How To Reduce Stress In Your Life

How To Reduce Stress In Your Life

Image by 1388843 from Pixabay

Your emotional wellbeing is just as important as your physical health, and it’s vital to take care of yourself mentally. There are a number of things which can your affect emotional health negatively, from being unhappy in your job and working too much to getting married, moving house and suffering from a traumatic event like a car accident or death of a loved one. So, apart from avoiding life in general and trying to steer clear of any significant events – what else can you do to keep your stress levels at bay?

It’s time to take a look at how you can treat yourself spiritually, emotionally and physically. There are supplements like kratom at or vitamins like zinc or a B Complex that can be an anti-stressor. Talking to your doctor about medicines or natural supplements might be an additional route needed to combat stress, but first implement these key practices into your daily life to start feeling improvement faster.


Mediation used to be seen as something that only hippies and Buddhists, however today because of the stresses that modern day living brings, practising meditation has never been more popular. Thanks to technology and apps, it’s never been easier to meditate either, as you can find guided meditations on youtube or there are specific apps for it. Take a look at Headspace or Calm, and within those you will find short or long meditations, to help you to keep calm, to help with anxiety, focus, personal growth or to help you sleep better. Even if you take five minutes on the bus on your way to work to meditate, it can genuinely help your stress levels and help you to deal with what the day will bring. Give it a go and see if it works for you.


Breathing exercises can really help you to relax. There are also a lot of breathing exercises you can do so you can have a look and see which one feels right for you. It’s similar to meditating as you need to try and clear your head and just focus on your breathing, and that’s all. If you don’t manage to fit in time to do this consciously, just remember next time you’re feeling stressed how much breathing can help you. Take a moment, go and find somewhere quiet and just breathe. You will feel better and calmer almost instantly.

Write Things Down

People often claim they are stressed because they just don’t have time to get everything done. However, you will often find that the more you do, the more you can do. Try to make time to write your thoughts and feelings down. Almost like a journal. It can really help for you to get some focus and clarity of what you’re doing, what you need to do, what you want from life, and what your goals are.

Think Positively

Positively talk to yourself. Be aware of your own thoughts, and if you catch yourself talking down to yourself or negatively thinking about yourself, then stop, take a minute and re-think. Change your thoughts and think more positively. The more you do this, the better you will feel.

Get Fit

Exercising is one of the best tools for beating stress. Many people find it therapeutic, and it’s for many reasons. First off, there is the time to yourself, which helps you to get your head clear about things that are stressing you out. Then after that, there are the endorphins which your body releases when you exercise, these are the chemicals in your body which make you feel happy. Next, there’s the bonus of getting fit and healthier, feeling great, looking great and maybe even losing weight. Finally, there’s a sense of achievement. Exercise is great for setting goals and achieving them. If you’re already fit and a great runner there is always something else you can work towards or always something you could improve on. The challenges are endless. If you’re a total beginner then the sense of achievement when you realise you can run for just five minutes without stopping, you move up on the weights in the gym, get faster at swimming or can finally touch your toes in Yoga – you will feel amazing.

Eat Well

This goes hand in hand with exercising, but it is also another essential ingredient for managing stress. Food which can help include brazil nuts which are high in selenium and selenium is said to improve mood as it reduces inflammation. Then there’s fatty fish, like salmon, mackerel, sardines, trout, and herring, which are all high in omega-3, which is good for your mental health. Also, try to include a lot of vitamin D in your diet as vitamin D deficiency is being increasingly linked to mood disorders, such as depression and anxiety – eggs are a great source of vitamin D.

Talk About Your Feelings

A problem shared is a problem halved. If you’re stressed about something, tell someone. You never know what useful advice they could give you, they may even be able to solve your problem for you, you just never know until you speak out and share your feelings. Also if there’s nothing they can do for you, just listening is sometimes all you need, or just talking to someone and getting what’s going on in your head out in the open can make you feel instantly better about what’s going on.


If you have got too much on or there is something big in your life, then don’t take it all on yourself, ask people to help you. It shouldn’t all be on your shoulders, so share the load. Sometimes others just don’t realise that you’re struggling but if you let them know they would be more than happy to take some jobs off you and help you out. Similarly, if you need professional help, then get it. Don’t be afraid to go for it, don’t be ashamed and try to deal with everything on your own. Whether you need a cleaner in to help you out at home to take one job off your mind or you need to go and see a counsellor to help you deal with issues, then go for it. So many people do it, and it’s what these professions are there for.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How To Get Over A Heartbreak

How To Get Over A Heartbreak

Ending a relationship is not always easy on your emotions, and even a (very) brief summer romance concluding can leave you feeling a little down in the dumps. Getting back to the person you once were can seem like an impossible task, and it’s easy to head straight for the sad songs and terribly unhealthy food to fill the gap. However, it’s possible to move on if you’re willing to put in some effort and face the situation head on.

