Reasons Why Your Home May Be Cold

Reasons Why Your Home May Be Cold

When the temperatures start to dip outside, it’s natural for us to feel the chill in our homes. However, if you find that your home is colder than it should be or not warming up even when your heating is on, you may have an underlying problem. So let’s take a look at four reasons why your home may be cold and what you can do to fix them.


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Poor Insulation:

One of the most common causes of a cold home is poor insulation. If the walls are not insulated well enough, then the heat will escape through them rather than stay in the room. Upgrading your insulation can help keep the heat in and make your home more comfortable. There are many ways to do this, such as adding weatherstripping to windows and doors or using higher R-value insulation in your walls, attic, and crawlspace. Most insulation jobs can be done without needing a professional; however, often, it’s better to get the job done right the first time.

Faulty Heater:

If your heater isn’t working properly, it could need to be serviced or replaced altogether. Check for any visible issues with the unit, such as a broken part or leak. Also, look out for signs that it’s not operating efficiently, like turning on and off frequently or not keeping your home at the desired temperature. If you think your heater may be faulty, it’s best to call in a professional to have it inspected and serviced. Regular maintenance and replacements can help prevent your heater from breaking down and ensure that it’s operating efficiently.

Drafty Doors And Windows:

If you feel a cold draft coming through your windows and doors, it’s likely that air is leaking in from outside. To fix this problem, look for any gaps or cracks around the frames and fill them with caulk or foam weatherstripping. This will help keep out drafts and reduce the amount of heat loss. You can also consider a door or window replacement service if you notice that the glass or frames are too old and no longer provide a good seal. Upgrading your windows and doors will also ensure that you are taking advantage of modern energy-efficient materials, which can help you save money on your heating bills. 

Ceiling And Floor Gaps:

Gaps in the floor and ceiling can cause cold air to enter your home, cool it down and make it much harder to heat up. If you have gaps between the floorboards or tiles, fill them with a flexible sealant to prevent any drafts from coming in. And if there are any large holes in your ceilings or walls, fill them with insulating foam or plaster. This will help keep the cold air out and make it much easier to heat up your home. Using a professional contractor to patch up any problems with the walls and ceilings can also help you ensure that there are no further issues.


Final Thoughts:

If your home is feeling colder than it should, it could be that there are underlying issues. Thankfully, these problems can usually be fixed with a few simple changes around the house. However, if you’re still having trouble warming up your home, it may be worth calling a professional to look and help you find the right solution.

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