Category Archives: ORGANIC HEALTH & HOME

Swap Your Way to Radiant Skin

Swap Your Way to Radiant Skin

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Many of us strive for perfectly clear, radiantly glowing skin, but lots of us fall far short of the mark despite how many expensive skincare products we use. That’s because, although the right products can certainly help to improve your skin, it is often our lifestyles, and particularly what we eat, that determines how good or bad our skin looks from day to day.

The good news is, it’s possible to make a number of simple swaps to your life to achieve the radiant skin you’ve always wanted…

Swap Processed Foods for Whole Foods

I think we all know that highly processed foods are not the best for our health, especially eaten regularly in large quantities, but did you know that they’re really bad for your skin too? Most processed meals and snacks have a high-glycemic index, and this spikes the blood sugar, causing insulin to be released. When insulin reaches the bloodstream, it can get in the way of collagen production, and since collagen is what keeps our skin looking full, soft and supple, that can lead to dull, older looking skin.

Switching to a whole food diet that is rich in protein, slow-release carbs and vitamin-rich vegetables will ensure that you produce plenty of collagen and all of the nutrients you need to build protein, repair skin damage and get a healthy glow.

Swap Smoking for Vaping

Smoking is bad for your health, period. As well as causing cancer and heart disease, amongst other things, it can also make your skin look bad because those toxins that are released in the smoke are pretty harmful. If you smoke regularly, chances are you will age prematurely.

Luckily, companies like Blazed Vapes now offer an alternative in the form of electronic cigarettes, which don’t contain any of the nasties that threaten your health and your skin. Swap your usual pack of cigarettes for a vape pen and you should start to notice the difference pretty quick.

Swap Sugary Snacks for Fruit

Sadly, sugar is really bad for your skin. It can interrupt the production of collagen and elastin, which keep the skin supple. It can also give you a dull, dry complexion due to the fact it can spike blood sugar and cause inflammation.

If you really must have something naughty and sweet, then choosing snacks that have been sweetened with sugar alternatives like Stevia is a good choice. However, you’d be far better off eating a piece of fruit instead. Fruit does contain sugar, but it contains fiber and other vitamins and nutrients, which offset it’s negative effects too. Fruits also contain antioxidants, which improves the appearance, Vitamin C which is able to neutralise free radicals and keep skin looking youthful and even flavanols that plump the skin and help to minimise damage caused by sun exposure.

Swap Sun for Shade

It’s pretty obvious, but spending less time in the harsh light of the sun and more time in the shade is a great way to minimise skin damage and maintain fresh, radiant skin. Of course, some sun is good for us, so you shouldn’t dodge it completely, but when it’s really hot, hit the shade, and always wear sunscreen.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How To Learn More About Yourself

How To Learn More About Yourself


We often go through life being led by our emotions, or driven by our desires. We plan our lives based on what we might want or think is ‘right’ to do. We can often be led by circumstance and development, and the choices we make also dictate who we are. This article will not be some faux-helpful attempt to try and make you a ‘better’ person. We’re not here to judge you in any capacity. Instead, we’re here to try and help you become more actualized in yourself, giving you the tools to consider yourself.

Many of us can go through life feeling somewhat confused. We might find our identity through our passions, our craft, our responsibilities. But do we spend time deliberately finding out who we are? Not always. After all, much of life is making who you are, not finding it out for yourself. But some things you cannot change, and they all are valid when it comes to who you might be and how you might act. If you feel that this kind of inquiry interests you, considering yourself in the following ways could be a phenomenal approach:

Keep A Journal

A journal can tell you much more than you might have otherwise realized. There are many reasons as to why this is the case. When you have thoughts, they are usually quite pressing at the time. We all have our own ‘storylines’ we keep a hold of. But then, just like sand, these call fall through our fingers, and as we move onto the next thing we forget the minute details of our past. This is where keeping a journal can become one of the most brilliant methods of keeping in touch with your past self. Reach an entry you had written one year ago today, and you’ll likely see a completely different person. The content you apply to those pages isn’t for us to decide, only that you’ll see how your life has progressed since you started upholding said journal, and it will often humble you, and see just how far you’ve come.

