By Tia Cristy
Letting in fresh air, is always a good idea, but if the air isn’t so fresh for allergy suffers, opening a window on a high pollen day, can be very a bad idea, especially on a breezy day. The pollen or molds will find their way, right through the open windows and cover an allergy suffers, breathing space.
I understand it may not be hot outside, but if the house is hot or stagnate, turn on the central air or air conditioner for a little while, with using fans to circulate the cool. About 10 to 20 minutes should be sufficient to clear the air. when the house feels balanced, shut off the air, while letting the fans continue circulation for the day.
Your sinuses will appreciate not letting the pollen and molds in your living space. Finding out what the pollen and mold counts are for the week is simple, the weather forecaster’s will inform viewers along with the weather.
Tips from Tia is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!
By Tia Cristy