Category Archives: ORGANIC HEALTH & HOME

The Costs Of An Emergency On Your Household

The Costs Of An Emergency On Your Household

We all have to cope with emergencies in our lifetime, and we’re all going to lose some money through them. After all, we’re not all overly prepared with a savings account that a bank would be proud of! And that means you’re going to have to fork out for some accidents and emergencies that are going to affect your ability to cater for the rest of your household – and that ends up being a hard time for anyone to try and get through.

Maybe your ability to pay the bills to keep the heat and the water on will go down the drain. Maybe you’ll be scraping together to try and get the rent in one piece – these are all horrible situations, but they’re ideas we have to face. So in the interest of saving you as much money as possible when you’re not prepared to fork out in the thousands, here’s just a few details about the costs of an emergency on your household.

It’s a tiny toy ambulance, but the cost of a real one can get down some people’s throats. (Image)

Know the Out of Hours Charges

Say the power goes out in your house, all of a sudden, and none of your neighbours are experiencing the same faults. You can’t put the outage down to a town or street wide power cut, so it’s clear is inside your home. You can’t flip the main breaker back on either, and you don’t know what else to do. So you call an electrician out to sort the issue – but it’s the weekend, a.k.a., out of hours. The cost of a call out like this can be astronomical, especially if there are no 24 hour electricity companies in your area.

Or if you’ve got a pet in the household – vets are already expensive enough, with anything from £30 to £40 on average heading out of your account for just visiting. But if you have to head to a vets during an out of hours period, you can be looking at least double that original price to pay for your pet’s health.

Know the Cost of a Lawyer

A lot of household emergencies can require the law to get involved, with situations like break in or breakdowns being big issues in the modern world. And to make sure you’re compensated for what you and your family might have gone through, you’re going to need a good lawyer on your side.

But lawyer fees are some of the most expensive bills on the planet, even for initial consultations that only last an hour or so. So if you’ve recently been involved in a crash on the road, and you now need a car accident lawyer, you’re going to have to fork out in the region of £500, or more, depending on the service you use.

Let’s face it: emergencies are some of the biggest expenses on the planet, simply because they aren’t expected, and rarely have you prepared for them.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

5 of Nature’s Gifts to Keep You Healthy

5 of Nature’s Gifts to Keep You Healthy

Most of the health problems begin with an inappropriate diet. The 21st century has forced mankind to speed up and cope with the limited time they have. This has undoubtedly resulted in adverse effects on human health. The ready to eat meals are the key initiators towards an unhealthy lifestyle. The result is pretty obvious. New diseases have been discovered that were unheard before. Keeping up with a good and healthy diet intake is the best that you can do stay healthy and avoid diseases. Here are five of nature’s best gifts to mankind for a healthy life:

1. Garlic

The famous words from the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates were,’let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.’ He used to prescribe garlic to his patients to treat a variety of conditions. Confirming the medicinal benefits of garlic modern medical science has also started using it as a key ingredient in many medicines. It is known to be helpful in combating common cold, high blood pressure, improving cholesterol in the blood and reducing the risk of heart diseases.

2. Ginger

Another treasure from the grandma’s chest is ginger which has incredible medicinal benefits. It can treat nausea, inflammation in the bowel, chronic indigestion, and a lot more. It is commonly used as an ingredient in tea to fight sore throat and cold.

3. Flax Oil

Flax seeds are a rich source of protein and fiber. The oil extracted from these seeds can be used for routine cooking. It is known to be rich in omega 3 fatty acids. A teaspoon of flax seed oil in the routine diet can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It can also help detoxify and remove heavy metals in your body naturally. Nevertheless, new research claims that flax seed oil can also help fight the development of cancer cells in the body.

4. Honey

This is the most natural replacement for sugar. A rich source of energy and beneficial in a number of ways, this nature’s gift surely deserves a stellar remark. It can help regulate blood sugar levels, blood pressure, cut belly fat, digest large fat globules, and also control cholesterol in the blood. Honey is a profound remedy for cardiovascular diseases.

