Tuning In: 3 Ways To Pay Attention to Our Bodies

Tuning In: 3 Ways To Pay Attention to Our Bodies

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Because there’s a wide variety of information out there, we can get sidetracked into finding the best possible solution for our health, but without ignoring the one true benchmark: ourselves. We can blame our bodies as we get older, because we are not strong enough, thin enough, or just not good enough. But you have to remember that your body is speaking to you, and you just need to know how to listen to it. From the moment we’re born we are told what to eat and when to eat it. With regards to our health and our happiness, we stop paying attention to ourselves and what everybody else thinks we should do. But this means that we need to get back in tune with our bodies. How can you start listening to your body? 

Understand What Your Body Needs Right Now

The most important thing to our health and happiness is to stay in the present moment, which is not easy, but we need to take those opportunities to sit and reflect, and they can only take a few seconds. For example, if you feel anxious, you can take a few deep breaths, if you’re thirsty, you can drink some water, and if you have problems with your teeth, you should visit a dental care provider. It’s very important to understand what we need right at the moment, and we may think that the solutions are hard to achieve, but 95% of them will always be quick fixes. 

Respecting Your Body

If you do not respect yourself, how do you respect your body? The best thing anybody can do to respect their body is to respect themselves by focusing on replacing negative thoughts with positive ones or thoughts of gratitude. This is not easy when you are used to thinking negatively about yourself, but this is why a practice like positive self-talk can make a big difference. If you want to do it gradually, think about one part of your body that you want to resolve your issues with, and start thinking positively about that area. It’s not easy, but with more practice, you start to connect your mind and body. 

Figure Out What Your Body Needs to Stay Healthy in the Future

Once you figure out how to live in the present and have started to replace negative thoughts, you can turn your attention to the future. But it’s important to do one thing at a time, and pick one thing you know that your body needs to heal. You then decide on a small step that can make a long-term health change. For example, swapping sugar for healthier alternatives. Once you commit to making this a habit, you can focus on the next thing you want to change, and turn that into a habit. 

While incorporating the right habits will make a significant difference to your health and your happiness, you’ve got to learn how to listen to your body, and recognize how it really feels. Because if there are things that you think you are doing to benefit your body, but it is crying out for help, you will have to make some changes.

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

What To Think About As Your Parents Start To Age

What To Think About As Your Parents Start To Age


There’s no way around your parent’s aging so you may as well embrace the situation. There may come a time when you look at them and realize they’re quickly beginning to age and need more help.

It may be upsetting or challenging for you to accept but the good news is that you can begin thinking about the process and the future now so you’re ready and equipped to deal with reality. Learn what you should be thinking about now as your parents start to age so you’re in a good place to step in and assist when the time is right.

Assessing Needs & Health

You should take a moment and begin to assess their needs and overall health for starters, before making any big decisions about their future. Think about how they’re doing mentally and physically and how they get along on their own. Sit down and talk to your parents about how they’re feeling and their health problems and any concerns they have. Not only discuss medical issues but also their financial health and help get their finances in better order to avoid future arguments or confusion.

Where They Will Live

You should also begin thinking about where your aging parents will live as they get older and less mobile. There are a few different options such as staying put, downsizing, or choosing to live in a long-term senior care facility. In this case, you can learn more here about why this may be a good idea and the reasons current residents enjoy living there. You want to start thinking about this now so you can all work together to get the details mapped out so everyone is prepared for the transition when it comes time.

Involving Others

As your parent’s age, they may require more time and attention from you. However, this can be a lot to take on if you have a family of your own and are working full-time. Avoid draining yourself and your budget by reaching out and getting the whole family involved right away. Speak to your siblings, relatives, and neighbors and make sure everyone understands the reality of the situation and get a feel for who wants to or how others are willing to help too. You might also want to take your parents to their appointments and advocate for them and involve their medical team and any other doctors they see and work as a group to keep them healthy.

Schedules & Activities

You want your parents to stay active and engaged in life as they age so they can stay happy and well. Get them thinking about their daily schedule and make sure they have some structure to their days. Also, discuss upcoming activities or ways they can get involved in the community and socialize with others. Encourage them to get out of the house, exercise regularly, and participate in hobbies they enjoy. Make time to check-in and visit them throughout the week and see who else in the area they may want to visit with regularly.

