Longer Life for Fruits and Vegetables. Tips on Triggers:

By Tia Cristy

Tips on Triggers: Longer Life for Fruits and Vegetables.

Mix 5 drops of natural essential Citrus Oil mixed with a gallon of water. It can be stored in the refrigerator and used, when you need to wash fruits and vegetables.

Washing fruits and veggies in this mixture is not only a good natural way to cleanse your produce, but also trigger a longer shelf life, preventing mold.

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me

By Tia Cristy

Fill Gas Tank Before the Freeze. Stupid Tip of the Day:

By Tia Cristy

Stupid Tip of the Day: Fill Gas Tank Before the Freeze.

You have may heard fill the gas tank before temperatures drop, but the reason behind it could be a little misunderstood. Gas doesn’t freeze the way you’d commonly think, it just moves slower and can harden and under really drastically low temperatures, it will crystallize. Now with that said, water does freeze at 32 degrees f.

Water can get into a gas tank and the water can freeze. If the tank is low, the car may not have enough time to warm up, to thaw the ice. And, ice won’t do that gas tank any good.

So yes, make sure you have a good amount of gas in the tank before the freeze, just to be sure, the car has plenty of gas to warm up.

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me

By Tia Cristy

Removing Adhesive, Doesn’t Have to be so Aggravating.





By Tia Cristy

Removing Adhesive, Doesn’t Have to be so Aggravating.

Problem: Exhausted
and aggravated! We just moved into a new house and had a lot of fixing up. We
installed a new chandelier and it had stickers on the globes. I peeled them off
just to leave a nasty residue behind. Is there anyway to get that off without
having to take all the globes down and soaking them? Thanks! Amanda


Tip from Tia:

Well first
off congrats on the new home, I wish you many years of happiness. I understand
completely, the annoyance of finishing a project, and that little nuisance that
catches your eye, has the ability to ruin the whole job, in your mind. Don’t worry. There’s no
need to get riled on this problem, it’s an extremely easy fix.

A lot of times,
for a big project, the stuff you buy in stores for removing adhesive is great. But,
it usually leaves behind it’s own film, that needs to be washed off as well. And,
you’re right, hot water and soap in a long soak can do the job too, but some
things, like wood, shouldn’t be soaked for long periods of time, because they
can warp or even separate. For a small area or several small areas, I use
rubbing alcohol from the medicine cabinet. It breaks down the sticky residue.

Take a
few cotton balls and place something absorbent down under the chandelier, for any over
drip. Saturate the cotton ball with rubbing alcohol, then wipe over the “left
behind’ adhesive in a circular motion. The adhesive will start to ball up, wipe
away with a clean, dry cotton ball. If the dry cotton ball is still sticking, leaving fuzz behind, repeat this process until all adhesive is
gone. For tricky glue, you may have to scrape with your fingernail as you apply
the alcohol, so the alcohol can penetrate deep down to the actual surface. The
rubbing alcohol works getting adhesive off of many surfaces, while cleaning them
streak free!

Alcohol can remove adhesive off most surfaces, without harm.
If you want to try this on metal, use a test area, to make sure it doesn’t stain the metal or change the tone.
While doing your project, you may want to wear gloves if you have
cuts or scrapes on your hands, since the rubbing alcohol will give a little sting, if there is
an open wound.

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me


Tips from Tia is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!


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By Tia Cristy

Sex as a Fountain of Youth? Quickie:

By Tia Cristy

Quickie: Sex as a Fountain of Youth?

It’s been studied that “casual” sex or “affairs” have been shown to have a very negative effect, by aging a person, substantially, mentally and physically, due to health risks and stress.

Studies have also found having monogamous sex with your partner on a weekly basis, can make you look and feel 7-10 years younger. When you know your partner has a full clean bill of health, sex can have many good benefits. See, Lack of Sex Making you Sick?

One more reason, to not tell your spouse/partner anymore, “you’re not in the mood”. It’s cheaper than botox.

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me

By Tia Cristy

Get the White Blood Cells Flowing. Tips on Triggers:

By Tia Cristy

Tips on Triggers: Get the White Blood Cells Flowing.

The job of the white blood cells, is to fight. They help fight off sickness and infections. When you feel “under the weather” there is 2 spots to know, on the body where the white blood cells kind of build up.

Rub on both sides of your knee caps were they’re indented. They tend to hang out in those pockets. The other spot is basically the same, at the elbow. Rub where you feel those little indents. By rubbing, this will release them in a surge, so they will speed off to fight any unwanted elements in your body.

This is the best way, I think, to shorten a cold. 

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me

By Tia Cristy

Everyday Tips from Tia