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Prevention, Tips and Remedy is what you find when you read Tips from Tia. Tia is Radio personality, with tons of answers and tips on Organic Beauty, Health, Life, Home and Sex.; a place where you can trust the tip you're given, and not rely on a dozen different answers. Some Tips are decades old, and all I can say is it may be your grandmother's tip,but with more appeal! a source you can trust. Remember, looking good; feeling good.

This is Why Your Brain Can’t Function without Sleep

By Guest Blogger Jenna J.

This is Why Your Brain Can’t Function without Sleep


Young man covering face with hand

Your brain is a complex system with just as many neurons in it as the number of stars in our entire galaxy. Each neuron is connected to others through a whopping 40,000 connections referred to as synapses by medical professionals. And yet, for many of us, it is the most overlooked organ in the body.


More than the body, it is the brain that needs sleep. All your body organs are cleaned of toxins and metabolites while they’re in their normal function throughout the day. It is the brain which has to wait for when you’re asleep to have its cleaning done. There’s other important stuff your brain needs to do while sleeping as well, which has bearing on your memory, health and immunity. Why then do we skip sleep?



Superstitions of Self Denial


A common motif in the annals and accounts of success has been that of spending nights in motivated labor. It’s only too visible in pop culture, for example, when Will Smith puts the kid to bed but works the entire night to correct a malfunctioning machine he intends to sell. Or, when in the legend of Achilles in the Iliad, he spends the night awake, plotting for revenge. We’ve never stopped to ask why we buy these myths. The Romans had a famous distaste for sleep, considering it a state of absolute debilitation and something to avoid to as much extent as possible.


It seems to be our hunger for success that makes us believe we can make hard sacrifices from our sleep to chase an ungraduated goal. “Well, as you know, there are 24 hours in every day. And if that’s not enough, you’ve always got the nights!â€, as Ronald Graham the famous mathematician says. And yet, as we make cuts from our 24 hour day, we never have a quantified measure of success. Is $2400 a day a measure of success? Is it the awe of getting 24 people in the course of a day? Or are we chasing an elusive goal of paying off our debts in 24 months? If the answer to all these questions is no, what really are we chasing?


How poor sleep routs the brain


Despite no graduated standards, we deny ourselves sleep. If you skip an hour of sleep 5 days a week (and no, there’s no such thing as making up for it over the weekend), you’ve lost over a month’s worth of sleep at the end of the year. You can be sure it is detrimental to the brain.



To know what happens when you don’t sleep, let me tell you why the brain needs sleep.


  1. The brain generates toxins and metabolites like any other organ in the body during its course of activities throughout the day. While other organs can be cleaned by the body anytime, the brain gets its only major cleanup while you’re asleep. This is because sleeping allows brain activity to calm down and brain cells to shrink a bit. More ugly stuff can be washed out of the brain, and your brain doesn’t have to fight against this garbage to function the next day.
  2. A crucial part of memory retaining is the transfer of information from short term to long term memory, which, you guessed it, only happens when you’re asleep. Your brain sorts out information it gathered through the day and puts what’s important in long term memory, the rest being discarded. Without sleep, you’re going to have a hard time remembering things.
  3. Research shows your brain cannot make new brain cells to replace the dead ones when you’re sleep deprived. Take out neurons little by little for each day you spend in sleep deprivation, and suddenly the high number of nerve cells doesn’t seem all that insurmountable.
  4. Without adequate replenishment and cleaning, your brain as well as body are fighting a losing battle. Sleep and immune function are closely related, as studies point out. Low sleep means you’re going to be more susceptible to coughs and colds, as well as more dire infections. With disease comes monetary and mental exertion, which results in stress and further lack of sleep, making a self perpetuating cycle.


It’s not always your fault either. It can be the traffic on the street outside your house that’s keeping you from sleeping well with its noise, or the nightclub nearby. Many have trouble logging off the internet, and so their minds are alert to the sounds of any vibrations or notification tones it might hear, even in sleep. Sometimes, it might just be a smelly or dented mattress that’s not keeping you comfortable while you sleep, or the temperature of the room that’s all wrong.


Urgent Corrections to Follow


It can be hard to follow the 8 hour schedule, especially since it is not valid for everyone’s bodily needs. Just as many people wake up groggy from too much sleep as those who wake up under-rested. A rule of thumb is to allow yourself to wake up when you’re satisfied with your sleep. If you wake up groggy or have a slow brain day more often than twice a week, it can be that you’re not well rested.


