Category Archives: ORGANIC HEALTH & HOME

How Do You Develop Stress?

How Do You Develop Stress?

Everyone feels stressed at some point in his or her life for various reasons. However, stress can manifest itself in different ways, and if you are not careful, it can become a really big problem. Symptoms range from the physical, such as chest pain and insomnia, to the emotional, including low self-esteem and the feeling of losing control. In order to prevent this from occurring, it is important to have a thorough understanding of how you develop stress. Discover more below.


How you develop stress

Stress is a term that is used to describe your emotional or physical response to pressures or demands that you may experience now and again. Common causes of stress today include illness, relationships, money, and work. In some cases, stress can be positive, as it helps people to take action, develop, grow, and be stimulated. However, if you cannot cope with the stress you are experiencing, this can impact your physical and mental health in a number of ways.


The source of stress has changed considerably over the years. Modern day stresses are often prolonged in nature and originate from something psychological. For example, you may have financial worries or you may feel under pressure in the workplace. When this occurs, your hormones surge, as your body’s alarm mechanism is triggered. If you are over-exposed to stress hormones, your bodily systems can be impacted, including your digestive, immune, cardiovascular, and brain system. This is when negative symptoms arise. These symptoms include irritability, headaches, muscle pain and tension, depression, a lack of confidence, insomnia, high blood pressure, hair loss, and much more.

Ways to cope with stress

Reducing stress begins with you and your attitude. You need to change your outlook. If you adopt a positive attitude, you will be better able to cope with stress. You need to try and alter the way you look at things. For example, if something goes wrong, don’t dwell on what has happened, but see it as an opportunity. Look for ways to do things differently to improve the situation. Positive thinking can also have knock-on benefits too, for instance, it can improve our resistance to illness.

There are a number of other stress busters you can make the most of as well. Exercise is a good one. While exercise will not banish stress once and for all, it can help to clear your thoughts and lower some of the emotional intensity you are experiencing. You should also take some time to yourself. We do not get enough ‘me time’ these days because we are so busy with work and our families, and life in general. Spend some time away from work, having quality time to yourself, every week. You should also avoid unhealthy habits, for example, caffeine, smoking, and alcohol. Don’t rely on these as coping methods.


Is someone else to blame for your stress?

Claims can be made if you are suffering the effects of stress and feel that someone else is to blame. This could be because you are stressed after suffering an injury that has changed your life. It could be because you are stressed because someone is bullying you in the workplace. The scenarios differ. However, psychological injuries are taken just as seriously as physical ones when it comes to making a personal injury claim, and so it is definitely worth exploring this further. Derrick Law Firm offers legal solutions for injury matters. They will listen to what has happened to you, and they will be able to advise you on whether or not it is worth pursuing a claim for compensation. After all, you do not want to waste your time if there is no chance of it being a success.

Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of how stress is developed. For most illnesses, only once you get to the source of the problem can you rectify it. In fact, this is the case for virtually all of our problems in life. We hope that this blog post has helped you to get to the source of your stress, as well as providing you with some help regarding what to do about it. Do not forget to look into whether or not you are eligible for compensation if you believe that someone else is to blame for your stress.

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

What Exactly is Bone Broth?

What Exactly is Bone Broth?

It seems like every couple of years some health supplement or food becomes all the rage. It’s like you can’t even watch a show without hearing it referenced.


We’ve heard it about avocados, turmeric, coconut, and now …bone broth? 


All these things are great, and I would recommend them all, depending upon the individual. But so many people are asking, what exactly is bone broth?


It might not have the most pleasant name, but first off, that’s how it’s made. Broths are made from the juices of meats. Bone broth goes a little deeper into the marrow of the bone. But I think the most important thing is what bone broth can do for an individual. It’s packed with vitamins and nutrients as well as collagen being the most sought after.


How to make bone broth

Getting bones from a butcher is one way to get the main ingredient, but they must be broiled first before making the broth. Another easy way is saving the scraps from a previous meal. They freeze just fine.


Add bones along with carrots, celery, salt, garlic, Apple cider vinegar and water into a pot or slow cooker. Cook on low for several hours to achieve delicious broth.


The benefits are amazing. Packed with collagen, it’s a boost to your skin, hair and nails. The other benefits include boosting the immune system and overall function of the body.


Another way to get bone broth outside your kitchen 

Now, if you don’t have 8 hours to dedicate to making bone broth, lot’s of stores have premade bone broth in stock. Another way to get the benefits of the broth without the broth is a product called Naked Collagen that’s made with bovine bones. It’s a great supplement! This powder is packed with essential amino acids to boost not only immune function and restore collagen, but also ramp up brain power. Amino acids curb anxiety and depression, not only stopping misfires in the brain, but also correcting them! (Naked Nutrition has many supplements and proteins to choose from)


Adding two scoops of powder to your morning coffee or juice is all you need to get your daily dose. Some folks just mix it with water! It’s that easy. You’ll start to feel the results right away. To see results, well just give it a little bit of time since collagen takes time to build back up.


So is bone broth just hype or is it the real deal?

It’s definitely the real deal. Our ancestors have been doing it forever. And they didn’t have the processed food issues we have today. So talk to your doctor about giving your system a treat as well as restoring your youth inside and out by adding some bone broth or naked collagen into your life.


 Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Easy Ways to Try and Deal with Exhaustion after a Major Health Operation

Easy Ways to Try and Deal with Exhaustion after a Major Health Operation

Being exhausted all the time can have a profound impact on your health. You may feel as though nothing you do helps and that things are never going to change. This is not the case at all, and you would be surprised at how much a few small lifestyle tweaks can make all the difference to your health.


Protect Yourself


Try and eat vegetables that are very dark in colour. This can include broccoli or even spinach.

There are even power food supplements out there that can boost your energy and your immune system as well. This is especially useful if you have just undergone a major operation or even health treatment because it can help your body to make the most out of the energy that it has while also helping you to fight off any potential infections. If you have undergone chemotherapy or cancer treatment then eating healthily can also help you to stay more focused in the day, and at times it can help with nausea. If you are currently undergoing cancer treatment, it’s also worth considering looking into any groups you can join, such as the Inspire Lung Cancer support group.




Carpooling is a great way for you to save fuel, but it also means that you don’t have to worry about driving when you are so tired. So many accidents happen every single year because people fall asleep at the wheel and this is the last thing that you need to worry about when you have already gone through so much. You may be thinking that you have had enough sleep and that this can’t possibly happen to you. When the body is exhausted however, whether it’s through lack of sleep or due to recovery, it can shut down and enter microsleep. This is a 3-4 second sleep that you may not even be aware you’ve had, and it can be very dangerous if you are out and on the road.


Get Out in the Sun


Just half an hour in the sun can really increase your levels of Vitamin D. This is responsible for fighting fatigue, and it can also boost your mood as well. If you have just undergone a major operation, then you may spend most of your time indoors recovering and this is completely normal. If you can however, you should try and get outside as soon as you are able. You don’t have to plan any activities either. In fact, just sitting out in the sun can really help you to give your body the boost it needs.


Eat a Lot of Small Meals


Your body will most likely be in a state of shock for quite some time. For this reason, you need to try and eat smaller meals throughout the day. When you do this, you can easily increase your appetite and you can also avoid overwhelming yourself as well. Eating small meals throughout the day is also the best way for you to combat nausea if this is an issue.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Unusual Chores That Probably Need Doing In Your Home

Unusual Chores That Probably Need Doing In Your Home

We all know that there is a list of daily chores that have to be done to keep our homes maintained. But, there are also chores that we only do on occasion because they are more difficult and take up a lot of time. Sometimes, we might even neglect to do these entirely, even though we know that at some point they will need to be done. So, let’s look at some of these unusual chores that probably need doing in your home.