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Release Your Energy

Especially useful if your breakup didn’t go so smoothly and there’s bad blood and negative emotion, releasing the anger and other pent up feelings from inside through sport or exercise can give you a new lease of life. Kickboxing is a brilliant way to get out any resentment, and doing a long slow yoga session can help you collect your thoughts and feel more peaceful. Any form of exercise you do will cause your body to release endorphins, which are proven to reduce your perception of pain. Even by going on a run around the block, you’ll be helping yourself tenfold compared to wallowing in self pity inside.

Embrace The Solitude

It may seem like the worst aspect of your break up, but the fact that you now have more time on your own opens up the door to many opportunities. Take some time in the beginning to reflect on the experience in your own time, but in a positive manor. Alone time doesn’t have to have an empty feeling, you just have to occupy your time doing beneficial activities. Run yourself a hot bubble bath, slap on a chocolate face mask and dive into a really great book, the more humorous the storyline the better you will feel. Spending time with yourself should allow you to recharge your batteries and get your head straight.

Rid Yourself Of Social Media

The progression in technology has been beneficial for humankind as a whole, but when you’re fresh out of a relationship it’s like a knife in the back. The temptation of scrolling through your ex’s profile page is unbearable, but it always leads to tears when you see how well they’re appearing to be handling it all. However social media is not reality, and everyone online is creating an artificial persona of who they would like to be. Removing yourself from this type of toxic situation will allow you to grow into a more confident and self assured individual, and give you more of an opportunity to use the time on something more positive and productive. If you don’t to go cold turkey, just unfollow or unfriend you ex partner so you no longer have to see their posts.

The most important thing you must focus on after suffering a heartbreak is yourself. You are the center of your own world, and you have to work to make yourself happy. This is harder to remember whilst sitting in front of your divorce attorney, but hold your head high and make it work for you.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Can Your Passion Be Your Career?

Can Your Passion Be Your Career?

We tend to think of work in negative terms. It’s something that we have to grind our way through, rather than enjoy. Yet there’s every chance that this is the wrong approach; if we’re going to spend so much of our time doing something, then we should ensure that we like it, right? Easier said than done, sure, but there are likely more options than you realise. Below, we take a look at a few passions that are suitable for a career.


Musical Instruments

If you can play an instrument, then well done — you’ve got a cool, and profitable, skill. It takes many years to build up the expertise needed to play an instrument well, and that means that you already stand out from the crowd. Unless you live in a huge city, the chances are that there aren’t too many musical instrument players around, but are plenty of people who want to learn. You’ll find more work if you can play guitar or piano (two of the most popular choices), but you should find students no matter what you can play. You’ll have to start small and slowly build up, but could eventually become a full-time job.

Exploring with Others

Do you love to travel? If exploring the world is something that you’d do for free, then you’re probably in the correct position to become a tour leader. It takes a lot of time to get comfortable navigating foreign countries and destinations, and it’s something that some people need to be lead through. The barrier to becoming a travel guide is pretty low, though it’ll help if you have some leadership experience. You will need to have a pretty solid grasp on the destination in which you’re leading the group, though, so focus on areas that you’ve visited multiple times and enjoyed.  

Sports Related

For many people, the pinnacle job would be a professional athlete. Alas, the ship that contains that dream has usually set sail by the time we’re fifteen or so. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t be involved in sports in other ways: this, after all, is a huge industry. You could make the most of Pay Per Head 24/7 Bookmaking Services, and become a sports betting agent, for instance. Alternatively, you could try to work in the sports world in a more direct way, by becoming a coach or physical therapist. If you love commenting on sports news and fixtures, then take a look at starting your own YouTube channel — if you’re good enough, then your talents will be noticed.

Crafts and Upcycling

For some people, there’s nothing more enjoyable than playing around with less than perfect items, and bringing them back to life. The art of upcycling has become huge in recent years, and people are willing to pay big money for other people’s creations. If you like making things more beautiful, then look for pieces of furniture, figure out how to make them better, and then sell your creations online and at markets.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Swap Your Way to Radiant Skin

Swap Your Way to Radiant Skin

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Many of us strive for perfectly clear, radiantly glowing skin, but lots of us fall far short of the mark despite how many expensive skincare products we use. That’s because, although the right products can certainly help to improve your skin, it is often our lifestyles, and particularly what we eat, that determines how good or bad our skin looks from day to day.

