All posts by TipsfromTia

Prevention, Tips and Remedy is what you find when you read Tips from Tia. Tia is Radio personality, with tons of answers and tips on Organic Beauty, Health, Life, Home and Sex.; a place where you can trust the tip you're given, and not rely on a dozen different answers. Some Tips are decades old, and all I can say is it may be your grandmother's tip,but with more appeal! a source you can trust. Remember, looking good; feeling good.

You are Flawless: Easy Ways to Prevent Acne and Dry Skin

You are Flawless: Easy Ways to Prevent Acne and Dry Skin

Spots, zits, pimples, whatever you want to call them, these little devils can be a nuisance to a woman’s self-esteem and confidence in her appearance. If you’ve suffered from acne, and it is likely you have or will have at some point during your life, you understand the annoyance and frustration which they can bring. A red spot on the face is difficult to hide and requires makeup to cover it, which can only exacerbate the problem. After all the prodding, pressing and damaging your skin, dryness typically follows, which can be another pain. To prevent these skin problems from ever occurring, here are a few easy ways to keep your skin healthy and acne-free.

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Wash your face twice daily

This might seem like an obvious one, but it is the most effective for quick results. Around 20 percent of women in their 20s and 30s suffer from acne and one of the main reasons is lack of personal hygiene. Find a good face cleanser, a bowl of warm water and a soft towel to pat your face dry. Make sure you don’t rub with the towel, this can spread any bacteria from the acne and worsen the outbreak. If you can, stick to a routine daily where you schedule time to clean your face. Moisturizer can prevent dry skin effectively, but only use it if you currently have no areas of acne on the face. Go to your local beauty store and pick a moisturizer which is scent-free. There is nothing worse than choosing the wrong type of skin products, which can cause skin irritation. To solve this problem, do your research before buying and ask a shop assistant for advice.

Drink more water

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The question of how much water to drink has always been a conundrum, but the most common answer is around eight glasses per day. If we were all perfectly honest, we would say that we don’t drink enough, but the health benefits are countless. Not only is water good for your skin, but it can fix other beauty-related problems and improve the internal function of your body. Issues such as, withered hair, brittle fingernails, strong-smelling body odour and headaches, are all a result of not drinking enough water. One great tip is to have a glass of water with every meal, that way you are receiving your daily portion without really noticing it. For those of us who don’t enjoy the taste of tap water, invest in one of the best RO systems to filter and remove any impurities in the water. By doing this you will have better water and be on the right track for healthier skin.

Hands away from the face

It may sound odd, but your hands harbour a decent amount of bacteria, and if you touch your face, that’s wear it all goes. Did you know that something so silly like touching your face too much, can give you the flu? There are a few other reasons why you shouldn’t keep touching your face, and dirty skin is one of them. Items such as, phones, doorknobs, and keyboards contain millions of germs, and if they get on your face, an unwanted acne breakout will occur. If you have a habit of placing your hands on your face, try holding a stress ball to distract yourself. This bad habit could be the reason for your spots. So next time you’re watching Netflix, keep your hands away from the face!

Get a good night’s rest

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Yes, sleep is the answer to many health issues, and one of them is the repairing of your skin! The importance of sleep is underestimated and should be as high on your health list as that of eating. Who would’ve known that a lack of sleep, even two or three hours less, could cause a spot breakout?  If you’re struggling to sleep, check out these tips for getting better shut-eye. From reading a book before bed to doing a substantial amount of exercise in the day, these simple activities can maintain and regulate a healthy sleep pattern.

Avoid wearing too much makeup

Some of us couldn’t bear the thought of wearing no makeup for the day, but if you want cleaner, more spot-free skin, this might have to happen. Of course, there are some products which are made for acne-prone skin, but the safest, fastest bet to clear up acne is to go makeup-free for a while. Not only do the ingredients themselves irritate your skin, but if you forget to wipe a day’s worth of makeup off before going to bed, the bacteria is festering on your skin all night. So do yourself and your skin a favour, go natural for a few weeks!

Do some exercise

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Slotting time in for exercise is also crucial for your health and a way to get better, spot-free skin. There is a range of great exercises to choose from and enjoy doing. Squats, sit-ups, light jogs and swimming, the list is endless. As you exercise, blood flow increases and carries nutrients and oxygen to cells throughout your body. Exercise can also decrease stress, which in turn, reduces acne and eczema. So, by following a fun, simple workout everyday, not only are you losing weight, but you’re preventing those nasty spots and dry skin!

Eat these types of foods

Food glorious food, this is definitely true and applies to those foods which help our skin. Many foods have been proven to possess a vast amount of health properties which help to improve the quality of our skin. Dark berries, watercress, and red grapes are full of skin clearing antioxidants. Tomatoes aid collagen production which keeps skin firm. Next time you make spaghetti bolognese add some fresh garlic! You might smell after, but it’s worth it! Garlic helps kill any unwanted bacteria in your body which stops skin infections and acne. There are an abundance of Twitter channels which are dedicated to the acne-removal cause and which give fantastic tips, one of them is AcneSkinSite.

Hopefully, at least one of these methods works for your skin. If not, consider popping down to the doctors and getting some acne treatment. We can’t let spots dictate our life.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

How To Care For Your Body The Right Way

How To Care For Your Body The Right Way

Healthy Yoga Travel Exercise Meditation Sunrise
Healthy Yoga Travel Exercise Meditation Sunrise


Caring for your body should be a priority over all. If you’re not sure what this entails, here’s a simple guide to follow.


Nutrition varies a lot now because what may work perfectly for one person, may not work at all for another. So finding your own healthy diet may take a little time, but it’ll be worth it.

The simple way to start is to cut down on your sugar intake, as well as your fatty substances. Eat plenty of fruit and veg, and a whole variety of different foods. As long as you control the amount of food you eat and keep everything in moderation, you don’t have to completely wipe out the naughty snacks. – Just eat less of them.

Keeping a good nutrition isn’t about losing weight at all, it’s just about being healthy. Giving your body all the right sources, so it can fulfil the jobs it has to do.


If you’re not drinking at least eight glasses of water a day, then you are most likely dehydrated without even knowing it. Try adding an extra glass on top of what you already drink. You’d be amazed at how just one glass can give you a whole boost of energy to last you throughout the day.


Keep up with regular health checks, don’t put them off, they’re there to make sure everything is working how it should. So if your vision has decreased recently, find yourself a optometrist. If you’ve had a toothache, go and see your dentist.

It’s so simple but many people view it as a hassle, but it’s not a waste of your time. Even if you feel okay; you may have an underlying problem which will cause more grief in the future if it goes unnoticed.


Everyone knows sleep is important, but for some reason it tends to get overlooked. People like to get things done, so think that losing a couple hours of sleep is worth it. But Doctors recommend having an average of 8 hours sleep every night. So if you’re only getting 4 or 5, there may be a problem.

Look at ways how you can add on some precious sleep, whether that be not having dinner so late, or not staying up to watch the end of your programme. Instead, record it or watch it on repeat another day, and prepare your food in advance, so it doesn’t end up getting so late.

Lack of sleep not only takes its toll on our bodies but our minds too. It can affect your concentration, mood and memory. It even reduces your ability to fight off infections!

So clock in the hours and enjoy it.

Mental Health

Having a healthy mentality is just as important as having a healthy body, so never think you can just push your emotions aside. If your mind isn’t happy, nothing else will be, so if you’re feeling particularly low – get it sorted. Speak to your Doctor, friend or family member about how you’re feeling. You should never feel as if you’re going through hard times alone, because you’re not, and you never have to.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

Feeling Good For Life: Your Quick But Effective Guide

Feeling Good For Life: Your Quick But Effective Guide

Feeling good for life – is it truly possible? We say yes! Here’s how in your quick but effective guide:

Love Your Body At All Stages
Fitness and health are not linear. You might have six pack abs one summer and then lose them after eating a few too many pizzas. So what? You had fun! Love your body at all stages.

Wear Clothes That You Love
Wearing clothes you love will change your life. Don’t save them for a special occasion. Life is a special occasion! You might just find that you’re so much happier and more productive when you wear the right clothes.

Make Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Making healthy lifestyle choices like eating right and exercise will help you to feel good in all kinds of ways. The right food will energize you, and exercising will release endorphins to make you happier. Not only will you look incredible, you’ll also feel incredible!

Spend Time With The Right People
Spending time with the right people is key to feeling good. Do your friends lift you up, or bring you down? Some even say that you become the people you spend the most time with!

Never Compare Yourself
Comparing yourself to others, especially big celebrities who have lots of surgery to make them look the way they do, can be dangerous. Make sure you embrace your uniqueness and understand that somebody else’s beauty does not take away from your own. On the subject of cosmetic surgery, take a look at the infographic below for some stats from 2016:

Credit to  Zwivel

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

Do You Enjoy A Drink? Be Careful

Do You Enjoy A Drink? Be Careful

Life certainly does blaze past us at rocket pace. This is a huge factor on our stress levels as, frankly, not many human beings can keep up with what is being asked of us. This pace of life reflects on everything – especially our business and personal lives. We have to do so much! Was it ever like this before? The hustle and bustle of modern life can take its toll, but fortunately, through hobbies and other means – like entertainment, we have plenty of escapes on offer to take up. It is good for the mind that we get away for a little bit.