Consider Your Needs

Learning from and listening to your body is one of the most important things you can do for your health. But instead of simply resting, drinking and eating when you need to, learning about your actual requirements can be achieved before you jump into yo-yo dieting, or trying the new ‘panacea’ health supplement. This excellent blogger review of a food sensitivity test results kit can show you just how learning about your dietary sensitivities, your needs and how you might react to many different food groups can revolutionize your diet, and instead of simply ‘trying’ diets you’ll have a better idea of what works for you. This way, you’ll be considering your needs with an objective understanding.


Challenge can shape us all. Often it’s not the result that we come to which is the biggest reward, but the lessons we learn on the way. Getting in shape, going for that promotion or even launching your own initiative can all be an excellent set of efforts to keep in mind, and if you do that, you’ll be much more likely to try and define yourself through action.

With these tips, you’re sure to learn more about yourself.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Preventing Hand Issues

Preventing Hand Issues

Hands are constantly being taken for granted. We use our hands for just about everything we do. So make sure to remember to give your hands a little TLC every day to prevent any long term issues.

Beautiful Hands

They say, a person’s face can hide their age, but the hands will never lie. That’s because hands are in and out of water. They are scarred and callous from heavy work. They are the one thing most people forget to put sunscreen on yet, they bask in the sun while driving. Using the wrong kind of moisturizer can actually dry hands out more than helping. Undernourished hands appear aged. Try using natural oils to hydrate by penetrating deep down into the layers of skin. Apply olive or coconut oil and wrap hands in plastic wrap for ten minutes to get nice, soft, glowy results. Using peanut butter on hands is also one of my favorites, but again, cover your hands with plastic or rubber gloves. You don’t want to make a mess.

Strong Hands

So you work with your hands, that should make then strong, right? In a sense, yes. But, forgetting to stretch and massage the hands can cause weakness. As a writer, I stretch my fingers everyday using a technique where I place my palms together and I spread and push my fingers together. Then, I workout my wrists in a circular motion. These exercises can prevent carpal tunnel. I also carry a lot of stress in my palms. I use a water bottle to dig into the tiny knots that form in the palm. The cool bottle helps with inflammation.

Cold Hands, Warm Heart

Although, that’s not accurate science. That’s what I tell people when I shake their hand. My hand temperature runs cool. However, it’s important to regulate your temp. I started to use cashmere writing gloves. They’re pretty sweet, actually. Writer’s fingers can get cold while the palms get sweaty. With fingerless writing gloves, the hand adapts, maintaining a balanced warm temperature. It’s best to keep hands on the warmer side when working with them. It’s better circulation, better sense of touch, and believe it or not, it’s usually less damaging if warm hands happen to get injured.

When it comes to hand care, prevention is best. Wear the correct gloves for the job at hand, no pun intended. Wash hands at all the appropriate times. Don’t overuse hand sanitizer. If you must use a lot of sanitizer, moisturize often. Take time out every day to massage your hands. If hands are feeling weak, squeeze a stress ball or a balled-up sock. If you’re not feeling relief, or you feel pain, let your doctor know. There’s plenty of help for joint health, nowadays. Our hands are connected to a lot in the body. It’s best to make sure nothing else like, arthritis is going on. And don’t forget, take some time out to pamper your hands every now and again. Get a mani or do a simple hand scrub and soak at home before cutting your nails.

Take care of your hands, so they can keep taking care of you for many years to come.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Finally Want To Make A Change To Your Health This Year?

Finally Want To Make A Change To Your Health This Year?

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We all want to be healthy – it’s ingrained in our very nature. After all, it’s the key to survival. But it’s about more than that. It’s about living a happy life. Still, finding the motivation to improve your lifestyle can be tough. You might observe others who live healthy lives and feel that their kind of lifestyles would be difficult for you to maintain. However, there are plenty of different ways to take care of your body and your mind. If you finally want to make a change to your health this year then the suggestions in this post should provide you with the guidance that you need.

Improve your eating habits.

If you finally want to make a change to your health this year then you should start by improving your eating habits. It can be hard to develop a healthy diet because there are so many food options in the modern world but it isn’t always clear which options are actually good for you. You should aim to avoid refined sugars and saturated fats. That doesn’t mean you have to avoid all treats, but you should have a moderated and balanced diet. You should consume more water than sugary soft drinks. Your goal is to maintain a healthy weight. Fill your diet with natural foods such as fruit, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. Those food groups will give you the nutrients you need.

Put a stop to unhealthy behaviour.

You also need to put a stop to unhealthy behaviour if you finally want to make a change to your health this year. The healthy habits you adopt won’t have the positive impact you desire if you keep up bad habits that negatively impact your mental and physical wellbeing. For instance, we talked about maintaining a healthy diet by reducing your intake of bad food as well as eating more greens. The same goes for things such as excessive alcohol consumption; many people consume vices in moderation, but you need to know when the occasional treat (such as a glass of wine in the evening) has become a little too frequent. If you’re trying to self-medicate because of physical pain then you might want to check out SHIPS Med. They can provide treatment for migraines and even chronic pain. You could put a stop to unhealthy behaviour by finding healthier ways to work through your struggles.

Take the importance of sleep seriously.

So few people fail to appreciate the importance of sleeping properly. However, this is the most important part of your day; it’s the time your body needs in order to restore its energy and get everything back in working order. Like a phone that reduces its functionality as it starts to run out of battery, your body and mind both fail to work at their optimal levels if you don’t get enough rest. Everybody knows this. You can feel the depletion in your energy levels as you try to face the day after a bad night’s sleep. But you might try to solve that with some caffeine or a cold shower.

Nevertheless, sleep deprivation can lead to other health problems that can’t be fixed with copious amounts of coffee. It can make you prone to colds and illnesses because it weakens your immune system. It can even slow your metabolism; so, your healthy diet might not have the effect you desire. Start sleeping properly and you’ll see an improvement in your overall wellbeing.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Tips For Feeling Healthier Over The Summer

Tips For Feeling Healthier Over The Summer

When it comes to the warmer months, there’s likely to be a lot more going on in regards to your social calendar. That possibly means more indulging in food and drink which can often leave us feeling pretty sluggish. So here are some tips for feeling healthier over the summer.

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Keep Hydrated

Water is the key to feeling hydrated, and it can actually have many other health benefits. By drinking a good amount of water each day, you’re giving that extra help towards flushing out the toxins and bad bacteria in your body. It can also help with your skin’s appearance because the skin cells need water in order to stay plump and glowy.

Nail Down A Sleep Routine

Sleep is very important to our bodies because it’s a time where we’re able to recover and repair ourselves from the day’s events. Nailing down your sleep routine is important to get your body relaxed and provide you with a more rested night’s sleep. Try avoiding your electronics an hour or so before and don’t bring them to bed with you. Avoid any sugary food or drink and caffeine too as this can end up with you feeling wired. That’s something you certainly don’t want to be feeling when going bed.

Try Alternatives

There are alternative medicines and treatments that you can have in order to help you feel healthier both on the inside and out. Things like cannabis pipes and CBD products have become more popular. Pilates and yoga are good for helping stretch and strengthen the body and vitamins in a tablet, or liquid form are something that many take on a daily basis in order to keep healthy.

Get Outdoors

This is the perfect opportunity for you to get fresh air in your lungs. Use the warmer weather as an excuse to get outdoors and to explore the area you live in. Either that or treat yourself to a holiday where you can do plenty of walking. The colder months can often restrict what we can do in the evenings and on the weekends. This can all contribute to feeling under the weather. So take advantage of the great parks or forests around you, perhaps take a friend or family member with you.

Eat Healthily

It can be easy to slip into an unhealthy diet, especially with all the extra social occasions you are invited to. However, it’s important to be strict with yourself sometimes and make a more healthier choice when picking out food from a menu or a drink from the bar. Make sure you are getting your breakfast each morning and start it right with a healthy option like eggs or yoghurt and fruit. Keep an eye on what your daily intake is and make sure you spend some time exercising.

So when it comes to summer, make sure you are looking after yourself in the best way to make the most out of these lovely warm months. Eat healthily, get outdoors and get plenty of rest.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.