Category Archives: FOR THE GUYS

Real Men Dating “Lesson 1”

Guest Blogger and Musician, Cy Bryon

“Lesson 1”
To all you Fu@kBoys that are causing women to think chivalry is dead and good guys don’t exist,

If you think this Feb 14th is just a date… If you think birthdays and anniversaries are nothing special than just another year…

Love isn’t remembering to get flowers and a card the day b4 and being proud you made a last ditch effort.


It’s called appreciation.

Tell her that instead of buying something just once. Money can’t touch the feeling left inside her mind when she knows she’s appreciated. I’ll help ya out real quick, Don’t tell her she’s pretty. Instead, tell her how conversations with her can keep you awake all night with intrigue. Tell her how her scent captivates you like freshly brewed coffee. Tell her that she is enough even if others are wanting her to feel otherwise. Tell her how she makes silence look gorgeous and tell her how she makes everything worth the efforts. Don’t tell her she’s pretty, tell her you appreciate she exists. !!!!!!!!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

A New Hierarchy Of Needs

A New Hierarchy Of Needs

Are you where you always wanted to be, but still unhappy? Meeting your goals and still facing dissatisfaction can be tough. Where do you go from there? The strange thing about happiness is that it doesn’t fall on one factor. When you focus on getting everything right with one aspect of your life, you can neglect others. As Maslow’s hierarchy of needs can teach us, satisfaction doesn’t come from one thing. There are a few things to get right before we say we’re happy. Even then, you may find that happiness is more elusive than you thought. But, it’s a start, right?

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You can’t find success in the complex aspects of life if you haven’t got the basics right. Food and shelter is at the bottom of Maslow’s lists. If you haven’t got those, the rest of your efforts could go to waste! But, having a roof over your head isn’t enough. What Maslow failed to consider is that you won’t be happy with your home until you have it the way you want it. So, get started making a home you can be happy in. Whether you need a Kitchen refurb, or a complete redecoration, get to work. Think, too, about the furniture you buy. If you’ve put no effort into your choices, you’re less likely to be happy with the results. Buying furniture you love will add to the sense of satisfaction and make the home your own!


Even the perfect home won’t solve your blues if you’ve got a job you hate. In a world where money talks, it’s easy to get stuck in a career. You know the way it goes; you get a job for the time being, and before you know it you’ve been there for years. If you dread each day, there’s no way you can be as happy as you’d hoped. It’s time to wake up and realize the truth. Life is too short to wish your days away. There are many reasons we stay in a career that makes us unhappy. The most prominent being fear of failure. Maybe someone convinced you that you would never get where you wanted. Perhaps you convinced yourself. But, you don’t know until you try. Take a risk. What’s the worst that could happen?     If you have a job you love but still aren’t happy, look at other aspects, like…

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Love and companionship are, of course, necessary for satisfaction. Without them, we can lose sight of purpose. If you’ve been without love, it’s time to get searching. Again, you need to put yourself out there to reap the rewards. Or, are you in a relationship that’s not working? If there’s something you need to discuss with your partner, it’s time to get it out in the open. You may not be able to work through your issues, but it’s important you try. If things fall apart, you’ll be free to pursue something that gets you closer to where you want to be!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

You Have To Think About The Kids

You Have To Think About The Kids

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Divorce is such a horrible thing, but it happens. You never planned for it, but it happens. For whatever reason, it has happened. It comes with stresses, worries, hurt, love, anxieties and pain. But the hardest thing about divorcing the person you once loved is protecting your children. They are your every thought, that piece of you that you will do anything to protect. Of course, it is worth noting that a lot of children cope with divorce fantastically, and come out unharmed and unaffected.

But not all of them, which is why you will need to do everything you can to ensure they are as protected from the effects of your divorce as best as you possibly can. That is where we come in. We have gathered as much market research as possible, including advice from experts and divorcees, to ensure that your children remain the priority through this incredibly tough time.

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Set The Priority Straight

Your marriage may have broken down, but you still share your children, and that you always will. You are both going to be responsible for raising them to be incredible adults. As such, you need to reaffirm with the other parent that your children’s emotional health is at the very top of the priority list. Whatever happens, you will protect them from harm and hurt. That is your duty as responsible parents, and that chat needs to happen from the outset.

No Fighting

Emotions will be high, and often uncontrollable. They will flare at times and you will get under each other’s skin. But try and control your emotions as much as possible, because the more control you have the easier it will be to remain calm and not fight. This is going to be in your child’s best interests. To help you, we suggest you hire an attorney who is experienced in this area of law, such as Barton Wood. It is also wise to seek mediation, and perhaps go to counseling together. The sooner you can tolerate each other, the better it will be for your child.

Be Role Models

You are both role models for your child. You are the biggest influences on their lives. You will want to show them how to be mature, how to act when the going gets tough, how to approach undesirable situations and how to show strength. Remember, showing strength doesn’t have to be pushing. It can be in accepting the other person’s opinion too.