However, some of the escapes from the stresses and frenetic pace of life can be dangerous – not at first (although some more nefarious and illegal ‘escapes’ can be), but they can certainly take their toll over time. Alcohol is one of these escapes which if not managed can cause damage. Addictive substances, and not just alcohol, but others like nicotine cigarettes and junk food need to always be consumed responsibly and not with reckless abandon. Addictive substances are dangerous for a number of reasons – they can cause a physical and emotional addiction, they can waste your money and if the addiction continues it can ruin your life.


Alcohol addiction is especially dangerous as it is a widely available substance. Alcohol is in a lot of products, from medicine to liquor and beers. It’s barely regulated, and you only need to be over a certain age to acquire it. Restaurants, stores, and bars sell it equally, and it can be quite cheap. This means that any consumption of alcoholic substances needs to be performed responsibly and mindfully, due to its availability and price, it can be all too easy to push yourself one step further and that can create a heavy dependence on the alcohol. The effects of alcohol addiction can be painful, and even when you are on the right path, the effects of alcohol withdrawal can be visible and rather traumatic. This means it can be easy to fall off the wagon and return to alcohol.


Most of the human race enjoys a drink now and then, the key to survival amongst this is to know when enough is enough. If after one drink, you feel like you’ve had enough, then you need to quit while you are ahead. This can be easier said than done, but at least thinking about what you are consuming can help you in the long run. Alcohol can make us happy; it is when we focus on that that we develop addictions. We want alcohol to give us that ‘buzz,’ but as our tolerance towards it builds – that buzz is harder to find. This is addiction. We need to think about our external situations before consuming alcohol. Are we relying on it? If we are relying on it, we need to seek help. There are a variety of sources we can choose to help us on our path away from reliance on alcohol, but all the work has to come from you.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

Watch Out For The Signs That Show You Need To See A Dentist

Watch Out For The Signs That Show You Need To See A Dentist

Looking after your teeth is vital to your health, dental and for other areas of your body. But there is alarming statistics about dental health and hygiene that suggest the majority of us don’t visit our dentists enough.

Despite the fact many of us have white teeth that appear to be in rude health, many of us have serious underlying problems. So, if you experience any of these issues on a regular basis, you should really make an appointment with your local dentist.

The sooner you book a visit, the better, too – you can nip most of the major dental issues in the bud at an early stage and have a better chance of recovery.

Here are some danger signs that you really should see your dentist sooner rather than later.

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You haven’t been to the dentist for more than a year

In an ideal world, you should attend your local orthodontics center twice a year at a bare minimum. So, if it’s been longer than 12 months since your last visit, it’s time to book that appointment. Some dental problems won’t show up until they are well ingrained, and only a professional eye will be able to spot issues at an early stage.

You suffer from sensitivity issues

Sensitive teeth are something that many people put up with – but failing to visit your dentist for a checkup and diagnosis of your problem could result in a lot of different issues. Some people have naturally sensitive teeth, of course, but it is also important to understand that it can often be a sign of tooth decay. If you experience sensitivity issues that have a particular location, book yourself in for an x-ray – you may need a filling.

You notice white spots on your teeth

Your teeth are protected by a layer of enamel, but this can wear down over time due to plague and other types of dental damage. When it occurs, it creates white spots on your teeth, and it’s vital that you go to your dentist sooner rather than later. Actually, your enamel is dissolving due to a buildup of acidic bacteria, and it won’t stop without the correct treatment.

You develop inflammation in your gums

If you suffer from inflamed gums, get yourself to the dentist, as many different issues can arise. When plaque starts to harden, it causes damage to the gums, and you might be developing a periodontal disease or even something like gingivitis. Further on down the line you might end up with severe tooth decay, and may even have to have entire teeth removed.

Color changes

Do you pay attention to the overall color of your mouth? If not, it’s time to start. Discoloration – as well as unusual lumps and bumps – could be a sign of something serious like oral cancer. Again, it is critical that you don’t move slowly on this, as the earlier you get your diagnosis, the more likely it is you will get a successful treatment.

Looking after your teeth doesn’t take much effort – a simple visit to the dentist twice a year is all, and regular brushing is all you need. So, no more excuses!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram