All posts by TipsfromTia

Prevention, Tips and Remedy is what you find when you read Tips from Tia. Tia is Radio personality, with tons of answers and tips on Organic Beauty, Health, Life, Home and Sex.; a place where you can trust the tip you're given, and not rely on a dozen different answers. Some Tips are decades old, and all I can say is it may be your grandmother's tip,but with more appeal! a source you can trust. Remember, looking good; feeling good.

Crush That Addiction And Find Your True Self

Crush That Addiction And Find Your True Self

A significantly high percentage of US people will suffer addictions at some point during their lives. Indeed, most people are probably addicted to something right now. Of course, that’s probably caffeine or sugar which aren’t considered to have too much of an adverse effect. Still, there are also folks out there who become addicted to alcohol and drugs. When that happens, it’s vital the individual doesn’t ignore their problem. Just in case any of my readers find themselves in that position, there is a guide on this page that should help. If people take this issue seriously, they could crush their addictions and find their true self in no time.


Admit that you have a problem

The hardest thing for most addicts is admitting they have a problem. People tend to go through life thinking they socially ingest substances. However, those folks still take drugs and alcohol when they’re sat at home alone. With that in mind, the first step is to recognize that something isn’t right. Stand up and admit the addiction has spiraled out of control. There is no shame in doing that, and many people will respect the individual more. During the initial stages, it’s sensible to talk about the problem with trusted loved ones. Possible conversation starters might include:

  • Do you think I drink too much?
  • Have you ever seen me sober?
  • I think I have a problem, can we talk?

Remove people who enable

There are individuals in the lives of all addicts who help to facilitate their addictions according to US News. Most of those people don’t do it out of malice or anything like that. They just don’t realize their friend is having such a hard time with the substance. So, those associates might lend money to the person who’s struggling with drugs or alcohol. They might even get mashed with them every day. The second step addicts need to take involves removing enablers from their lives. That doesn’t mean the friendship has to die forever. It just means the person with the problem needs to stay away until they’re feeling better.


Get some professional help

Lastly, addicts need to reach out for professional help if they want to beat their demons. That might involve:

  • Speaking to a local doctor
  • Booking an appointment with a counselor
  • Chatting to a psychiatrist

In extreme cases, the individual might like to visit a specialist treatment center like The Recovery Village. Sometimes spending some time away from their regular lives can help an addict to achieve sobriety a little faster than they would have done. Also, that concept provides the individual with some much-needed respite where they don’t have to worry about the stresses of everyday life.

Friends and family members of people who suffer addictions need to support their loved one as much as possible. Never provide them with alcohol or drugs, and always offer a helping hand whenever it’s required. In most instances, addicts need to spend a long time talking about their problems. So, people who care need to provide a kind and non-judgemental ear. Good luck!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

Take The Stress Away From Moving Home

Take The Stress Away From Moving Home

Moving home can be one of the biggest upheavals any one of us can face. Not to mention the most expensive purchases we can make in our lifetime. But moving home can often provide us with many different possibilities. Experiences in living in different places, and the chance to make new friends and change our lifestyles. However, there is no hiding from the fact that it is completely stressful.

The many stresses with moving house can consist of what to take and what to toss, soak up every moment as you leave precious memories behind, get packed up and then use someone like to make several trips back and forth to your new place. So as summer seems to be a popular time for people to think about or even move house, I thought I would share my top tips to help take some of the stress out of the situation. I hope it helps you in the future.


Pack specifically for each new room in your home

Packing up your existing home may feel daunting, but unpacking is a whole new ball game. Especially if you have a different layout or different rooms to consider. This is why it’s important to pack up your old home with your new home as your focus. This means that unpacking will be easier and more organised, as will unloading and putting boxes into your new place. Make sure you clearly label any boxes and furniture with new home rooms, to ensure there is no confusion at the other end.

Pack an emergency box for when you arrive

Moving house isn’t normally done in a day. Of course, you may get there, but the unpacking can take further days and even weeks to complete. However, there are things you will need more or less straight away, so it’s important to pack up an emergency box for when you arrive. Include a change of clothes, toilet paper, a kettle, a toaster maybe. Some mugs and plates to eat and drink from during your first evening. Anything you think you might need for the first 24 hours, should be in these boxes. It makes it much easier rather than panicking looking through boxes in your new home.

