving day, the easier it is going to be. More hands make for less work for each person, and the quicker that you can get everything sorted, the better. You can then get into your new house and either relax because you made it through without it becoming a nightmare or get started on unpacking!

Start The Process Early

The early bird gets the first worm, and the early mover avoids the migraine. We promise if you don’t put everything off until the last minute – tempting as this might be – it will save you from huge headaches in the long run. 

Prepping early also helps you get an idea of what you can and can’t fit in your new home. If you’re downsizing, you may need to rent storage to keep some pieces, such as boxes of clothes or furniture, safe while you work out what to do with them. 

So, when should you start prepping for the move? Well, as soon as your home offer is accepted or you find the home you want to buy, it’s time to start prepping. 

Don’t Take On Unnecessary Stress 

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It’s important that you don’t end up with any unnecessary stress when you are moving home. When is this going to be a problem? Well, there are a lot of accidental ways that you can make a home move far more stressful than it needs to be. For instance, you could put yourself in a situation where you are more likely to sustain an injury. That’s why you should always use the right equipment to move heavy items and ideally, get support instead of arranging a DIY move. 

It’s also important that you do get some much-needed ‘me’ time and downtime during a move. Your whole life can’t suddenly be all about this one event. You need to take time off, and you need evenings where you can just chill. If you don’t have options like this, then you’re always going to find the stress is constantly building. 


Double Check Everything

Finally, you should make sure that you are double checking everything and anything. One of the problems with a home move is the fear that you will forget something important or that a job that you need handled will be brushed over. Since there’s so much to think about when moving, this mistake is all too easy. But if you make sure that you double-check everything you’re doing, then there isn’t going to be any chance of a mistake like this which is great news. 

This is another reason why a list can be a great tool during a move. With the right list, you’ll be able to ensure that you have double-checked everything that you need. You can even tick things off twice to give yourself peace of mind if this is the case. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the key steps that you can take to ensure that you avoid any unpleasant issues with your next home move. Remember, if you have the right strategy in place, then a home move doesn’t need to be a day filled with stress. It can be an exciting and welcome new chapter in your life without some of the common worries and concerns. 

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram

Being Safe After Domestic Violence

Being Safe After Domestic Violence

Everybody has heard about the difficulties in relationships that can occur. For example, some people understand from their friends and their family – and even their own personal experience – have a relationship and go from loving and happy to scary and tremulous.

Separation from somebody who has called you to be afraid, or has hurt you in some way is important. That doesn’t mean that it’s the easiest thing to do.  Domestic violence is something that a lot of people go through but it isn’t something you have to continue to put up with, once you break free you will feel the weight shifted from your shoulders and see the new opportunities ahead.

Making sure that you are as safe as possible after a domestic violence relationship is one of the most important things that you can do as a person. There are plenty of actions that you can take to ensure your safety, especially when you have children involved, and where did you learn how to change your iPhone IP address so that you are not followed by your ex, or be sure to speak to the police about sheltering you, you need to be safe so that you can continue to live your life in the best way possible. In this article, we are going to detail some of the ways that you can be safe after a domestic violence relationship.

Image source: Pexels

  • Talk to your family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues. If you are separating from somebody who has been abusive in any way, you need to talk to your people around you. Even if the people around you happen to be social workers or police officers, you need to speak to somebody and inform them of the separation and what you are worried about. You need to ensure that the people around you are aware of your movements and where you are planning to go, because those are the people that are going to be able to help support you.
  • Talk to your children’s school. If you are separating from an abusive partner then you need to inform your childrens’ school now! They need to ensure that they are not handing over somebody who is unauthorized to collect your child. You should ensure that you have a parental order in place for this, however, because if you are being harmed by the child’s other parent, they still have the right to pick up the child unless there is an order in place
  • Change your passwords. Go through all of your social media and email accounts and change your passwords. You should even change passwords to banking and streaming services on the TV. You need to ensure that you are no longer allowing access to you from the person who you are separating from.
  • Check devices and location settings. You need to ensure that all cloud sharing settings and location settings are turned off. Sometimes, spyware apps downloaded onto devices that are remote to get access to text, calls and photos. If you suspect this, you need to check your phone and consider getting a new phone number and phone.
  • Install panic buttons. To be safe after a domestic violence relationship you need to ensure that you have a button in your home to call the police should you need it.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram