Deodorant Not Working. Tips in Action:

By Tia Cristy

Tips in Action: Deodorant Not Working.

Deodorant not working? Don’t go clinical strength, if you don’t have too. Sweat is a good thing; sweat releases toxins and other things you don’t want in the body. You may smell, but a good cleaning, should wash is away. If it doesn’t, clinical strength deodorant, isn’t going to change that, you got to change from the inside out. Stink means, fungus and/or bacteria.

To Get rid of both fungus and bacteria, vinegar will kill both.

Get gauze and soak it with vinegar and apply to armpits for 5-10 minutes. The armpit will absorb the vinegar. This will reset the balance in your armpits.

Tips from Tia is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!

By Tia Cristy

Remove Strong Glue from Skin

By Tia Cristy

Remove Strong Glue from Skin

Problem: I was doing handy man stuff. I was working with contact cement and the glue won’t wash off my hands, I’m out of paint thinner. Any solutions?

Tip from Tia:
Rubbing alcohol works alright, if that’s all you have. But, the best solution I can tell you is, Acetone. It is along the same lines as “paint thinner”, it is actually a paint remover, found in nail polish remover.

Pour some nail polish remover into the palm of your hand and rub the glue off. Be sure to wash hands thoroughly, after use. Repeat if necessary. Like paint thinner, the smell is strong but, it will dissipate.

Tips from Tia is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!

By Tia Cristy

Keep Lip Color on Longer, While Moisturizing and Protecting. Quickie:

By Tia Cristy

Quickie: Keep Lip Color on Longer, While Moisturizing and Protecting.

There are so many products on the market now to make lip color last. But, what are the ingredients? It may leave your lips feeling sticky or doesn’t have protection properties in your shade.

The old school way to keep your lips protected and lush is putting your foundation on your lips as well as the rest of your face. Foundations have moisturizers, SPF, are well tested for years; being hypo-allergenic and are not sticky. Another bonus is, you will get a true shade of color, without the lips natural tint, altering the color.

Let the foundation set for a couple minutes, then add on your favorite shade of lip liner and/or lipstick. It won’t last all day, but it will set naturally and last longer than plain lipstick alone. 

Tips from Tia is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!

By Tia Cristy

Open a Window to Let in Fresh Air. Stupid Tip of the Day:

By Tia Cristy

Stupid Tip of the Day: Open a Window to Let in Fresh Air.

Letting in fresh air, is always a good idea, but if the air isn’t so fresh for allergy suffers, opening a window on a high pollen day, can be very a bad idea, especially on a breezy day. The pollen or molds will find their way, right through the open windows and cover an allergy suffers, breathing space.

I understand it may not be hot outside, but if the house is hot or stagnate, turn on the central air or air conditioner for a little while, with using fans to circulate the cool. About 10 to 20 minutes should be sufficient to clear the air. when the house feels balanced, shut off the air, while letting the fans continue circulation for the day.

Your sinuses will appreciate not letting the pollen and molds in your living space. Finding out what the pollen and mold counts are for the week is simple, the weather forecaster’s will inform viewers along with the weather.

Tips from Tia is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!

By Tia Cristy

Get a Smooth Shave on Legs. Quickie:

By Tia Cristy

Quickie: Get a Smooth Shave on Legs.

To get a quick smooth shave on your legs, use hair conditioner to shave your legs. The conditioner will soften the course hair. I do not recommend using conditioner on armpits or vaginal areas due to fragrances that could change your body’s PH.

Tips from Tia is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!

By Tia Cristy

Everyday Tips from Tia