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Cleaning Out The Gutters


The chore that everyone dreads is cleaning out the gutters. It is not a very pleasant job, and that is why it is one of the most put off chores there is. But, it is important that it gets done at some point. While it may be disgusting to do if you don’t, the flow of rainwater will not be controlled properly, and you may end up with leaks. That is why this job is so important, even though it is one of the worst that we can imagine.


Maintaining Your Chimney


Not many people have chimney’s these days, but for those of you who do, maintaining it can be a real pain. A lot of people don’t bother, especially if they do not light the fire at the bottom. However, if you do, you need to make sure that the chimney is being kept in good condition but we know that is easier said than done. If you don’t think that this is something you can do, you can always employ the services of a chimney sweep. Yes, they do still exist, and they will come to your home to do this job for you.


Cleaning The Garage


The garage can often become somewhere that things that have no place end up. As such, the clutter builds until you can’t walk in there and everyone in the home dreads going in there. You can’t even get one more chair in there, let alone your car! Due to this, you should be looking to clean out your garage once a year to stop it from getting to this point. We aren’t suggesting that by doing this your garage is never going to be messy again, but at least once a year it will be mess free for a while.


Shampooing The Carpets


You likely vacuum your carpets either every day or every week. But, after about a year, your carpets are going to need shampooing again. This does take a lot of time,, and we see why people avoid it where they can, but vacuuming your carpets alone is not going to get rid of all the dirt. It is fairly straightforward as all you have to do is put the shampoo down, let it soak up the dirt and then vacuum it up. You only have to do this around once a year though, and it doesn’t involve anything disgusting, so it isn’t too bad!


We hope that you have found this article interesting and will consider going out and doing one of these unusual chores that you have been putting off.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Planning a DIY Project? Consider These Management Tips

Planning a DIY Project? Consider These Management Tips

If you have decided to start your DIY project and beautify your home for yourself and your loved ones, you need to know that there are plenty of things that can go wrong if you don’t plan the processes carefully. You can come across unexpected issues, run out of money and time, or cause more damage than good. If you would like to make your DIY project a success, it is important that you consider the below tips.

Projects Pics Diy Tools

Image via Max Pixel

Create a Timeline

Planning every step of the renovation project will help you identify potential problems and pitfalls, It simply doesn’t make sense to change your heating system if you want to have underfloor heating; you have to create a timeline of your DIY project that prevents you from touching the same area and  job more than once. This will not only help you save time, but also money.

Make Your Budget Fit

The next thing you need to be sure about is that you will have enough money to complete all the work. You might be thinking big, but you don’t really want to get into debt and take on a second mortgage just to make some structural changes. When planning the jobs, consider the cost and time it takes to be completed. Compromise on the changes, but not your materials.

Consider Professional Tools

Image via Pexels

Every DIY job goes better and gets a more professional finish if you invest in trade tools. If you are not likely to use them more than once in a lifetime, you might visit your local DIY store to hire equipment that will help you stick to your budget and your timeline, and avoid getting frustrated with the job.

Outsource Some Tasks

There are some things you shouldn’t DIY in your home, and you have to stay away from touching the work that is best left for professionals. There are some jobs that can easily be completed on a budget, such as laying laminate floors or tiling a bathroom, provided that you have enough time and patience. However, you should not touch electricity or plumbing for your own safety. If you know that you are not a person with an eye for details, you might contact a remodeling company to help you out with some tasks.

Set a Deadline

Home improvements can be frustrating for the entire family. You don’t want to put up with the mess for months, nor does your partner. It might be a good idea to set a clear deadline for each renovation task, and stick to it. This way, you can avoid your project spiraling out of control and taking over your home life for months, even years.

If you are brave enough to start your home renovation project on your own, it is important that you plan every stage and make sure that you can stay passionate about the job at hand. Ask for help and improve your skills, but – most importantly – try to stick to your budget and deadlines.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.