Tuning In: 3 Ways To Pay Attention to Our Bodies

Tuning In: 3 Ways To Pay Attention to Our Bodies

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Because there’s a wide variety of information out there, we can get sidetracked into finding the best possible solution for our health, but without ignoring the one true benchmark: ourselves. We can blame our bodies as we get older, because we are not strong enough, thin enough, or just not good enough. But you have to remember that your body is speaking to you, and you just need to know how to listen to it. From the moment we’re born we are told what to eat and when to eat it. With regards to our health and our happiness, we stop paying attention to ourselves and what everybody else thinks we should do. But this means that we need to get back in tune with our bodies. How can you start listening to your body? 

Understand What Your Body Needs Right Now

The most important thing to our health and happiness is to stay in the present moment, which is not easy, but we need to take those opportunities to sit and reflect, and they can only take a few seconds. For example, if you feel anxious, you can take a few deep breaths, if you’re thirsty, you can drink some water, and if you have problems with your teeth, you should visit a dental care provider. It’s very important to understand what we need right at the moment, and we may think that the solutions are hard to achieve, but 95% of them will always be quick fixes. 

Respecting Your Body

If you do not respect yourself, how do you respect your body? The best thing anybody can do to respect their body is to respect themselves by focusing on replacing negative thoughts with positive ones or thoughts of gratitude. This is not easy when you are used to thinking negatively about yourself, but this is why a practice like positive self-talk can make a big difference. If you want to do it gradually, think about one part of your body that you want to resolve your issues with, and start thinking positively about that area. It’s not easy, but with more practice, you start to connect your mind and body. 

Figure Out What Your Body Needs to Stay Healthy in the Future

Once you figure out how to live in the present and have started to replace negative thoughts, you can turn your attention to the future. But it’s important to do one thing at a time, and pick one thing you know that your body needs to heal. You then decide on a small step that can make a long-term health change. For example, swapping sugar for healthier alternatives. Once you commit to making this a habit, you can focus on the next thing you want to change, and turn that into a habit. 

While incorporating the right habits will make a significant difference to your health and your happiness, you’ve got to learn how to listen to your body, and recognize how it really feels. Because if there are things that you think you are doing to benefit your body, but it is crying out for help, you will have to make some changes.

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.