How To Keep Yourself Safe as a Motorcyclist: A Guide

How To Keep Yourself Safe as a Motorcyclist: A Guide

You may think you know how to keep yourself safe as a Motorcyclist, but do you? This guide will go over the basics of keeping your motorcycle in good condition, what safety equipment is necessary, and what you should do after an accident. 

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Know What You Should Do in Case of an Accident

This is the most crucial part of keeping yourself safe as a motorcyclist. If you get into an accident, you should know what to do to keep yourself and others safe.

First, make sure that the other person is okay and call for help if they need it. Then move your motorcycle off of the road.  You can also leave your bike where it is but be aware that there may still be dangers such as fires.

Afterward, make sure to get contact information from the other party for your insurance company. Of course, you can always contest the accident with a motorcycle accident lawyer if necessary but be careful about admitting guilt because it could end up backfiring on you when dealing with your insurer or during future litigation.

Keep Your Motorcycle in Good Condition

Keeping your motorcycle in good condition is very important to your safety as a motorcyclist. Ensure that you have good brakes and tires so that you can stop quickly if needed, but also ensure that they are not too worn down or old such that the risk of them getting damaged increases. 

The same goes for things like your headlight. While riding at night without one is incredibly dangerous, having an older light could make it harder for other drivers to see you and avoid hitting you.

On top of this, check all parts regularly – check oil levels every time before riding and adjust accordingly, replace brake pads once they become thin, and monitor wear on tire treads. This will all ensure that you can ride safely.

Always Wear Your Safety Equipment

When buying your motorcycle, research the safety gear you need. Safety equipment is not to make you look cool, they are there for a reason, and that is why you must wear them all the time.

You should never ride your motorcycle without protective gear such as a helmet, boots, or shoes with good grip, a sturdy jacket that can protect you in case of an accident, pants made out of leather, or durable fabric so nothing tears. Additionally, gloves keep your hands safe by preventing blisters and road burns during long rides. 

These items offer protection against weather conditions and cold winds if traveling at high speeds. They also provide comfort when riding for extended periods. 

Do not forget to always keep a first aid kit in your backpack or saddlebag.

Have a Valid License and Insurance

To ride a motorcycle, you will need to have the proper license and insurance.  Having liability insurance is enough in most cases, but be aware of what it covers for your area. If there isn’t much out there, you might consider getting full coverage because this policy can cover everything from medical bills to the replacement cost of your motorcycle.


In conclusion, there are many things you can do to keep yourself safe as a motorcyclist. Follow the above pointers for a worthwhile ride on the road.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How To Feel Safe At Home Alone

How To Feel Safe At Home Alone

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

You are responsible for all aspects of security and safety at home when living alone, including décor and dinner.

You need other types of backups if you don’t have a housemate to assist you with locking up or calling for help in case of a break-in. Cameras, lights, and smart garage door action can help keep you much safer, and if you don’t know who to talk to about the safest garage doors and installing the latest garage technology with precision, I recommend ADP Garage Doors for garage door installations in Maryland.

It is possible and probable that with just a few easy solutions, you will feel much safer in your home. So, here are some proactive steps to ensure your single-person household is as safe as possible.

Get A Security Camera

Having security cameras around your home is the best way to always keep an eye on things. When you are away from home, you can keep an eye on what’s happening, and they can force a burglar to think twice about targeting your house.

Thanks to security cameras and the best home security system, more and more criminals are being caught. The best part is that security cameras can be found within all budget ranges and needs. You’ll have the convenience of a member of the security team on duty 24/7 if your surveillance is part of a monitored security system.

Have A First Aid Kit 

No one likes to think of themselves in an accident or coming down with the flu, but it happens. This makes sit important to have a first aid kit with essentials such as medical ice packs, bandaids, pain killers, flu tablets, etc. This is even more important when you live alone. If you get poorly or injured you can’t drive to the store yourself when you should be resting in bed. 

Install Outdoor Lighting 

Put a spotlight on the burglar to spook them. As you walk around your property, motion sensor lights offer additional safety, as well as illuminating potential bad acts before they happen.

Use motion-detector lights outside your home near every entry point and anywhere a burglar might hide or break in without your neighbors seeing it. Floodlights, when triggered by a motion sensor, will illuminate even the darkest and hardest-to-see parts of your lawn and home.

Get To Know Your Neighbors

These days, we don’t often become friends with our neighbors thanks to smartphones and social media. As a matter of fact, if you can trust your neighbors, you may be more secure in your neighborhood. You will be able to identify vehicles and people belonging to your street, as well as enlist their assistance in looking out for suspicious activity. 

Put the phone down, make eye contact, and say hello the next time you see your neighbor with his or her nose in a book or Candy Crush.

Secure The Garage

When it comes to home security, we often overlook the garage as an entry point. Those who are skilled at hacking garage door openers know this and how to do it.

Don’t let this part of your house be exposed. By adding automation to your garage, you’ll be able to open and close it remotely, as well as double-check that the door is closed. Whenever you are on business or vacation, disable the garage door opener and install a manual lock to ensure your safety.

By staying safe and keeping your home secure, we can help you enjoy every minute of living alone. Make sure you take care of yourself. Create a personal security plan that is perfectly suited to your solo living situation with the help of the resources provided in this article.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How to Market Your Business More Effectively

How to Market Your Business More Effectively

Having a fully rounded and comprehensive marketing strategy is essential to the overall success of your business. It does not matter if you have the best product in the world, if you don’t know how to advertise it, you will not make the sales your fantastic product deserves. It’s all about marketing. The world is a changing place, and marketing has evolved and developed, especially since the rise of the Internet. Having a significant online presence is essential in today’s market, and if you are not maximizing this, you may well be falling behind your competitors. Here are a few marketing tips for your business: 

Image from Pixabay

The Business Website

Your website is your shop window. It allows people a glance at what you are about. It is your chance to showcase your brand and core values and show the world what it’s been missing. Without a good website, you are not going to have the kind of interest you would like. Quite often, a potential customer will be directed to your site from a good advert but will be immediately put off if the site is not what they expect. So, you need to consider a lot of things. How the site looks, images, and branding is essential to this. You also need good, relevant, succinct content that is informative. The site needs to be easy to navigate too. Also, you need to have excellent SEO to ensure the site is discoverable through organic search engine results. A website builds trust and loyalty and is how you generate leads. If you are a real estate company, for example, and use broker sites, remember you need your own site too to create trust, or you could lose customers.  

Social Media

Being on social media is essential for any business these days. It is how you make more pope aware of your business and your products. Social media gives you free access to a huge range of people, and if you market effectively, you will definitely generate sales and have a reach that far extends beyond your capabilities before. Remember to work with high-quality content and post a couple of times a day maximum. You do not want overkill. If a customer interacts with you ensure you respond as quickly as possible to open up that debate and perhaps entice others into the mix. By using social media effectively, you can develop a deeper understanding of your target audience, and this will help you develop your business going forward.   

So, what is the secret to growing your social media and getting the word out on your business? Some believe it is best to follow like-minded people and companies, and in return, their followers will follow you. Others zero in on a marketing approach. There are plans out there to advertise your posts or buy Instagram likes. The options for promoting on social media are somewhat endless. Whatever else you decide to do to grow your following, remember that it’s the relevant content you post that will help you keep your followers, and it’s your persistence what will help you grow your follower base. Setting aside specific times to dig into your social media growth is important, not to mention the time spent ‘checking in’ throughout the day.

Professional Help and Advice   

If marketing is not exactly your forte, it may be with investing in a professional marketing component specific to your business model. If you have a law firm, why not use to help you market and manage your business effectively. They will have expert knowledge on how to market to your customer base and will have all the tricks, skills, and expertise to make your marketing campaign a success. Getting help from professionals is a great overall business strategy that will ensure you survive for the long term. 

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

5 Ways To Prevent Burst Pipes

5 Ways To Prevent Burst Pipes

Photo by pan xiaozhen on Unsplash

Why do pipes burst?

One of the most common causes of a burst pipe is frozen water, if water freezes, the volume expands which causes a build up of pressure. As the pressure increases, it becomes too much for the structure, and bursts the pipe open. Pipes usually burst at a weak spot, or where ice has formed. To prevent your pipes from freezing and bursting, there are many things that you can do.

1 . Insulate your pipes

If you want to prevent your pipes from freezing you should buy insulation that’s designed for pipes. There are several different types of pipe insulation that you can purchase including foam insulation, polyethylene or fiberglass. Eco-friendly insulation options include sheep’s wool, denim or aerogel. Choosing eco-friendly options can help you to reduce your carbon footprint and even save money.

2. Run your taps

If you leave a tap running this can stop your pipes from freezing. Certainly don’t leave all the faucets in your house running! Figure out which taps are connected to exposed piping, and then leave these taps on (a small amount) during colder weather. Doing so will stop ice build ups and relieve the pressure on your pipes. Running your taps is one of the simplest ways to avoid pipes bursting.

3. Turn on the heat

During the winter you should leave the heat on even when you are away from your property. You don’t need to leave it on full, but just around 14-15 degrees will do. Your heating bill might be a little higher, (but it’s much better than burst pipes)!

4. Try heating tape 

Heating tape is a great way to prevent burst pipes, you’ll only be able to use this if you can easily get to your pipes. This kind of tape is especially useful for basements, and loft spaces. You can buy either manual heating tape, or self-monitoring tape. Manual tapes needed to be plugged in, and self-monitoring switches on and off (with the use of sensors). With the right home maintenance checks you’ll keep your home safe and healthy.

5. Fix gaps 

Check your property for any cracks, openings and holes. You should check your windows, walls and door frames. You can use caulk to cover up any holes in your walls, or even around the piping. When you fix gaps this will help your home to keep in warm air. There are many other general ways that you can protect your pipes, such as:

  • Use fans to circulate heat around cold rooms.
  • Ensure that cabinet doors are left open, (helps warm air to get to the pipes).
  • Close your garage door.
  • Remove garden hoses from your faucets outside.

Using all these tips will help you to take good care of your pipes and protect your home during the winter. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to repair a broken pipe yourself. In the unfortunate event that your pipes burst you’ll need to contact a burst pipe restoration company. These companies can carry out the correct repairs, and help you to prevent further problems in the future.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Everyday Tips from Tia