Category Archives: ORGANIC HEALTH & HOME

Unusual Ways To Relieve Stress

Unusual Ways To Relieve Stress

Stress might be invisible, but it can cause damage to people as if it were a physical ailment. Feeling stressed isn’t nice, and going through some of the physical changes that it can present isn’t nice, either. You could lose your appetite, feel tired all the time, struggle to sleep, want to eat even more, lost your hair – the list goes on. The body responds to stress in different ways, and people deal with it in different ways.


However, you may want some new methods of relieving stress that you haven’t heard of before.     Here are some unusual ways of relieving stress that you might find interesting!



Sitting around ‘doing nothing’ might seem strange when you feel stressed, but meditation is so much more than that. If you haven’t tried it yet, download an app and see if you can carve 10 minutes out of your day to do it. You’ll relieve stress in general, feel happier, and have more clarity to deal with the issues on your plate. Meditation is one of the best possible ways to deal with a variety of issues. Try meditation before you try medication!


Wear Aromatherapy Jewelry

Essential oils and aromatherapy are an effective way to feel better. You can use a diffuser in your home to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy, but what about when you’re not at home? Enter: aromatherapy jewelry. You can now wear your aromatherapy on your wrist or around your neck so that you can enjoy the benefits of your favorite oils wherever you go.




Spend Time With Animals

Spending time with animals is a great way to feel better. If you have your own pet, that’s great; spend some time petting them and playing with them and you should find your life feels brighter pretty soon. However, you don’t even have to have your own pets. You can learn more about emotional support animals and get an idea of what they do for people.


Use A Pink Himalayan Salt Lamp

Having a pink Himalayan salt lamp in every room might seem excessive, but it’s a great way to give each room a relaxing glow and relieve stress thanks to the benefits of the lamp. The lamp creates a healthier atmosphere wherever it is placed, and lifts moods almost instantly.


Scream Into A Pillow

Maybe what you really need to do is let all of the stress out. Grab a pillow and scream as much as you like into it (so you don’t alert the neighbors). Punch it and kick it a bit too – go for it! If you don’t want to do it at home, you could always find a nice secluded spot and scream there instead.


Break Some Plates

There are places you can actually visit now to throw plates. Imagine how good that will feel when you’re stressed out! Throw as many as you like and get all of that stress out before you leave.


What do you think of these unusual ways to relieve stress? Are there any that jump out at you that you want to immediately try? Leave your thoughts below!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.


Tips for Designing and Decorating Your Granny Flat

By Guest Blogger, Derek L.

Tips for Designing and Decorating Your Granny Flat

Name aside, granny flats are not just for the elderly. This is an excellent way to add extra living or storage space and even create a home away from home. These relatively small enclosures (depends how you build and design it) can serve as study rooms if you need to get away from the noise in the house, private area for your children, and you can even offer them for rent on websites like Airbnb.

However, the extent of your granny flat use depends solely on how you design and furnish it. Of course, you cannot rent a space without a kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, etc. and you cannot have a study room without a table, sofa, and so on.

But don’t worry; that is why we are here. Today, we will talk about the best design ideas and tips for setting up your granny flat. So, let’s begin.

Embrace minimalism

Out of all types of living spaces, granny flats would benefit the most out of taking the minimalistic approach. As you probably already know, granny flats are not spacious by default. In fact, most of their designs are centered around making the most out of the smallest spaces.

So, don’t overburden your granny flat with unnecessary cabinetry, furniture and decorations. Instead, focus on the things you absolutely need. This way, your flat will appear bigger and more spacious, even if it has 30 square meters only.

Think outside of the box

Next, when designing your granny flat, you need to think outside of the box. Some design solutions that work in regular-sized households may not be as effective in smaller living spaces as are granny flats. So, you will have to come up with clever storage solutions and smart uses of space to maximise the efficiency. But if you are not a thinker, you can always research some granny flat trends.

For example, sky domes are the biggest hit among Australians right now. According to professional granny flat builders in Sydney, this is one of the most sought-after features. If you opt-in for this solution, your granny flat will use less energy for lights, as well as be more environmentally friendly. This type unconventional and green design solutions are extremely popular with the granny flat builders from all over the world.

Bathroom essentials only

Designing a bathroom for a granny flat is one of the trickiest things you will have to do. Bathrooms are an essential part of every living space, but unfortunately, they are large and take a lot of space. Therefore, you will have to build it as barebones as possible.

That means installing a shower, toilet, sink, and a small cabinet, nothing more. People often try to build their granny flat bathrooms as the ones in their regular homes, but that is not their purpose. Bathtubs, floor-to-ceiling mirrors, massive wardrobes, etc. are not necessary. After all, the space you save from bathroom, you can add to the living room of your granny flat.

Build a small cooking station

Finally, you need to design a compact kitchen for your granny flat. The same principles that apply to bathrooms, apply to kitchens as well. So, keep it simple and install kitchen essentials only like a sink, small workstation, and a stove. If you need more inspiration for designing your cooking station, we recommend checking out some trends from the tiny house community. These people have mastered the use of space, and their kitchens are as beautiful as they are effective.

As you can see, designing a granny flat is not an impossible task. Sure, you will have to think unconventionally and abandon some commodities that come with regular houses, but luxury is not a part of their M.O. With that said, if you follow these tips, put in some effort, and get creative, you could create a fantastic living space from your granny flat.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How To Recover From An Accident At Home

How To Recover From An Accident At Home

Image Source Pixabay

If you’ve found yourself to be in a serious accident, this is always a scary time in your life where you reflect on all the things that are most important to you. Regardless of what actually happened – you’ve been hurt, and that not only takes its toll on your body physically, but mentally too. Going through a difficult experience can be hard on the mind. You may find that your outlook on things has changed, or you’re finding it tough to deal with exactly what has happened, and how your life may have changed, whether it be for a few weeks, months, or even permanently. With this, you may start to fall down a slippery slope and end up depressed, not knowing how to climb back out again.


This is why it’s so important that you take the time to recover properly once you’re home.

Here’s what you need to do.

Ask for help

There is nothing wrong with asking for some help – it doesn’t make you any less of a person. Understandably you may not be able to do certain things by yourself right now, let alone try vacuuming the home. So don’t be afraid to call a friend or family member to help you out. This might be things like cleaning, washing clothes, or even doing your grocery shopping for you until you feel ready to venture out of the house yourself.

Doing this will also provide you with a bit of company, and that is always important. You should also seek the help of experts to facilitate your recovery. This could be a lawyer to help you get the settlement you deserve, a worker’s compensation advocate to help you recover lost wages from an accident at work, or you can talk to trucking experts who are skilled at giving evidence as witnesses in accidents involving trucks.

Install the aid   

No matter what your injury may be, you may realise that you can’t do things that you once could, whether that means walking up and down your stairs, or finding a comfortable position when sitting down. Your sofa might not be the best thing for your body right now because it doesn’t give you the necessary support it needs. If this is the case, you will want to look at Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare and see what products are available that will make things a lot easier for you around the home until you get better.

Speak to someone

You might be feeling as though you’re alone, or you’ve lost the purpose you once had because things have changed. If you’re low within yourself then it’s important that you reach out and talk to someone. It may be the last thing that you feel like doing, but you need to keep your mental health just as looked after as your physical. Make an appointment with your doctor and tell them how you’re feeling. They will be able to advise you on the best things for you, like having weekly therapy to teach you new techniques for dealing with how you feel.


Now you have a few ideas, make sure you bear them in mind. You should also try and get out of the house when you feel up to it because being stuck within four walls is never good if you already feel rather down.

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

Ways to Enhance Your Concentration

By Guest Blogger, Diana S.

Ways to Enhance Your Concentration


You have a deadline and you really need to work, but the busy Sydney streets are screaming at you from outside your window, you can’t get that scene from your favorite TV show out of your head and then, just when you clear your mind and finally focus on your assignment, somebody comes in with a question. There goes your concentration, leaving you frustrated and in panic. But, is there a way to enhance your concentration? Yes, there is. Here are some ways to do it.

Be rested

If you don’t get enough sleep, or if your sleep isn’t calming and restful, your thoughts can become scattered and focusing on anything might prove to be next to impossible. Establish a quality sleeping routine, which will include going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, sleeping on a comfortable bed and in a place that you find relaxing. If you don’t sleep enough during the night, try having at least a short nap during the day, in order to energize and concentrate more easily.

Eat well

Never skip meals, especially breakfast, since hunger can be your concentration’s greatest enemy. Your meals should be a healthy balance between proteins and carbohydrates, loaded with nutrients. Your body needs vitamins and minerals to maximize brain function, as well as water to remain hydrated, since dehydration can lower your concentration. However, overeating can cause discomfort and drowsiness, so avoid eating too much.

Take breaks

Trying to stay focused on one thing for a long time can be tiring and can even make you nervous. After a while, your brain’s processing abilities will decline, and your concentration along with it. Therefore, make a schedule for each task or each working day, one which will include several breaks. Taking an hourly short break can help you get your focus back and make you feel refreshed and alert. Use these breaks to have a healthy snack, take a nap or phone your friend for a quick chat.

Listen to music

Other than making you feel relaxed and boosting your mood, music can also improve your concentration. Certain types of music affect the parts of the brain related to paying attention and memory update, while others calm you down and help with anxiety. Find the music that makes you productive and helps you concentrate, invest in the best noise-cancelling headphones Sydney can offer and get back to work.

Exercise your body and mind

Physical exercise can get you into shape and improve your overall health, including your mind. If you’re unhealthy and physically inactive, you mood worsens and you feel worn down, which can make it very hard to focus. A daily workout can help you concentrate since it improves your circulation, and blood flow to the brain. It can be something as simple as a walk on the beach or a bicycle ride to and from work. And if physical exercise isn’t enough, you can also exercise your mind. Read a good book, do some crossword puzzles or Sudoku, or have a stimulating conversation during your lunch break to improve memory and concentration.

Remove distractions

Sometimes the loss of concentration is caused by outside factors, such as noise from the traffic outside or your colleagues’ squeaky voice and laughter. If you have your own office, closing the window or the door might be all it takes to regain your peace and quiet and avoid distractions. If not, try isolating yourself in another way, like using earplugs. Log out of your social networks accounts and turn your phone to silent mode if possible. However, if you need your phone and the social networks for work, you need to learn to ignore these specific distractions, disregard them and stay focused on your task.

Avoid multitasking

Jumping to a new project without finishing the previous one can be confusing and lead your brain to think it’s OK to switch focus from one topic to another, which in return can lower your concentration. If you start doing several things at the same time, you’ll be giving each of those things only partial attention, which can cause you to achieve less and make mistakes you wouldn’t make if you were completely focused on a single task. In order to improve your concentration, stick to a task until you finish it, and then make a short mental break before starting the next one.

Although it takes effort and time to concentrate properly, it’s not an impossible task. All it sometimes takes is to challenge your brain to stay focused on a single task for just a bit longer than the previous time. So, do what you can to stay healthy and sharp and your problem might just disappear.


 Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Mood Swings and Your Health

By Tia Cristy

Mood Swings and Your Health

Sometimes we all get grumpy, sad, mad, depressed, etc., but when is it time to get concerned about your mood swings? Are you quick to get angry? Do you have instant irritation when driving anytime you get behind the wheel? Maybe you’re dealing with intense anxiety? Are you sad in moments of quietness? Do you feel lonely all the time? Do you get really high highs and then get pummeled by the lowest of lows? What about feeling indifferent about everything?

Recognize Your Moods

Admitting to yourself when you are actually feeling some sense of negativity will help you recognize how frequently its happening. High-stress in the work place or home can cause moods to fluctuate, but we must take control of our mental health before it can snowball into a large issue. Once you become aware of the frequency of your bad mood, then you’ll be able to tackle what is causing your mood.

Pinpoint Your Stressor

Nobody enjoys traffic, but guess what, we’ve all dealt with it at one point or another, but most folks don’t allow their blood pressure to increase to dangerous levels. Let’s be honest, getting angry to the point of seeing red over anything isn’t acceptable. It’s best to try to pinpoint what is causing the stress so you can cure the problem, not just treat the symptom. Are you stressed at work? How’s the home life? Is money the root to all your stress? Do you feel pushed to your max? Do you feel underappreciated? It all happens at one point or another because we are human. But here’s what you need to do when it does happen… change your mindset. The saying I like the best is… ‘Fake it till you make it’. Remember to tell yourself, and others, life is good. Soon you will begin to believe everything is great. When anger or sadness comes on quickly, quickly change your sights to the beautiful day or maybe give yourself some self-appreciation.

Mental Health Checkups

Staying on top of your mental health is so important. Do you know that stress can fire-off inappropriate neurotransmitters in the brain, which releases chemicals preparing you face a lion, instead of your Tuesday morning meeting? Sadly, this reaction results in misfires in the brain. These misfires can cause damage if not stopped. So, what stops misfires? The simple answer… handling stress before you stress. But here’s a few things that can help.

  • Talking to an online professional is a great way to work on your mental health and release stress.
  • Start a daily exercise routine to expel the pinned up emotions.
  • Learning meditation is an amazing way to keep your mind healthy, as well as your body.
  • Getting more essential amino acids in your diet though food or supplements can change and reverse negative brain function.
  • Make sure you are getting your B vitamins—Especially for those that are gluten-free or on another specialty diet. (Remember to always consult your primary physician before starting any supplements and vitamins.) B Vitamins are powerful food for the brain!

Overall Health Can Cause Mood Swings

So you’ve tried meditation, started eating cleaner and found yourself a great therapist, but the moods haven’t improved. It’s time to talk to your doctor. Moods can certainly be a symptom of something else going on in your body. It doesn’t always mean it’s something serious since it’s known that seasonal allergies can actually cause mood swings, but it’s best to find out what could possibly be the culprit behind your mental disruptions. If your or anyone you know is dealing with depression or mental health issues, it’s important to know that you are not alone. There is help. Reach out to a family member, friend, colleague or talk to a professional, please.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.