Category Archives: ORGANIC HEALTH & HOME

How To Look After Your Health As You Grow Older

How To Look After Your Health As You Grow Older

Growing older is a fact of life. It may be a fact of life that you’re simply not ready to accept, but nevertheless, it’s one that we all have to deal with at some point. And there’s nothing wrong with growing old, you know? You get a lot more freedom to do what you want to do, with all of the wisdom that you wish you would have had when you were 21. Despite this, you do need to make sure that you’re looking after your health, and there are some ways to do so. We’ve noted down some top tips here!

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Stay fit

When you begin to get older, exercise seems more and more like something that you just don’t want to do. After all, you should be relaxing and enjoying your life now, after working for so many years. However, getting in some exercise, even if you just go for a walk, is vital if you want to be as active as possible in your later years.

You should be doing gentle stretching, weight-bearing exercises, and you should also be sure that you’re not just sitting in a chair for long periods of time. Even a walk to the supermarket, or a stroll around the park, will really help to keep you fighting fit as you grow older!

Look after your sight and hearing

As old age comes around, looking after your sight and hearing is one of the most important things to do. If you find that you can’t hear people talking to you in loud environments – and you would have in the past – then it’s a good idea to look into the best hearing aids for your particular situation, as this could dramatically affect your life.

Additionally, not being able to see as well as you used to may affect you as you grow older. If you’re straining your eyes when you’re trying to read, see the TV, or just generally when you’re out and about, you should visit an optician to see which glasses would help you. If you don’t, then this could also get worse!

Be sure to socialize

One mental health problem that many seniors face is that they slowly become more isolated. This could be for many reasons, but is largely attributed to lower activity levels, a loss of hearing or sight that makes socialising more difficult, or simply a feeling that you may be a burden to your friends and family members.

However, these things should not hold you back when it comes to maintaining your relationships, and forming new ones. There are plenty of people in older age out there, who find new hobbies, meet new people, and do all that they can to go out and have a good time. You don’t need to limit yourself, so seek some support if you’re finding that this is the case!

So, if you want to look after your health as you grow older, then keep these simple tips in mind, and you should be feeling great no matter how many candles are on your birthday cake!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Subtle Symptoms Of Serious Health Issues

Subtle Symptoms Of Serious Health Issues


In many cases, you will know when you’re ill. There may be aches and pains coming from within you, as well as sickness, skin problems, and persistent coughing. When these symptoms arise and cease to go away, you will hopefully then see your doctor for advice and support.

However, there are often subtle signs of ill health that we could choose to ignore. In some cases, there may be nothing wrong with us at all. On the other hand, if they persist, we should always seek the advice of a medical professional, as they may be symptomatic of serious health issues.

Consider the following.

#1: Bad breath

Okay, so you may just have eaten a piece of garlic bread, so it’s little wonder your breath isn’t as fresh as it could be. On the other hand, you might suffer from bad breath for another reason (and we aren’t just talking about any other foods you have just eaten). For one, it could be a dental-related issue, so you should see your dentist for advice on maintaining a healthy mouth. Alternatively, it could be symptomatic of more serious health concerns, such as diabetes, or a problem within your liver and kidney. So, after cutting down on your garlic intake, and after taking steps to protect your teeth and gums, see your doctor if the problem of bad breath persists.

#2: Tinnitus

Can you hear a ringing in your ear? If there is nobody playing bells in your vicinity, and your smartphone is decidedly silent, then you might well have tinnitus. Around 20% of people suffer from the problem, and while it might not be symptomatic of a health issue at all, it can still lead to health problems because of the stress and irritation it causes. However, it could be a symptom of an underlying condition, such as hearing loss or a problem within your circulatory system, so if you can’t shake those pesky ringing noises, see your audiologist for tinnitus testing. Even if there is nothing seriously wrong with your health, you will at least get guided support on how to manage the problem (as well as a better night’s sleep).

#3: Bloating

Many of us feel bloated after having a large dinner. It’s that sensation of feeling full in the abdomen, which can usually be alleviated by a short walk and a glass of water. However, if you feel bloated on a regular occasion, it could be symptomatic of a serious health condition, such as IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) or Crohn’s disease. Bloating might also be symptomatic of a gynecological condition, such as an ovarian cyst or endometriosis. Go and see your doctor for help if bloating is a constant problem for you, and check out the advice here on managing the everyday aspects of the feeling.

Final word

Today then, go and see your doctor, dentist, and audiologist, if you regularly experience the symptoms we have mentioned here. While there could be nothing wrong with you at all, you should still seek expert opinion on the off chance that you do have a more serious health condition.

Take care, and thanks for reading.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

5 Essential Health and Wellness Tips for Seniors

Photo via Pexels

5 Essential Health and Wellness Tips for Seniors

Our bodies go through many changes as we age, but this doesn’t mean we’re destined to live our senior years in poor health. If you are a senior or taking care of one, there are numerous preventative steps that seniors can take to avoid disease, prevent injury, and support the resilience of their mental health.

Whether they live independently or in a living center like the one at that offers multiple living and care services for active and less-active seniors, here are a few concrete ways seniors can discover greater well-being.

1. Take Advantage of Supplements

Due to natural changes in the body, seniors need fewer calories than younger adults — this can lead to nutrient deficiencies which negatively impact health, energy levels, and overall quality of life. Consider supplementing your diet with calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, potassium, magnesium, and omega-3’s to ensure you’re getting the nutrients you need to support your body and mind.

Seniors can also benefit from supplementing with Cannabidiol, or CBD oil. Research shows that CBD has several mental and physical health benefits, relieving anxiety, reducing inflammation, and easing chronic pain. Though this compound comes from cannabis, it is non-psychoactive and will not get you high. If you’re being held back by chronic pain, try supplementing with CBD oil instead of turning to addictive pain medication. Check out Remedy Review for a complete CBD oil buyer’s guide.

2. Use Technology to Stay Safe

Technology can help you stay connected to your loved ones and banish loneliness, but it can also help keep you safe. Seniors with mobility issues or weakness can reduce their risk of sustaining serious injuries at home with medical alert systems. This technology can be set up to automatically detect falls or allow you to contact your family members and medical professionals if you have an accident. Having this safety net available at all times can give you more independence and comfort in your own home, significantly improving your quality of life.

3. Consider Moving to The City

If you’re living out in the middle of nowhere, now is the time to think about moving into town. According to Business Insider, seniors move to cities for better public transportation, walkability, disability-friendly infrastructure, and proximity to healthcare centers. Being in the city also makes it easier for seniors to create social connections, staving off the problems with cognitive decline and heart disease that accompany prolonged loneliness.

4. Give Your Days Purpose

Many people in retirement struggle to find purpose in their lives. According to the Chicago Tribune, seniors who feel that they have long and short-term goals enjoy greater strength, less stress, and a general sense of well-being. Something as simple as caring for a pet, growing a garden, or volunteering in the community can add purpose to your days and help you feel fulfilled.

5. Exercise One Step at a Time

Everyone knows that exercise plays a crucial role in health, but many seniors find it difficult to exercise due to pain, disability or illness. Fortunately, there are plenty of senior-friendly workouts and aerobic activities you can try. You can even exercise from a chair! Walking is fairly easy for most people and provides several long-term benefits. If you haven’t walked in a while, start with 10-minute walks and increase these by 5 minutes every week. Once you’ve reached a comfortable walking session of 30 minutes, work on increasing your walking speed for greater health benefits. Just remember to take it slow and listen to your body. In the end, any amount of exercise is better than nothing.

It’s never too late to improve your health. Seniors can boost their quality of life by taking control over their mental and physical health. Though it can be extremely difficult to change established habits or make alterations to your comfortable routine, incorporating healthy activities into your day-to-day life will have a significant impact on how you feel in the long run.

​Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

Car Safety Tips

Car Safety Tips

When you’ve been driving for a while, it can be all too easy to fall into lazy habits. Waiting a bit too long to get your service done. Skipping out on getting that light on the dash sorted out. Perhaps not checking that the car seats are correctly fitted… an endless list maybe? Well, even if you have never been in an accident and in fact are an incredibly safe driver you still need to perform necessary safety checks on your vehicle. For example, how would you feel if your airbags didn’t deploy? Devastated.