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How To Easily Achieve Your Health Goals

How To Easily Achieve Your Health Goals

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In your quest to live a long and healthy life – which is the ultimate health goal – you will frequently make lifestyle adjustments to your nutrition and exercise routines. Setbacks and stumbling obstacles, on the other hand, may discourage you. This leads to many health and wellness goals being frequently abandoned before accomplishing their positive results. If you’re having trouble meeting your health goals, here is how you can achieve them quickly.

1. Seek support 

Find like-minded individuals with a common interest who can . Such people share your objectives, and therefore, it will be helpful to work together to achieve them. It’s simple to locate people who share your interests in workout classes or other health related goals such as a smoking cessation program. Even one therapy session or health coach meeting will also expose you to a broader range of health professionals and helpful mentors and wellness experts. These professionals help others feel their best by making specialised food and lifestyle modifications tailored to their specific needs and health goals. Set targets with your family and friends so that they can be your biggest supporters. Working together to attain a common goal inspires individuals to reach their objectives more quickly. You also work better as part of a team to achieve common goals. If you’ve had a long day, for example, you might be inclined to forgo your evening workout. However, if you had a workout buddy, you’d be more accountable to them and more likely to finish your workout with them.

2. Set realistic and achievable goals 

When people try to make unreasonable lifestyle adjustments, their greatest intentions go awry. More often than not, they appear to be wishes rather than achievable goals. Examine your resolution in the light of day to ensure that it is something you can do. Unattainable goals are left unachieved. You should set specific goals so that you may work toward them with ease. If someone wishes to keep active and healthy, for example, they must create specific particular goals. Working on those specific goals can help them achieve their primary purpose. For example, if you want to lose weight, you should avoid fatty foods in your diet and exercise. Make an effort to make your main goals easily feasible.

3. Be persistent

You may talk yourself out of objectives all the time because of a few challenges or the belief that you will have to reach your goals in a specific way. Change your approach when challenges and questions arise. Relax and try not to be too hard on yourself. Don’t give up if you get off track. You don’t have to make a significant diet change or make regular exercise more strains because you gained some weight after a weekend night out. Consider your relapse to be a teaching opportunity. Try to figure out why you reverted to poor behaviour and what you can do to avoid it in the future. Achieving any goals takes a lot of hard work and perseverance.

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Daily Habits That Can Help Boost Your Mood and Energy Levels

Daily Habits That Can Help Boost Your Mood and Energy Levels

Pixabay CC0 License

When all is said and done, everyone wants to thrive to the greatest possible extent in life, and to enjoy the best possible mood, and the highest possible energy levels that they can.

No matter what it is you want to do in life, having more energy and a better baseline mood is certainly never going to be a downside – and it can often be a major plus, and can allow you to put your best foot forward and truly enjoy each day to the greatest possible extent.

Of course, life always ends up being a bit exhausting from time to time, and there’s no perfect way of always making sure that you’ll always have sky high energy levels, and feel like you are totally on top of the world each and every second. Some days you might need treatments like ptosis eyedrops, and at other times you might need a heart-to-heart chat.

All the same, here are a few daily habits that certainly can help to boost your mood and energy levels, and give you the best chance of thriving.

Getting to sleep at regular time every night (and getting enough sleep)

Getting enough sleep – and getting the most restful sleep that you possibly can – can work absolute wonders when it comes to making you more energetic, helping you to feel your best, and allowing you to perform as well as possible at whatever it is you do.

In fact, leading sleep researchers have recently been pointing out that sleep deprivation not only ruins the immune system and massively increases the likelihood of different diseases, but also makes people less good at reading social situations, and causes them to judge others as more hostile than they really are – while also reducing problem-solving skills.

So, how do you start getting more and better sleep?

Well, there are a lot of different things that may factor in, but a great place to start is by getting to sleep at a regular and consistent time every night, and making sure that you’re leaving a long enough time – ideally between 8 to 9 hours – between the time you get into bed at the time you wake up.

Consistency with regards to your bedtime, and waking up time, will have a lot to do with getting your circadian rhythm separately and ensuring that you are able to properly settle into restful sleep when you do get to bed.

Getting enough steps in, on a daily basis

One of the reasons why wearable fitness trackers such as the Fitbit have become so popular in recent times, is because there is something really satisfying about seeing how many steps you’re getting in each day – and trying to meet preset goals, and break your previous records.

Not only is it satisfying to meet your daily step target, however, but it’s also great for your health, too.

Sedentary living is connected to a lot of different negative consequences, including fatigue. Ironically, when we don’t use our bodies very much, it seems like they just tend to not generate as much energy as they otherwise would.

Particularly if you work an office job, and spend a lot of your time sitting down over the course of day-to-day life, making a point of proactively getting in enough steps on a daily basis can really make a big difference when it comes to making you feel more energetic – not to mention healthier and happier – than you otherwise would.

According to the psychologist Kelly McGonigal, a low daily step count is even associated with low mood and a reduced sense of well-being.

Spending a bit of time outdoors in nature each day

Spending time outdoors in nature on a regular basis – ideally daily – can have all sorts of tremendous benefits.

For one thing, getting out and about in nature can really help to get you out of your own head, and to free you from the cycle of rumination and stress that might be troubling you.

For another thing, natural environments seem to promote health, energy, and well-being in and of themselves – with trees giving off vapours containing health-promoting compounds into the air around them, not to mention purifying the air and releasing oxygen, among other things.

If you start spending a bit of time outdoors in nature each day, it’s almost guaranteed that you will find yourself feeling a bit more positive, a bit more energetic, and as though you have a bit more spring in your step.

Of course, be careful that the area you are walking in – and at times you’re walking – are safe.

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Things To Do When Updating Your Bedroom

Things To Do When Updating Your Bedroom

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Your bedroom is a perfect personalised place where you can escape from the world and recharge. It is a lot of people’s safe-havens, a lot of people’s happy places and somewhere you want to always make sure to radiate positivity and happiness. As you grow your interests and preferences will change so it’s good to make sure your bedroom reflects that. Your perfect bedroom when you were a teenager it’s not going to be the same as when you’re 30 years old you have different needs, different ones and different tastes. Here are some things to do when you’re updating your bedroom again.

Open Up

What are the first things you want to do is Declutter. We collect a lot of stuff for our lives and some of it is not always needed or wanted. It just takes up space. Having a lot of clutter can lead to anxiety and feeling stressed when you’re trying to relax. Try to have minimal things on show in your bedroom so a lot of storage is a great idea. But it’s still great to get rid of anything that you no longer need, no longer serves you a purpose as well as any old clothes that no longer fit and that you’re not going to get back into.

Rest Your Head

Your bed is where you can spend a lot of your life. It’s where you sleep to recharge your brain and your body, where he’ll when you’re sick and where you spend intimate moments with your other half. Having a good quality bed is very important. You don’t want to spend half your life sleeping on something uncomfortable and cheap which could lead to long-term health conditions and a long-term impact on your sleep. Sleep is very important and contributes towards a healthy lifestyle. If you ever come into contact with bed bugs or anything in your bedroom that needs dealing with it is best to speak to a bed bug pest control team as soon as possible. They can spread everywhere and wreak havoc on your happiness and stress-free life.


A great way to save storage in your brain is by having your clothes out during the season you need them. getting good quality storage that will keep clothes fresh and untouched by moths and other bugs You can save a lot of wardrobe space. As people, these days are big consumers and they buy a lot of clothes and always need different clothes or different occasions we end up with so much that we struggle to manage it in our storage for a close. By having good quality storage that you can keep in your attic or in the storage room you can just have the clothes out for the season you need them.

So in the winter you have all your jumpers and warm clothes out and all your summer clothes will be in storage then as the mints move to warmer times you would get all your summer clothes out and put all your jumpers and bulky items in storage. This will save you so much space and that your bedroom looks so much better and more minimal.

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Everyday Tips from Tia