5. Apricots

One of the most beneficial and fiber-rich sources of energy are apricots. The exact origin of this fruit is still a topic of debate. The plethora of benefits this fruit has to offer is simply amazing. A rich source of vitamin A, fiber, and antioxidants, this fruit helps keep your heart healthy. It is also known to cleanse the intestines. And not to forget the anti-aging benefits that it has on the skin. This fruit is simply the most versatile. Including apricots in your daily diet can help you avoid any dietary ailment.

Although a nutritious diet is the best at fulfilling the body needs, these dietary inclusions can enhance your body functioning in addition to the adequate nutrients. These natural products are easily available at a grocery store near to you. What could possibly be the best way other than these simple solutions to keep diseases at bay?

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

6 Ways to Help Reduce Anxiety in Children with Autism

6 Ways to Help Reduce Anxiety in Children with Autism

Experiencing anxiety can be very challenging. It can affect your productivity, your health and even the smallest parts of your everyday life. If you have ever experienced this as an adult, you would realize that anxiety in children with autism can be more difficult. These special children are already dealing with a lot of difficulties in their daily routine and anxiety will surely add more to all of the trouble. With this, it is really imperative for parents, teachers and other individuals on know the effects of anxiety to kids with autism.

What are the links between autism and anxiety?

A study revealed that people with autism also experience anxiety. The challenge for parents is how to try to understand the overlapping characteristics of anxiety and autism. There are instances when the child would show different behaviours that will make you wonder if it is a symptom of the anxiety of it is only a part of the characteristics of a child with autism. They can be over stimulated, they can also harm themselves and they can have an outburst of emotion. For other children, they become so depended with schedules and they can withdraw from their usual circle.

Six Ways to Help Your Child with Anxiety

As parents, the first thing that we should be doing is to understand the triggers and the type of environment your child has. Start looking for information that will help you get a better perspective on the situation that your child has. After that, you can continue looking for the best ways to address the issue. To give you a head start, here are some ways on how you can help your child with anxiety:

  • Introduce Your Child to Music

Music therapists have proven that music is a great tool to help people with autism deal with anxiety. Music can help in dealing with sensory issues and behaviours. It can also increase or improve the child’s self-determination and self-reliance. Letting your child take music lessons can also improve their communication skills. Their music experiences will provide them with personal connections with the people around them. Letting them listen to music while they are working on something will surely increase their attention to what they are doing.

  • Yoga and Breathing Exercises

The sensory experience of children with autism is what makes them different from other people. Their response to new experiences is either fight or flight. They become suddenly active and they may experience some changes in the heart rate and this can start anxiety. With yoga, it would be easier for your child to learn to regulate his or her emotion. The child will learn the proper response to certain situations.

  • Art Therapy

There will be times when children with autism will channel their anxiety to some compulsive behaviour. They may show some problems communicating properly. When these behaviours become repetitive, you have to think of a way to channel these negative actions to something that can be productive. This is where art therapy comes in. Art promotes healthy ways to express oneself. With this, the child will be able to explore his or her emotions and transfer his or her energy into something beautiful.

  • Visual Schedules and Transitions

One of the problems that children with autism may experience that can lead to anxiety is transitioning. There are some activities that are not so appealing to them. With this, they will certainly have a hard time transitioning from a task they love to an activity that they find unappealing. To help with this, you can use visual presentations to make them feel interested. A photo of the next activity will help them visualize themselves doing it.

  • Know Your Child’s Signs of Distress

Another very important thing that parents should know is how to identify if their child is showing signs of anxiety. With this, you have to consider observing your kid’s daily activities and identify how their emotions change based on their situation. With this, you would know when to intervene.

  • Create a Safe Space to Calm Down or Regroup

A safe space is a contingency plan that will help you calm your child when he or she is feeling extremely anxious. You can prepare puzzles, bean bags or anything that will easily calm them down. However, you need to remember that safe spaces should not be treated as a regular option. It should only be used during extreme times.