So here are a few tips for you when it comes to car safety.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash


A correctly fitted seat belt will save your life most of the time. But the amount of people who don’t wear them correctly, or don’t fix twists in them is pretty high. The Traffic Highway Safety Administration says that 15,000 lives are saved each year just by a properly fitted seat belt. Don’t be tempted to tuck your seatbelt under your armpits, or avoid the crossbody strap. During a collision the seatbelt will spread to force across your body, protecting your vital organs and spinal cord.

Car Seat

Poorly fitted car seats can be deadly. If you haven’t read the manual, then you simply shouldn’t be driving with your children in the car. Each age range has a specially designed car seat that will be able to protect their bodies during an accident. They provide support and protection in a way that shouldn’t be underestimated. It is advised that children should remain rear-facing for as long as possible. There are height and weight limits that you should take into account to. If you are in doubt, then go to a specialist fitter.

Multitasking is Asking For Trouble

Sipping hot coffee, eating and hold the wheel with one hand, text, reaching in your bag… all of these things most people are guilty of. You are lucky that you haven’t had an accident due to this. Switch your phone notifications off, or active driving mode – so that you will not be disturbed and tempted to pick up your mobile phone. If you are hungry then pull over and eat, if you are thirsty then try to have a cup with a straw which requires less attention. If you feel distracted simply pull over when you can do so safely.

Bike Aware

Due to the speed and size of motorbikes, it is easy to miss them. If you are by a bike rider or cyclist, then make sure you give them enough room as your safely pass or provide them with enough room to move by you. When you are making turns, even on roads you know, you should ‘think twice, think bike’ and give a second look. Yes, this might frustrate drivers behind you, but it could be the reason you don’t hit a motorcyclist.

People Focus

More often than you would like to think, people will step out from behind cars, directly into the road. Be vigilant when you are in typically high foot traffic areas.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

The Dos And Don’ts Of Not Living With Your Kids

The Dos And Don’ts Of Not Living With Your Kids

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If you are now separated from your partner, you might find that it’s difficult to adjust to your new life. You might have had to find a new place to live, which could have proven to be very stressful on its own, but you might also now be living apart from your children. Some parents will find this a very upsetting situation to come to terms with, but it doesn’t always have to be bad. You will certainly be able to still see your children, and they might even be able to stay the weekends at yours.

To help you get used to living apart from your kids, here are some very useful dos and don’ts.

Do Know Your Rights

First of all, it might be necessary for you to know what your divorced father’s rights are. If you are a divorced mother who is living away from your kids, your rights will be very similar to those mentioned in the link. Unless you have shown some serious signs of neglect or of being a poor parent, then you will be allowed to see your kids on a regular basis. If you and your ex are still on good terms, you might want to agree to the kids spending so many nights at yours throughout the week. If you aren’t on good terms and your ex tries to keep you away from your kids, you should be within your legal rights to go to court and fight for better access.

Don’t Stop Paying Maintenance

You will be legally required to pay maintenance to your ex partner if the kids live with them for most of the time. In fact, even parents who don’t see their children are still obliged to pay for their maintenance. You must make sure that you make every payment on time otherwise you could end up being taken to court. If you do care for your children, though, I’m sure that you will be more than happy to pay this money to help support them.

Do Find A Support Network

If you do find that it is hard being separated from your kids for so long, you might find it really useful finding a support group. There are lots of these groups around the country that are made up of divorced or separated parents who no longer live with their kids. You will be able to offer each other help and advice. This is also a great way to meet some new friends who are in a similar situation to yourself.

Don’t Get Too Down About The Situation

It can be easy to start to feel very negative about your new life, but dwelling on this will  only make you feel much worse. Ideally, you should try to stay positive. At least you can be very happy about still being able to see your kids on a regular basis!

You will find that you adapt to this new life situation if you follow these dos and don’ts.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.