The good news is, it’s possible to make a number of simple swaps to your life to achieve the radiant skin you’ve always wanted…

Swap Processed Foods for Whole Foods

I think we all know that highly processed foods are not the best for our health, especially eaten regularly in large quantities, but did you know that they’re really bad for your skin too? Most processed meals and snacks have a high-glycemic index, and this spikes the blood sugar, causing insulin to be released. When insulin reaches the bloodstream, it can get in the way of collagen production, and since collagen is what keeps our skin looking full, soft and supple, that can lead to dull, older looking skin.

Switching to a whole food diet that is rich in protein, slow-release carbs and vitamin-rich vegetables will ensure that you produce plenty of collagen and all of the nutrients you need to build protein, repair skin damage and get a healthy glow.

Swap Smoking for Vaping

Smoking is bad for your health, period. As well as causing cancer and heart disease, amongst other things, it can also make your skin look bad because those toxins that are released in the smoke are pretty harmful. If you smoke regularly, chances are you will age prematurely.

Luckily, companies like Blazed Vapes now offer an alternative in the form of electronic cigarettes, which don’t contain any of the nasties that threaten your health and your skin. Swap your usual pack of cigarettes for a vape pen and you should start to notice the difference pretty quick.

Swap Sugary Snacks for Fruit

Sadly, sugar is really bad for your skin. It can interrupt the production of collagen and elastin, which keep the skin supple. It can also give you a dull, dry complexion due to the fact it can spike blood sugar and cause inflammation.

If you really must have something naughty and sweet, then choosing snacks that have been sweetened with sugar alternatives like Stevia is a good choice. However, you’d be far better off eating a piece of fruit instead. Fruit does contain sugar, but it contains fiber and other vitamins and nutrients, which offset it’s negative effects too. Fruits also contain antioxidants, which improves the appearance, Vitamin C which is able to neutralise free radicals and keep skin looking youthful and even flavanols that plump the skin and help to minimise damage caused by sun exposure.

Swap Sun for Shade

It’s pretty obvious, but spending less time in the harsh light of the sun and more time in the shade is a great way to minimise skin damage and maintain fresh, radiant skin. Of course, some sun is good for us, so you shouldn’t dodge it completely, but when it’s really hot, hit the shade, and always wear sunscreen.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Modifying Your Car

Modifying Your Car

The whole motivation for tuning your car is to extract the best possible performance from it by adding, altering or completely replacing the parts fitted as standard by the factory. So what car tuning parts are available to achieve this aim? Read on to find out a little more about this addictive hobby.

The prime area where modifications can be made through the use of specialist aftermarket performance car parts is to the vehicle’s engine and management systems. Buy and fit an appropriate engine tuning box and you can expect to see significant gains in fuel efficiency, as well as overall increases in torque and brake horsepower. This device is relatively inexpensive and can be easily installed into your engine bay, usually plugging into the engine’s existing wiring structure. Alter the engine to increase its power output, though, and you may find that it’s desirable to make some other modifications to help you and your vehicle cope with the additional, improved performance that results. Of course, you need to choose the correct auto electrician for you if this is something you do not have experience in.

One set of car tuning parts you might want to invest in, for instance, is a suspension kit. By improving your car’s suspension, you’ll have the ability to drive your car that little bit faster without compromising on safety. With a lower ride height, and therefore, lower centre of gravity, for example, some car tuning parts can reduce the chances of body roll and increase the stability of the vehicle when cornering or travelling at speed. These are just two examples, and even within this area, there is plenty of choice available depending on your type of car and your goals for improving its performance.

New Or Second Hand?

Performance parts online are widely available to give your car a bit of an added oomph. Everyone loves a bargain, so it can be tempting to shop around at online auction houses for second-hand pieces. But are you really saving money or will this cost you more in the longer term?

If you are interested in improving the performance of your car, then to a large extent, it makes a lot more sense to buy new. Only this way can you be absolutely certain that you are getting good value for money and that the performance car parts you are buying will be both durable and give the improvement in results that you expect. Other factors to consider are the convenience and the availability of the parts you need. Because it’s vital that you buy parts that are actually compatible with your vehicle, then purchasing second hand can be labour intensive and fairly hit and miss too. It may take you ages to source the right used exhaust at the right price for your model of Audi, for example, whereas most new sellers will be able to supply off the shelf solutions for many makes and models. The other thing to be aware of is that some car performance parts should never be reused for simple health and safety reasons. These include brake pads and shoes, clutch discs, and shock absorbers, for example. It is essential that you buy these new every time.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

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