Caring for children with autism may be difficult at times but it is completely worth it.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Author Bio:

Curtis Dean writes on behalf of Sage Music School where they base lessons on the science and research of the psychology of learning. Their effective teaching methods create confident and capable students who enjoy the happiness of making music.

Essential Sewing Tools for Dressmakers

Essential Sewing Tools for Dressmakers

To some people, dressmaking is a profession and some do it as their hobby. The professional dressmakers are generally called a seamstress, tailor, sewer, and alterations expert.

No matter what is your purpose of dressmaking – hobby or you are going to take it professionally you need to take the help of some essential sewing tools.

Among so many types of sewing tools, we have here classified the most essential sewing tools listed by Sew Kit Kit. This short but effective list will help you to pick up the right one for your work without wasting so much time.

Essential Sewing Tools to include into Sewer’s Toolbox

A sewer basically needs 4 types of sewing tools which include measuring tools, tracing tools, cutting tools, pinning and sewing tools.

Measuring Tools

  1. Hem Gauge

Hem gauge is 6-inch long measuring tool commonly used for hemming. They are also known as sewing gauge. To measure shot distances sewers use hem gauge.

  • Hip Curve

To make dresses you have to measure the size of the hip, neck, arm etc. And, the hip curve is a perfect tool for measuring these distances.

  • L-Square

Sometimes you may need to transfer measurements from the original pattern to the fabric you are going to sew and L-square is the measuring tool that will help you with this.

Tracing Tools

After measuring you need to trace the measured part to cut across it properly. Here is a short list of some common and cost-effective tracing tools:

  1. Tailor’s Chalk and Chalk Pencil

It is the most commonly used tracing tool of dressmakers. It is cheap and the marking can be easily brushed off after completing the work. The chalk pencil can become blunt after several usages and to make it sharp you can use a sharpener.

  • Tracing Wheel

Some tracing wheels are serrated and some are smooth. You can use a tracing wheel to create designs and lines easily.

  • Carbon Paper

To transfer any pattern or design from original fabric to the fabric you are working carbon paper is very convenient to use.

  • Water Erasable Pencil

These are a white pencil to mark on the dark fabric and you can easily remove the mark with water.

  • Marking Pens

You can also use marking pens for marking on the fabric. There are many types of marking pens are available and among them the most common include- vanishing marking pen, water erasable marking pen, and a permanent marking pen.

Cutting Tools

Now it is time to cut your fabric and you can use the following essential cutting tools to cut the fabric according to your measurement and design.

  1. Shear

Shears are cutting tool with a large blade that will cut across the fabric like butter. For easy and quick cutting every dressmaker includes this cutting tool in their toolbox.

  • Pinking Shear

Shears with a zigzag edge are known as pinking shear. Reveling is a common problem every sewer face during sewing. A pinking shear can eliminate this raveling problem.

  • Scissor

Scissors are very similar to shears but there is a little difference. Blade of the scissor is smaller than shears and they are used to cut patterns, stray threads, tapes and many more.

  • Rotary Cutter

A rotary cutter is very sharp and handy fabric cutter that will let you cut thick fabric like faux, felt, fur and vinyl smoothly.

  • Thread Snip

During making the dress you have to cut thread many times and a thread snip is a handy tool to cut thread.

  • Seam Ripper

A mistake can happen at any time and even a skilled dressmaker can do mistakes. A seam ripper is a tool that will help you to correct your mistakes without damaging the fabric.

  • Awl

Sometimes you may need to make a hole in the fabric and an awl is the cheaper and easy to use tool that will help you to make a hole.

Pinning and Sewing Tools

Now it is time to unite the cut piece of the fabric to make the dress and for this, you need the following essential sewing tools:

  1. Needles

Needles unite the cut fabric together when threaded. Whether you do hand sewing or machine sewing you need needles.

