Category Archives: FOR THE GUYS

Your Hair is Starting to Thin Out: What You Can Do

Your Hair is Starting to Thin Out: What You Can Do

It can be crippling for your confidence to look in the mirror and notice that you are going bald. Hair loss is something that a lot of people fear, both men and women alike. You will find that it is almost an inevitable experience for humans to experience, but many negative connotations and insulting jokes are surrounding the condition.

Studies show that hair loss is a universal event that could happen to anyone, with some people experiencing it before reaching 21 years old.

You might end up emotionally crushed knowing that you will be taking many bald head humor-related jokes that could hurt your feelings, leading to a loss of self-confidence. However, you will find that it is never too late to act on it with the many medical advancements available today. If you notice that your hair is starting to thin out, here are the steps you need to take.

Determine the Cause

Many of your friends will joke about your hair loss problems, but you will find that they will also help you understand why it is happening to you. It can be an alarming event when they notice that potential bald spots are surfacing, which will make them think about their lifestyle decisions. Stress management, food choices, and genetics will pop up as the usual reasons. However, you have to confirm with professionals to prevent the condition from getting worse.

Fortunately, you can consult with a dermatologist to help you identify the root of your hair problems. It can be a combination of things in your lifestyle and genetics, but it can also be your hair products. The diagnosis allows you to find the most effective treatment. It will prevent the problem from getting worse, but dedicating yourself to those solutions will become a necessary part of your life.

Make Sacrifices

Treatment will be necessary when you confirm that you are suffering from hair loss, but you will have to find other ways to assist those medical visits. Your entire lifestyle might end up changing drastically because of the condition, starting with your eating habits. Your diet might not be ideal for your health, which could be affecting your scalp. Try to consume a diet containing vegetables and herbs, which will slow down the condition’s progress. Protein and Vitamin A will also be critical for your efforts, keeping your scalp healthier and reducing the risk of hair loss.

Supplements will also be necessary. You will find that Vitamin D and ginseng can aid your quest in preventing baldness, making it critical parts of your home remedies.

Speaking of remedies, you will find that hair care will also be a necessary part of your journey. Regular washing is a no-brainer, while coconut oil and other essential oils should find their way into your routine. Your usual shampoo products might be causing the problem, so you will have to remove them from your grocery list.

Those sacrifices to your lifestyle will be challenging, especially when you feel used to them. However, it is the necessary step to ensure that you can recover from the condition.

Consider Transplantation

Unfortunately, you might be at the stage where baldness is inevitable. This situation is where your friends might throw bald-related humor and insults at you, eating away at your confidence. Fortunately, medical advancements provide you with potential solutions. Medications like minoxidil and finasteride can provide treatment for your hair. However, you will have to consult with your dermatologist on the proper dosage and use.

Transplantation is also available, as well as laser and light treatments. You will also find hair loss treatment experts that provide innovative men’s hair replacement systems to ensure you no longer have to worry about carrying bald spots. If you find it challenging to undergo surgical treatment, wearing a hat or other headgears can cover up the area.

Embrace the Change

Unfortunately, it can be challenging to find a permanent solution to hair loss. Even if you do manage to commit to the lifestyle changes that allow recovery, you might end up experiencing the condition at a later age. Hats are also temporary solutions that might not be advisable to use in particular areas like the office. During your journey, you will have to embrace the change to ensure that your self-confidence will not falter. Accepting the situation can prevent hair loss from crippling your self-esteem, which might be your reason for actively seeking treatment.

Society has to realize that baldness affects almost every aging person, particularly men. However, it does not mean you cannot do anything about them in the meantime.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

5 Budget-Friendly Upgrades To Pimp Your Ride

5 Budget-Friendly Upgrades To Pimp Your Ride

Your car does more for you than just take you from one place to another. It offers, in numerous ways, a reflection of who you are. Unfortunately, Xzibit and his entourage aren’t in the business of surprising car owners with a grand opportunity to upgrade cars anymore. Also, pimping your ride can be a relatively expensive project to embark on. Luckily, there are a couple of ways you can pimp your ride without breaking the bank! Here are a few budget-friendly upgrades to transform your car. 

1. Install a tinting film 

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Installing a tinting film to your car windows can give your car a whole look and feel! Your dark tinted car windows add a sense of class and style to your vehicle, regardless of the make or its age. However, the benefits of tinting don’t end there. Installing a tinting film protects your car interior and your skin from harsh UV rays, which may cause damage. It also provides privacy and security as it prevents prying eyes from seeing into the vehicle. You can visit Bravo Protection Products at to make inquiries and have your car windows tinted today.

2. Upgrade the sound system

Do you want to make a grand entrance? Or perhaps you would like to make trips in your car better with some good music? Then you should consider giving your car’s sound system an upgrade. An upgraded car sound system would give you advanced features and allow you to customize your entertainment. Many of the car sound systems available on the market today give users the chance to choose and connect their preferred source directly to the car. Using BlueTooth pairing, for example, you can connect your laptop, tablet, or mobile phone to play your sweet tunes. 

3. Add LED lights

Having extra lights around or in your car is an affordable yet effective way to pimp your ride! There are several LED lighting packages you can choose from to give your car a futuristic look. You can choose to install a headlamp halo or undercarriage light effects to give your car’s exterior a unique upgrade, bound to get a lot of attention on the road. Although you may already have interior lights, you may not use them as much. However, installing an LED dome or strip lighting would give your vehicle a different atmosphere and a unique style. There are various colors for you to choose from to create the look you want.

4. Upgrade the rims

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Your car’s factory rims are only for function and do not add to the style. But, you can change that by upgrading to rims that can do both! Give your car an aesthetic appeal by replacing your old rims with new ones made of chrome, alloy, and aluminum. There are also several colors, patterns, and finishes to choose from, all at an affordable price.

These four upgrades should make the car one you would be proud to drive without incurring high costs! 

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Key Grooming Areas That Every Man Should Maintain

Key Grooming Areas That Every Man Should Maintain

Self-care and grooming are an essential aspect of people’s lives as it makes them presentable and prepares you for the day’s rigors. For men, this may sound pretty straightforward. But beyond the clothes and appearance, men want to project their image onto the world around them. So it is easy to find a clean-shaven man in a three-piece suit on a Monday morning but the same man with a beard stubble just three days later on vacation. This article will discuss some key grooming areas for men.


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For the average man, shaving can be quite a dilemma. Depending on how you want to look and your job demands, you may decide to go clean-shaven or grow a beard. But whichever you choose to go with, you will have to keep up the appearance—going clean-shaven means that you will have to use a razor every morning. The best time to shave is after taking a shower, and your stubble is warm; it is easier to cut. However, you have to deal with razor burn. Though keeping a beard requires some attention, you do not have to keep at it every day. Additionally, there are several beard maintenance tips for every type of beard, so just find what works for you, and you are good to go.


How you wear your hair is an extension of yourself. Whether short and cropped or long and flowing, you need to take good care of your hair. The first thing to do is to have a good barber or hair technician/stylist who will take care of or treat your hair and give you sound advice on how to maintain it. You should also consider the type of hairstyle that will suit your face. Also, choose hair products that are suitable for your hair.


The skin covers the whole body, and it needs to be nourished and taken care of properly. Many daily activities put pressure on the skin, and before long, it deteriorates due to contact with the elements, chemicals, and others. Your diet also affects your skin, so you should really mind what you eat. Try using chemical-free cleansers to wipe your face and neck at least once a day. It is also advisable to use an oil-free lotion with SPF 15 or higher to keep the skin hydrated and safe from the sun’s harmful rays. As much as possible, get rid of dead skin cells so that the new skin cells can glow and have your skin looking supple.


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The nails on your fingers and toes can harbor germs that are harmful to your health. You need to frequently trim your fingernails, in particular, as they grow up to three times faster than the toenails. Aside from the health reasons, having dirty or unkempt nails is not a pretty sight. Having good clean nails is a sign of good personal hygiene.

Good grooming starts with good personal hygiene. So, in addition to these, make sure you practice good personal hygiene such as brushing your teeth at least twice a day, bathing regularly, and eating well.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Hair Loss: 4 Ways You Can Support Your Man

Hair Loss: 4 Ways You Can Support Your Man

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Most guys don’t know this, but hair loss can start as early as the late teens in men. As his partner, it’s your job to help your guy through this difficult transition, especially if he’s taking it poorly. Plus, you want him to look his best, in the same way, that your beau does for you. 