Consider using a removal company for ease

With heavy furniture to move and a lot of boxes, you may want to consider the help of a removal service to do some of the hard work for you. Looking online will help you determine a local moving company to help you out. They can help transport large items of furniture safely, as well as help with some of the manual work like transporting boxes. This could be useful if you have children or family pets to look after during the moving process.

Take as much time as you can

It can feel overwhelming once you are in your new home and the urge to start unpacking everything can be huge. But try and take your time during this process. Once you are in, you have plenty of time to design your rooms, and ensure that you unpack things properly.

Remember to keep positive throughout the process

Finally, it is important to remain positive throughout the process f moving. Positive thinking can help elevate stress levels as you visualise everything going to plan, rather than facing problems.

I hope these tips help you take the stress out of moving home.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

Japanese Samurai Portrait Tattoos: An Artistic Statement

Japanese Samurai Portrait Tattoos: An Artistic Statement

Some people who have always wanted a tattoo, just like the look of it. They like the fact it makes them look different from the average person walking around. It may not mean much to them, as getting a tattoo to them, may be purely for aesthetic reasons. For some people, however, tattoos are a thing of art. Body art has exploded among the Millennial generation. Many more people are now getting unique tattoos that have a personal meaning to them. There are some places around the world that have inspired tattoo artists and enthusiasts alike. One of the best tattoo styles to take inspiration from, are those that have inking, in their culture. The Japanese samurais of past centuries tattooed themselves for many reasons. Those reasons have drifted down into the present day, and many people align themselves with them.

Image by – Utagawa Yoshiiku

The meaning

Samurai swordsman used tattoos as a means of declaring allegiance to their feudal masters. Their masters paid them a wage, gave them a room to stay in, and after long years of service, gave them land and property. The relationship between soldier and commander was much closer than other cultures of the same time period. Respect, honor, and loyalty were the key aspects of a samurai’s life. However, the tattoos they gave each other, weren’t lines or shapes, but rather, portraits of scenes and important figures in their lifestyle. Honorable samurais who died in battle, masters who were kind to their subjects, and maidens who blessed them before battle, were the most popular styles of the day.

Photo source – Felix_Broennimann

When bringing it to life

Japanese portrait art’s main colors are green, red, black and blue. You can bring your own inks to the tattoo artist you’ve chosen, so you can get the most authentic look possible. The best tattoo inks are hard to come by, so choosing the highest quality kinds will take a little research. Safe tattoo ink must also be FDA approved for safety and be low in toxicity. The best ingredient will either be arsenic or lead, but they should feature in the ink, in moderate quantities. The brighter, the better, because as the body art ages, the sun will gradually fade the ink away; therefore get it as bright as you can so it lasts a long time.

The style

Whichever style you’re looking for, the Japanese portrait art tattoo culture is not for the faint hearted. The portrait tattoos are artistic endeavors, and they require a lengthy process to be completed. The design must be exquisite, but also practical. This won’t be just any body art you’re getting, the Japanese take their tattoo history very seriously. Out of respect, you should carefully plan the type of style you’re going to have. Study various periods of the culture, such as the Feudal Edo Period. Portraits always have a figure in the frame, so you must choose an entity or a person that once lived as the main character of your tattoo. They can be aggressive, loving, powerful, wealthy or giving a symbolic gesture.

A portrait will most likely go on your back, legs or ribs, because this kind of art style, needs more room than just symbols and decal-like designs. It carries with it, a long and powerful history, so it’s wise to learn up on this style before you delve into it. The portrait you choose should have some personal meaning to you, so it’s a symbolic gesture as well as a personal statement.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

Becoming Healthy The Organic Way

Becoming Healthy The Organic Way

With all of the expensive fad diets in the world these days, you will be thankful to know that there is a way of keeping yourself healthy using organic methods. Switching to all organic foods and methods is becoming increasingly popular because of the awareness of animal and human cruelty being largely spread. We have also realised that nasty additives aren’t good for our bodies. Eating organic foods will not only improve your health no end, but it will also help take steps towards ensuring that animal cruelty ends. Here are some ways that you can become fully organic.