Be Involved

A parent needs both parents. They deserve it too. So no matter how much you may despise each other, you cannot let your child suffer because of your pride. By both having an involvement you drastically reduce the chances that your child will grow up with emotional health problems. There is no point telling yourself that you would make a great single parent because it is irrelevant. What you should be telling yourself is that your child needs both parents in their life. It takes bravery to do that, but being a good parent is all about being brave.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

There Is Something We Need To Discuss …

There Is Something We Need To Discuss …


“Beautiful Women And Handsome Man” by alexisdc
“Beautiful Women And Handsome Man” by alexisdc

Sex.  It’s not always the easiest subject to talk about, especially to talk honestly about so to take away the awkwardness, you don’t have to do any talking, we’ll do it for you.

Did you meet the love of your life? Perfect for you in every single way.  They make you laugh, you fancy them like crazy and they are always there when you need them?  Perfect.  Except there is one problem.  You feel the sex isn’t great and it’s causing a problem in your relationship.

Sex takes two people.  So it’s really important to acknowledge that neither of you are at fault and if you aren’t talking about it openly, then neither of you are going to solve it.  The first thing to establish is if your partner feels there is a problem with your sex life too and whilst there some obvious signs from a man that they are enjoying it, it can be harder to tell if a woman is.  The simple solution?  Ask.

Sometimes the problem lies within us.  It’s not uncommon, especially as you get older, to be body conscious or worry that things aren’t quite right down south,  if you aren’t confident in how you look it could lead you towards dramatic resolutions such as breast augmentation.  Before you head off to the clinic you need to ensure you have tried everything you can to fall in love with your body and, again, talking to your partner about it is the best start.  The features you hate the most may be the ones they love the most and knowing how other people see you could be the first step in making friends with your body.

Performance issues may be another problem.  You might be worried you aren’t doing things right or confused that your partner doesn’t react like past partners.  The problem with this is that you will be over thinking and possibly trying to hard, taking away the natural feeling that works best when it comes to sex.  Men and women react to sensations in very different ways and regardless of gender we all have different sensitivity levels.  So one person could break out in goose pimples just from the delicate brush of a hand whilst others demand a firmer touch to make them feel good.  Keep talking but try not to spend your nights of passion saying ‘do you like this?’ just go with the flow and save that chat for after.

Of course it could just be that whilst you are perfect in every other way, the sexual chemistry isn’t there for either of you.  That doesn’t mean the end of your relationship.  You can try to add spice to your life by exploring each others fantasies, or you may find that your relationship is deeper than a sexual connection and you can live around it, there are so many couples who don’t think great sex is an important element in a relationship.  Love is really all that matter.

Regardless of reason, the simple and only solution is to keep talking about sex.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

Divorce Isn’t Your Only Option!

Divorce Isn’t Your Only Option!

When your relationship hits a bump in the road, it’s easy to think that there is no moving forward. And you might believe that there is no other option than calling a divorce lawyer. But it might not be the end of the relationship. In fact, there are ways you might be able to work through your issues and come out stronger the other side. Therefore, here are some other options you should consider first before going down the divorce route.

Talk about your problems

A lot of couples close up when they are having troubles in their relationship. Rather than talking to each other about their concerns, they tend to bottle it up and push each other away. But if you don’t talk to each other, it won’t allow you to move on from your problems. And the emotions you are feeling will build up, and you will grow to hate your partner. Therefore, if you want to work on the relationship, it’s time to open up to one another. Clear the house so that it’s just you and your partner. And then sit down next to each other and allow each other to talk about how you feel. Once you have everything out in the open, you can hopefully concentrate on the present and move on with the relationship.

Have a trial separation

Rather than rushing to a divorce lawyer, the first thing you and your partner should do is have a trial separation. After all, a lot of couples find that a separation does them both the world of good. In fact, it can show them both how much they love the other person. And as well as this, a separation of at least 12 months is often needed before any lawyer like Gillard Family Lawyers can start the divorce proceedings. Therefore, give each other some space to work through your issues. You or your partner might want to leave the family home for a period to ensure you live separate lives. Or you might want to stay under the same roof, but live as if you were both unmarried. Having some time apart can help you to see clearly what the next step is for your relationship!

Look into relationship counseling

Some problems between you and your partner require some outside help. After all, you might find that you just argue about the issue if you sit down just the two of you. But this is not helping you to address the problem and potentially move on. Therefore, if you want to save the relationship, you should consider attending relationship counseling. It’s a great way to express what you want to say in a safe environment. And the counselor will work with you both to ensure you both get a chance to have your say. For some people, counseling can often help them to move forward with their relationship. Or it can show them that the relationship can not be salvaged and that you should both move on!

And sometimes it’s worth going back to resolve current problems. Reminiscing about how you met and going on your first date can help you start over with your other half. Therefore, don’t be afraid to spend some time in the past to move forward!

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Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram