Category Archives: SEX & LIFE

November is National Novel Writing Month.

By Tia Cristy


November is National Novel Writing Month.


I’ve been working on my novel’s with diligence. Writing is tricky for even the most educated at times. Here are a few simple mistakes to watch out for when writing any masterpiece.
Five Mistakes To Avoid in Your NaNoWriMo Novel Infographic

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!

Carnivores Can Court Vegetarians.

By, Tia Cristy

Carnivores Can Court Vegetarians. steak

Is it truly possible for these opposites to last? If you’re anything like me, social outings are surrounded by food. Dating a person that has a pallet that is the other end of the spectrum from your own can be challenging. But, it’s not a deal breaker.

You must first realize there are four different types of vegetarian’s out there.
-Semi-vegetarian: The vegetarian that still gets their steak on once in a while.
– Lacto ovo vegetarian: These types eat dairy and eggs.
-Lacto vegetarian: No eggs for this group, but dairy is still acceptable.
-Vegan: Nothing animal based.

Fresh assorted vegetables in boxes on farmer's market
Fresh assorted vegetables in boxes on farmer’s market

When dating one of these types of eaters the first challenge is agreeing on a place to eat. Checking with a restaurant on their offered menu before making a reservation is significant. Plenty of steakhouses now offer vegetarian dishes.

The next obstacle is the most important for both parties, have reverence for the other’s decision. Don’t belittle your date for his/her choice on eating a soy burger. And vegetarians don’t make comments of your date eating Bambi. Respect the choices that one another make. Choosing to resent your date’s decision on the food they put in their bodies will grow into resentment with other issues, non-related.
I had the pleasure to attend dinner the other night with a food-split couple. The interaction between this husband and wife on the consideration of substance was incredible. There were a few light jokes that were passed back and forth as we discussed the obstacles they face as a couple, as the husband pointed out the cracker plate as her vegetarian main course. She lightly pecked at the sight of the rare prime rib he was eyeing up, “Did they cook that for you or just warm it up?” Chuckles followed their slight digs, but she was sincerely happy for him when the chef kindly gave him two slices of prime rib.

If you have health related concerns about what your date is eating, then decide is it valid? One could argue the worry of a carnivore’s cholesterol, but then on the other side of the coin, a meat eater could counter with the worry of a vegetarian not getting enough iron or B vitamins. The time when health related concerns should take place is when they are presented. Example, if you are allergic to what your partner is eating, you see a drastic weight gain or loss by their existing diet, it’s affecting your relationship in more ways than just your meat/veggie loving principals, or you notice other health concerns like shortness of breath.

The wife in this case, gets ill from ingesting meats. She has on occasion had issues with soups made with meat stock. The husband told me, “It was more challenging in the beginning, but now we go to restaurants where we trust the chefs are aware of all ingredients in their food.” I asked them if it has caused issues in their relationship. The husband laughed and said, “Relationships have challenges, liking meat or not, shouldn’t be one of them.”

So if you find yourself pining over that person who does or doesn’t like steak, but you are not sure it could work or not, according to my dining companions, there’s plenty of hope out there for a wonderful future. Like all relationships, respect, understanding, truth, and kindness seem to still be key.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!

Getting Fit with Ballroom.

By Tia Cristy


Getting Fit with Ballroom.

“Young Flamenco Dancers In Beautiful Dress On Black Background” by nenetus.
“Young Flamenco Dancers In Beautiful Dress On Black Background” by nenetus.

Getting fit in the winter can be a chore, but what if you were getting fit doing a hobby? I watched Dancing with Stars a few times and found myself mesmerized by the fact that these people, who have no training in the beginning, can dance gracefully by the end. How cool is it to learn the style of Cary Grant while toning your body? Honestly, there is something sexy about a person that knows how to dance. It shows they have rhythm and class on the dance floor. Where else in life could they have rhythm and class?
I was at an appearance the other week, and I met The Blueball Room Dance Company. Their moves were flawless. I think owner Ken Richards and dancer Jonathan saw the interest in my eyes instantly, and invited me to attend the school’s weekly dance party. I’ve never ballroom danced before. I was scared, truthfully. I was unsure if I could do it, let alone, I had surgery years ago that left me with limitations. Could I really dance like they do on T.V.? But, I figured I would go and observe.

Blueball Room Dance Studio. Wilmington, DE
Blueball Room Dance Studio. Wilmington, DE

As I open the front door to the ball room, a winding staircase greeted me. As I climbed the steps, the room was beautiful with delicate lighting. It was surprising. It wasn’t a cold white room with plain mirrors, it was warm and inviting. I was greeted by students, immediately. Their ages ranged from 21+. One man was well over 60. The mix of the crowd was wonderful and comfortable. The training level was from beginner to almost pro. A group of ladies invited me to sit with them. I sat at the round lounge style table and focused on the dance floor. I watched as the participants partake in a Viennese Waltz. It was stunning. I couldn’t imagine myself being able to do that. When the song ended, without a word, everyone came towards the sitting area and grabbed a new partner to dance with. I watched this exchange happen for three songs, before international dancer Johnny, grabbed my hand and led me to the dance floor. I pleaded with him that I had no idea of what I was doing. He didn’t care. He guided my steps and stayed patient with me as I tripped all over his feet. When the song ended he escorted me back to my seat and told me I was fantastic. I felt elated. I did it. Not well, but I did it.

As I started to sit with a smile on my face, the next person reached their hand out towards me. Once again, I confessed my doubt in myself. But, they didn’t care either. Needless to say, I danced the entire time. And, I loved every minute of it. Even at the moment, I almost fell on my face. Apparently, there’s no room to feel self-conscious there. Everyone was a beginner at one point. I learned in that time, the concept of several different dances. I loved each dance from the waltz’s to the rhythm Latin. When instructor Jonathan took my hand towards the end of the night, he had me spinning all over the dance floor. For a moment, I believed I knew what I was doing. It was incredible.

When the dance floor came to a close, I felt infused physically and emotionally. I felt intensely fit and happy. I knew at that moment I was hooked on the art of dance as a new outlet for health. I was still nervous on how I would feel later. Would my knees hurt? How about my muscles? I anticipated feeling it the next day, but when I woke up I still felt energy that I didn’t have the day before. My breathing felt strong, my muscles felt good, and I knew I was definitely ready to dance again.

The thing I learned most was I didn’t have to know how to dance prior to this, I didn’t have to have a special excuse to be there, and I didn’t have to have a partner with me. I never thought ballroom dancing could be a solo hobby, but there were plenty of dancers to go around. Dancing helps with balance, breathing, memory, coordination, toning muscles, building strength, relieving stress and overall health benefits.

The Blueball Room offers private and group lessons. The classes range from beginner, bronze and silver. They also offer hip hop dance once a week. If you want to learn to dance for a wedding or just because you always wanted to learn, like me, get in touch with The Blueball Room. The cost is so affordable starting at $70 for single, $105 for a couple for four weeks.

Look out Dancing with the Stars, I’ll be ready soon! Keep a lookout for my progress on TipsfromTia Facebook Page!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!

Let’s Review, O Wow: Discovering Your Ultimate Orgasm.

By Tia Cristy

Let’s Review, O Wow: Discovering Your Ultimate Orgasm.

The latest book from author and Sex Expert, Jenny Block.

“O Wow: Discovering Your Ultimate Orgasm” By, Jenny Block
“O Wow: Discovering Your Ultimate Orgasm” By, Jenny Block

They say every time and place has a purpose. I always look for the learning experience in something new or learning about other people and how they live. Not only does it help me in my life, but it also can help me understand what’s truly important to my readers. Yet while on holiday, I never expected I was about to start learning something that can benefit all sexually mature women, no matter if you are straight, gay, attached, or solo.

As I sat at the bar of a restaurant on a Sunday afternoon waiting, frustrated on a man, I befriend two women who turn out to be nationally known chefs, Jeana Johnson and Colleen O’Hare who own the Dallas hotspot, Mot Ha Bai. As Jeana and I discussed the decadent cheeses of Vermont and the pairing of wines, soccer played on the big screen. Jeana informed me because I am writer that I must become friends with one of her dearest friends, Jenny Block. Within one message to Jenny, we became social media friends, instantly.

Upon my returning from holiday, Jenny Block and I had time to discover more about each others writing background. I was impressed to hear about her credentials in print and on T.V. But not only that, Jenny Block is known as a Sex Expert. When Jenny told me she was getting ready to release her new book and sent me a copy, I knew this would be something for my female readers.

Some women out there would claim it’s as mystical as a unicorn, but according to daring author, Jenny Block and her latest book, “O Wow: Discovering Your Ultimate Orgasm” it’s not only possible, but practically a guarantee to happen if you follow these proven instructions.

Jenny Block, Photo by Steph Grant
Jenny Block, Photo by Steph Grant

With “O Wow…” Jenny valiantly shares her own experiences with both men and women. The once married to a man, woman, now considers herself a lesbian. But, this book isn’t about sexual orientation, it’s about the pleasure a woman needs and deserves, and how to achieve it. Jenny’s personal, sexual journey has led her to be able to share her knowledge with all women (and those men whom are looking for the tips on giving the best pleasure to their woman). Jenny says the secret is in, how I like to remember them, the four P’s. Here’s a hint, Patience is the first one.

Having SAFE sex is strongly important with any sexual activity, and Jenny tells us how condoms won’t impede on either women’s or men’s pleasure when approaching sex with the proper methods. Boldly, Jenny tackles talking about every place on the body with nerve endings that could possibly be the ticket to someone’s personal ultimate. She acknowledges that some techniques may not be for everybody, but the point is for her readers to achieve their own personal ultimate orgasm without embarrassment. My favorite thing that Jenny has shared in this book is the fact that now she is in a loving, monogamous relationship, and this, she believes was one of the key points to her finally discovering the ultimate orgasm.

Check out for more from Jenny and the latest on book tours.
Pick up your copy of “O Wow: The Ultimate Orgasm” on Amazon Today!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!

10 Things You Need To Know About Premature Ejaculation.

Created by Carvaka

10 Things You Need To Know About Premature Ejaculation.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!