  • Threads

Threads are also fundamental sewing materials. Matching with the color of your dress the color of thread is chosen. Different type of fabric requires a different type of threads. Depending on the quality of the fabric you have to choose the thread quality.

  • Sewing Machine

To accelerate the progress of your sewing you must need a sewing machine. There are different types of sewing machine available in the market and they are different from one another with quality, price, working mechanism and so on.

Depending on your affordability and necessity choose one that will meet your need.

  • Pin and Pin Cushion

Pins are used for tacking. The most common pin types are dressmaker pins, glass head pins, and T shaped pins.

Pincushions are used for arranging pins and prevent them from running around so that you can find them easily when you need.

  • Thimble

You cannot do all types of sewing with a machine. Sometimes you may need to sew by hands. During hand sewing, a common problem is pinching. A thimble can protect your finger from getting pinched.

  • Iron

It is very natural for the fabrics to be wrinkled before, during or after the sewing. You can solve this problem by using an iron.


We never can deny the necessity of using dress. So, you can take this as your profession without worrying.  Dressmaking is a wonderful hobby also that makes you creative and helps to maintain good mental and physical health.

The enlisted essential sewing tools are considered as basic sewing tools that you just need to include your sewing toolkit to complete making a dress. Since different people need different tools according to their choice and needs we have kept some varieties so that you can easily find out the right one for you.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Top Reasons Why E-Cigarettes Are Good for Society

Top Reasons Why E-Cigarettes Are Good for Society

By Ethan C.

E-cigarettes have become very popular in the last decade. Many young people are embracing the habit because of peer pressure or because it is a healthier option. If you visit the web, you will find numerous articles discussing the benefits of e-cigarettes for individuals. Here are highlights illustrating possible reasons why the use of e-cigarettes is good for society.

Bringing People Together

Places that allow the use of e-cigarettes are usually crowded with people who want to enjoy vaping as they wind down with a drink or a meal. As people with similar interests in vaping meet, they socialize and develop friendships. Vaping is considered to be a trendy social hobby; many people who vape have confirmed this. So, if you are interested in making friends easily, check out places where vaping is popular.

Better for the Environment

The content of the vapor is determined by the ingredients of the e-juice. The vapor is healthier than the smoke from traditional cigarettes. Research shows that those who are exposed to second-hand vapor are in almost no danger. The base of the e-juice is either liquid glucose or propylene glycol and both are approved by food-related regulatory authorities. People, especially those who do not vape, have nothing to be afraid of when they see people vaping. This is why many parents are not worried when they see their teenagers vaping.

Appealing Flavors and Scents

If you visit, you will be impressed that they stock numerous e-juice flavors and fashionable vape pens. For now, we will focus our attention on the e-juice flavors. Most people who vape appreciate the appealing scents of e-juices and the vapor produced. Common flavors include fruit and flower flavors. These leave you with a pleasant smell unlike tobacco cigarettes, which smell awful. It is up to you to decide whether you want to smell good or bad.

Assist in Quitting Smoking

If you have been enslaved to smoking, you can now use e-cigarettes to quit smoking. Although the issue is controversial, the explanation makes sense in many ways. Some people have confirmed that they used e-cigarettes to quit smoking. The main reason for this is that a person can regulate and gradually reduce the nicotine level in e-juice. At a zero-nicotine level, it is very easy to quit since there is no trigger for addiction. Also, e-juices have no tar, which contributes to negative health effects.

Cost Savings

The tobacco industry makes millions of dollars every year. Traditional cigarettes are expensive especially for people who smoke on a daily basis. But with e-cigs, you can save a lot of money. First of all, there is less danger of addiction because of e-juice options with no nicotine or reduced nicotine levels. Secondly, the fact that an e-cig is a reusable device provides an opportunity to save money. E-juices are cheaper even if they must be purchased again after they are fully used.

These reasons illustrate that e-cigarettes are better for society than traditional cigarettes. You can find more information on the web to further evaluate whether e-cigarettes are for you.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.