Get thick blinds and invest in soundproofing to keep the outside noise outdoors. Clean your existing mattress or buy a better one you will easily get various mattress reviews online. Set the thermostat to a temperature your body is comfortable with when it’s resting. You can crank it up or down later. Most importantly, switch to airplane mode before flying off to dreamland.


Your brain needs its sleep to keep your body in order, as well as to make sure you don’t lose your job due to low performance, get a bad cold or get long term illnesses like depression or Alzheimer’s. It is worth the time to get adequate sleep.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

How to Prepare for Retirement

By Blogger Jenny H.

How to Prepare for Retirement

For many, a simple retirement is the ultimate goal: a white picket fence, children and grandchildren who visit occasionally, a garden that you can take pride in. But it always seems so far away. When it starts to creep closer, certain fears can start to take hold, and we forget to see it for the enjoyable experience it is. However, if we start to prepare for it mentally and financially, retirement can be the ultimate reward for years of hard work and perseverance.

Financial implications

Although we would all like to think of ourselves as being happy and healthy well into our golden years, this may sadly not always be the case. Levels of care will vary from person to person, so it is important you know yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, and what exactly it is you need help with.

Although the idea of having constant room for family is wonderful, a large home can become difficult to manage in later years and could limit some autonomy. It is important to consider buying a smaller home that you can more easily manage in order to keep the independence that is important to so many.

  • Mortgage repayments

Whether you need to remortgage a current property or create a new one, your age will be a factor for some companies. It would be wise to receive professional help from advisors to ensure you are getting the best possible deal for you.


Mentally preparing

Pottering around in the garden can be wonderful, though you are somewhat limited by the weather. While this is ideal as a summer activity, what you will do to pass the time during other seasons should be taken into consideration. For some, hobbies become their “new jobâ€. This could be something as simple as collecting pennies, or as complex as buying old, decrepit cars, fixing them up, and selling them on. Whatever you choose to focus on, it is important that you find it enjoyable and that there is no pressure.

Enjoy yourself

The most important thing to remember is that you have worked hard for retirement and it is there for you to enjoy, so always make the most of it.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram


Coping Mechanisms: What To Do When The Future’s Not Looking So Bright

Coping Mechanisms: What To Do When The Future’s Not Looking So Bright

We all have days or weeks when it feels like life has been sent to try us. Often, the relationships we have with others can be a source of great happiness and joy, but they can also cause stress and heartbreak. If you’re trying to cope because the future of your relationship isn’t looking so bright, here are some tips to help you get by.

Think carefully

When it comes to making decisions about the future of your relationship, it pays to think carefully. Don’t rush yourself into going one way or another, and give yourself time to consider all the options. If you make decisions without really giving the consequences or the implications deep thought, you may have regrets later on.

Take some time out

Sometimes, taking time and having space can make all the difference. If you live with somebody, you spend all your time together, and things haven’t been great of late, it can be easy to get bogged down. You can forget why you fell in love with that person in the first place and lose sight of what has kept you together over the months or years. Take some time to yourself. Find out if you miss that person or if actually, you feel a sense of relief being alone.

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Get some advice

If you are thinking about breaking up and you live together, or you’re married, it’s important to understand the practicalities of what’s involved. You don’t need to rush into anything, but it’s a good idea to have a look at pages like and have a chat with a legal adviser to get an idea of what you can expect in the coming months. It can help you to process the steps you need to take, and you’ll have a soundboard if you have questions or concerns you want to raise.

Talk it out

It’s so common for couples to have difficulties in their relationship because of a breakdown in communication. The truth is that you never really know what somebody else is thinking before you talk to them. Don’t write something off that you may want to save without having an open, honest chat first. Get everything off your chest, and encourage your partner to do the same. If you find it hard to talk, you may benefit from seeing a relationship counselor or a therapist. These tips may also come in handy if you struggle to open up and be frank about how you feel Once you’ve identified issues, it may be possible to work on them and move forward if this is what you both want to do.

