Category Archives: SEX & LIFE

Caution! 5 Things You Must Do Before Buying a Used Car. By Guest Blogger Erika R.

By Guest Blogger Erika R.


Caution! 5 Things You Must Do Before Buying a Used Car


Photo Provided by Guest Blogger Erika R.
Photo Provided by Guest Blogger Erika R.

A used car is often a great deal. Modern used cars can last for a long time and cost a fraction of the price of a new vehicle. They can be filled with features. You should never purchase a vehicle just because of the price or the appearance. You must do five things before buying a used car.

Research the Car

Start by doing some research on the make and model of the vehicle you want. You want to read reviews, look at car rankings and check the safety ratings. You should also check the cost of ownership. See whether there are any commonly known issues with the car or previous recalls. This can stop you from buying an attractive used car that will become a problem to own.

Decide On Financing

You want to decide on your financing options before arriving at the used car dealership. Check with your bank or local credit unions to see whether you can be pre-approved for a car loan. Compare those rates to what the dealership is offering. Shopping for a loan instead of just accepting dealer financing can save you money.

Schedule an Inspection

You must always schedule an inspection before buying a used car. Take the car to a trusted mechanic or garage. Do not rely on friends who do not work in the auto industry. Have the car fully inspected. Listen closely to what the mechanics or technicians tell you. Never buy a used car without a professional inspection first.

Take a Test Drive

Take a test drive first. Dealerships like Expressway Dodge will allow you to test drive any used car that you are interested in buying. A test drive shows you how the car actually handles on the road. It also shows whether you are going to be comfortable while sitting and driving in the car. Take a comprehensive test drive that includes varied road conditions. Test everything while driving from the brakes to the air conditioner.

Get an Auto Insurance Quote

The final thing to do is get an auto insurance quote. Get multiple quotes if necessary. This will show you whether the car is going to be affordable. Some used cars are very expensive to insure. Getting an insurance quote will allow you to better assess whether the used car is the right choice for you.

Take your time when choosing a used car. Do not rush into the process even if everything seems perfect from the start. Do your research, test drive the vehicle and have everything inspected. The right used car will become a valuable asset that you can rely on.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!

5 Tips for Creating a Living Will. By Guest Blogger, Erika R.

By Guest Blogger, Erika R.


5 Tips for Creating a Living Will

5 Tips for Creating a Living Will
A living will is an important legal document that can protect you if you become unable to consent to different medical treatments. A living will is a document that lists exactly what you approve of and what you want to avoid after a medical emergency. You should know about five tips for creating a living will.

Be As Specific As Possible

The first tip is to be as specific as possible when creating the living will. You will need to be incredibly detailed about your wishes. You might want to look at templates or other living wills to see just how specific you need to be. Do not rely on vague statements or broad directives. Those types of statements can tie the hands of healthcare providers or even lead to legal challenges.

Choose Healthcare Proxies and Guardians Carefully

You must name your guardians and healthcare proxy in your living will. Guardians will take care of your underage children. Healthcare proxies are empowered to make medical decisions for you. Always choose only trusted people for these positions to ensure you wishes are carried out exactly as described.

Tell Loved Ones Your Wishes Immediately

You want there to be no ambiguity about your living will once it is written. Sit down with family members and loved ones to talk about your wishes. Be certain that everyone understands exactly what you mean in your will. Let them read the document. Clear up any confusion. This will prevent major problems later if something happens to you.

Always Contact a Lawyer

You want to always allow a lawyer from a firm like Gittens & Associates to finalize your living will. A lawyer will be able to correct any vague language and will guarantee that the living will is a legally binding document that will stand up under scrutiny. Do not rely on any living will that was not reviewed by an experienced lawyer.

Regularly Revise or Update Your Living Will

Update your living will regularly whenever something changes in your life. Change your proxy or guardian if relationships fall apart. Change your directives if your feelings about certain medical practices evolve. Add new directives if technology changes. This will make certain that the document always reflects your latest wishes.

You want to have a living will at all times that is up-to-date and legally binding. You never want to leave your family in a situation where they must make medical decisions for you without knowing how you feel about specific treatments. A living will protects you and your family during very difficult periods.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!

Staying Safe While Going Oral. MA

By Tia Cristy


Staying Safe While Going Oral. MA condoms

Oral sex is considered an excellent part of foreplay, before intercourse, yet, it’s also a sexual act by itself. Not, to be mistaken by a random act of simple attraction. With that being said, oral sex has been mistaken as an act of saying “I like you” and been treated as “lightly” as a simple kiss. Taking this sexual act lightly, has had repercussions with our health. Some STD’s can be passed to your partner thru oral sex. But sadly, because of the rise in HPV, it can now be passed thru kissing.

HPV is still full of a lot of questions. There are 40 types of HPV. I’m not a doctor, so I’m not going to pretend I understand it completely. But, let me explain it in simple terms with the color orange.

A man is the carrier of the orange paint. A woman touches his orange paint, now she has the paint and touches another man, he now carries orange paint, he touches another woman and she is now left with the orange paint. See how it can spread so widely and rapidly?

Talking to your doctor about the HPV vaccine and if it’s right for you may be an option you want to look into. The vaccine isn’t for everybody and it does have an age limit.

If you won’t or can’t get the vaccine, there are still ways to protect yourself. And, protecting yourself while having oral sex can still be fun.

A dental dam is a safe way to have oral sex for both, men and women. If it sounds familiar, it’s used by dentist. It’s a square piece of latex that can keep bodily fluids at bay, but still allowing pleasure.

Using flavored condoms to perform oral sex on the male, can make the experience more “flavorful” for the “giver”, while still being pleasing to the male partner. Making it fun for both of you, give him a choice on the flavor because, the flavor will remain in your mouth after, so think of it like tasting someones lip balm. Remember, it’s so important to find out your partners allergies, before using a flavor they could be allergic too.

Flavor condoms can be irritating to the genitals. So, I recommend a  “wardrobe change” to a regular condom before intercourse. Talk to your doctor about sex and the best ways to protect yourself and being safe during sex.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!




Lost Driver’s License? Seven Urgent Steps you Must Take Immediately! By Guest Blogger, Karleia S.

By Guest Blogger, Karleia S.

Lost Driver’s License? Seven Urgent Steps you Must Take Immediately!


Photo Provided By Guest Blogger, Karleia S.
Photo Provided By Guest Blogger, Karleia S.

Misplacing your driver’s license often leads to stress and despair on how you plan to get to your destination safely. However, there are some urgent things you must do immediately if you have lost your license, and you have already searched your house, purse, and car.

Step 1: Assess the Risks

While you may think that it is just your license that is gone, that information can allow anyone to access your bank, take out loans, and even open credit accounts. The best place to start is to contact a protection service that helps prevent identity theft. Then you will need to contact your bank, insurance providers, credit card companies, and possibly the social security office.

Step 2: Notify Authorities

It is embarrassing losing your driver’s license, but you need to get over the embarrassment and contact law enforcement. They will create a paper trail that helps track possible fraudulent activity. The police will want to know every detail, include places you remember having your license at. The more details you offer, the greater the possibility of finding your license.

Step 3: Notify the DMV

When you lose your license, let the DMV know immediately. If someone is pulled over and shows your license, the state will be notified because it has been flagged as lost/stolen.

Step 4: Replace the License

When you talk to the DMV, find out if you need to apply for a duplicate copy or if you are close enough to the renewal date. While you are checking on the status of your license, check for any tickets or violations that may be on your account. You can also use a service like Registrations Are Us.

Step 5: Do NOT Drive without a License

It may be tempting to drive to the store without your license, but it is illegal. When you are already dealing with the costs of getting everything replaced and protected, being fined for failure to present your license is another hassle. You can talk to the police to find out if carrying a copy of your driving record will count, but the DMV will often give you a temporary license while you wait. These temporary licenses look just like a printed receipt, so keep it somewhere safe until your new license arrives in the mail, or your old license is found.

Step 6: Monitor for Identity Theft

It is important to remain vigilant and monitor for any possible signs of identity theft. Periodically, run a credit score to review the reports and answer the phone even when you do not recognize the caller ID. It will be a hassle, but it will prevent the possibility of someone running your credit into the ground and siphoning your money.

Step 7: Invest in Identity Theft Protection

To prevent future problems, invest in a service that will protect your identity. The number of phone calls you will need to place will diminish. It is best if you just keep your license in a place where you can find it, but protecting your identity is never a bad idea.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!

All Lube is the Same. Stupid Tip of the Day: (MA)

By Tia Cristy

Stupid Tip of the Day: All Lube is the Same. (MA) olive oil condiment vegeterian food

You may think all lubricants and oils to enhance a sexual experience, are built the same, but that is not the case. You’ve seen the commercials for her pleasure and for his, and a chemical reaction happens when they combine. Lubricants can be very effective in giving a hypersensitive experience, in the bedroom. In some cases, a lube is even necessary to achieve a pleasurable experience.

There is no shame in needing or wanting a lubricant with your partner. Just be sure to discuss with each other the options. It’s important to have good communication with sex and important to have sexual health. Lubricants can break down latex, if you are having protected sex using condoms. Another form of protection must be discussed, before adding in a lube.

When deciding which lubricant to purchase, I recommend doing just what you would do if you were buying a new food; Check the label. The more natural the product is, the better reaction you will probably have with it. Some lubes actually contain silicone or other strange chemicals that may not treat your insides well. People try to come up with many alternatives and end up causing much harm to your body and your partners body.

When in doubt, go to the kitchen and get olive oil. It’s the most natural lubricant.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!