These Simple Habits Can Help You Look and Feel Younger

Photo Credit: Pexels

These Simple Habits Can Help You Look and Feel Younger

by Guest Blogger, Dana B.

Ever feel like you’re 35 going on 65? Feeling older than you actually are is usually a strong indicator that you need to change your lifestyle habits. Aside from the emotional impacts, feeling older can mean that your physical health is being affected by your everyday habits. Still, it can be tricky knowing which advice to follow when it comes to healthy aging, The best lifestyle changes to make are ones that are backed by research, like the ones below.

Eat More Gut Healthy Foods

Listening to your gut is crucial for important decisions, but it can also be important for healthy aging. According to Gaiam, there are several links between gut health and overall health, including inflammation and lowered immunity, but these changes can be easily reversed to promote healthier aging. While supplements and treating infections are helpful, you can also turn to gut healthy foods to restore the balance in your own internal microbiome. Most people already know that yogurt contains healthy bacteria, but it’s possible to boost gut health with garlic, almond milk, pickles and even dark chocolate. These vitamin-, probiotic- and prebiotic-rich foods either contain the same gut-healthy bacteria or helpful fiber, both of which can help maintain balance in your digestive system.

Find Ways to Maintain Hydration

You’ve heard it over and over again: Hydration is important. Although you may recognize this importance, you may not fully understand the benefits of hydration for your mind and body, especially when it comes to feeling older. For example, hydration can provide an energy boost, improve the appearance of skin, and even promote weight loss. So, you will look and feel younger, no matter your real age. Drinking all that water can be a challenge for many folks, though, which is why it’s useful to have some hydration tricks to make yourself drink more often. Pack a large water bottle in your bag before you head off to work, or add some fruit to your water, to make staying hydrated less daunting and something you start to look forward to each day.

Always Wear Sunscreen When Outside

When people who look and feel younger talk about their habits, they also tend to emphasize the importance of sunscreen use. That means wearing SPF any time you’re going to be out in the sun. Damaging UV rays—which can cause changes to skin appearance and skin cancer—are present whether you can see them or not, and seeing skin damage in the mirror can definitely make you feel older. The next time you’re going to be outside in the daytime, dermatologists recommend applying sunscreen that contains SPF 15 or 30; anything higher might actually provide false skin protection against the sun’s rays.

Stop Following Every Fad Diet

Maintaining a healthy weight can help you look and feel better. If you’re turning to fad diets to achieve that trim body, however, you may actually be risking your health. For instance, one fad diet claims that you can eat bentonite clay (volcanic ash) to help you lose weight, but according to Dr. Anton Emmanuel, gastroenterologist, you’re putting your digestive system, kidneys and heart at risk of failing. So if you want to change your diet, just focus on eating whole, nutritious meals that you can easily prepare at home or obtain from a delivery service if it’s in your budget.

If you Google “healthy aging,†you’re bound to be bombarded by a lot of wellness fads and complicated information. Really, though, looking and feeling younger just takes some simple changes to your basic everyday habits. So drink more water, wear sunscreen, and eat foods that will nourish your gut, your body and your overall health. Because those little, research-backed habits really can help you age better and feel younger.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How To Save Money On Home Appliances

How To Save Money On Home Appliances

Image Source. Licensed under Creative Commons. 

A lot of us overspend on home appliances. This can include the initial purchase price, as well as running costs such as maintenance and energy bills. To help save you money, here are just a few tricks that could have you spending less on your home appliances.

Shop the sales

Many appliance stores have regular sales on. These can be great times to grab bargains on appliances. The January sales is a popular time for massive appliance discounts – because few people have much money after Christmas, retailers often have to offer much better deals to attract customers in.

Read reviews

Online consumer reviews can often tell if an appliance is reliable. Unfortunately, many of the cheapest appliances are less reliable, which can lead to frequent and expensive repair costs in the future. Save yourself money in the long run by reading reviews and only choosing an appliance that has good customer feedback.

Consider the energy rating

Most appliances come with an energy rating from A to G. Appliances that are graded A are the most efficient and are the ones that will save you huge amounts on your energy bills. It’s worth noting that fridge freezers can go all the way up to A+++ – if you’re buying this type of appliance you may not want to settle for an A.