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Sometimes, even the best-laid plans come unstuck. You may have thought that you’d be with your partner forever, but this may not be the most likely outcome. If the future isn’t looking quite as bright as it once did, it can be difficult to cope and process what’s actually going on. Hopefully, this guide will make you feel stronger and more positive and help you to make the right decisions.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

2 Great Ways To Restore Communication In A Marriage

2 Great Ways To Restore Communication In A Marriage

One of the biggest causes of separation in today’s world is a total lack of communication. We are all so busy working, raising families and being absorbed in smart phones that we forget to communicate how we feel in the old-fashioned way: talking. When a marriage begins to disintegrate, it can go from feeling bad to feeling worse very quickly, and the main cause for this is the fact that people don’t communicate how they are feeling to each other.

Marriages break down for a number of reasons. Sometimes it’s due to something as simple as boredom and sometimes it’s due to outside factors beyond your control. The thing is, not everyone wants to turn to divorce and it’s often the last resort. If you have children, it may be tempting to hang onto a miserable situation for the sake of the image of a family unit, but that’s not healthy. It’s vital that you and your spouse do what you can to be happy and if that eventually means in being happier apart, then it’s better for everyone all round. Choosing to go down the route of divorce can feel very final, but there are things that you can do before calling Arnold, Wadsworth & Coggins to file papers. Your marriage meant something to you both once, and you owe it to yourselves to try and untangle the web of sadness that has been created before you call the curtain. So, how can you restore your communication before it’s too late?

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Counselling. When you are in a situation where you are fighting with the person you love, it can become frustrating. Neither of you want to back down and admit defeat, and so nothing is ever resolved, which breeds a lot of resentment. Making a mutual decision to seek professional help to try and piece things together in a neutral place can help. No one likes to see the other person’s point of view when they are certain they are right, but you have to make the effort to open your mind so that you can try and reach a level of understanding that makes sense for you.

Reconnect. Do you remember the early days of your relationship, where you would meet for a simple coffee or dinner and discuss anything and everything in the world? Getting back to basics and reconnecting can help when the communication has been frayed for so long. Make a vow that you don’t argue during these days. Discuss the things you like and your current jobs. Even if you have been together for years, you can still be surprised by the day to day things you can learn about each other, especially when you’ve lost the communication between you.

The final step is true acceptance. If you have both given the marriage significant effort on both sides, have tried to bring things back to basics and haven’t managed to come back together, then divorce is the last resort. It makes sense to try as hard as you can to bring the marriage to its previous best, but sometimes if that cannot happen then separating for good is the best thing all round.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

Handle Family Law Issues With Grace: How You Can Do It

Handle Family Law Issues With Grace: How You Can Do It

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Let’s be honest here, I don’t think anyone intends to enter a marriage for it to break down. Not to mention having a family and dragging children into a volatile situation. But sometimes, these things happen, and it can often hit the whole family hard. Of course, there could be many underlying reasons why a marriage is breaking down. Infidelity, emotional breakdown, or just deciding that you are no longer the perfect fit for one another. In some cases, parents are better separated for their children, than they are together. But, it can be hard to go through a breakup or a divorce gracefully. I thought I would share with you some of the ways you can.

Get the right lawyers that understand your case and your expectations

Sometimes the first step to discuss any family law issues with grace and to remain civil with other parties involved is to hire a lawyer who understands your needs. This is when it may be worth speaking to law firms that work within family law regularly like Hurst, Robin & Kay, LLC. These people are experts in dealing with delicate situations and emotions. They can help you handle the process and work out the next steps. It’s important that you speak to someone who you feel understands where you are coming from.

Make sure you think before you speak or react

When it comes to families, it can be hard to not overreact at times or say the things you are thinking. But in these circumstances often what you want to say might not necessarily be the right thing to express at that moment in time. Try and make sure you think before you speak or react.

Keep your emotions in check

Emotions can run high at times, so you need to ensure that you keep calm in situations, especially when you are discussing things like custody arrangements and divorce proceedings. Discussions can get heated at times, especially talking about money or assets.

Try and walk in the other person’s shoes when making decisions

It may be hard to consider the other party’s feelings throughout all of this, especially if you are hurting yourself. But often taking a moment to reflect on how they feel or where they may be coming from with certain comments or actions, could help you to see more clearly.

Empathise with the situation

Showing empathy throughout all of this makes you appear to be the bigger person throughout all of it. It can be a great way to show other parties involved that you are listening and taking into account the situation in its entirety.

Keep calm and have patience

Finally, having patience and keeping calm are two of the ways you can overcome the difficult process you are about to embark on. It won’t be fixed over night, and sometimes these situations can be dragged on for months. But keeping calm and having the patience to get through it will keep you on the right track.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram