Category Archives: ORGANIC HEALTH & HOME

How to Clean the Toaster. Tips in Action:

By Tia Cristy

Tips in Action: How to Clean the Toaster. burnt

It’s quite simple, your toaster is smelling burnt or you haven’t used it in awhile, so how do you clean a toaster? Cleaning products aren’t really the way to go, they can get the electric wet, leave a residue or just make your bread taste funny.

The easiest way to clean the toaster is to first, unplug it. Over the sink or trash can, shake all the crumbs out. Plug it back in, put it to the highest setting, and push the button down. If it’s a regular toaster, let it pop up on it’s own. If it’s a toaster over put the timer on for a couple minutes. Repeat process if necessary.

It’s the same concept of the oven or grill cleaning it’s self by burning off the grime.
Don’t forget to readjust the heat setting when done, so you have wonderfully toasted bread later.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!


Humidity Can Trigger Joint Pain.Tips on Triggers:

By Tia Cristy

Tips on Triggers: Humidity Can Trigger Joint Pain. Joint pain

You don’t need to know the complete science behind why humidity triggers joint pain, for those that have these issues just know how painful it can be, and wish it would stop. Some people take medication to help with joint pain and it still can be, not enough to relieve all the discomfort. Well you can’t stop the rain, but you can try to comfort your joints.

When the joints start to twinge, try a hot shower; letting hot water hit the muscles and joints can relax the area. The water from the shower is introducing a instant precipitation to your body instead of the pressure of humidity building in the air around you. This can bring much relief.

If you are still experiencing the pain, or unable to shower, try a heated compress on the joint. And for extra support and warmth around the joint, try a bandage wrap around the area for the day. Keep a bandage wrap in the car or at work in case it happens unexpectedly. Keeping the joint and muscles warm, can help in keeping the area relaxed.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!


Cleaning Bathroom Pipes Weekly, How and Why? Tips in Action:

By Tia Cristy

Tips in Action: Cleaning Bathroom Pipes Weekly, How and Why?

From our bodies to hygiene products, the bathroom pipes get full of oil. And, if you didn’t know this, you should never put oil and grease down the drain. But, in this case, it inevitable. oil

As a tip, put a grease fighting dish washing soap in the tub and sink drains when you clean your bathroom, or as a once a week regimen. Let it suds up and drain slowly.

This will help reduce that gross, gunky, buildup in those pipes with out having to use harsh chemicals to break down a clog all the time.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!


Is Auto Correct is Dumbing Us Down?

By Tia Cristy

Is Auto Correct is Dumbing Us Down?

"Young Fashionable Woman reading sms" by adamr
“Young Fashionable Woman reading sms” by adamr

Problem: I have been having problems with my assignments in class. It’s like I forget my elementary  basics when it comes to writing. You might laugh but, I blame it on my texting making me dumb.


Tip from Tia: The things we didn’t have to worry about, only a short decade ago.  Is Auto Correct is Dumbing Us Down? (see what I did there, ha!)

The truth is, auto correct is dumbing us down. Writing is a skill we learned. And just like any skill, if you don’t use it; you lose it. Sadly, it has become easier and acceptable to have auto correct on our reliable devices. It saves us time and people have gotten good at deciphering what we mean to say.

It’s been an age old question. Who is the better writer women or men?

Whether it be a man or woman writing, write with skill and intent. Both men and women have strong points in writing.

Some interesting findings from the infographic at Grammarly showed

  •        Women are almost twice as likely than men to spend time on character development.
  •        Men are more likely to write short and straightforward sentences.

Just like any skill, you must remember to practice. And, when it comes to class assignments and the workforce, proper grammar and spelling is thought to reflect your intelligence. I found It’s acceptable and helpful to use resources like spell check and sites like Grammarly.

The brain is a muscle. Remember to exercise it!

Tia and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!

How to get stuck chewing gum out of hair.


Hi Tia, my mom says I can’t chew gum anymore, because I keep getting it in my hair, and she has to cut it out, and I cry. She says there is something to get gum out of my hair, but she doesn’t remember. What is it? Kelly, 6 and Mom gum in hair

Tip from Tia:

I understand entirely. It takes a creative individual to get their own gum stuck in their own hair. I was a champ at doing that myself when I was your age. Tell your mom it’s alright; Tia can help. And, the best part is your mom can make you do this by yourself.

The best way to get gum out of hair is by using peanut butter. First, get the gum covered section by itself. Then, you want to put a good amount of peanut butter on the gum to cover it completely. You will rub it into the covered strands and the gum will start to crumble.

Oils Breakdown

The oil from the peanut butter will make the gum breakdown and lose its stick. The gum itself will start to ball up and fall out or be easily able to be pulled out. If the gum is still tacky apply more peanut butter to that area until all the gum is completely out. It may take a little while, so have patience.

Wash Up

Child playing

Once the gum is out, wash your hair. The oil from the peanut butter will also leave your hair in a beautiful, silky condition.

Remove Gum from Materials

This process can work on clothes too, except it can leave an oil stain on the material. I recommend if you are going to use peanut butter on
fabrics wash out with a grease fighting soap or a dish washing foam. This should help with removing the oil from the fabric.

You can now chew gum, without the fear of the scissors or a buzz cut. After you do this yourself once or twice, lesson is usually learned; the
gum will stay in the mouth or make it to the trash when you’re done with it.   

Tia, and is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow-on Twitter or Instagram.