Look out for online freebies

There are many sellers online giving away free appliances on sites like Gumtree. Whilst these appliances tend to be older (and therefore less reliable and less energy efficient), the fact that you’re paying nothing for them up front means that you’ll still likely save yourself money compared to buying a brand new appliance. A condition of these freebies is that you usually have to pick them up yourself from the seller – this means having a vehicle big enough to pick up the appliance.

Know when to repair, when to replace

When an appliance breaks, you need to weigh up whether it’s cheaper to repair or replace. Some repairs can be so costly that you may as well as buy a replacement. You should also consider the appliance’s lifespan.  It may be worth splashing out on central vacuum repair on a home vacuum system that’s only been installed 10 years ago (these systems can last 20 years), however it may not be worth getting a dishwasher repaired that’s 10 years old (these appliances usually only last 9 years).

Don’t extend your warranty

A lot of appliances will come with a year’s warranty. After this period, the seller may try to tempt you into paying for an extended warranty. These are rarely worth paying – whilst it does mean that your appliance will be repaired for free, the overall monthly warranty payments are likely to come to a much higher cost than were you to pay to get it repaired. Few warranties also cover the full amount of repairs.

Use your appliances less

You may also be able to save money on your appliances simply by using them less. Consider measures such as only washing full loads instead of half loads in your washing machine or letting frozen foods defrost before cooking them so that you use the oven for reduced periods.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

The Best Ways to Obtain Unshakable Confidence

The Best Ways to Obtain Unshakable Confidence

Confidence is something that every woman wants, every woman deserves and that absolutely every woman should have. Getting hold of and especially keeping confidence nowadays can be quite a challenge. 

So, today we are going to be looking at some simple, yet effective ways to build, boost and maintain confidence.

Take A Walk 

We will start with the most simple, yet one of the most effective of things. Simply taking a little bit of a walk. Walking not only has a certain amount of health benefits, but the psychological benefits are also many. As walking reduce, stress, anxiety, and fatigue, you know the confidence is going to take a great big boost all on its own. You can also use your walk to assert more confidence in daily life, a high chin, sway in the shoulders and a smile can make you not only feel more confident but you will seem more confident to the outside world.

Exercise Can Put You On Top Of The World

You don’t have to want to lose weight or get fit to go to the gym, just going alone, can instantly give you a huge boost in confidence. Once we start to enjoy the gym and then we see changes in our body, our whole demeanor changes, we become more confident without even knowing it. If the gym isn’t for you, pilates and yoga have been a choice of many for the boosting of confidence and wellbeing.

How Does Your Wardrobe Make You Feel?

For many of us, how we look will often determine how we feel. So my advice to you is, get out and get shopping or even get online. Dress for the person you want to be. Whether you love hats and want one for every day of the week or whether you take some inspiration from this women’s lingerie producer. Finding what you want and wearing what makes you feel confident and amazing is key.

One, Two, Three.. Open your eyes

I think you know where I am going with this final one. Yes, hypnotherapy. Some people will tell you that it did wonders for them, the new use of hypnotherapy is boosted self-confidence. The therapy works exactly as with the traditional methods. It just involves placing the patient into a trance and gradually training the mind to see something different. Hopefully, in this case, you. 

You Are What You Eat

Confidence can stem from many places and what we eat is one of those places. A good diet  promotes healthy self-esteem along with feeling more energetic and all-around happier. We are all guilty of a little junk food, followed by extreme lethargy. It’s not a call to diet, don’t worry. Even something as small as a 70% great food to 30% junk food is a step in a positive direction and you will see the results in no time.

So there we have it, a sure-fire way to help you along the way into finding your true confidence. Putting these into action is a great stepping stone to a more strong and confident you.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Three Top Tips To Help You Move House Like A Ninja

Three Top Tips To Help You Move House Like A Ninja

Image via Unsplash

It’s one of the largest and most stressful undertakings many of us will have in our lives – and if you’ve decided that you can’t learn to love your current home, or improve it through building work, then moving house is the only option left to you. The process is full of challenges – from first finding a new home to love, to getting an offer accepted, dealing with conveyancing solicitors and negotiating the particulars of the sale with the vendor. And when all of that is safely out the way? You still have the upheaval of the move itself. Luckily, there are some tips and tricks which can make moving house a lot easier – some which you may not have known, especially if it’s your first time pulling off a house move.

