Daily Habits That Can Help Boost Your Mood and Energy Levels

Daily Habits That Can Help Boost Your Mood and Energy Levels

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When all is said and done, everyone wants to thrive to the greatest possible extent in life, and to enjoy the best possible mood, and the highest possible energy levels that they can.

No matter what it is you want to do in life, having more energy and a better baseline mood is certainly never going to be a downside – and it can often be a major plus, and can allow you to put your best foot forward and truly enjoy each day to the greatest possible extent.

Of course, life always ends up being a bit exhausting from time to time, and there’s no perfect way of always making sure that you’ll always have sky high energy levels, and feel like you are totally on top of the world each and every second. Some days you might need treatments like ptosis eyedrops, and at other times you might need a heart-to-heart chat.

All the same, here are a few daily habits that certainly can help to boost your mood and energy levels, and give you the best chance of thriving.

Getting to sleep at regular time every night (and getting enough sleep)

Getting enough sleep – and getting the most restful sleep that you possibly can – can work absolute wonders when it comes to making you more energetic, helping you to feel your best, and allowing you to perform as well as possible at whatever it is you do.

In fact, leading sleep researchers have recently been pointing out that sleep deprivation not only ruins the immune system and massively increases the likelihood of different diseases, but also makes people less good at reading social situations, and causes them to judge others as more hostile than they really are – while also reducing problem-solving skills.

So, how do you start getting more and better sleep?

Well, there are a lot of different things that may factor in, but a great place to start is by getting to sleep at a regular and consistent time every night, and making sure that you’re leaving a long enough time – ideally between 8 to 9 hours – between the time you get into bed at the time you wake up.

Consistency with regards to your bedtime, and waking up time, will have a lot to do with getting your circadian rhythm separately and ensuring that you are able to properly settle into restful sleep when you do get to bed.

Getting enough steps in, on a daily basis

One of the reasons why wearable fitness trackers such as the Fitbit have become so popular in recent times, is because there is something really satisfying about seeing how many steps you’re getting in each day – and trying to meet preset goals, and break your previous records.

Not only is it satisfying to meet your daily step target, however, but it’s also great for your health, too.

Sedentary living is connected to a lot of different negative consequences, including fatigue. Ironically, when we don’t use our bodies very much, it seems like they just tend to not generate as much energy as they otherwise would.

Particularly if you work an office job, and spend a lot of your time sitting down over the course of day-to-day life, making a point of proactively getting in enough steps on a daily basis can really make a big difference when it comes to making you feel more energetic – not to mention healthier and happier – than you otherwise would.

According to the psychologist Kelly McGonigal, a low daily step count is even associated with low mood and a reduced sense of well-being.

Spending a bit of time outdoors in nature each day

Spending time outdoors in nature on a regular basis – ideally daily – can have all sorts of tremendous benefits.

For one thing, getting out and about in nature can really help to get you out of your own head, and to free you from the cycle of rumination and stress that might be troubling you.

For another thing, natural environments seem to promote health, energy, and well-being in and of themselves – with trees giving off vapours containing health-promoting compounds into the air around them, not to mention purifying the air and releasing oxygen, among other things.

If you start spending a bit of time outdoors in nature each day, it’s almost guaranteed that you will find yourself feeling a bit more positive, a bit more energetic, and as though you have a bit more spring in your step.

Of course, be careful that the area you are walking in – and at times you’re walking – are safe.

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.