Of course, it’s often easy to do more harm than good when you’re trying to lend a hand. This is particularly true if he’s touchy about the subject. So, what can you do to show your support? Here are four options for women.

Show Him He’s Not Alone

Although the research is out there, it’s tempting for people to deal with their issues the old-fashioned way – ignoring it! Men aren’t the best at dealing with emotions, so there’s a chance your guy is doing this to try and cope. Therefore, proving that he isn’t the only person going through the process is a step in the right direction as it removes the stigma and embarrassment. You can tell him that 66% of men are affected by hair loss by the time they reach 35, according to Healthline. That way, he shouldn’t feel as isolated.

Help Him Protect What He’s Got

The best form of defense is to protect what hair he has left since it won’t grow back without some form of invasive surgery. With that in mind, you can buy hair loss-related presents to encourage him to take better care of his follicles. My Hair has a kit that is very popular because it’s designed to target the main problems, such as dandruff and protein deficiency. Alternatively, Alpecin is a German-engineered shampoo that helps the scalp absorb caffeine and boost hair follicles.

Focus On Stress

When something plays on a person’s mind, the negative emotions won’t go away until the stress dissipates. Hair loss in men can lead to high levels of cortisol, which then encourages poor mental health. Thankfully, loved ones have the power to reduce tension by taking their minds off their issues. Doing activities he enjoys, such as walking, could be the answer as you can pick a secluded spot where he doesn’t have to worry about his appearance and forget about life for a bit.

Let Him Know You Love Him

Showing how much you care can be the difference between men coming to terms with their hairline and pushing the feelings even deeper down. It’s not only about love, either, but attraction. Losing hair makes guys feel as if they aren’t as good-looking or desirable, which leads to inadequacy and low self-esteem. So, as well as showing him that you care, you should talk about the attractive personality traits that you’ll love, regardless of how he looks. Outlining them should help your man to see there’s more to life than looks.

The key is not to push him. You should support him however you can, but he needs to take the lead and open up about his thoughts and feelings.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How To Get Your Guy To Always Look His Best

How To Get Your Guy To Always Look His Best

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Picture the scene: It’s date night, and you have spent the day getting yourself ready for the special evening ahead with your guy. You have taken a shower, organized your evening wear, and carefully applied your beauty products. You’re good to go. 

Your partner on the other hand…

If he isn’t looking his best, perhaps because he hasn’t made the effort, you’re going to be pretty upset! This might even taint your date night, as you might be a little angry and embarrassed if he hasn’t bothered to care about his appearance. 

So, how can you make sure he always looks his best in the future?

#1: Buy nice clothes for him

Some guys prefer to do their own clothes shopping, but there are also those who are content to wear whatever they have owned for the last ‘x’ number of years. If it’s a case of the latter with your guy, it might be that you should gift him nice clothes occasionally, perhaps on his birthday, at Christmas, or on any random occasion. You do need to be careful. of course. You will need to know his size, and you will need to know what he is likely to wear, as you might make matters worse if you buy something ill-fitting and against his taste. But if you do your homework first, you should be able to buy him something that looks good, and as it’s a gift, he might be more likely to wear it. 

#2: Add items to your supermarket basket

When you’re out shopping, look for the best deodorants for your guy if you know he doesn’t have any. And look for the right shampoos for your guy too, and even the best oil-based pomade if you know he would benefit. When he has the right products at home, he will be more likely to use them, even if you do need to point him in the right direction occasionally. So, consider what he is short of and unlikely to buy himself, and add them to your supermarket basket. 

#3: Compliment him when he does make the effort

We all like to be complimented, so when he does do something to make the effort with his appearance, let him know how good he looks. This form of encouragement might make him make more of an effort again in the future, not only because he knows he looks good, but because he knows it makes you happy too.

#4: Gently educate him

Some guys want to look good but they don’t know how to do it. They might be clueless when it comes to choosing their own wardrobe, and they might not know the first thing about hair or skincare. So, direct him to fashion sites where he will pick up a few top tips, and bookmark any articles you find, such as our post on men’s skincare. Maybe look for a few YouTube tutorials too, but in all that you do, don’t force these things on him. Simply encourage him to take a look in his own time, without making a big deal about it. This way, he won’t feel as if you are nagging him in any way.

With these tips, your guy should (hopefully) look his best the next time you’re out together! Leave a comment below if you have any other advice for our readers.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.