But First, Declutter

If you’ve ever had ambitions to do a complete KonMari Method declutter on your life, then now is most definitely the time. Weeks ahead of the move, start tackling the process of getting rid of everything you no longer need, want or use in your life. Even those of us who consider themselves fairly minimalist are generally shocked at the amount of possessions they actually own when all of them have to be wrapped up and packed for a house move. The less you own, the less there is to pack – which frees up your time, money and precious headspace. It’s time to get ruthless. Approach your decluttering systematically, Rather than leaping in haphazardly or trying to do it all at once, tackle areas in sequence. Start with somewhere relatively streamlined and easy to get your momentum up, before moving on to traditional clutter hot spots such as your wardrobe or that junk cupboard under the stairs.

Make Special Arrangements For Valuables

People who have moved house a few times generally have some horror stories about priceless heirlooms or irreplaceable sentimental items getting lost or damaged in the rush. It’s much better to pull a separate box or bag together containing these items, and either give it to a friend or relative for safekeeping during the move, or ensure that it travels with you personally (rather than in a moving van) on the day. Think about other special arrangements you may need to make – are there pets that would be better off staying with someone for a weekend while you get moved in? Do you need to book a specialist mover such as CTI Logistics Interstate to get your vehicles moved to your new home? Don’t leave anything to chance – developing a plan and a schedule for moving house will combat any last minute panics that end up costing a lot of stress and extra money to sort out at short notice.

Flatpack What You Can Ahead Of Time

Dismantling things is a more time-consuming process than you may assume. You might picture yourself spending half an hour with an allen key, but the reality is that dismantling furniture takes time, so allow for it by starting early. Work out what temporary arrangements you can make work –  could you use a blow up air mattress for a week so the bedframe can be taken apart? Could your clothes be pre-packed into suitcases so you can take down a wardrobe? Doing it gradually is much less stressful that trying to pack down when you have a bunch of paid-hourly removals staff waiting around and a new occupant ready to move into your old house.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Think Your Home Is Too Messy To Clear Out? Think Again!

Think Your Home Is Too Messy To Clear Out? Think Again!

We all have a messy home, in some form or another. We have piles of clutter here and there, and we like to straighten them out day by day, but come bedtime, they’ll be a complete mess all over again! We try to make changes where we can, such as the room atmosphere or finding new ways to arrange the attic for more boxes, but there always comes a time when we simply run out of room. 

And yet, if you’re someone who wants to have a clear out, but you don’t think it’s quite such a practical move at the moment, think again. There are plenty of methods you can employ to tidy up a home that’s one mess after another. You can always call in a professional service such as The Junk Pros to declutter your space quickly. But if you want to try to tackle it first, yourself, here are a few methods to keep you on track. Because, let’s face it, there are always ways to get rid of the clutter at the back of your cupboards, so you can use them as a storage solution once again.


Make a Schedule to Follow

First of all, make a plan. If you’re going to be tackling the mess in your home from top to bottom, you can’t rush in without a bit of foresight. You need to sit down beforehand and work out how long it’s going to take, and what would be the easiest to start with. All in all, you need to make yourself a clear out schedule, to keep your dreams of clean living a practical reality. 

Start with the top floor, and then work your way down – this way, you won’t dirty the areas you’ve already cleared out and wiped down. Usually, the attic is best to start with, to make sure you’ve got plenty of room to store the clutter you want to keep, and then tackle the master bedroom before you hit the bathroom. 


When you get downstairs again, make sure you start in the kitchen! The living room can always come last, seeing as you’ll still require use of it during the day, and you’ll need all of your furniture still in place. 

Rope in Some Help

If you’ve got a big house, and an even bigger amount of mess, don’t venture in alone. Get your friends and family to help out – give them a copy of the schedule, run them through some general rules (so you don’t waste your time supervising!), and then everyone can get on with it. 

Get Yourself a Bigger Bin!

And finally, if you’ve got just too many black bags on your hands, then you’re capable of moving and trashing yourself, invest in a bigger bin! And no, that doesn’t just mean you should buy a 45L bin to replace your 30L one… 

Instead, look into something like a skip bin hire. These companies will provide the skip as and when you need it, and when it’s filled to the brim with all of your waste, they’ll take it all away again. It’s quite useful when it comes to clearing out the modern home!


Don’t despair; you can clear out any home if you remember tips like these. 

​Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

Everyday Tips from Tia