For something to be organic, it has to be derived in the most natural way, without the use of chemicals, pesticides or additives. This means that ingredients like vegetables, cops and fruit must not have anything added to them to make them grow bigger and better. Growing your own vegetables and fruit means that you can rest assured that no horrible chemicals have been added to your food. If you have children, growing your own produce is a brilliant way of getting them on board and keeping them excited about eating organically. You may need to invest in a greenhouse for your garden for certain fruit and vegetables, but it will pay for itself in time.


Having meat that is organic is a must too. It must have been able to wander about and not be kept in a cage. Animals that are kept in cages are often bred for the sake of killing and then the sale of their meat. Having livestock that has been organically raised will often taste better too, because it will have had the chance to graze on natural sources and had plenty of sunlight. If you have the space, (and the time) you could think about getting a chicken coop. Letting them run free around your backyard and feeding them only fresh and natural seeds is another way that you could become organic. That is, if you can handle humanely killing and plucking one, of course.


Ensuring that things that you have to buy in are organically sourced is important too, so be sure to check all of the labels on your products. Drinks, for example, are something that you should keep an eye out for. Consider buying skinny tea for your morning drinks because you can rest assured that it was fairly sourced, and it’s great for your health too. Only buying organic cleaning products from the store too will benefit your health because you won’t be using any harsh chemicals that can damage your skin and lungs from inhalation. Organic products often smell nicer too.


Although buying organically can often prove to be more expensive, isn’t it worth spending that extra money for the sake of yours and your family’s health? If you are choosing to go organic, why not go green too and help save our wonderful earth?

We should all aim on making the world a better place to live.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram


Are You At A Crossroads In Your Relationship? How To Choose The Right Path

Are You At A Crossroads In Your Relationship? How To Choose The Right Path

There comes a time in life when many of us find ourselves at a crossroads. Perhaps you’re thinking about changing your job, or you wonder if your partner is really the one. If you’ve been having troubles in your relationship, you’re considering a change of direction, and you’re not sure which path to take, hopefully, this guide will come in handy.

Image credit

Identifying issues

If you feel like you need to make a decision between staying and leaving, try and pin down the reasons why you’re doubting the future of your relationship. What has caused you to ask questions? Do you see other couples and secretly wish you had what they have or have you come to the realization that your relationship isn’t making you as happy as it used to? Do you want more from life or are you worried that your partner is cheating on you or hiding something from you? Once you know why you have doubts and unanswered questions, you can start finding solutions. Maybe you need to have a discussion, or perhaps you’d feel more comfortable using services like to get an answer. Whatever is making you feel uneasy, make sure you think carefully before making a decision. If you do suspect a partner of being unfaithful or you have concerns about how they spend their time or money, get the facts first. It can sometimes be easy to misread the signs or put two and two together and get five.


If you’re having difficulties in your relationship, don’t bury your head and hope they go away. Tackle issues front-on, and be honest with each other. Sit down and talk about the situation and share what’s going on in your head. There can be barriers when it comes to communication, and you shouldn’t assume that your partner has the ability to read your mind. Something that is getting you down and occupying all your thoughts could be remedied by one simple conversation. If you find it hard to open up, it may be worth considering booking some sessions with a therapist or a relationship counselor. If you struggle with conversation, you may also find this article useful

Putting yourself first

Often, we make decisions based on what would benefit other people, but ultimately, when it comes down it, you have to put yourself first in certain situations. There’s no point in dragging something out that isn’t making you happy because you don’t want to upset your partner. It’s very distressing to feel like you’re hurting somebody who means so much to you, but making that call may be the best option for both of you.

Do you feel like the future of your relationship is uncertain? If you’re at a crossroads, it’s important that you make the right decision and you take the right path for you. Consider why you have doubts and try and find solutions to problems. Talk to each other, be open, and make the call based on what will benefit you most.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram